wip: GMLM,

add: sims
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Kapla 2022-10-11 19:09:55 +02:00
parent 10280b6ea9
commit 4c6d6c0d0f
12 changed files with 1124 additions and 72 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ vignettes/*.pdf
## Further project development folders/files
# General Work In Progress files
# PDFs
@ -108,6 +110,8 @@ wip/
# Images (except images used in LaTeX)

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
% \DeclareMathOperator{\independent}{{\bot\!\!\!\bot}}
@ -185,14 +185,50 @@ Illustration of dimensions
\section{Sufficient Dimension Reduction}
By Theorem~1 in \cite{sdr-BuraDuarteForzani2016} we have that
\mat{R}(\ten{X}) = \t{\mat{B}}(\mat{t}(\ten{X}) - \E\mat{t}(\ten{X}))
is a sufficient reduction where $\mat{B}\in\mathbb{R}^{p(p + 1)\times q}$ with $\Span(\mat{B}) = \Span(\{\mat{\eta}_Y - \E_{Y}\mat{\eta}_Y : Y\in\mathcal{S}_Y\})$. With $\E_Y\mat{\eta}_{Y,1} \equiv c_1\E[\overline{\ten{\eta}}_1 - \ten{F}_Y\times_{k\in[r]}\mat{\alpha}_k] = c_1 \overline{\ten{\eta}}_1$ cause $\E_Y\ten{F}_Y = 0$ and $\mat{\eta}_{y,2}$ does not depend on $y$ (regardless of the notation) we get
\mat{\eta}_Y - \E_{Y}\mat{\eta}_Y = \begin{pmatrix}
\mat{\eta}_{Y,1} - \E_{Y}\mat{\eta}_{Y,1} \\
\mat{\eta}_{Y,2} - \E_{Y}\mat{\eta}_{Y,2}
\end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix}
c_1\vec(\ten{F}_Y\times_{k\in[r]}\mat{\alpha}_k) \\
Noting that
= c_1\Big( \bigotimes_{k = r}^{1}\mat{\alpha}_k \Big)\vec(\ten{F}_Y)
we get
\mat{B} = \begin{pmatrix}
c_1 \bigotimes_{k = r}^{1}\mat{\alpha}_k \\
\mat{0}_{p^2\times q}
Simplifying leads to
\t{\mat{B}}(\mat{t}(\ten{X}) - \E\mat{t}(\ten{X})) = c_1 \Big( \bigotimes_{k = r}^{1}\mat{\alpha}_k \Big)(\mat{t}_1(\ten{X}) - \E\mat{t}_1(\ten{X})).
Now note $\Span(\mat{A}) = \Span(c \mat{A})$ for any matrix $\mat{A}$ and non-zero scalar $c$ as well as the definition $\mat{t}_1(\ten{X}) = \vec{\ten{X}}$ which proves the following.
A sufficient reduction for the regression $y\mid \ten{X}$ under the quadratic exponential family inverse regression model \todo{reg} is given by
A sufficient reduction for the regression $Y\mid \ten{X}$ under the quadratic exponential family inverse regression model \todo{reg} is given by
&= \t{\mat{\beta}}(\vec{\ten{X}} - \E\vec{\ten{X}}) \\
&\equiv \ten{X}\times_{k\in[r]}\t{\mat{\alpha}_k}.
for a $p\times q$ dimensional matrix $\mat{\beta}$ given by
R(\ten{X}) = \vec(\ten{X}\times_{k\in[r]}\mat{\Omega}_k\mat{\alpha}_k).
\mat{\beta} = \bigotimes_{k = r}^{1}\mat{\alpha}_k
\todo{type proof in appendix}
which satisfies $\Span(\mat{\beta}) = \Span(\{\mat{\eta}_{Y,1} - \E_{Y}\mat{\eta}_{Y,1} : Y\in\mathcal{S}_Y\})$.
@ -336,7 +372,7 @@ which yields the following relation to the conditional Ising model parameters
\mat{\theta}_y = \mat{\theta}(\mat{\eta}_y) = \vech(\diag(\mat{\eta}_{y,1}) + (2_{p\times p} - \mat{I}_p) \odot \reshape{(p, p)}(\mat{\eta}_{y,2}))
where the constants $c_1, c_2$ can be chosen arbitrary, as long as they are non-zero. The ``inverse'' link in then computed via the Ising model as the conditional expectation of all interactions
where $c_1, c_2$ are non-zero known (modeled) constants between $0$ and $1$ such that $c_1 + c_2 = 1$. The ``inverse'' link in then computed via the Ising model as the conditional expectation of all interactions
\invlink_2(\mat{\eta}_y) \equiv \E_{\mat{\theta}_y}[\vec(\ten{X})\t{\vec(\ten{X})}\mid Y = y]

View File

@ -71,6 +71,29 @@
doi = {10.1007/s41060-020-00228-y}
author = {Bura, Efstathia and Duarte, Sabrina and Forzani, Liliana},
title = {Sufficient Reductions in Regressions With Exponential Family Inverse Predictors},
journal = {Journal of the American Statistical Association},
volume = {111},
number = {515},
pages = {1313-1329},
year = {2016},
publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
doi = {10.1080/01621459.2015.1093944}
author = {Shanshan Ding and R. Dennis Cook},
title = {Tensor sliced inverse regression},
journal = {Journal of Multivariate Analysis},
volume = {133},
pages = {216-231},
year = {2015},
issn = {0047-259X},
doi = {10.1016/j.jmva.2014.08.015}
author = {Pfeiffer, Ruth and Forzani, Liliana and Bura, Efstathia},
year = {2012},

sim/ising.R Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
set.seed(161803399, "Mersenne-Twister", "Inversion", "Rejection")
### simulation configuration
reps <- 100 # number of simulation replications
max.iter <- 100 # maximum number of iterations for GMLM
sample.sizes <- c(100, 200, 300, 500, 750) # sample sizes `n`
N <- 2000 # validation set size
p <- c(4, 4) # preditor dimensions (ONLY 4 by 4 allowed!)
q <- c(2, 2) # response dimensions (ONLY 2 by 2 allowed!)
r <- length(p)
# parameter configuration
rho <- -0.55
c1 <- 1
c2 <- 1
# initial consistency checks
stopifnot(exprs = {
r == 2
all.equal(p, c(4, 4))
all.equal(q, c(2, 2))
### small helpers
# 270 deg matrix layout rotation (90 deg clockwise)
rot270 <- function(A) t(A)[, rev(seq_len(nrow(A))), drop = FALSE]
# Auto-Regression Covariance Matrix
AR <- function(rho, dim) rho^abs(outer(seq_len(dim), seq_len(dim), `-`))
# Inverse of the AR matrix
AR.inv <- function(rho, dim) {
A <- diag(c(1, rep(rho^2 + 1, dim - 2), 1))
A[abs(.row(dim(A)) - .col(dim(A))) == 1] <- -rho
A / (1 - rho^2)
# projection matrix `P_A` as a projection onto the span of `A`
proj <- function(A) tcrossprod(A, A %*% solve(crossprod(A, A)))
### setup Ising parameters (to get reasonable parameters)
eta1 <- 0
alphas <- Map(function(pj, qj) { # qj ignored, its 2
linspace <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = pj)
matrix(c(linspace, linspace^2), pj, 2)
}, p, q)
Omegas <- Map(AR, dim = p, MoreArgs = list(rho))
# data sampling routine
sample.data <- function(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas, sample.axis = r + 1L) {
# generate response (sample axis is last axis)
y <- runif(n, -1, 1) # Y ~ U[-1, 1]
Fy <- rbind(cos(pi * y), sin(pi * y), -sin(pi * y), cos(pi * y))
dim(Fy) <- c(2, 2, n)
# natural exponential family parameters
eta_y1 <- c1 * (mlm(Fy, alphas) + c(eta1))
eta_y2 <- c2 * Reduce(`%x%`, rev(Omegas))
# conditional Ising model parameters
theta_y <- matrix(rep(vech(eta_y2), n), ncol = n)
ltri <- which(lower.tri(eta_y2, diag = TRUE))
diagonal <- which(diag(TRUE, nrow(eta_y2))[ltri])
theta_y[diagonal, ] <- eta_y1
# Sample X from conditional distribution
X <- apply(theta_y, 2, ising_sample, n = 1)
# convert (from compressed integer vector) to array data
attr(X, "p") <- prod(p)
X <- t(as.mvbmatrix(X))
dim(X) <- c(p, n)
storage.mode(X) <- "double"
# permute axis to requested get the sample axis
if (sample.axis != r + 1L) {
perm <- integer(r + 1L)
perm[sample.axis] <- r + 1L
perm[-sample.axis] <- seq_len(r)
X <- aperm(X, perm)
Fy <- aperm(Fy, perm)
list(X = X, Fy = Fy, y = y, sample.axis = sample.axis)
### Logging Errors and Warnings
# Register a global warning and error handler for logging warnings/errors with
# current simulation repetition session informatin allowing to reproduce problems
exceptionLogger <- function(ex) {
# retrieve current simulation repetition information
rep.info <- get("rep.info", envir = .GlobalEnv)
# setup an error log file with the same name as `file`
log <- paste0(rep.info$file, ".log")
# Write (append) condition message with reproduction info to the log
sprintf("file <- \"%s\"\nn <- %d\nrep <- %d\n.Random.seed <- c(%s)\n%s\nTraceback:\n",
rep.info$file, rep.info$n, rep.info$rep,
paste(rep.info$.Random.seed, collapse = ","),
), sep = "", file = log, append = TRUE)
# add Traceback (see: `traceback()` which the following is addapted from)
n <- length(x <- .traceback(NULL, max.lines = -1L))
if (n == 0L) {
cat("No traceback available", "\n", file = log, append = TRUE)
} else {
for (i in 1L:n) {
xi <- x[[i]]
label <- paste0(n - i + 1L, ": ")
m <- length(xi)
srcloc <- if (!is.null(srcref <- attr(xi, "srcref"))) {
srcfile <- attr(srcref, "srcfile")
paste0(" at ", basename(srcfile$filename), "#", srcref[1L])
if (isTRUE(attr(xi, "truncated"))) {
xi <- c(xi, " ...")
m <- length(xi)
if (!is.null(srcloc)) {
xi[m] <- paste0(xi[m], srcloc)
if (m > 1) {
label <- c(label, rep(substr(" ", 1L,
nchar(label, type = "w")), m - 1L))
cat(paste0(label, xi), sep = "\n", file = log, append = TRUE)
message = exceptionLogger, warning = exceptionLogger, error = exceptionLogger
### for every sample size
start <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%dT%H%M")
for (n in sample.sizes) {
### write new simulation result file
file <- paste0(paste("sim-ising", start, n, sep = "-"), ".csv")
# CSV header, used to ensure correct value/column mapping when writing to file
header <- outer(
c("dist.subspace", "dist.projection", "error.pred"), # measures
c("gmlm", "pca", "hopca", "tsir"), # methods
paste, sep = ".")
cat(paste0(header, collapse = ","), "\n", sep = "", file = file)
### repeated simulation
for (rep in seq_len(reps)) {
### Repetition session state info
# Stores specific session variables before starting the current
# simulation replication. This allows to log state information which
# can be used to replicate a specific simulation repetition in case of
# errors/warnings from the logs
rep.info <- list(n = n, rep = rep, file = file, .Random.seed = .Random.seed)
### sample (training) data
c(X, Fy, y, sample.axis) %<-% sample.data(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas)
### Fit data using different methods
fit.gmlm <- GMLM.default(X, Fy, sample.axis = sample.axis,
max.iter = max.iter, family = "ising")
fit.hopca <- HOPCA(X, npc = q, sample.axis = sample.axis)
fit.pca <- prcomp(mat(X, sample.axis), rank. = prod(q))
fit.tsir <- NA # TSIR(X, y, q, sample.axis = sample.axis)
### Compute Reductions `B.*` where `B.*` spans the reduction subspaces
B.true <- Reduce(`%x%`, rev(Map(`%*%`, Omegas, alphas)))
B.gmlm <- with(fit.gmlm, Reduce(`%x%`, rev(Map(`%*%`, Omegas, alphas))))
B.hopca <- Reduce(`%x%`, rev(fit.hopca))
B.pca <- fit.pca$rotation
B.tsir <- NA # Reduce(`%x%`, rev(fit.tsir))
# Subspace Distances: Normalized `|| P_A - P_B ||_F` where
# `P_A = A (A' A)^-1/2 A'` and the normalization means that with
# respect to the dimensions of `A, B` the subspace distance is in the
# range `[0, 1]`.
dist.subspace.gmlm <- dist.subspace(B.true, B.gmlm, normalize = TRUE)
dist.subspace.hopca <- dist.subspace(B.true, B.hopca, normalize = TRUE)
dist.subspace.pca <- dist.subspace(B.true, B.pca, normalize = TRUE)
dist.subspace.tsir <- NA # dist.subspace(B.true, B.tsir, normalize = TRUE)
# Projection Distances: Spectral norm (2-norm) `|| P_A - P_B ||_2`.
dist.projection.gmlm <- dist.projection(B.true, B.gmlm)
dist.projection.hopca <- dist.projection(B.true, B.hopca)
dist.projection.pca <- dist.projection(B.true, B.pca)
dist.projection.tsir <- NA # dist.projection(B.true, B.tsir)
### Prediction Errors: (using new independend sample of size `N`)
c(X, Fy, y, sample.axis) %<-% sample.data(N, eta1, alphas, Omegas)
# centered model matrix of vectorized `X`s
vecX <- scale(mat(X, sample.axis), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
P.true <- proj(B.true)
error.pred.gmlm <- norm(P.true - proj(B.gmlm), "2")
error.pred.hopca <- norm(P.true - proj(B.hopca), "2")
error.pred.pca <- norm(P.true - proj(B.pca), "2")
error.pred.tsir <- NA # norm(P.true - proj(B.tsir), "2")
# format estimation/prediction errors and write to file and console
line <- paste0(Map(get, header), collapse = ",")
cat(line, "\n", sep = "", file = file, append = TRUE)
# report progress
cat(sprintf("sample size: %d/%d - rep: %d/%d\n",
which(n == sample.sizes), length(sample.sizes), rep, reps))

sim/ising_2.R Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
set.seed(141421356, "Mersenne-Twister", "Inversion", "Rejection")
### simulation configuration
reps <- 100 # number of simulation replications
max.iter <- 1000 # maximum number of iterations for GMLM
n <- 100 # sample sizes `n`
N <- 2000 # validation set size
p <- c(4, 4) # preditor dimensions (ONLY 4 by 4 allowed!)
q <- c(2, 2) # response dimensions (ONLY 2 by 2 allowed!)
r <- length(p)
# parameter configuration
rho <- -0.55
c1 <- 1
c2 <- 1
# initial consistency checks
stopifnot(exprs = {
r == 2
all.equal(p, c(4, 4))
all.equal(q, c(2, 2))
### small helpers
# 270 deg matrix layout rotation (90 deg clockwise)
rot270 <- function(A) t(A)[, rev(seq_len(nrow(A))), drop = FALSE]
# Auto-Regression Covariance Matrix
AR <- function(rho, dim) rho^abs(outer(seq_len(dim), seq_len(dim), `-`))
# Inverse of the AR matrix
AR.inv <- function(rho, dim) {
A <- diag(c(1, rep(rho^2 + 1, dim - 2), 1))
A[abs(.row(dim(A)) - .col(dim(A))) == 1] <- -rho
A / (1 - rho^2)
# projection matrix `P_A` as a projection onto the span of `A`
proj <- function(A) tcrossprod(A, A %*% solve(crossprod(A, A)))
### setup Ising parameters (to get reasonable parameters)
eta1 <- 0
# alphas <- Map(function(pj, qj) { # qj ignored, its 2
# linspace <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = pj)
# matrix(c(linspace, rev(linspace)), pj, 2)
# }, p, q)
alphas <- Map(function(pj, qj) { # qj ignored, its 2
linspace <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = pj)
matrix(c(linspace, linspace^2), pj, 2)
}, p, q)
# alphas <- Map(function(pj, qj) {
# qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(pj * qj), pj, qj)))
# }, p, q)
Omegas <- Map(AR, dim = p, MoreArgs = list(rho))
# data sampling routine
sample.data <- function(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas, sample.axis = r + 1L) {
# generate response (sample axis is last axis)
y <- runif(n, -1, 1) # Y ~ U[-1, 1]
Fy <- rbind(cos(pi * y), sin(pi * y), -sin(pi * y), cos(pi * y))
dim(Fy) <- c(2, 2, n)
# natural exponential family parameters
eta_y1 <- c1 * (mlm(Fy, alphas) + c(eta1))
eta_y2 <- c2 * Reduce(`%x%`, rev(Omegas))
# conditional Ising model parameters
theta_y <- matrix(rep(vech(eta_y2), n), ncol = n)
ltri <- which(lower.tri(eta_y2, diag = TRUE))
diagonal <- which(diag(TRUE, nrow(eta_y2))[ltri])
theta_y[diagonal, ] <- eta_y1
# Sample X from conditional distribution
X <- apply(theta_y, 2, ising_sample, n = 1)
# convert (from compressed integer vector) to array data
attr(X, "p") <- prod(p)
X <- t(as.mvbmatrix(X))
dim(X) <- c(p, n)
storage.mode(X) <- "double"
# permute axis to requested get the sample axis
if (sample.axis != r + 1L) {
perm <- integer(r + 1L)
perm[sample.axis] <- r + 1L
perm[-sample.axis] <- seq_len(r)
X <- aperm(X, perm)
Fy <- aperm(Fy, perm)
list(X = X, Fy = Fy, y = y, sample.axis = sample.axis)
### sample (training) data
c(X, Fy, y, sample.axis) %<-% sample.data(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas)
### Fit data using GMLM with logging
# logger to log iterative change in the estimation process of GMLM
# log <- data.frame()
log.likelihood <- tensorPredictors:::make.gmlm.family("ising")$log.likelihood
B.true <- Reduce(`%x%`, rev(alphas))
logger <- function(iter, eta1.est, alphas.est, Omegas.est) {
B.est <- Reduce(`%x%`, rev(alphas.est))
err.alphas <- mapply(dist.subspace, alphas, alphas.est, MoreArgs = list(normalize = TRUE))
err.Omegas <- mapply(norm, Map(`-`, Omegas, Omegas.est), MoreArgs = list(type = "F"))
if (iter > 0) { cat("\033[9A") }
cat(sprintf("\n\033[2mIter: loss - dist\n\033[0m%4d: %8.3f - %8.3f",
log.likelihood(X, Fy, eta1.est, alphas.est, Omegas.est),
dist.subspace(B.true, B.est, normalize = TRUE)
"\033[2mMSE eta1\033[0m",
mean((eta1 - eta1.est)^2),
"\033[2msubspace distances of alphas\033[0m",
do.call(paste, Map(sprintf, err.alphas, MoreArgs = list(fmt = "%8.3f"))),
"\033[2mFrob. norm of Omega differences\033[0m",
do.call(paste, Map(sprintf, err.Omegas, MoreArgs = list(fmt = "%8.3f"))),
sep = "\n "
# now call the GMLM fitting routine with performance profiling
system.time( # profvis::profvis(
fit.gmlm <- GMLM.default(
X, Fy, sample.axis = sample.axis, max.iter = max.iter,
family = "ising", logger = logger
}, error = function(ex) {

View File

@ -4,26 +4,30 @@ set.seed(314159265, "Mersenne-Twister", "Inversion", "Rejection")
### simulation configuration
reps <- 100 # number of simulation replications
max.iter <- 10000 # maximum number of iterations for GMLM
sample.sizes <- c(100, 200, 300, 500, 750) # sample sizes `n`
N <- 2000 # validation set size
p <- c(2, 3, 5) # preditor dimensions
q <- c(1, 2, 3) # functions of y dimensions (response dimensions)
r <- length(p)
# initial consistency checks
stopifnot(exprs = {
length(p) == length(q)
r == length(p)
r == length(q)
all(outer(p, sample.sizes, `<`))
# projection matrix `P_A` as a projection onto the span of `A`
proj <- function(A) tcrossprod(A, A %*% solve(crossprod(A, A)))
# setup model parameters
alphas <- Map(matrix, Map(rnorm, p * q), p) # reduction matrices
Omegas <- Map(function(pj) 0.5^abs(outer(1:pj, 1:pj, `-`)), p) # mode scatter
eta1 <- 0 # intercept
# data sampling routine
sample.data <- function(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas, sample.axis = length(alphas) + 1L) {
r <- length(alphas) # tensor order
sample.data <- function(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas, sample.axis = r + 1L) {
# generate response (sample axis is last axis)
y <- sample.int(prod(q), n, replace = TRUE) # uniform samples
Fy <- array(outer(seq_len(prod(q)), y, `==`), dim = c(q, n))
@ -43,12 +47,9 @@ sample.data <- function(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas, sample.axis = length(alphas) +
Fy <- aperm(Fy, perm)
list(X = X, Fy = Fy, sample.axis = sample.axis)
list(X = X, Fy = Fy, y = y, sample.axis = sample.axis)
# projection matrix `P_A` as a projection onto the span of `A`
proj <- function(A) tcrossprod(A, A %*% solve(crossprod(A, A)))
### Logging Errors and Warnings
# Register a global warning and error handler for logging warnings/errors with
# current simulation repetition session informatin allowing to reproduce problems
@ -102,12 +103,11 @@ start <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%dT%H%M")
for (n in sample.sizes) {
### write new simulation result file
file <- paste0(paste("sim-normal", start, n, sep = "-"), ".csv")
# CSV header, used to ensure correct value collumn mapping when writing to file
header <- c(
"dist.subspace.gmlm", "dist.subspace.hopca", "dist.subspace.pca",
"dist.projection.gmlm", "dist.projection.hopca", "dist.projection.pca",
"error.pred.gmlm", "error.pred.hopca", "error.pred.pca"
# CSV header, used to ensure correct value/column mapping when writing to file
header <- outer(
c("dist.subspace", "dist.projection", "error.pred"), # measures
c("gmlm", "pca", "hopca", "tsir"), # methods
paste, sep = ".")
cat(paste0(header, collapse = ","), "\n", sep = "", file = file)
### repeated simulation
@ -120,18 +120,20 @@ for (n in sample.sizes) {
rep.info <- list(n = n, rep = rep, file = file, .Random.seed = .Random.seed)
### sample (training) data
c(X, Fy, sample.axis) %<-% sample.data(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas)
c(X, Fy, y, sample.axis) %<-% sample.data(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas)
### Fit data using different methods
fit.gmlm <- GMLM.default(X, Fy, sample.axis = sample.axis)
fit.gmlm <- GMLM.default(X, Fy, sample.axis = sample.axis, max.iter = max.iter)
fit.hopca <- HOPCA(X, npc = q, sample.axis = sample.axis)
fit.pca <- prcomp(mat(X, sample.axis), rank. = prod(q))
fit.tsir <- TSIR(X, y, q, sample.axis = sample.axis)
### Compute Reductions `B.*` where `B.*` spans the reduction subspaces
B.true <- Reduce(`%x%`, rev(Map(`%*%`, Omegas, alphas)))
B.gmlm <- with(fit.gmlm, Reduce(`%x%`, rev(Map(`%*%`, Omegas, alphas))))
B.hopca <- Reduce(`%x%`, rev(fit.hopca))
B.pca <- fit.pca$rotation
B.tsir <- Reduce(`%x%`, rev(fit.tsir))
# Subspace Distances: Normalized `|| P_A - P_B ||_F` where
# `P_A = A (A' A)^-1/2 A'` and the normalization means that with
@ -140,20 +142,23 @@ for (n in sample.sizes) {
dist.subspace.gmlm <- dist.subspace(B.true, B.gmlm, normalize = TRUE)
dist.subspace.hopca <- dist.subspace(B.true, B.hopca, normalize = TRUE)
dist.subspace.pca <- dist.subspace(B.true, B.pca, normalize = TRUE)
dist.subspace.tsir <- dist.subspace(B.true, B.tsir, normalize = TRUE)
# Projection Distances: Spectral norm (2-norm) `|| P_A - P_B ||_2`.
dist.projection.gmlm <- dist.projection(B.true, B.gmlm)
dist.projection.hopca <- dist.projection(B.true, B.hopca)
dist.projection.pca <- dist.projection(B.true, B.pca)
dist.projection.tsir <- dist.projection(B.true, B.tsir)
### Prediction Errors: (using new independend sample of size `N`)
c(X, Fy, sample.axis) %<-% sample.data(N, eta1, alphas, Omegas)
c(X, Fy, y, sample.axis) %<-% sample.data(N, eta1, alphas, Omegas)
# centered model matrix of vectorized `X`s
vecX <- scale(mat(X, sample.axis), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
P.true <- proj(B.true)
error.pred.gmlm <- norm(P.true - proj(B.gmlm), "2")
error.pred.hopca <- norm(P.true - proj(B.hopca), "2")
error.pred.pca <- norm(P.true - proj(B.pca), "2")
error.pred.tsir <- norm(P.true - proj(B.tsir), "2")
# format estimation/prediction errors and write to file and console
line <- paste0(Map(get, header), collapse = ",")

sim/normal_2.R Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
set.seed(271828183, "Mersenne-Twister", "Inversion", "Rejection")
### simulation configuration
reps <- 100 # number of simulation replications
n <- 100 # sample sizes `n`
N <- 2000 # validation set size
p <- c(2, 3, 5) # preditor dimensions
q <- c(1, 2, 3) # functions of y dimensions (response dimensions)
# initial consistency checks
stopifnot(exprs = {
length(p) == length(q)
# setup model parameters
alphas <- Map(matrix, Map(rnorm, p * q), p) # reduction matrices
Omegas <- Map(function(pj) 0.5^abs(outer(1:pj, 1:pj, `-`)), p) # mode scatter
eta1 <- 0 # intercept
# data sampling routine
sample.data <- function(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas, sample.axis = length(alphas) + 1L) {
r <- length(alphas) # tensor order
# generate response (sample axis is last axis)
y <- sample.int(prod(q), n, replace = TRUE) # uniform samples
Fy <- array(outer(seq_len(prod(q)), y, `==`), dim = c(q, n))
Fy <- Fy - c(rowMeans(Fy, dims = r))
# sample predictors as X | Y = y (sample axis is last axis)
Deltas <- Map(solve, Omegas) # normal covariances
mu_y <- mlm(mlm(Fy, alphas) + c(eta1), Deltas) # conditional mean
X <- mu_y + rtensornorm(n, 0, Deltas, r + 1L) # responses X
# permute axis to requested get the sample axis
if (sample.axis != r + 1L) {
perm <- integer(r + 1L)
perm[sample.axis] <- r + 1L
perm[-sample.axis] <- seq_len(r)
X <- aperm(X, perm)
Fy <- aperm(Fy, perm)
list(X = X, Fy = Fy, y = y, sample.axis = sample.axis)
### sample (training) data
c(X, Fy, y = y, sample.axis) %<-% sample.data(n, eta1, alphas, Omegas)
### Fit data using GMLM with logging
# logger to log iterative change in the estimation process of GMLM
# log <- data.frame()
log.likelihood <- tensorPredictors:::make.gmlm.family("normal")$log.likelihood
B.true <- Reduce(`%x%`, rev(alphas))
logger <- function(iter, eta1.est, alphas.est, Omegas.est) {
B.est <- Reduce(`%x%`, rev(alphas.est))
err.alphas <- mapply(dist.subspace, alphas, alphas.est, MoreArgs = list(normalize = TRUE))
err.Omegas <- mapply(norm, Map(`-`, Omegas, Omegas.est), MoreArgs = list(type = "F"))
if (iter > 1) { cat("\033[9A") }
cat(sprintf("\n\033[2mIter: loss - dist\n\033[0m%4d: %8.3f - %8.3f",
log.likelihood(X, Fy, eta1.est, alphas.est, Omegas.est),
dist.subspace(B.true, B.est, normalize = TRUE)
"\033[2mMSE eta1\033[0m",
mean((eta1 - eta1.est)^2),
"\033[2msubspace distances of alphas\033[0m",
do.call(paste, Map(sprintf, err.alphas, MoreArgs = list(fmt = "%8.3f"))),
"\033[2mFrob. norm of Omega differences\033[0m",
do.call(paste, Map(sprintf, err.Omegas, MoreArgs = list(fmt = "%8.3f"))),
sep = "\n "
# now call the GMLM fitting routine with performance profiling
system.time( # profvis::profvis(
fit.gmlm <- GMLM.default(
X, Fy, sample.axis = sample.axis, max.iter = 10000L, logger = logger
# Iter: loss - dist
# 7190: 50.583 - 0.057
# MSE eta1
# 0.02694658
# subspace distances of alphas
# 0.043 0.035 0.034
# Frob. norm of Omega differences
# 0.815 1.777 12.756
# time user system elapsed
# 342.279 555.630 183.653

sim/plots.R Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
if (!endsWith(getwd(), "/sim")) {
date <- "20221007" # yyyymmdd, to match all "[0-9]{6}"
time <- "[0-9]{4}" # HHMM, to match all "[0-9]{4}"
sim <- Reduce(rbind, Map(function(path) {
df <- read.csv(path)
df$n <- as.integer(strsplit(path, "[-.]")[[1]][[4]])
}, list.files(".", pattern = paste0(
"^sim-normal-", date, "T", time, "-[0-9]+[.]csv$", collapse = ""
stats <- aggregate(. ~ n, sim, mean)
q75 <- aggregate(. ~ n, sim, function(x) quantile(x, 0.75))
q25 <- aggregate(. ~ n, sim, function(x) quantile(x, 0.25))
colors <- c(gmlm = "#247407", hopca = "#2a62b6", pca = "#a11414", tsir = "#9313b9")
line.width <- 1.75
margins <- c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 0.1)
with(stats, {
par(mar = margins)
plot(range(n), c(0, 1.05),
type = "n", bty = "n", main = "Estimation Error",
xlab = "Sample Size", ylab = "Error")
lines(n, dist.projection.gmlm, col = colors["gmlm"], lwd = line.width)
lines(n, dist.projection.hopca, col = colors["hopca"], lwd = line.width)
lines(n, dist.projection.pca, col = colors["pca"], lwd = line.width)
lines(n, dist.projection.tsir, col = colors["tsir"], lwd = line.width)
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
legend("topright", legend = names(colors), col = colors, lwd = line.width,
lty = 1, bty = "n")
par(mar = margins)
with(stats, {
par(mar = margins)
plot(range(n), c(0, 1.05),
type = "n", bty = "n", main = "Root Mean Squared Prediction Error",
xlab = "Sample Size", ylab = "Error")
xn <- c(q75$n, rev(q25$n))
polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$error.pred.gmlm, rev(q25$error.pred.gmlm)),
col = adjustcolor(colors["gmlm"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA)
polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$error.pred.hopca, rev(q25$error.pred.hopca)),
col = adjustcolor(colors["hopca"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA)
polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$error.pred.pca, rev(q25$error.pred.pca)),
col = adjustcolor(colors["pca"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA)
lines(n, error.pred.gmlm, col = colors["gmlm"], lwd = line.width)
lines(n, error.pred.hopca, col = colors["hopca"], lwd = line.width)
lines(n, error.pred.pca, col = colors["pca"], lwd = line.width)
lines(n, error.pred.tsir, col = colors["tsir"], lwd = line.width)
par(mar = rep(0, 4))
legend("topright", legend = names(colors), col = colors, lwd = line.width,
lty = 1, bty = "n")
par(mar = margins)

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@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ export(POI)

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@ -22,37 +22,32 @@ make.gmlm.family <- function(name) {
normal = {
initialize <- function(X, Fy) {
# observation/predictor tensor order
p <- head(dim(X), -1)
q <- head(dim(Fy), -1)
r <- length(dim(X)) - 1L
r <- length(p)
# mu = E[X] = E[E[X | Y]]
mu <- rowMeans(X, dims = r)
# covariance of X (non conditional estimate)
Deltas <- mcov(X, sample.axis = r + 1L)
Omegas <- Map(solve, Deltas)
# Mode-Covariances
XSigmas <- mcov(X, sample.axis = r + 1L)
YSigmas <- mcov(Fy, sample.axis = r + 1L)
# GLM intercept
eta1 <- mlm(mu, Omegas)
# Extract main mode covariance directions
# Note: (the directions are transposed!)
XDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
}, XSigmas)
YDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
}, YSigmas)
# initialize GLM reduction matrices
Sigmas <- mcov(Fy, sample.axis = r + 1L)
alphas <- Map(function(j) {
s <- min(p[j], q[j])
L <- with(La.svd(Deltas[[j]]), {
u[, 1:s] %*% diag(d[1:s]^-0.5, s, s)
R <- with(La.svd(Sigmas[[j]]), {
diag(d[1:s]^-0.5, s, s) %*% vt[1:s, ]
L %*% R
}, seq_len(r))
alphas <- Map(function(xdir, ydir) {
s <- min(ncol(xdir), nrow(ydir))
crossprod(xdir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE],
ydir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE])
}, XDirs, YDirs)
eta1 = eta1,
eta1 = rowMeans(X, dims = r),
alphas = alphas,
Omegas = Omegas
Omegas = Map(diag, p)
@ -134,35 +129,71 @@ make.gmlm.family <- function(name) {
initialize <- function(X, Fy) {
# retrieve dimensions
n <- tail(dim(X), 1) # sample size
p <- head(dim(X), -1) # predictor dimensions
q <- head(dim(Fy), -1) # response dimensions
r <- length(p) # single predictor/response tensor order
p <- head(dim(X), -1)
r <- length(p)
# Half vectorized two-way interaction stats E[vech(vec(X) vec(X)')]
dim(X) <- c(prod(p), n)
T2 <- rowMeans(colKronecker(X, X)[vech.index(prod(p)), ])
# If there are any 0 or 1 entries in T2, then theta contains
# +-infinity corresponding to certain/impossible events.
# Make this robust by squishing the domain a bit!
T2 <- 0.01 + 0.98 * T2
# take the expected two-way marginal probability estimate and
# equat them with the expected contitional probs from which
# we compute a joint (over all observations) estimate of theta.
theta0 <- ising_theta_from_cond_prob(T2)
# Mode-Covariances
XSigmas <- mcov(X, sample.axis = r + 1L)
YSigmas <- mcov(Fy, sample.axis = r + 1L)
# Extract main mode covariance directions
# Note: (the directions are transposed!)
XDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
}, XSigmas)
YDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
}, YSigmas)
alphas <- Map(function(xdir, ydir) {
s <- min(ncol(xdir), nrow(ydir))
crossprod(xdir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE],
ydir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE])
}, XDirs, YDirs)
eta1 = eta1,
eta1 = array(0, dim = p),
alphas = alphas,
Omegas = Omegas
Omegas = Map(diag, p)
# initialize <- function(X, Fy) {
# r <- length(dim(X)) - 1L
# # Mode-Covariances
# XSigmas <- mcov(X, sample.axis = r + 1L)
# YSigmas <- mcov(Fy, sample.axis = r + 1L)
# # Extract main mode covariance directions
# # Note: (the directions are transposed!)
# XDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
# with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
# }, XSigmas)
# YDirs <- Map(function(Sigma) {
# with(La.svd(Sigma, nu = 0), sqrt(d) * vt)
# }, YSigmas)
# alphas <- Map(function(xdir, ydir) {
# s <- min(ncol(xdir), nrow(ydir))
# crossprod(xdir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE],
# ydir[seq_len(s), , drop = FALSE])
# }, XDirs, YDirs)
# # Scatter matrices from Residuals (intercept not considered)
# Deltas <- mcov(X - mlm(Fy, alphas), sample.axis = r + 1L)
# Omegas <- Map(solve, Deltas)
# # and the intercept
# eta1 <- mlm(rowMeans(X, dims = r), Deltas)
# list(
# eta1 = eta1,
# alphas = alphas,
# Omegas = Omegas
# )
# }
params <- function(Fy, eta1, alphas, Omegas, c1 = 1, c2 = 1) {
# number of observations
n <- tail(dim(Fy), 1)
@ -171,14 +202,20 @@ make.gmlm.family <- function(name) {
eta_y1 <- c1 * (mlm(Fy, alphas) + c(eta1))
eta_y2 <- c2 * Reduce(`%x%`, rev(Omegas))
# next the conditional Ising model parameters `theta_y`
theta_y <- rep(eta_y2[lower.tri(eta_y2, diag = TRUE)], n)
dim(theta_y) <- c(nrow(eta_y2) * (nrow(eta_y2) + 1) / 2, n)
# # next the conditional Ising model parameters `theta_y`
# theta_y <- rep(eta_y2[lower.tri(eta_y2, diag = TRUE)], n)
# dim(theta_y) <- c(nrow(eta_y2) * (nrow(eta_y2) + 1) / 2, n)
# ltri <- which(lower.tri(eta_y2, diag = TRUE))
# diagonal <- which(diag(TRUE, nrow(eta_y2))[ltri])
# theta_y[diagonal, ] <- theta_y[diagonal, ] + c(eta_y1)
# theta_y[-diagonal, ] <- 2 * theta_y[-diagonal, ]
# conditional Ising model parameters
theta_y <- matrix(rep(vech(eta_y2), n), ncol = n)
ltri <- which(lower.tri(eta_y2, diag = TRUE))
diagonal <- which(diag(TRUE, nrow(eta_y2))[ltri])
theta_y[diagonal, ] <- theta_y[diagonal, ] + c(eta_y1)
theta_y[-diagonal, ] <- 2 * theta_y[-diagonal, ]
theta_y[diagonal, ] <- eta_y1
@ -192,6 +229,7 @@ make.gmlm.family <- function(name) {
theta_y <- params(Fy, eta1, alphas, Omegas, c1, c2)
# convert to binary data set
storage.mode(X) <- "integer"
X.mvb <- as.mvbinary(mat(X, length(dim(X))))
# log-likelihood of the data set
@ -268,6 +306,8 @@ GMLM.default <- function(X, Fy, sample.axis = 1L,
logger = NULL
) {
stopifnot(exprs = {
length(sample.axis) == 1L
(1L <= sample.axis) && (sample.axis <= length(dim(X)))
(dim(X) == dim(Fy))[sample.axis]

tensorPredictors/R/TSIR.R Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
#' Tensor Sliced Inverse Regression
#' @export
TSIR <- function(X, y, d, sample.axis = 1L,
max.iter = 50L,
eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
) {
if (!(is.factor(y) || is.integer(y))) { # TODO: Implement continuous case!
stop("Only factor and integer response implemented!")
stopifnot(exprs = {
dim(X)[sample.axis] == length(y)
length(d) + 1L == length(dim(X))
# rearrange `X`, `Fy` such that the last axis enumerates observations
axis.perm <- c(seq_along(dim(X))[-sample.axis], sample.axis)
X <- aperm(X, axis.perm)
# get dimensions
n <- tail(dim(X), 1)
p <- head(dim(X), -1)
modes <- seq_along(p)
# reinterpretation of `y` as factor index as number of different slices
y <- as.factor(y)
nr.slices <- length(levels(y))
slice.sizes <- table(y)
y <- as.integer(y)
# center `X`
X <- X - c(rowMeans(X, dim = length(modes)))
# Slice `X` into slices governed by `y`
slices <- Map(function(s) {
X_s <- X[rep(s == y, each = prod(p))]
dim(X_s) <- c(p, slice.sizes[s])
}, seq_len(nr.slices))
# For each slice we get the slice means
slice.means <- Map(rowMeans, slices, MoreArgs = list(dim = length(modes)))
# Initial `Gamma_k` estimates as dominent eigenvalues of `Cov_c(E[X_(k) | Y])`
Sigmas <- Map(function(k) {
Reduce(`+`, Map(function(X_s, mu_s, n_s) {
mcrossprod(rowMeans(X_s - c(mu_s), dims = length(modes)), mode = k)
}, slices, slice.means, slice.sizes)) / nr.slices
}, modes)
Gammas <- Map(`[[`, Map(La.svd, Sigmas, nu = d, nv = 0), list("u"))
# setup projections as `Proj_k = Gamma_k Gamma_k'`
projections <- Map(tcrossprod, Gammas)
# compute initial loss for the break condition
loss.last <- n^-1 * Reduce(`+`, Map(function(X_s, n_s) {
n_s * sum((X_s - mlm(X_s, projections))^2)
}, slice.means, slice.sizes))
# Iterate till convergence
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
# For each mode assume mode reduction `Gamma`s fixed and update
# current mode reduction `Gamma_k`
for (k in modes) {
# Other mode projection of slice means
slice.proj <- Map(mlm, slice.means, MoreArgs = list(
Gammas[-k], modes[-k], transposed = TRUE
# Update mode `k` slice mean covariances
Sigmas[[k]] <- n^-1 * Reduce(`+`, Map(function(PX_s, n_s) {
n_s * mcrossprod(PX_s, mode = k)
}, slice.proj, slice.sizes))
# Recompute mode `k` basis `Gamma_k`
Gammas[[k]] <- La.svd(Sigmas[[k]], nu = d[k], nv = 0)$u
# update mode `k` projection matrix onto the new span of `Gamma_k`
projections[[k]] <- tcrossprod(Gammas[[k]])
# compute loss for break condition
loss <- n^-1 * Reduce(`+`, Map(function(X_s, n_s) {
n_s * sum((X_s - mlm(X_s, projections))^2)
}, slice.means, slice.sizes))
# check break condition
if (abs(loss - loss.last) < eps * loss) {
loss.last <- loss
# mode sample covariance matrices
Omegas <- Map(function(k) n^-1 * mcrossprod(X, mode = k), modes)
# reductions matrices `Omega_k^-1 Gamma_k` where there (reverse) kronecker
# product spans the central tensor subspace (CTS) estimate
Map(solve, Omegas, Gammas)

vis/ising/app.R Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
# usage: R -e "shiny::runApp(port = 8080)"
# usage: R -e "shiny::runApp(host = '', port = 8080)"
# configuration
color.palet <- hcl.colors(64, "YlOrRd", rev = TRUE)
# GMLM parameters
n <- 250
p <- c(4, 4)
q <- c(2, 2)
r <- 2
eta1 <- 0 # intercept
linspace <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = 4)
# 270 deg (90 deg clockwise) rotation of matrix layout
# Used to get proper ploted matrices cause `image` interprets the `z` matrix as
# a table of `f(x[i], y[j])` values, so that the `x` axis corresponds to row
# number and the `y` axis to column number, with column 1 at the bottom,
# i.e. a 90 degree counter-clockwise rotation of the conventional printed layout
# of a matrix. By first calling `rot270` on a matrix before passing it to
# `image` the plotted matrix layout now matches the conventional printed layout.
rot270 <- function(A) {
t(A)[, rev(seq_len(nrow(A))), drop = FALSE]
plot.mat <- function(mat, add.values = FALSE, zlim = range(mat)) {
par(oma = rep(0, 4), mar = rep(0, 4))
img <- rot270(mat)
image(x = seq_len(nrow(img)), y = seq_len(ncol(img)), z = img,
zlim = zlim, col = color.palet, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", bty = "n")
if (add.values) {
text(x = rep(seq_len(nrow(img)), ncol(img)),
y = rep(seq_len(ncol(img)), each = nrow(img)),
round(img, 2), adj = 0.5, col = "black")
AR <- function(rho, dim) {
rho^abs(outer(seq_len(dim), seq_len(dim), `-`))
AR.inv <- function(rho, dim) {
A <- diag(c(1, rep(rho^2 + 1, dim - 2), 1))
A[abs(.row(dim(A)) - .col(dim(A))) == 1] <- -rho
A / (1 - rho^2)
# User Interface (page layout)
ui <- fluidPage(
<script type='text/x-mathjax-config'>
tex2jax: { inlineMath: [['$','$']] }
titlePanel("Ising Model Simulation Data Generation"),
h4("c1 (influence of $\\eta_1$)"),
sliderInput("c1", "", min = 0, max = 1, value = 1, step = 0.01),
h4("c2 (influence of $\\eta_2$)"),
sliderInput("c2", "", min = 0, max = 1, value = 1, step = 0.01),
sliderInput("y", "y", min = -1, max = 1, value = 0, step = 0.01),
radioButtons("alphaType", "Type: $\\boldsymbol{\\alpha}_k$",
choices = list(
"linspace" = "linspace", "squared" = "squared", "QR" = "QR"
selected = "linspace"
radioButtons("OmegaType", "Type: $\\boldsymbol{\\Omega}_k$",
choices = list(
"Identity" = "identity", "AR$(\\rho)$" = "AR", "AR$(\\rho)^{-1}$" = "AR.inv"
selected = "AR"
sliderInput("rho", "rho", min = -1, max = 1, value = -0.55, step = 0.01),
actionButton("reset", "Reset")
column(4, offset = 2,
h3("Expectation $\\mathbb{E}[\\mathcal{X}\\mid Y = y]$"),
h3("Covariance $\\operatorname{Cov}(\\text{vec}(\\mathcal{X})\\mid Y = y)$"),
column(8, offset = 4,
h3("iid samples $(X_i, y_i)$ with $y_i \\sim U[-1, 1]$ sorted")
"Conditional Expectations",
"observations sorted by $y_i$",
"observations sorted (lexicographic order) by $\\mathcal{X}_i$",
h3("Sample Mean"),
h3("Sample Cov"),
The response $y$ follows a continuous uniform distributed
$y\\sim U[-1, 1]$ from which $\\mathcal{F}_y$ is computed as
$$\\mathcal{F}_y = \\begin{pmatrix}
\\cos(\\pi y) & -\\sin(\\pi y) \\\\
\\sin(\\pi y) & \\cos(\\pi y)
Next are the GMLM parameters (for 'linspace' or 'squared' type $\\boldsymbol{\\alpha}_k$
with the 'QR' type being random semi-orthogonal matrices) which are set to be
$$\\overline{\\eta}_1 = 0$$
$$\\boldsymbol{\\alpha}_k^{\\text{linspace}} = \\begin{pmatrix}
-1 & 1 \\\\
-1/3 & 1/3 \\\\
1/3 & -1/3 \\\\
1 & -1
\\end{pmatrix},\\qquad\\boldsymbol{\\alpha}_k^{\\text{squared}} = \\begin{pmatrix}
-1 & 1 \\\\
-1/3 & 1/9 \\\\
1/3 & 1/9 \\\\
1 & 1
for $k = 1,2$. The two-way interactions are modeled via the $\\boldsymbol{\\Omega}_k$ which
are the identity $\\boldsymbol{I}_4$ or one of
$$\\operatorname{AR}(\\rho) = \\begin{pmatrix}
{\\color{gray}1} & \\rho^1 & \\rho^2 & \\rho^3 \\\\
\\rho^1 & {\\color{gray}1} & \\rho^1 & \\rho^2 \\\\
\\rho^2 & \\rho^1 & {\\color{gray}1} & \\rho^1 \\\\
\\rho^3 & \\rho^2 & \\rho^1 & {\\color{gray}1}
\\operatorname{AR}(\\rho)^{-1} = \\frac{1}{1 - \\rho^2}\\begin{pmatrix}
{\\color{gray}1} & -\\rho & 0 & 0 \\\\
-\\rho & {\\color{gray}1+\\rho^2} & -\\rho & 0 \\\\
0 & -\\rho & {\\color{gray}1+\\rho^2} & -\\rho \\\\
0 & 0 & -\\rho & {\\color{gray}1}
The natural parameters given $y$ are then
$$\\boldsymbol{\\eta}_{y,1} \\equiv \\overline{\\boldsymbol{\\eta}}_1
+ \\mathcal{F}_y\\times_{k\\in[2]}\\boldsymbol{\\alpha}_k,$$
$$\\boldsymbol{\\eta}_{y,2} \\equiv \\bigotimes_{k = 2}^{1}\\boldsymbol{\\Omega}_k.$$
With that the conditional Ising model parameters are
$$\\boldsymbol{\\theta}_y = \\operatorname{vech}(
+ (\\boldsymbol{1}_p \\boldsymbol{1}_p' - \\mathbf{I}_p) \\odot \\boldsymbol{\\eta}_{y,2}
which to sample the predictors via the conditional distribution
$$\\operatorname{vec}(\\mathcal{X})\\mid Y = y \\sim \\text{Ising}(\\boldsymbol{\\theta}_y).$$
# Server logic
server <- function(input, output, session) {
Fy <- reactive({
phi <- pi * input$y
cos(phi), -sin(phi),
sin(phi), cos(phi)
), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE)
alphas <- reactive({
"linspace" = list(
matrix(c(linspace, rev(linspace)), length(linspace), 2),
matrix(c(linspace, rev(linspace)), length(linspace), 2)
"squared" = list(
matrix(c(linspace, linspace^2), length(linspace), 2),
matrix(c(linspace, linspace^2), length(linspace), 2)
"QR" = Map(function(pj, qj) {
qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(pj * qj), pj, qj)))
}, p, q)
Omegas <- reactive({
"identity" = Map(diag, p),
"AR" = Map(AR, list(input$rho), dim = p),
"AR.inv" = Map(AR.inv, list(input$rho), dim = p)
eta_y1 <- reactive({
input$c1 * (mlm(Fy(), alphas()) + c(eta1))
eta_y2 <- reactive({
input$c2 * Reduce(`%x%`, rev(Omegas()))
# compute Ising model parameters from GMLM parameters given single `Fy`
theta_y <- reactive({
vech(diag(c(eta_y1())) + (1 - diag(nrow(eta_y2()))) * eta_y2())
E_y <- reactive({
Cov_y <- reactive({
random_sample <- reactive({
c1 <- input$c1
c2 <- input$c2
eta_y_i2 <- eta_y2()
y <- sort(runif(n, -1, 1))
X <- sapply(y, function(y_i) {
phi <- pi * y_i
Fy_i <- matrix(c(
cos(phi), -sin(phi),
sin(phi), cos(phi)
), 2, 2)
eta_y_i1 <- c1 * (mlm(Fy_i, alphas()) + c(eta1))
theta_y_i <- vech(diag(c(eta_y_i1)) + (1 - diag(nrow(eta_y_i2))) * eta_y_i2)
ising_sample(1, theta_y_i)
attr(X, "p") <- prod(p)
cond_expectations <- reactive({
c1 <- input$c1
c2 <- input$c2
eta_y_i2 <- eta_y2()
y <- seq(-1, 1, length.out = 50)
t(sapply(y, function(y_i) {
phi <- pi * y_i
Fy_i <- matrix(c(
cos(phi), -sin(phi),
sin(phi), cos(phi)
), 2, 2)
eta_y_i1 <- c1 * (mlm(Fy_i, alphas()) + c(eta1))
theta_y_i <- vech(diag(c(eta_y_i1)) + (1 - diag(nrow(eta_y_i2))) * eta_y_i2)
output$eta_y1 <- renderPlot({
plot.mat(eta_y1(), add.values = TRUE, zlim = c(-2, 2))
}, res = 108)
output$eta_y2 <- renderPlot({
output$Theta_y <- renderPlot({
output$expectationPlot <- renderPlot({
plot.mat(matrix(E_y(), p[1], p[2]), add.values = TRUE, zlim = c(0, 1))
}, res = 108)
output$covariancePlot <- renderPlot({
output$covRange <- renderText({
paste(round(range(Cov_y()), 3), collapse = " - ")
output$cond_expectations <- renderPlot({
plot.mat(cond_expectations(), zlim = 0:1)
output$sample_sorted_y <- renderPlot({
output$sample_sorted_X <- renderPlot({
X <- random_sample()
plot.mat(X[do.call(order, as.data.frame(X)), ])
output$sampleMean <- renderPlot({
Xmean <- matrix(colMeans(random_sample()), p[1], p[2])
plot.mat(Xmean, add.values = TRUE, zlim = c(0, 1))
}, res = 108)
output$sampleCov <- renderPlot({
observeEvent(input$reset, {
updateNumericInput(session, "c1", value = 1)
updateNumericInput(session, "c2", value = 1)
updateNumericInput(session, "y", value = 0)
updateNumericInput(session, "rho", value = -0.55)
updateRadioButtons(session, "OmegaType", selected = "AR")
updateRadioButtons(session, "alphaType", selected = "squared")
# launch Shiny Application (start server)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)