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Raw Normal View History

#' Fitting Generalized Multi-Linear Models
#' @export
GMLM <- function(...) {
stop("Not Implemented")
make.gmlm.family <- function(name) {
# standardize family name
name <- list(
normal = "normal", gaussian = "normal",
bernoulli = "bernoulli", ising = "bernoulli"
)[[tolower(name), exact = FALSE]]
# #
# TODO: better (and possibly specialized) initial parameters!?!?!?! #
# #
normal = {
initialize <- function(X, Fy) {
p <- head(dim(X), -1)
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r <- length(p)
# Mode-Covariances
XSigmas <- mcov(X, sample.axis = r + 1L)
YSigmas <- mcov(Fy, sample.axis = r + 1L)
# Extract main mode covariance directions
# Note: (the directions are transposed!)
XDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
}, XSigmas)
YDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
}, YSigmas)
alphas <- Map(function(xdir, ydir) {
s <- min(ncol(xdir), nrow(ydir))
crossprod(xdir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE],
ydir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE])
}, XDirs, YDirs)
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eta1 = rowMeans(X, dims = r),
alphas = alphas,
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Omegas = Map(diag, p)
# parameters of the tensor normal computed from the GLM parameters
params <- function(Fy, eta1, alphas, Omegas) {
Deltas <- Map(solve, Omegas)
mu_y <- mlm(mlm(Fy, alphas) + c(eta1), Deltas)
list(mu_y = mu_y, Deltas = Deltas)
# scaled negative log-likelihood
log.likelihood <- function(X, Fy, eta1, alphas, Omegas) {
n <- tail(dim(X), 1) # sample size
# conditional mean
mu_y <- mlm(mlm(Fy, alphas) + c(eta1), Map(solve, Omegas))
# negative log-likelihood scaled by sample size
# Note: the `suppressWarnings` is cause `log(mapply(det, Omegas)`
# migth fail, but `NAGD` has failsaves againt cases of "illegal"
# parameters.
0.5 * prod(p) * log(2 * pi) +
sum((X - mu_y) * mlm(X - mu_y, Omegas)) / (2 * n) -
(0.5 * prod(p)) * sum(log(mapply(det, Omegas)) / p)
# gradient of the scaled negative log-likelihood
grad <- function(X, Fy, eta1, alphas, Omegas) {
# retrieve dimensions
n <- tail(dim(X), 1) # sample size
p <- head(dim(X), -1) # predictor dimensions
q <- head(dim(Fy), -1) # response dimensions
r <- length(p) # single predictor/response tensor order
## "Inverse" Link: Tensor Normal Specific
# known exponential family constants
c1 <- 1
c2 <- -0.5
# Covariances from the GLM parameter Scatter matrices
Deltas <- Map(solve, Omegas)
# First moment via "inverse" link `g1(eta_y) = E[X | Y = y]`
E1 <- mlm(mlm(Fy, alphas) + c(eta1), Deltas)
# Second moment via "inverse" link `g2(eta_y) = E[vec(X) vec(X)' | Y = y]`
dim(E1) <- c(prod(p), n)
E2 <- Reduce(`%x%`, rev(Deltas)) + rowMeans(colKronecker(E1, E1))
## end "Inverse" Link
dim(X) <- c(prod(p), n)
# Residuals
R <- X - E1
dim(R) <- c(p, n)
# mean deviation between the sample covariance to GLM estimated covariance
# `n^-1 sum_i (vec(X_i) vec(X_i)' - g2(eta_yi))`
S <- rowMeans(colKronecker(X, X)) - E2 # <- Optimized for Tensor Normal
dim(S) <- c(p, p) # reshape to tensor or order `2 r`
# Gradients of the negative log-likelihood scaled by sample size
"Dl(eta1)" = -c1 * rowMeans(R, dims = r),
"Dl(alphas)" = Map(function(j) {
(-c1 / n) * mcrossprod(R, mlm(Fy, alphas[-j], (1:r)[-j]), j)
}, 1:r),
"Dl(Omegas)" = Map(function(j) {
deriv <- -c2 * mtvk(mat(S, c(j, j + r)), rev(Omegas[-j]))
# addapt to symmetric constraint for the derivative
dim(deriv) <- c(p[j], p[j])
deriv + t(deriv * (1 - diag(p[j])))
}, 1:r)
bernoulli = {
initialize <- function(X, Fy) {
2022-10-11 17:09:55 +00:00
p <- head(dim(X), -1)
r <- length(p)
# Mode-Covariances
XSigmas <- mcov(X, sample.axis = r + 1L)
YSigmas <- mcov(Fy, sample.axis = r + 1L)
# Extract main mode covariance directions
# Note: (the directions are transposed!)
XDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
}, XSigmas)
YDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
}, YSigmas)
alphas <- Map(function(xdir, ydir) {
s <- min(ncol(xdir), nrow(ydir))
crossprod(xdir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE],
ydir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE])
}, XDirs, YDirs)
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eta1 = array(0, dim = p),
alphas = alphas,
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Omegas = Map(diag, p)
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# initialize <- function(X, Fy) {
# r <- length(dim(X)) - 1L
# # Mode-Covariances
# XSigmas <- mcov(X, sample.axis = r + 1L)
# YSigmas <- mcov(Fy, sample.axis = r + 1L)
# # Extract main mode covariance directions
# # Note: (the directions are transposed!)
# XDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
# with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
# }, XSigmas)
# YDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
# with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
# }, YSigmas)
# alphas <- Map(function(xdir, ydir) {
# s <- min(ncol(xdir), nrow(ydir))
# crossprod(xdir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE],
# ydir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE])
# }, XDirs, YDirs)
# # Scatter matrices from Residuals (intercept not considered)
# Deltas <- mcov(X - mlm(Fy, alphas), sample.axis = r + 1L)
# Omegas <- Map(solve, Deltas)
# # and the intercept
# eta1 <- mlm(rowMeans(X, dims = r), Deltas)
# list(
# eta1 = eta1,
# alphas = alphas,
# Omegas = Omegas
# )
# }
params <- function(Fy, eta1, alphas, Omegas, c1 = 1, c2 = 1) {
# number of observations
n <- tail(dim(Fy), 1)
# natural exponential family parameters
eta_y1 <- c1 * (mlm(Fy, alphas) + c(eta1))
eta_y2 <- c2 * Reduce(`%x%`, rev(Omegas))
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# # next the conditional Ising model parameters `theta_y`
# theta_y <- rep(eta_y2[lower.tri(eta_y2, diag = TRUE)], n)
# dim(theta_y) <- c(nrow(eta_y2) * (nrow(eta_y2) + 1) / 2, n)
# ltri <- which(lower.tri(eta_y2, diag = TRUE))
# diagonal <- which(diag(TRUE, nrow(eta_y2))[ltri])
# theta_y[diagonal, ] <- theta_y[diagonal, ] + c(eta_y1)
# theta_y[-diagonal, ] <- 2 * theta_y[-diagonal, ]
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# conditional Ising model parameters
theta_y <- matrix(rep(vech(eta_y2), n), ncol = n)
ltri <- which(lower.tri(eta_y2, diag = TRUE))
diagonal <- which(diag(TRUE, nrow(eta_y2))[ltri])
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theta_y[diagonal, ] <- eta_y1
# Scaled ngative log-likelihood
log.likelihood <- function(X, Fy, eta1, alphas, Omegas, c1 = 1, c2 = 1) {
# number of observations
n <- tail(dim(X), 1L)
# conditional Ising model parameters
theta_y <- params(Fy, eta1, alphas, Omegas, c1, c2)
# convert to binary data set
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storage.mode(X) <- "integer"
X.mvb <- as.mvbinary(mat(X, length(dim(X))))
# log-likelihood of the data set
-mean(sapply(seq_len(n), function(i) {
ising_log_likelihood(theta_y[, i], X.mvb[i])
# Gradient of the scaled negative log-likelihood
grad <- function(X, Fy, eta1, alphas, Omegas, c1 = 1, c2 = 1) {
# retrieve dimensions
n <- tail(dim(X), 1) # sample size
p <- head(dim(X), -1) # predictor dimensions
q <- head(dim(Fy), -1) # response dimensions
r <- length(p) # single predictor/response tensor order
## "Inverse" Link: Ising Model Specific
# conditional Ising model parameters: `p (p + 1) / 2` by `n`
theta_y <- params(Fy, eta1, alphas, Omegas, c1, c2)
# conditional expectations
# ising_marginal_probs(theta_y) = E[vech(vec(X) vec(X)') | Y = y]
E2 <- apply(theta_y, 2L, ising_marginal_probs)
# convert E[vech(vec(X) vec(X)') | Y = y] to E[vec(X) vec(X)' | Y = y]
E2 <- E2[vech.pinv.index(prod(p)), ]
# extract diagonal elements which are equal to E[vec(X) | Y = y]
E1 <- E2[seq.int(from = 1L, to = prod(p)^2, by = prod(p) + 1L), ]
## end "Inverse" Link
dim(X) <- c(prod(p), n)
# Residuals
R <- X - E1
dim(R) <- c(p, n)
# mean deviation between the sample covariance to GLM estimated covariance
# `n^-1 sum_i (vec(X_i) vec(X_i)' - g2(eta_yi))`
S <- rowMeans(colKronecker(X, X) - E2)
dim(S) <- c(p, p) # reshape to tensor or order `2 r`
# Gradients of the negative log-likelihood scaled by sample size
"Dl(eta1)" = -c1 * rowMeans(R, dims = r),
"Dl(alphas)" = Map(function(j) {
(-c1 / n) * mcrossprod(R, mlm(Fy, alphas[-j], (1:r)[-j]), j)
}, 1:r),
"Dl(Omegas)" = Map(function(j) {
deriv <- -c2 * mtvk(mat(S, c(j, j + r)), rev(Omegas[-j]))
# addapt to symmetric constraint for the derivative
dim(deriv) <- c(p[j], p[j])
deriv + t(deriv * (1 - diag(p[j])))
}, 1:r)
family = name,
initialize = initialize,
params = params,
# linkinv = linkinv,
log.likelihood = log.likelihood,
grad = grad
#' @export
GMLM.default <- function(X, Fy, sample.axis = 1L,
family = "normal",
eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
logger = NULL
) {
stopifnot(exprs = {
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length(sample.axis) == 1L
(1L <= sample.axis) && (sample.axis <= length(dim(X)))
(dim(X) == dim(Fy))[sample.axis]
# rearrange `X`, `Fy` such that the last axis enumerates observations
axis.perm <- c(seq_along(dim(X))[-sample.axis], sample.axis)
X <- aperm(X, axis.perm)
Fy <- aperm(Fy, axis.perm)
# setup family specific GLM (pseudo) "inverse" link
family <- make.gmlm.family(family)
# wrap logger in callback for NAGD
callback <- if (is.function(logger)) {
function(iter, params) {
do.call(logger, c(list(iter), params))
params.fit <- NAGD(
fun.loss = function(params) {
# scaled negative lig-likelihood
# eta1 alphas Omegas
family$log.likelihood(X, Fy, params[[1]], params[[2]], params[[3]])
fun.grad = function(params) {
# gradient of the scaled negative lig-likelihood
# eta1 alphas Omegas
family$grad(X, Fy, params[[1]], params[[2]], params[[3]])
params = family$initialize(X, Fy), # initialen parameter estimates
fun.lincomb = function(a, lhs, b, rhs) {
a * lhs[[1]] + b * rhs[[1]],
Map(function(l, r) a * l + b * r, lhs[[2]], rhs[[2]]),
Map(function(l, r) a * l + b * r, lhs[[3]], rhs[[3]])
fun.norm2 = function(params) {
callback = callback,
structure(params.fit, names = c("eta1", "alphas", "Omegas"))