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\title{Conditional Variance Estimator (CVE).}
cve(formula, data, method = "simple", max.dim = 10L, ...)
\item{formula}{an object of class \code{"formula"} which is a symbolic
description of the model to be fitted.}
\item{data}{an optional data frame, containing the data for the formula if
\item{method}{specifies the CVE method variation as one of
\item "simple" exact implementation as described in the paper listed
\item "weighted" variation with addaptive weighting of slices.
\item{max.dim}{upper bounds for \code{k}, (ignored if \code{k} is supplied).}
\item{...}{Parameters passed on to \code{cve.call}.}
an S3 object of class \code{cve} with components:
\item{X}{Original training data,}
\item{Y}{Responce of original training data,}
\item{method}{Name of used method,}
\item{call}{the matched call,}
\item{res}{list of components \code{V, L, B, loss, h} and \code{k} for
each \eqn{k=min.dim,...,max.dim} (dimension).}
Conditional Variance Estimation (CVE) is a novel sufficient dimension
reduction (SDR) method for regressions satisfying \eqn{E(Y|X) = E(Y|B'X)},
where \eqn{B'X} is a lower dimensional projection of the predictors. CVE,
similarly to its main competitor, the mean average variance estimation
(MAVE), is not based on inverse regression, and does not require the
restrictive linearity and constant variance conditions of moment based SDR
methods. CVE is data-driven and applies to additive error regressions with
continuous predictors and link function. The effectiveness and accuracy of
CVE compared to MAVE and other SDR techniques is demonstrated in simulation
studies. CVE is shown to outperform MAVE in some model set-ups, while it
remains largely on par under most others.
Let \eqn{Y} be real denotes a univariate response and \eqn{X} a real
\eqn{p}-dimensional covariate vector. We assume that the dependence of
\eqn{Y} and \eqn{X} is modelled by
\deqn{Y = g(B'X) + \epsilon}
where \eqn{X} is independent of \eqn{\epsilon} with positive definite
variance-covariance matrix \eqn{Var(X) = \Sigma_X}. \eqn{\epsilon} is a mean
zero random variable with finite \eqn{Var(\epsilon) = E(\epsilon^2)}, \eqn{g}
is an unknown, continuous non-constant function,
and \eqn{B = (b_1, ..., b_k)} is
a real \eqn{p \times k}{p x k} of rank \eqn{k <= p}{k \leq p}.
Without loss of generality \eqn{B} is assumed to be orthonormal.
# set dimensions for simulation model
p <- 8
k <- 2
# create B for simulation
b1 <- rep(1 / sqrt(p), p)
b2 <- (-1)^seq(1, p) / sqrt(p)
B <- cbind(b1, b2)
# samplsize
n <- 200
# creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
# simulate response variable
# y = f(B'x) + err
# with f(x1, x2) = x1^2 + 2 * x2 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
y <- (x \%*\% b1)^2 + 2 * (x \%*\% b2) + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
# calculate cve with method 'simple' for k unknown in 1, ..., 4
cve.obj.s <- cve(y ~ x, max.dim = 4) # default method 'simple'
# calculate cve with method 'weighed' for k = 2
cve.obj.w <- cve(y ~ x, k = 2, method = 'weighted')
# estimate dimension from cve.obj.s
khat <- predict_dim(cve.obj.s)$k
# get cve-estimate for B with dimensions (p, k = khat)
B2 <- coef(cve.obj.s, k = khat)
# get projected X data (same as cve.obj.s$X \%*\% B2)
proj.X <- directions(cve.obj.s, k = khat)
# plot y against projected data
plot(proj.X[, 1], y)
plot(proj.X[, 2], y)
# creat 10 new x points and y according to model
x.new <- matrix(rnorm(10 * p), 10, p)
y.new <- (x.new \%*\% b1)^2 + 2 * (x.new \%*\% b2) + 0.25 * rnorm(10)
# predict y.new
yhat <- predict(cve.obj.s, x.new, khat)
plot(y.new, yhat)
# projection matrix on span(B)
# same as B \%*\% t(B) since B is semi-orthogonal
PB <- B \%*\% solve(t(B) \%*\% B) \%*\% t(B)
# cve estimates for B with simple and weighted method
B.s <- coef(cve.obj.s, k = 2)
B.w <- coef(cve.obj.w, k = 2)
# same as B.s \%*\% t(B.s) since B.s is semi-orthogonal (same vor B.w)
PB.s <- B.s \%*\% solve(t(B.s) \%*\% B.s) \%*\% t(B.s)
PB.w <- B.w \%*\% solve(t(B.w) \%*\% B.w) \%*\% t(B.w)
# compare estimation accuracy of simple and weighted cve estimate by
# Frobenius norm of difference of projections.
norm(PB - PB.s, type = 'F')
norm(PB - PB.w, type = 'F')
Fertl Lukas, Bura Efstathia. (2019), Conditional Variance
Estimation for Sufficient Dimension Reduction. Working Paper.
For a detailed description of \code{formula} see