Fork 0

rewrote (C): to use new Gradient formula,

rewrote (C): subroutine interface to use matrix struct
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Kapla 2019-12-05 17:35:29 +01:00
parent 5638821b85
commit 4b68c245a6
31 changed files with 1915 additions and 858 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ S3method(coef,cve)
@ -13,7 +12,7 @@ export(directions)

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
#' below.
#' \item "weighted" variation with addaptive weighting of slices.
#' }
#' @param max.dim upper bounds for \code{k}, (ignored if \code{k} is supplied).
#' @param ... Parameters passed on to \code{cve.call}.
#' @return an S3 object of class \code{cve} with components:
@ -58,19 +59,54 @@
#' }
#' @examples
#' # create dataset
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(400), 100, 4)
#' y <- x[, 1] + x[, 2] + as.matrix(rnorm(100))
#' # Call CVE.
#' dr <- cve(y ~ x)
#' # Call weighted CVE.
#' dr.weighted <- cve(y ~ x, method = "weighted")
#' # Training data responces of reduced data.
#' y.est <- directions(dr, 1)
#' # Extract SDR subspace basis of dimension 1.
#' B <- coef(dr.momentum, 1)
#' # set dimensions for simulation model
#' p <- 8
#' k <- 2
#' # create B for simulation
#' b1 <- rep(1 / sqrt(p), p)
#' b2 <- (-1)^seq(1, p) / sqrt(p)
#' B <- cbind(b1, b2)
#' # samplsize
#' n <- 200
#' set.seed(21)
#' # creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' # simulate response variable
#' # y = f(B'x) + err
#' # with f(x1, x2) = x1^2 + 2 * x2 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
#' y <- (x %*% b1)^2 + 2 * (x %*% b2) + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
#' # calculate cve with method 'simple' for k unknown in 1, ..., 4
#' cve.obj.s <- cve(y ~ x, max.dim = 4) # default method 'simple'
#' # calculate cve with method 'weighed' for k = 2
#' cve.obj.w <- cve(y ~ x, k = 2, method = 'weighted')
#' # estimate dimension from cve.obj.s
#' khat <- predict_dim(cve.obj.s)$k
#' # get cve-estimate for B with dimensions (p, k = khat)
#' B2 <- coef(cve.obj.s, k = khat)
#' # get projected X data (same as cve.obj.s$X %*% B2)
#' proj.X <- directions(cve.obj.s, k = khat)
#' # plot y against projected data
#' plot(proj.X[, 1], y)
#' plot(proj.X[, 2], y)
#' # creat 10 new x points and y according to model
#' x.new <- matrix(rnorm(10 * p), 10, p)
#' y.new <- (x.new %*% b1)^2 + 2 * (x.new %*% b2) + 0.25 * rnorm(10)
#' # predict y.new
#' yhat <- predict(cve.obj.s, x.new, khat)
#' plot(y.new, yhat)
#' # projection matrix on span(B)
#' # same as B %*% t(B) since B is semi-orthogonal
#' PB <- B %*% solve(t(B) %*% B) %*% t(B)
#' # cve estimates for B with simple and weighted method
#' B.s <- coef(cve.obj.s, k = 2)
#' B.w <- coef(cve.obj.w, k = 2)
#' # same as B.s %*% t(B.s) since B.s is semi-orthogonal (same vor B.w)
#' PB.s <- B.s %*% solve(t(B.s) %*% B.s) %*% t(B.s)
#' PB.w <- B.w %*% solve(t(B.w) %*% B.w) %*% t(B.w)
#' # compare estimation accuracy of simple and weighted cve estimate by
#' # Frobenius norm of difference of projections.
#' norm(PB - PB.s, type = 'F')
#' norm(PB - PB.w, type = 'F')
#' @seealso For a detailed description of \code{formula} see
#' \code{\link{formula}}.
@ -107,6 +143,12 @@ cve <- function(formula, data, method = "simple", max.dim = 10L, ...) {
#' \code{\link{estimate.bandwidth}} (ignored if \code{h} is supplied).
#' @param X data matrix with samples in its rows.
#' @param Y Responses (1 dimensional).
#' @param method specifies the CVE method variation as one of
#' \itemize{
#' \item "simple" exact implementation as described in the paper listed
#' below.
#' \item "weighted" variation with addaptive weighting of slices.
#' }
#' @param k Dimension of lower dimensional projection, if \code{k} is given
#' only the specified dimension \code{B} matrix is estimated.
#' @param min.dim lower bounds for \code{k}, (ignored if \code{k} is supplied).
@ -124,28 +166,35 @@ cve <- function(formula, data, method = "simple", max.dim = 10L, ...) {
#' @param slack Positive scaling to allow small increases of the loss while
#' optimizing.
#' @param gamma step-size reduction multiple.
#' @param V.init Semi-orthogonal matrix of dimensions `(ncol(X), ncol(X) - k)` #' as optimization starting value. (If supplied, \code{attempts} is
#' @param V.init Semi-orthogonal matrix of dimensions `(ncol(X), ncol(X) - k)
#' as optimization starting value. (If supplied, \code{attempts} is
#' set to 1 and \code{k} to match dimension)
#' @inherit cve return
#' @examples
#' # Create a dataset (n samples):
#' n <- 100
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(4 * n), n)
#' Y <- matrix(X[, 1] + cos(X[, 2]) + rnorm(n, 0, .1), n)
#' # create B for simulation (k = 1)
#' B <- rep(1, 5) / sqrt(5)
#' # Create logger function:
#' logger <- function(attempt, iter, data) {
#' if (iter == 0) {
#' cat("Starting attempt nr:", attempt, "\n")
#' }
#' cat(" iter:", iter, "loss:", data$loss, "\n")
#' }
#' Call 'cve' with logger:
#' cve(Y ~ X, logger = logger)
#' set.seed(21)
#' # creat predictor data X ~ N(0, I_p)
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(500), 100, 5)
#' # simulate response variable
#' # Y = f(B'X) + err
#' # with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
#' Y <- X %*% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
#' # calculate cve with method 'simple' for k = 1
#' set.seed(21)
#' cve.obj.simple1 <- cve(Y ~ X, k = 1)
#' # same as
#' set.seed(21)
#' cve.obj.simple2 <- cve.call(X, Y, k = 1)
#' # extract estimated B's.
#' coef(cve.obj.simple1, k = 1)
#' coef(cve.obj.simple2, k = 1)
#' @export
cve.call <- function(X, Y, method = "simple",
nObs = sqrt(nrow(X)), h = NULL,
@ -178,7 +227,7 @@ cve.call <- function(X, Y, method = "simple",
if (!(is.matrix(X) && is.numeric(X))) {
stop("Parameter 'X' should be a numeric matrices.")
stop("Parameter 'X' should be a numeric matrix.")
if (!is.numeric(Y)) {
stop("Parameter 'Y' must be numeric.")
@ -288,7 +337,7 @@ cve.call <- function(X, Y, method = "simple",
h <- estimate.bandwidth(X, k, nObs)
dr.k <- .Call('cve', PACKAGE = 'CVE',
dr.k <- .Call('cve_export', PACKAGE = 'CVE',
X, Y, k, h,

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@ -9,10 +9,35 @@
#' @return dir the matrix of CS or CMS of given dimension
#' @examples
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(400),100,4)
#' y <- x[, 1] + x[, 2] + as.matrix(rnorm(100))
#' dr <- cve(y ~ x, k = 2) # Only for sub-space dim. 2
#' B2 <- coef(dr, 2)
#' # set dimensions for simulation model
#' p <- 8 # sample dimension
#' k <- 2 # real dimension of SDR subspace
#' n <- 200 # samplesize
#' # create B for simulation
#' b1 <- rep(1 / sqrt(p), p)
#' b2 <- (-1)^seq(1, p) / sqrt(p)
#' B <- cbind(b1, b2)
#' set.seed(21)
#' # creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' # simulate response variable
#' # y = f(B'x) + err
#' # with f(x1, x2) = x1^2 + 2 * x2 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
#' y <- (x %*% b1)^2 + 2 * (x %*% b2) + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
#' # calculate cve for k = 1, ..., 5
#' cve.obj <- cve(y ~ x, max.dim = 5)
#' # get cve-estimate for B with dimensions (p, k = 2)
#' B2 <- coef(cve.obj, k = 2)
#' # Projection matrix on span(B)
#' # equivalent to `B %*% t(B)` since B is semi-orthonormal
#' PB <- B %*% solve(t(B) %*% B) %*% t(B)
#' # Projection matrix on span(B2)
#' # equivalent to `B2 %*% t(B2)` since B2 is semi-orthonormal
#' PB2 <- B2 %*% solve(t(B2) %*% B2) %*% t(B2)
#' # compare estimation accuracy by Frobenius norm of difference of projections
#' norm(PB - PB2, type = 'F')
#' @method coef cve
#' @aliases coef.cve

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@ -8,6 +8,24 @@ directions <- function(dr, k) {
#' @param dr Instance of 'cve' as returned by \code{cve}.
#' @param k SDR dimension to use for projection.
#' @examples
#' # create B for simulation (k = 1)
#' B <- rep(1, 5) / sqrt(5)
#' set.seed(21)
#' # creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(500), 100, 5)
#' # simulate response variable
#' # y = f(B'x) + err
#' # with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
#' y <- x %*% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
#' # calculate cve with method 'simple' for k = 1
#' set.seed(21)
#' cve.obj.simple <- cve(y ~ x, k = 1, method = 'simple')
#' # get projected data for k = 1
#' x.proj <- directions(cve.obj.simple, k = 1)
#' # plot y against projected data
#' plot(x.proj, y)
#' @method directions cve
#' @aliases directions directions.cve
#' @export

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@ -14,6 +14,25 @@
#' @return Estimated bandwidth \code{h}.
#' @examples
#' # set dimensions for simulation model
#' p <- 5; k <- 1
#' # create B for simulation
#' B <- rep(1, p) / sqrt(p)
#' # samplsize
#' n <- 100
#' set.seed(21)
#' #creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
#' # simulate response variable
#' # y = f(B'x) + err
#' # with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
#' y <- x %*% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
#' # calculate cve with method 'simple' for k = 1
#' set.seed(21)
#' cve.obj.simple <- cve(y ~ x, k = k)
#' print(cve.obj.simple$res$'1'$h)
#' print(estimate.bandwidth(x, k = k))
#' @export
estimate.bandwidth <- function(X, k, nObs) {
n <- nrow(X)

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@ -5,6 +5,31 @@
#' @param x Object of class \code{"cve"} (result of [\code{\link{cve}}]).
#' @param ... Pass through parameters to [\code{\link{plot}}] and
#' [\code{\link{lines}}]
#' @examples
#' # create B for simulation
#' B <- cbind(rep(1, 6), (-1)^seq(6)) / sqrt(6)
#' set.seed(21)
#' # creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(600), 100)
#' # simulate response variable
#' # y = f(B'x) + err
#' # with f(x1, x2) = x1^2 + 2 x2 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
#' Y <- (X %*% B[, 1])^2 + 2 * X %*% B[, 2] + rnorm(100, 0, .1)
#' # Create bandwidth estimation function
#' estimate.bandwidth <- function(X, k, nObs) {
#' n <- nrow(X)
#' p <- ncol(X)
#' X_c <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
#' 2 * qchisq((nObs - 1) / (n - 1), k) * sum(X_c^2) / (n * p)
#' }
#' # calculate cve with method 'simple' for k = min.dim,...,max.dim
#' cve.obj.simple <- cve(Y ~ X, h = estimate.bandwidth, nObs = sqrt(nrow(X)))
#' # elbow plot
#' plot(cve.obj.simple)
#' @seealso see \code{\link{par}} for graphical parameters to pass through
#' as well as \code{\link{plot}}, the standard plot utility.

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@ -10,6 +10,32 @@
#' @return prediced response of data \code{newdata}.
#' @examples
#' # create B for simulation
#' B <- rep(1, 5) / sqrt(5)
#' set.seed(21)
#' # creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(500), 100)
#' # simulate response variable
#' # y = f(B'x) + err
#' # with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
#' y <- x %*% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
#' x.train <- x[1:80, ]
#' x.test <- x[81:100, ]
#' y.train <- y[1:80, ]
#' y.test <- y[81:100, ]
#' # calculate cve with method 'simple' for k = 1
#' cve.obj.simple <- cve(y.train ~ x.train, k = 1)
#' # predict y.test from x.test
#' yhat <- predict(cve.obj.simple, x.test, 1)
#' # plot prediction against y.test
#' plot(yhat, y.test)
#' @seealso \code{\link{cve}}, \code{\link{cve.call}} or \pkg{\link{mars}}.
#' @rdname predict.cve

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@ -10,15 +10,26 @@
#' \item k: predicted dimensions.
#' }
#' @examples
#' # create B for simulation
#' B <- rep(1, 5) / sqrt(5)
#' set.seed(21)
#' # creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(500), 100)
#' # simulate response variable
#' # y = f(B'x) + err
#' # with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
#' y <- x %*% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
#' # Calculate cve for unknown k between min.dim and max.dim.
#' cve.obj.simple <- cve(y ~ x)
#' predict_dim(cve.obj.simple)
#' @export
predict.dim <- function(object, ...) {
#' @aliases predict.dim
#' @method predict.dim cve
#' @export
predict.dim.cve <- function(object, ...) {
predict_dim <- function(object, ...) {
# Get centered training data and dimensions
X <- scale(object$X, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
n <- nrow(object$X) # umber of training data samples

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@ -1,6 +1,25 @@
#' Prints a summary of a \code{cve} result.
#' @param object Instance of 'cve' as returned by \code{cve}.
#' @param ... ignored.
#' @examples
#' # create B for simulation
#' B <- rep(1, 5) / sqrt(5)
#' set.seed(21)
#' #creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
#' x <- matrix(rnorm(500), 100)
#' # simulate response variable
#' # y = f(B'x) + err
#' # with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
#' y <- x %*% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
#' # calculate cve for unknown k between min.dim and max.dim.
#' cve.obj.simple <- cve(y ~ x)
#' summary(cve.obj.simple)
#' @method summary cve
#' @export
summary.cve <- function(object, ...) {

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@ -21,9 +21,34 @@ dir the matrix of CS or CMS of given dimension
Returns the SDR basis matrix for SDR dimension(s).
x <- matrix(rnorm(400),100,4)
y <- x[, 1] + x[, 2] + as.matrix(rnorm(100))
dr <- cve(y ~ x, k = 2) # Only for sub-space dim. 2
B2 <- coef(dr, 2)
# set dimensions for simulation model
p <- 8 # sample dimension
k <- 2 # real dimension of SDR subspace
n <- 200 # samplesize
# create B for simulation
b1 <- rep(1 / sqrt(p), p)
b2 <- (-1)^seq(1, p) / sqrt(p)
B <- cbind(b1, b2)
# creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
# simulate response variable
# y = f(B'x) + err
# with f(x1, x2) = x1^2 + 2 * x2 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
y <- (x \%*\% b1)^2 + 2 * (x \%*\% b2) + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
# calculate cve for k = 1, ..., 5
cve.obj <- cve(y ~ x, max.dim = 5)
# get cve-estimate for B with dimensions (p, k = 2)
B2 <- coef(cve.obj, k = 2)
# Projection matrix on span(B)
# equivalent to `B \%*\% t(B)` since B is semi-orthonormal
PB <- B \%*\% solve(t(B) \%*\% B) \%*\% t(B)
# Projection matrix on span(B2)
# equivalent to `B2 \%*\% t(B2)` since B2 is semi-orthonormal
PB2 <- B2 \%*\% solve(t(B2) \%*\% B2) \%*\% t(B2)
# compare estimation accuracy by Frobenius norm of difference of projections
norm(PB - PB2, type = 'F')

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@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ supplied.}
\item "weighted" variation with addaptive weighting of slices.
\item{max.dim}{upper bounds for \code{k}, (ignored if \code{k} is supplied).}
\item{...}{Parameters passed on to \code{cve.call}.}
@ -58,19 +60,54 @@ a real \eqn{p \times k}{p x k} of rank \eqn{k <= p}{k \leq p}.
Without loss of generality \eqn{B} is assumed to be orthonormal.
# create dataset
x <- matrix(rnorm(400), 100, 4)
y <- x[, 1] + x[, 2] + as.matrix(rnorm(100))
# Call CVE.
dr <- cve(y ~ x)
# Call weighted CVE.
dr.weighted <- cve(y ~ x, method = "weighted")
# Training data responces of reduced data.
y.est <- directions(dr, 1)
# Extract SDR subspace basis of dimension 1.
B <- coef(dr.momentum, 1)
# set dimensions for simulation model
p <- 8
k <- 2
# create B for simulation
b1 <- rep(1 / sqrt(p), p)
b2 <- (-1)^seq(1, p) / sqrt(p)
B <- cbind(b1, b2)
# samplsize
n <- 200
# creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
# simulate response variable
# y = f(B'x) + err
# with f(x1, x2) = x1^2 + 2 * x2 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
y <- (x \%*\% b1)^2 + 2 * (x \%*\% b2) + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
# calculate cve with method 'simple' for k unknown in 1, ..., 4
cve.obj.s <- cve(y ~ x, max.dim = 4) # default method 'simple'
# calculate cve with method 'weighed' for k = 2
cve.obj.w <- cve(y ~ x, k = 2, method = 'weighted')
# estimate dimension from cve.obj.s
khat <- predict_dim(cve.obj.s)$k
# get cve-estimate for B with dimensions (p, k = khat)
B2 <- coef(cve.obj.s, k = khat)
# get projected X data (same as cve.obj.s$X \%*\% B2)
proj.X <- directions(cve.obj.s, k = khat)
# plot y against projected data
plot(proj.X[, 1], y)
plot(proj.X[, 2], y)
# creat 10 new x points and y according to model
x.new <- matrix(rnorm(10 * p), 10, p)
y.new <- (x.new \%*\% b1)^2 + 2 * (x.new \%*\% b2) + 0.25 * rnorm(10)
# predict y.new
yhat <- predict(cve.obj.s, x.new, khat)
plot(y.new, yhat)
# projection matrix on span(B)
# same as B \%*\% t(B) since B is semi-orthogonal
PB <- B \%*\% solve(t(B) \%*\% B) \%*\% t(B)
# cve estimates for B with simple and weighted method
B.s <- coef(cve.obj.s, k = 2)
B.w <- coef(cve.obj.w, k = 2)
# same as B.s \%*\% t(B.s) since B.s is semi-orthogonal (same vor B.w)
PB.s <- B.s \%*\% solve(t(B.s) \%*\% B.s) \%*\% t(B.s)
PB.w <- B.w \%*\% solve(t(B.w) \%*\% B.w) \%*\% t(B.w)
# compare estimation accuracy of simple and weighted cve estimate by
# Frobenius norm of difference of projections.
norm(PB - PB.s, type = 'F')
norm(PB - PB.w, type = 'F')

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@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ cve.call(X, Y, method = "simple", nObs = sqrt(nrow(X)), h = NULL,
\item{Y}{Responses (1 dimensional).}
\item{method}{specifies the CVE method variation as one of
\item "simple" exact implementation as described in the paper listed
\item "weighted" variation with addaptive weighting of slices.
\item{nObs}{parameter for choosing bandwidth \code{h} using
\code{\link{estimate.bandwidth}} (ignored if \code{h} is supplied).}
@ -39,7 +46,8 @@ optimizing.}
\item{gamma}{step-size reduction multiple.}
\item{V.init}{Semi-orthogonal matrix of dimensions `(ncol(X), ncol(X) - k)` #' as optimization starting value. (If supplied, \code{attempts} is
\item{V.init}{Semi-orthogonal matrix of dimensions `(ncol(X), ncol(X) - k)
as optimization starting value. (If supplied, \code{attempts} is
set to 1 and \code{k} to match dimension)}
\item{max.iter}{maximum number of optimization steps.}
@ -84,3 +92,27 @@ and \eqn{B = (b_1, ..., b_k)} is
a real \eqn{p \times k}{p x k} of rank \eqn{k <= p}{k \leq p}.
Without loss of generality \eqn{B} is assumed to be orthonormal.
# create B for simulation (k = 1)
B <- rep(1, 5) / sqrt(5)
# creat predictor data X ~ N(0, I_p)
X <- matrix(rnorm(500), 100, 5)
# simulate response variable
# Y = f(B'X) + err
# with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
Y <- X \%*\% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
# calculate cve with method 'simple' for k = 1
cve.obj.simple1 <- cve(Y ~ X, k = 1)
# same as
cve.obj.simple2 <- cve.call(X, Y, k = 1)
# extract estimated B's.
coef(cve.obj.simple1, k = 1)
coef(cve.obj.simple2, k = 1)

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@ -15,3 +15,22 @@
Computes projected training data \code{X} for given dimension `k`.
# create B for simulation (k = 1)
B <- rep(1, 5) / sqrt(5)
# creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
x <- matrix(rnorm(500), 100, 5)
# simulate response variable
# y = f(B'x) + err
# with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
y <- x \%*\% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
# calculate cve with method 'simple' for k = 1
cve.obj.simple <- cve(y ~ x, k = 1, method = 'simple')
# get projected data for k = 1
x.proj <- directions(cve.obj.simple, k = 1)
# plot y against projected data
plot(x.proj, y)

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@ -25,3 +25,23 @@ with \eqn{n} the sample size, \eqn{p} its dimension
(\code{n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X)}) and the covariance-matrix \eqn{\Sigma}
which is \code{(n-1)/n} times the sample covariance estimate.
# set dimensions for simulation model
p <- 5; k <- 1
# create B for simulation
B <- rep(1, p) / sqrt(p)
# samplsize
n <- 100
#creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p)
# simulate response variable
# y = f(B'x) + err
# with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
y <- x \%*\% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
# calculate cve with method 'simple' for k = 1
cve.obj.simple <- cve(y ~ x, k = k)
print(estimate.bandwidth(x, k = k))

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@ -14,6 +14,33 @@
Boxplots of the loss from \code{min.dim} to \code{max.dim} \code{k} values.
# create B for simulation
B <- cbind(rep(1, 6), (-1)^seq(6)) / sqrt(6)
# creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
X <- matrix(rnorm(600), 100)
# simulate response variable
# y = f(B'x) + err
# with f(x1, x2) = x1^2 + 2 x2 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
Y <- (X \%*\% B[, 1])^2 + 2 * X \%*\% B[, 2] + rnorm(100, 0, .1)
# Create bandwidth estimation function
estimate.bandwidth <- function(X, k, nObs) {
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
X_c <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
2 * qchisq((nObs - 1) / (n - 1), k) * sum(X_c^2) / (n * p)
# calculate cve with method 'simple' for k = min.dim,...,max.dim
cve.obj.simple <- cve(Y ~ X, h = estimate.bandwidth, nObs = sqrt(nrow(X)))
# elbow plot
see \code{\link{par}} for graphical parameters to pass through

View File

@ -22,6 +22,33 @@ prediced response of data \code{newdata}.
Predict responces using reduced data with \code{\link{mars}}.
# create B for simulation
B <- rep(1, 5) / sqrt(5)
# creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
x <- matrix(rnorm(500), 100)
# simulate response variable
# y = f(B'x) + err
# with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
y <- x \%*\% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
x.train <- x[1:80, ]
x.test <- x[81:100, ]
y.train <- y[1:80, ]
y.test <- y[81:100, ]
# calculate cve with method 'simple' for k = 1
cve.obj.simple <- cve(y.train ~ x.train, k = 1)
# predict y.test from x.test
yhat <- predict(cve.obj.simple, x.test, 1)
# plot prediction against y.test
plot(yhat, y.test)
\code{\link{cve}}, \code{\link{cve.call}} or \pkg{\link{mars}}.

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/predict_dim.R
\title{Predicts SDR dimension using \code{\link[mda]{mars}} via a Cross-Validation.}
predict.dim(object, ...)
\item{object}{instance of class \code{cve} (result of \code{cve},
list with
\item MSE: Mean Square Error,
\item k: predicted dimensions.
Predicts SDR dimension using \code{\link[mda]{mars}} via a Cross-Validation.

View File

@ -14,3 +14,22 @@
Prints a summary of a \code{cve} result.
# create B for simulation
B <- rep(1, 5) / sqrt(5)
#creat predictor data x ~ N(0, I_p)
x <- matrix(rnorm(500), 100)
# simulate response variable
# y = f(B'x) + err
# with f(x1) = x1 and err ~ N(0, 0.25^2)
y <- x \%*\% B + 0.25 * rnorm(100)
# calculate cve for unknown k between min.dim and max.dim.
cve.obj.simple <- cve(y ~ x)

View File

@ -13,22 +13,18 @@
* @param logger Pointer to a SEXP R object representing an R function.
* @param env Pointer to a SEXP R object representing an R environment.
* @param attempt counter of attempts.
* @param iter optimization iteration counter.
* @param L Pointer to a SEXP R object representing an R environment.
* @param V Pointer memory area of size `nrowV * ncolV` storing `V`.
* @param nrowV Nr. of rows of `V`.
* @param ncolV Nr. of columns of `V`.
* @param G Pointer memory area of size `nrowG * ncolG` storing `G`.
* @param nrowG Nr. of rows of `G`.
* @param ncolG Nr. of columns of `G`.
* @param loss Current loss L(V).
* @param err Errof for break condition (0.0 befor first iteration).
* @param tau Current step-size.
void callLogger(SEXP logger, SEXP env,
const int attempt, const int iter,
const double* L, const int lenL,
const double* V, const int nrowV, const int ncolV,
const double* G, const int nrowG, const int ncolG,
const mat* L, const mat* V, const mat* G,
const double loss, const double err, const double tau) {
/* Create R objects to be passed to R logger function. */
// Attempt is converted from 0-indexed to 1-indexed as R index.
@ -36,13 +32,13 @@ void callLogger(SEXP logger, SEXP env,
SEXP r_iter = PROTECT(ScalarInteger(iter + 1));
/* Create R representations of L, V and G */
SEXP r_L = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, lenL));
SEXP r_V = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrowV, ncolV));
SEXP r_G = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrowG, ncolG));
SEXP r_L = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, L->nrow));
SEXP r_V = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, V->nrow, V->ncol));
SEXP r_G = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, G->nrow, G->ncol));
/* Copy data to R objects */
memcpy(REAL(r_L), L, lenL * sizeof(double));
memcpy(REAL(r_V), V, nrowV * ncolV * sizeof(double));
memcpy(REAL(r_G), G, nrowG * ncolG * sizeof(double));
memcpy(REAL(r_L), L->elem, L->nrow * sizeof(double));
memcpy(REAL(r_V), V->elem, V->nrow * V->ncol * sizeof(double));
memcpy(REAL(r_G), G->elem, G->nrow * G->ncol * sizeof(double));
/* Build data list passed to logger */
SEXP data = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 6));

View File

@ -2,121 +2,113 @@
#include "cve.h"
// TODO: clarify
static inline double gaussKernel(const double x, const double scale) {
return exp(scale * x * x);
void cve_sub(const int n, const int p, const int q,
const double *X, const double *Y, const double h,
const unsigned int method,
const double momentum,
const double tau_init, const double tol_init,
const double slack, const double gamma,
const int maxIter, const int attempts,
double *V, double *L,
SEXP logger, SEXP loggerEnv) {
int attempt = 0, iter, i, nn = (n * (n - 1)) / 2;
void cve(const mat *X, const mat *Y, const double h,
const unsigned int method,
const double momentum,
const double tau_init, const double tol_init,
const double slack, const double gamma,
const int maxIter, const int attempts,
mat *V, mat *L,
SEXP logger, SEXP loggerEnv) {
// TODO: param and dim. validation.
int n = X->nrow, p = X->ncol, q = V->ncol;
int attempt = 0, iter;
double loss, loss_last, loss_best, err, tau;
double tol = tol_init * sqrt((double)(2 * q));
double gKscale = -0.5 / (h * h);
double agility = -2.0 * (1.0 - momentum) / (h * h);
double c = agility / (double)n;
// TODO: check parameters! dim, ...
/* Create further intermediate or internal variables. */
double *Q = (double*)R_alloc(p * p, sizeof(double));
double *V_best = (double*)R_alloc(p * q, sizeof(double));
double *L_best = (double*)R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
double *V_tau = (double*)R_alloc(p * q, sizeof(double));
double *X_diff = (double*)R_alloc(nn * p, sizeof(double));
double *X_proj = (double*)R_alloc(nn * p, sizeof(double));
double *y1 = (double*)R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
double *vecD = (double*)R_alloc(nn, sizeof(double));
double *vecK = (double*)R_alloc(nn, sizeof(double));
double *vecS = (double*)R_alloc(nn, sizeof(double));
double *colSums = (double*)R_alloc(n, sizeof(double));
double *G = (double*)R_alloc(p * q, sizeof(double));
double *A = (double*)R_alloc(p * p, sizeof(double));
mat *lvecD_e = (void*)0;
mat *Ysquared = (void*)0;
mat *XV = (void*)0;
mat *lvecD = (void*)0; // TODO: combine. aka in-place lvecToSym
mat *D = (void*)0; // TODO: combine. aka in-place lvecToSym
mat *lvecK = (void*)0; // TODO: combine. aka in-place lvecToSym
mat *K = (void*)0; // TODO: combine. aka in-place lvecToSym
mat *colSumsK = (void*)0;
mat *W = (void*)0;
mat *y1 = (void*)0;
mat *y2 = (void*)0;
mat *S = (void*)0;
mat *tmp1 = (void*)0;
mat *tmp2 = (void*)0;
mat *G = (void*)0;
mat *A = (void*)0;
mat *V_tau = (void*)0;
mat *V_best = (void*)0;
mat *L_best = (void*)0;
double *V_init = (void*)0;
if (attempts < 1) {
V_init = (double*)R_alloc(p * q, sizeof(double));
memcpy(V_init, V, p * q * sizeof(double));
/* Allocate appropiate amount of working memory. */
int workLen = 2 * (p + 1) * p;
if (workLen < n) {
workLen = n;
/* Determine size of working memory used by subroutines. */
const int workLen = getWorkLen(n, p, q);
double *workMem = (double*)R_alloc(workLen, sizeof(double));
/* Compute X_diff, this is static for the entire algorithm. */
rowDiffs(X, n, p, X_diff);
lvecD_e = rowDiffSquareSums(X, lvecD_e);
Ysquared = hadamard(1.0, Y, Y, 0.0, Ysquared);
do {
/* (Re)set learning rate. */
tau = tau_init;
/* Check if start value for `V` was supplied. */
if (V_init == (void*)0) {
if (attempts > 0) {
/* Sample start value from stiefel manifold. */
rStiefel(p, q, V, workMem, workLen);
} else {
/* (Re)Set start value of `V` to `V_init`. */
memcpy(V, V_init, p * q * sizeof(double));
V = rStiefel(p, q, V, workMem);
/* Create projection matrix `Q <- I - V V^T` for initial `V`. */
nullProj(V, p, q, Q);
/* Compute Distance vector. */
matrixprod(X, n, p, Q, p, p, X_proj); // here X_proj is only `(n, p)`.
rowDiffSquareSums(X_proj, n, p, vecD);
/* Embed X_i's in V space */
XV = matrixprod(1.0, X, V, 0.0, XV);
/* Compute embedded distances */
lvecD = lincomb(1.0, lvecD_e, -1.0, rowDiffSquareSums(XV, lvecD));
/* Apply kernel to distances. */
for (i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
vecK[i] = gaussKernel(vecD[i], gKscale);
lvecK = applyKernel(lvecD, h, gauss, lvecK);
/* Transform lower vectors lvecD, lvecK into sym. matrices. */
D = lvecToSym(lvecD, 0.0, D);
K = lvecToSym(lvecK, 1.0, K);
/* Compute column sums of kernel matrix K */
colSumsK = colSums(K, colSumsK);
/* Normalize K columns to obtain weight matrix W */
W = colApply(K, '/', colSumsK, W);
/* first and second order weighted responces */
y1 = matrixprod(1.0, W, Y, 0.0, y1);
y2 = matrixprod(1.0, W, Ysquared, 0.0, y2);
/* Compute losses */
L = hadamard(-1.0, y1, y1, 1.0, copy(y2, L));
/* Compute initial loss */
if (method == simple) {
loss_last = mean(L);
/* Calculate the scaling matrix S */
S = laplace(adjacence(L, Y, y1, D, W, gauss, S), workMem);
} else if (method == weighted) {
colSumsK = elemApply(colSumsK, '-', 1.0, colSumsK);
loss_last = dot(L, '/', colSumsK);
c = agility / sum(colSumsK);
/* Calculate the scaling matrix S */
S = laplace(adjacence(L, Y, y1, D, K, gauss, S), workMem);
} else {
// TODO: error handling!
/* Compute col(row) sums of kernal vector (sym. packed lower tri
* matrix.), because `K == K^T` the rowSums are equal to colSums. */
rowSumsSymVec(vecK, n, 1.0, colSums);
/* Compute loss given the kernel vector and its column sums.
* Additionally the first momentum `y1` is computed and stored in
* the working memory (only intermidiate result, needed for `vecS`). */
loss_last = cost(method, n, Y, vecK, colSums, y1, L);
/* Calc the scaling vector used for final computation of grad. */
scaling(method, n, Y, y1, L, vecD, vecK, colSums, vecS);
/* Compute the eucledian gradient `G`. */
rowSweep(X_diff, nn, p, "*", vecS, X_proj);
crossprod(X_diff, nn, p, X_proj, nn, p, workMem);
matrixprod(workMem, p, p, V, p, q, G);
if (method == CVE_METHOD_WEIGHTED) {
/* Compute summ of all kernel applied distances by summing the
* colSums of the kernel matrix. */
// c = -(double)n; // to scale with sum(K) - n
// for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// c += colSums[i];
// }
// TODO: check for division by zero, but should not happen!!!
c = agility / (sum(colSums, n) - (double)n);
scale(c, G, p * q); // in-place
/* Gradient */
tmp1 = matrixprod(1.0, S, X, 0.0, tmp1);
tmp2 = crossprod(1.0, X, tmp1, 0.0, tmp2);
G = matrixprod(c, tmp2, V, 0.0, G);
if (logger) {
callLogger(logger, loggerEnv,
attempt, /* iter <- 0L */ -1,
L, n,
V, p, q,
G, p, q,
L, V, G,
loss_last, /* err <- NA */ -1.0, tau);
/* Compute Skew-Symmetric matrix `A` used in Cayley transform.
* `A <- tau * (G V^T - V G^T) + 0 * A`*/
skew(p, q, tau, G, V, 0.0, A);
A = skew(tau, G, V, 0.0, A);
for (iter = 0; iter < maxIter; ++iter) {
/* Before Starting next iteration check if the Uer has requested an
@ -126,50 +118,57 @@ void cve_sub(const int n, const int p, const int q,
/* Move `V` along the gradient direction. */
cayleyTransform(p, q, A, V, V_tau, workMem);
V_tau = cayleyTransform(A, V, V_tau, workMem);
/* Create projection matrix for `V_tau`. */
nullProj(V_tau, p, q, Q);
/* Compute Distance vector. */
matrixprod(X, n, p, Q, p, p, X_proj); // here X_proj only `(n, p)`.
rowDiffSquareSums(X_proj, n, p, vecD);
// Rprintf("Start attempt(%2d), iter (%2d): err: %f, loss: %f, tau: %f\n",
// attempt, iter, dist(V, V_tau), loss_last, tau);
/* Embed X_i's in V space */
XV = matrixprod(1.0, X, V_tau, 0.0, XV);
/* Compute embedded distances */
lvecD = lincomb(1.0, lvecD_e, -1.0, rowDiffSquareSums(XV, lvecD));
/* Apply kernel to distances. */
for (i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
vecK[i] = gaussKernel(vecD[i], gKscale);
lvecK = applyKernel(lvecD, h, gauss, lvecK);
/* Transform lower vectors lvecD, lvecK into sym. matrices. */
D = lvecToSym(lvecD, 0.0, D);
K = lvecToSym(lvecK, 1.0, K);
/* Compute column sums of kernel matrix K */
colSumsK = colSums(K, colSumsK);
/* Normalize K columns to obtain weight matrix W */
W = colApply(K, '/', colSumsK, W);
/* first and second order weighted responces */
y1 = matrixprod(1.0, W, Y, 0.0, y1);
y2 = matrixprod(1.0, W, Ysquared, 0.0, y2);
/* Compute losses */
L = hadamard(-1.0, y1, y1, 1.0, copy(y2, L));
/* Compute loss */
if (method == simple) {
loss = mean(L);
} else if (method == weighted) {
colSumsK = elemApply(colSumsK, '-', 1.0, colSumsK);
loss = dot(L, '/', colSumsK);
} else {
// TODO: error handling!
/* Compute col(row) sums of kernal vector (sym. packed lower tri
* matrix.), because `K == K^T` the rowSums are equal to colSums. */
rowSumsSymVec(vecK, n, 1.0, colSums);
/* Compute loss given the kernel vector and its column sums.
* Additionally the first momentum `y1` is computed and stored in
* the working memory (only intermidiate result, needed for vecS).*/
loss = cost(method, n, Y, vecK, colSums, y1, L);
/* Check if step is appropriate, iff not reduce learning rate. */
if ((loss - loss_last) > loss_last * slack) {
tau *= gamma;
scale(gamma, A, p * p);
A = elemApply(A, '*', gamma, A); // scale A by gamma
/* Compute error, use workMem (keep first `n`, they store `y1`). */
skew(p, q, 1.0, V, V_tau, 0.0, workMem);
err = norm(workMem, p, p, "F");
/* Compute error, use workMem. */
err = dist(V, V_tau);
/* Shift next step to current step and store loss to last. */
memcpy(V, V_tau, p * q * sizeof(double));
V = copy(V_tau, V);
loss_last = loss;
if (logger) {
callLogger(logger, loggerEnv,
attempt, iter,
L, n,
V, p, q,
G, p, q,
L, V, G,
loss, err, tau);
@ -178,41 +177,35 @@ void cve_sub(const int n, const int p, const int q,
/* Continue computing the gradient. */
/* Calc the scaling vector used for final computation of grad. */
scaling(method, n, Y, y1, L, vecD, vecK, colSums, vecS);
/* Compute the eucledian gradient `G`. */
rowSweep(X_diff, nn, p, "*", vecS, X_proj);
crossprod(X_diff, nn, p, X_proj, nn, p, workMem);
// /* Update without momentum */
// matrixprod(workMem, p, p, V, p, q, G);
// scale(-2. / (((double)n) * h * h), G, p * q); // in-place
/* G <- momentum * G + agility * workMem V */
if (method == CVE_METHOD_WEIGHTED) {
/* Compute summ of all kernel applied distances by summing the
* colSums of the kernel matrix. */
// TODO: check for division by zero, but should not happen!!!
c = agility / (sum(colSums, n) - (double)n);
if (method == simple) {
/* Calculate the scaling matrix S */
S = laplace(adjacence(L, Y, y1, D, W, gauss, S), workMem);
} else if (method == weighted) {
/* Calculate the scaling matrix S */
S = laplace(adjacence(L, Y, y1, D, K, gauss, S), workMem);
c = agility / sum(colSumsK);
} else {
// TODO: error handling!
F77_NAME(dgemm)("N", "N", &p, &q, &p,
&c, workMem, &p, V, &p,
&momentum, G, &p);
/* Gradient */
tmp1 = matrixprod(1.0, S, X, 0.0, tmp1);
tmp2 = crossprod(1.0, X, tmp1, 0.0, tmp2);
G = matrixprod(c, tmp2, V, momentum, G);
/* Compute Skew-Symmetric matrix `A` used in Cayley transform.
* `A <- tau * (G V^T - V G^T) + 0 * A`*/
skew(p, q, tau, G, V, 0.0, A);
A = skew(tau, G, V, 0.0, A);
/* Check if current attempt improved previous ones */
if (attempt == 0 || loss < loss_best) {
loss_best = loss;
memcpy(V_best, V, p * q * sizeof(double));
memcpy(L_best, L, n * sizeof(double));
V_best = copy(V, V_best);
L_best = copy(L, L_best);
} while (++attempt < attempts);
memcpy(V, V_best, p * q * sizeof(double));
memcpy(L, L_best, n * sizeof(double));
V = copy(V_best, V);
L = copy(L_best, L);

View File

@ -12,107 +12,90 @@
#define CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SIZE 2032
#define CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SMALL 1016
#define BLOCK_SIZE 8
/* Bis masks for method types */
* @struct Matrix of dimensions `nrow x ncol`.
typedef struct matrix {
int nrow; /**< Number of rows */
int ncol; /**< Number of columns */
void *origin; /**< Reference to origin, see `asMat()`. */
double *elem; /**< Column-major array of matrix elements. */
} mat;
// typedef struct {
// unsigned int nrow;
// unsigned int ncol;
// unsigned int memsize;
// double *data;
// } mat;
typedef enum {
} method;
// mat* Matrix(const unsigned int nrow, const unsigned int ncol);
typedef enum {
} kernel;
void cve_sub(const int n, const int p, const int q,
const double *X, const double *Y, const double h,
const unsigned int method,
const double momentum,
const double tau_init, const double tol_init,
const double slack, const double gamma,
const int maxIter, int attempts,
double *V, double *L,
SEXP logger, SEXP loggerEnv);
void cve(const mat *X, const mat *Y, const double h,
const unsigned int method,
const double momentum,
const double tau_init, const double tol_init,
const double slack, const double gamma,
const int maxIter, const int attempts,
mat *V, mat *L,
SEXP logger, SEXP loggerEnv);
void callLogger(SEXP logger, SEXP env,
const int attempt, const int epoch,
const double* L, const int lenL,
const double* V, const int nrowV, const int ncolV,
const double* G, const int nrowG, const int ncolG,
const int attempt, const int iter,
const mat* L, const mat* V, const mat* G,
const double loss, const double err, const double tau);
/* CVE sub-routines */
int getWorkLen(const int n, const int p, const int q);
double cost(const unsigned int method,
const int n,
const double *Y,
const double *vecK,
const double *colSums,
double *y1, double *L);
void scaling(const unsigned int method,
const int n,
const double *Y, const double *y1, const double *L,
const double *vecD, const double *vecK,
const double *colSums,
double *vecS);
/** rStiefel.c **/
/* Random element from Stiefel manifold. */
mat* rStiefel(const int p, const int q, mat *V, double *workMem);
/* rStiefel */
void rStiefel(const int p, const int q, double *V,
double *workMem, int workLen);
/** matrix.c **/
/* Create and Copy matrices */
mat* matrix(const int nrow, const int ncol);
mat* zero(const int nrow, const int ncol);
mat* copy(mat *src, mat *dest);
/* Matrix to scalar */
double sum(const mat *A);
double mean(const mat *A);
double squareSum(const mat* A);
double dot(const mat *A, const char op, const mat *B);
double dist(const mat *A, const mat *B);
/* Matrix to vector (`ncol == 1` matrices, aka row vectors) */
mat* rowSums(const mat *A, mat *sums);
mat* colSums(const mat *A, mat *sums);
mat* rowDiffSquareSums(const mat *X, mat *lvecD);
/* Matrix and scalar to Matrix */
mat* elemApply(mat *A, const char op, const double scalar, mat *B);
/* Matrix and vector to Matrix */
mat* colApply(mat *A, const char op, mat *B, mat *C);
/* Matrix and Matrix to Matrix */
mat* lincomb(const double alpha, const mat *A, const double beta, mat *B);
mat* matrixprod(const double alpha, const mat *A, const mat *B,
double beta, mat* C);
mat* crossprod(const double alpha, const mat *A, const mat *B,
double beta, mat* C);
mat* hadamard(const double alpha, const mat* A, const mat *B,
double beta, mat* C);
mat* skew(const double alpha, mat* A, mat *B, double beta, mat* C);
/* Matrix Transformations */
mat* cayleyTransform(mat *A, mat *B, mat *C, double *workMem);
mat* laplace(mat *A, double *workMem);
mat* lvecToSym(const mat* A, const double diag, mat* B);
/* MATRIX */
double sum(const double *A, const int nelem);
double norm(const double *A, const int nrow, const int ncol,
const char *type);
void matrixprod(const double *A, const int nrowA, const int ncolA,
const double *B, const int nrowB, const int ncolB,
double *C);
void crossprod(const double *A, const int nrowA, const int ncolA,
const double *B, const int nrowB, const int ncolB,
double *C);
void skew(const int nrow, const int ncol,
double alpha, const double *A, const double *B,
double beta,
double *C);
void nullProj(const double *B, const int nrowB, const int ncolB,
double *Q);
void scale(const double s, double *A, const int nelem);
void cayleyTransform(const int p, const int q,
const double *A, const double *B,
double *X, double *workMem);
/* Row and column opperations. */
void rowSums(const double *A, const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum);
void colSums(const double *A, const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum);
void rowSquareSums(const double *A, const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum);
void rowSumsSymVec(const double *Avec, const int nrow,
const double diag,
double *sum);
void rowDiffs(const double* X, const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *diffs);
void rowDiffSquareSums(const double* X, const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum);
/* SWEEP */
void rowSweep(const double *A, const int nrow, const int ncol,
const char* op,
const double *v, // vector of length nrow
double *C);
/** cve_subroutines.c **/
/* CVE specific sub-routines */
mat* adjacence(const mat *vec_L, const mat *vec_Y, const mat *vec_y1,
const mat *mat_D, const mat *mat_W, kernel kernel,
mat *mat_S);
mat* applyKernel(const mat* A, const double h, kernel kernel, mat* B);
#endif /* CVE_INCLUDE_GUARD_H_ */

View File

@ -1,95 +1,257 @@
#include "cve.h"
int getWorkLen(const int n, const int p, const int q) {
int mpq; /**< Max of p and q */
int nn = ((n - 1) * n) / 2;
* Applies the requested kernel element-wise.
* @param A matrix to apply the kernel to.
* @param h bandwidth parameter.
* @param kernel the kernel to be used.
* @param B (in/out) matrix `A` with element-wise applied kernel.
* @returns ether the passed `B`, or a new created matrix if `B` was NULL.
mat* applyKernel(const mat* A, const double h, kernel kernel, mat* B) {
int i, nn = A->nrow * A->ncol;
int nn4 = 4 * (nn / 4);
double scale;
const double * restrict a;
double * restrict b;
if (p > q) {
mpq = p;
} else {
mpq = q;
if (!B) {
B = matrix(A->nrow, A->ncol);
} else if (nn != B->nrow * B->ncol) {
// TODO: error handling!
if (nn * p < (mpq + 1) * mpq) {
return 2 * (mpq + 1) * mpq;
} else {
return (nn + mpq) * mpq;
a = A->elem;
b = B->elem;
switch (kernel) {
case gauss:
scale = -0.5 / (h * h);
for (i = 0; i < nn4; i += 4) {
b[i] = exp(scale * a[i] * a[i]);
b[i + 1] = exp(scale * a[i + 1] * a[i + 1]);
b[i + 2] = exp(scale * a[i + 2] * a[i + 2]);
b[i + 3] = exp(scale * a[i + 3] * a[i + 3]);
for (; i < nn; ++i) {
b[i] = exp(scale * a[i] * a[i]);
// TODO: error handling!
return B;
double cost(const unsigned int method,
const int n,
const double *Y,
const double *vecK,
const double *colSums,
double *y1, double *L) {
int i, j, k;
double tmp, sum;
* Scaling matrix `S` defined as
* s_{i j} = (L_i - (Y_j - y1_i)^2) * d_{i j} * w_{i j}
* Mapping of vectors `L`, `y1` and `Y` combinations.
* Y[j]
* ------ j ----->
* s[0] s[n] . . . s[jn] . . . s[(j-1)n]
* s[1] s[n+1] . . . s[jn+1] . . . s[(j-1)n+1]
* | . . . . . .
* | . . . . . .
* . . . . . .
* L[i], y1[i] i s[i] s[n+i] . . . s[jn+i] . . . s[(j-1)n+i]
* . . . . . .
* | . . . . . .
* v . . . . . .
* s[n-1] s[2n-1] . . . s[n-1] . . . s[nn-1]
* @param L per sample loss vector of (lenght `n`).
* @param Y responces (lenght `n`).
* @param y1 weighted responces (lenght `n`).
* @param D distance matrix (dim. `n x n`).
* @param W weight matrix (dim. `n x n`).
* @param kernel the kernel to be used.
* @returns passed matrix `S` if not NULL, then a new `n x n` matrix is created.
* @example Basically equivalent to the following R function.
* r_LS <- function(L, Y, y1, D, W) {
* # get dimension
* n <- length(L)
* # Indices
* i <- rep(1:n, n)
* j <- rep(1:n, each = n)
* # Compute S
* matrix(L[i] - (Y[j] - y1[i])^2, n) * W * D
* }
* @details mapping for indices used in blocked implementation.
* n ..... Dimensions of `S`, a `n x n` matrix.
* B ..... BLOCK_SIZE
* rB .... block reminder, aka rB = B % n.
* Y[j]
* 0 ----- j -----> n
* 0 +--------------------+
* | ' |
* ' | k B x n |
* ' | v |
* ' +--------------------+
* L[i], y1[i] i | ' |
* ' | k B x n |
* ' | v |
* v +--------------------+
* | k rB x n |
* n +--------------------+
// TODO: fix: cache misses in Y?!
mat* adjacence(const mat *vec_L, const mat *vec_Y, const mat *vec_y1,
const mat *mat_D, const mat *mat_W, kernel kernel,
mat *mat_S) {
int i, j, k, n = vec_L->nrow;
int block_size, block_batch_size;
int max_size = 64 < n ? 64 : n; // Block Size set to 64
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
y1[i] = Y[i];
L[i] = Y[i] * Y[i];
double Y_j, tmp0, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3;
double *Y = vec_Y->elem;
double *L = vec_L->elem;
double *y1 = vec_y1->elem;
double *D, *W, *S;
// TODO: Check dims.
if (!mat_S) {
mat_S = matrix(n, n);
for (k = j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
for (i = j + 1; i < n; ++i, ++k) {
y1[i] += Y[j] * vecK[k];
y1[j] += Y[i] * vecK[k];
L[i] += Y[j] * Y[j] * vecK[k];
L[j] += Y[i] * Y[i] * vecK[k];
for (i = 0; i < n; i += block_size) {
/* Set blocks (left upper corner) */
S = mat_S->elem + i;
D = mat_D->elem + i;
W = mat_W->elem + i;
/* determine block size */
block_size = n - i;
if (block_size > max_size) {
block_size = max_size;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
y1[i] /= colSums[i];
L[i] /= colSums[i];
tmp = 0.0;
if (method == CVE_METHOD_WEIGHTED) {
sum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
tmp += (colSums[i] - 1.0) * (L[i] -= y1[i] * y1[i]);
sum += colSums[i];
return tmp / (sum - (double)n); // TODO: check for division by zero!
} else {
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
tmp += (L[i] -= y1[i] * y1[i]);
return tmp / (double)n;
void scaling(const unsigned int method,
const int n,
const double *Y, const double *y1, const double *L,
const double *vecD, const double *vecK,
const double *colSums,
double *vecS) {
int i, j, k, nn = (n * (n - 1)) / 2;
double tmp;
if (method == CVE_METHOD_WEIGHTED) {
for (k = j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
for (i = j + 1; i < n; ++i, ++k) {
tmp = Y[j] - y1[i];
vecS[k] = (L[i] - (tmp * tmp));
tmp = Y[i] - y1[j];
vecS[k] += (L[j] - (tmp * tmp));
} else {
for (k = j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
for (i = j + 1; i < n; ++i, ++k) {
tmp = Y[j] - y1[i];
vecS[k] = (L[i] - (tmp * tmp)) / colSums[i];
tmp = Y[i] - y1[j];
vecS[k] += (L[j] - (tmp * tmp)) / colSums[j];
block_batch_size = 4 * (block_size / 4);
/* for each column in the block */
for (j = 0; j < n; ++j, S += n, D += n, W += n) {
Y_j = Y[j];
/* iterate over block rows */
for (k = 0; k < block_batch_size; k += 4) {
tmp0 = Y_j - y1[k];
tmp1 = Y_j - y1[k + 1];
tmp2 = Y_j - y1[k + 2];
tmp3 = Y_j - y1[k + 3];
S[k] = (L[k] - (tmp0 * tmp0)) * D[k] * W[k];
S[k + 1] = (L[k + 1] - (tmp1 * tmp1)) * D[k + 1] * W[k + 1];
S[k + 2] = (L[k + 2] - (tmp2 * tmp2)) * D[k + 2] * W[k + 2];
S[k + 3] = (L[k + 3] - (tmp3 * tmp3)) * D[k + 3] * W[k + 3];
for (; k < block_size; ++k) {
tmp0 = Y_j - y1[k];
S[k] = (L[k] - (tmp0 * tmp0)) * D[k] * W[k];
L += block_size;
y1 += block_size;
for (k = 0; k < nn; ++k) {
vecS[k] *= vecK[k] * vecD[k];
return mat_S;
// int getWorkLen(const int n, const int p, const int q) {
// int mpq; /**< Max of p and q */
// int nn = ((n - 1) * n) / 2;
// if (p > q) {
// mpq = p;
// } else {
// mpq = q;
// }
// if (nn * p < (mpq + 1) * mpq) {
// return 2 * (mpq + 1) * mpq;
// } else {
// return (nn + mpq) * mpq;
// }
// }
// double cost(const unsigned int method,
// const int n,
// const double *Y,
// const double *vecK,
// const double *colSums,
// double *y1, double *L) {
// int i, j, k;
// double tmp, sum;
// for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// y1[i] = Y[i];
// L[i] = Y[i] * Y[i];
// }
// for (k = j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
// for (i = j + 1; i < n; ++i, ++k) {
// y1[i] += Y[j] * vecK[k];
// y1[j] += Y[i] * vecK[k];
// L[i] += Y[j] * Y[j] * vecK[k];
// L[j] += Y[i] * Y[i] * vecK[k];
// }
// }
// for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// y1[i] /= colSums[i];
// L[i] /= colSums[i];
// }
// tmp = 0.0;
// if (method == CVE_METHOD_WEIGHTED) {
// sum = 0.0;
// for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// tmp += (colSums[i] - 1.0) * (L[i] -= y1[i] * y1[i]);
// sum += colSums[i];
// }
// return tmp / (sum - (double)n); // TODO: check for division by zero!
// } else {
// for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
// tmp += (L[i] -= y1[i] * y1[i]);
// }
// return tmp / (double)n;
// }
// }
// void scaling(const unsigned int method,
// const int n,
// const double *Y, const double *y1, const double *L,
// const double *vecD, const double *vecK,
// const double *colSums,
// double *vecS) {
// int i, j, k, nn = (n * (n - 1)) / 2;
// double tmp;
// if (method == CVE_METHOD_WEIGHTED) {
// for (k = j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
// for (i = j + 1; i < n; ++i, ++k) {
// tmp = Y[j] - y1[i];
// vecS[k] = (L[i] - (tmp * tmp));
// tmp = Y[i] - y1[j];
// vecS[k] += (L[j] - (tmp * tmp));
// }
// }
// } else {
// for (k = j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
// for (i = j + 1; i < n; ++i, ++k) {
// tmp = Y[j] - y1[i];
// vecS[k] = (L[i] - (tmp * tmp)) / colSums[i];
// tmp = Y[i] - y1[j];
// vecS[k] += (L[j] - (tmp * tmp)) / colSums[j];
// }
// }
// }
// for (k = 0; k < nn; ++k) {
// vecS[k] *= vecK[k] * vecD[k];
// }
// }

View File

@ -1,27 +1,37 @@
#include "cve.h"
// SEXP rStiefel_c(SEXP pin, SEXP qin) {
// int p = asInteger(pin);
// int q = asInteger(qin);
* Converts a `SEXP` (S EXPression) into a matrix struct `mat`.
* @param S source struct to be converted.
* @details Reuses the memory area of the SEXP object, therefore manipulation
* of the returned matrix works in place of the SEXP object. In addition,
* a reference to the original SEXP is stored and will be retriefed from
* `asSEXP()` if the matrix was created through this function.
static mat* asMat(SEXP S) {
// TODO: error checking and conversion
mat* M = (mat*)R_alloc(1, sizeof(mat));
if (isMatrix(S)) {
M->nrow = (int)nrows(S);
M->ncol = (int)ncols(S);
} else {
M->nrow = (int)length(S);
M->ncol = 1;
M->origin = S;
M->elem = REAL(S);
return M;
// SEXP Vout = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, p, q));
// int workLen = 2 * (p + 1) * q;
// double *workMem = (double*)R_alloc(workLen, sizeof(double));
// rStiefel(p, q, REAL(Vout), workMem, workLen);
// return Vout;
// }
SEXP method,
SEXP V, // initial
SEXP momentum, SEXP tau, SEXP tol,
SEXP slack, SEXP gamma,
SEXP maxIter, SEXP attempts,
SEXP logger, SEXP loggerEnv) {
SEXP cve_export(SEXP X, SEXP Y, SEXP k, SEXP h,
SEXP method,
SEXP V, // initial
SEXP momentum, SEXP tau, SEXP tol,
SEXP slack, SEXP gamma,
SEXP maxIter, SEXP attempts,
SEXP logger, SEXP loggerEnv) {
/* Handle logger parameter, set to NULL pointer if not a function. */
if (!(isFunction(logger) && isEnvironment(loggerEnv))) {
logger = (void*)0;
@ -42,20 +52,19 @@ SEXP cve(SEXP X, SEXP Y, SEXP k, SEXP h,
/* Check `attempts`, if not positive use passed values of `V` as
* optimization start value without further attempts.
* Therefor, copy from `V` to `Vout`. */
if (asInteger(attempts) < 1L) {
if (asInteger(attempts) < 1) {
// TODO: Check for
memcpy(REAL(Vout), REAL(V), p * q * sizeof(double));
/* Call CVE simple subroutine. */
cve_sub(n, p, q,
REAL(X), REAL(Y), asReal(h),
asReal(momentum), asReal(tau), asReal(tol),
asReal(slack), asReal(gamma),
asInteger(maxIter), asInteger(attempts),
REAL(Vout), REAL(Lout),
logger, loggerEnv);
/* Call CVE */
cve(asMat(X), asMat(Y), asReal(h),
asReal(momentum), asReal(tau), asReal(tol),
asReal(slack), asReal(gamma),
asInteger(maxIter), asInteger(attempts),
asMat(Vout), asMat(Lout),
logger, loggerEnv);
/* Build output list object with names "V", "L" */
SEXP out = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2));

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@ -4,16 +4,16 @@
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
/* .Call calls */
extern SEXP cve(SEXP X, SEXP Y, SEXP k, SEXP h,
SEXP method,
SEXP V, // initial
SEXP momentum, SEXP tau, SEXP tol,
SEXP slack, SEXP gamma,
SEXP maxIter, SEXP attempts,
SEXP logger, SEXP loggerEnv);
extern SEXP cve_export(SEXP X, SEXP Y, SEXP k, SEXP h,
SEXP method,
SEXP V, // initial
SEXP momentum, SEXP tau, SEXP tol,
SEXP slack, SEXP gamma,
SEXP maxIter, SEXP attempts,
SEXP logger, SEXP loggerEnv);
static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
{"cve", (DL_FUNC) &cve, 15},
{"cve_export", (DL_FUNC) &cve_export, 15},

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,66 +1,31 @@
#include "cve.h"
// /**
// * Performas a QR factorization and computes the Q factor.
// *
// * @param A matrix.
// * @returns The Q factor of the QR factorization `A = QR`.
// */
// SEXP qrQ(SEXP Ain) {
// int i, j, info;
// if (!isMatrix(Ain)) {
// error("Argument must be a matrix.");
// }
// int nrow = nrows(Ain);
// int ncol = ncols(Ain);
// double *A = (double*)R_alloc(nrow * ncol, sizeof(double));
// memcpy(A, REAL(Ain), nrow * ncol * sizeof(double));
// // double *A = REAL(Ain);
// // Scalar factors of elementary reflectors.
// double *tau = (double*)R_alloc(ncol, sizeof(double));
// // Create Working memory area.
// int lenWork = 3 * nrow;
// double *memWork = (double*)R_alloc(lenWork, sizeof(double));
// F77_NAME(dgeqrf)(&nrow, &ncol, A, &nrow, tau,
// memWork, &lenWork, &info);
// SEXP Qout = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrow, ncol));
// double *Q = REAL(Qout);
// for (j = 0; j < ncol; ++j) {
// for (i = 0; i < nrow; ++i) {
// if (i == j) {
// Q[i + nrow * j] = 1.;
// } else {
// Q[i + nrow * j] = 0.;
// }
// }
// }
// F77_NAME(dormqr)("L", "N", &nrow, &ncol, &ncol, A, &nrow, tau, Q, &nrow,
// memWork, &lenWork, &info);
// return Qout;
// }
* Draws a sample from invariant measure on the Stiefel manifold \eqn{S(p, q)}.
* Draws a sample from invariant measure on the Stiefel manifold \eqn{S(p, q)}.
* @param p row dimension
* @param q col dimension
* @return \code{p} times \code{q} semi-orthogonal matrix.
* `V <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * q, 0, 1), p, q)))`
* @param p row dimension
* @param q column dimension
* @param V (in/out) matrix of dimensions `p x q` or NULL.
* @param workMem work space array of length greater-equal than `2pq + q`.
* @return Passed matrix `V` or new created if `V` is NULL.
* @example Performs the same operation as the following `R` code:
* V <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * q, 0, 1), p, q)))
* @details ATTENTION: The length of workMem must be at least `2pq + q`.
void rStiefel(const int p, const int q, double *V,
double *workMem, int workLen) {
int i, j, info;
mat* rStiefel(const int p, const int q, mat *V, double *workMem) {
int i, j, info, workLen = 2 * p * q + q;
int pq = p * q;
double *v;
if (!V) {
V = matrix(p, q);
} else if (V->nrow != p || V->ncol != q) {
// TODO: error handling!
v = V->elem;
for (i = 0; i < pq; ++i) {
@ -76,14 +41,12 @@ void rStiefel(const int p, const int q, double *V,
for (j = 0; j < q; ++j) {
for (i = 0; i < p; ++i) {
if (i == j) {
V[i + p * j] = 1.;
} else {
V[i + p * j] = 0.;
v[p * j + i] = i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0;
F77_NAME(dormqr)("L", "N", &p, &q, &q, workMem, &p, tau, V, &p,
F77_NAME(dormqr)("L", "N", &p, &q, &q, workMem, &p, tau, V->elem, &p,
workMem + pq + q, &workLen, &info);
return V;

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@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
#include "cve.h"
* Computes the row sums of a matrix `A`.
* @param A Pointer to col-major matrix elements, size is `nrow * ncol`.
* @param nrow Number of rows of `A`.
* @param ncol Number of columns of `A`.
* @param sum Pointer to output row sums of size `nrow`.
void rowSums(const double *A, const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum) {
int i, j, block_size, block_size_i;
const double *A_block = A;
const double *A_end = A + nrow * ncol;
if (nrow > CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SIZE) {
block_size = CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SIZE;
} else {
block_size = nrow;
// Iterate `(block_size_i, ncol)` submatrix blocks.
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i += block_size_i) {
// Reset `A` to new block beginning.
A = A_block;
// Take block size of eveything left and reduce to max size.
block_size_i = nrow - i;
if (block_size_i > block_size) {
block_size_i = block_size;
// Compute first blocks column,
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
sum[j] = A[j];
// and sum the following columns to the first one.
for (A += nrow; A < A_end; A += nrow) {
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
sum[j] += A[j];
// Step one block forth.
A_block += block_size_i;
sum += block_size_i;
void colSums(const double *A, const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *colSums) {
int i, j;
int nrowb = 4 * (nrow / 4); // 4 * floor(nrow / 4)
double colSum;
for (j = 0; j < ncol; ++j) {
colSum = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < nrowb; i += 4) {
colSum += A[i]
+ A[i + 1]
+ A[i + 2]
+ A[i + 3];
for (; i < nrow; ++i) {
colSum += A[i];
*(colSums++) = colSum;
A += nrow;
void rowSquareSums(const double *A,
const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum) {
int i, j, block_size, block_size_i;
const double *A_block = A;
const double *A_end = A + nrow * ncol;
if (nrow > CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SIZE) {
block_size = CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SIZE;
} else {
block_size = nrow;
// Iterate `(block_size_i, ncol)` submatrix blocks.
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i += block_size_i) {
// Reset `A` to new block beginning.
A = A_block;
// Take block size of eveything left and reduce to max size.
block_size_i = nrow - i;
if (block_size_i > block_size) {
block_size_i = block_size;
// Compute first blocks column,
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
sum[j] = A[j] * A[j];
// and sum the following columns to the first one.
for (A += nrow; A < A_end; A += nrow) {
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
sum[j] += A[j] * A[j];
// Step one block forth.
A_block += block_size_i;
sum += block_size_i;
void rowSumsSymVec(const double *Avec, const int nrow,
const double diag,
double *sum) {
int i, j;
if (diag == 0.0) {
memset(sum, 0, nrow * sizeof(double));
} else {
for (i = 0; i < nrow; ++i) {
sum[i] = diag;
for (j = 0; j < nrow; ++j) {
for (i = j + 1; i < nrow; ++i, ++Avec) {
sum[j] += *Avec;
sum[i] += *Avec;
void rowDiffs(const double* X, const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *diffs) {
int i, j, k, l;
const double *Xcol;
for (k = l = 0; l < ncol; ++l) {
Xcol = X + l * nrow;
for (i = 0; i < nrow; ++i) {
for (j = i + 1; j < nrow; ++j) {
diffs[k++] = Xcol[i] - Xcol[j];
void rowDiffSquareSums(const double* X, const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum) {
int i, j, k, l;
const double *Xcol;
double tmp;
memset(sum, 0, ((nrow * (nrow - 1)) / 2) * sizeof(double));
for (l = 0; l < ncol; ++l) {
Xcol = X + l * nrow;
for (k = i = 0; i < nrow; ++i) {
for (j = i + 1; j < nrow; ++j, ++k) {
tmp = Xcol[i] - Xcol[j];
sum[k] += tmp * tmp;

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@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
#include "cve.h"
#define ROW_SWEEP_ALG(op) \
/* Iterate `(block_size_i, ncol)` submatrix blocks. */ \
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i += block_size_i) { \
/* Set `A` and `C` to block beginning. */ \
A = A_block; \
C = C_block; \
/* Get current block's row size. */ \
block_size_i = nrow - i; \
if (block_size_i > block_size) { \
block_size_i = block_size; \
} \
/* Perform element wise operation for block. */ \
for (; A < A_end; A += nrow, C += nrow) { \
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) { \
C[j] = (A[j]) op (v[j]); \
} \
} \
/* Step one block forth. */ \
A_block += block_size_i; \
C_block += block_size_i; \
v += block_size_i; \
/* C[, j] = A[, j] op v for each j = 1 to ncol with op as one of +, -, *, / */
void rowSweep(const double *A, const int nrow, const int ncol,
const char* op,
const double *v, // vector of length nrow
double *C) {
int i, j, block_size, block_size_i;
const double *A_block = A;
double *C_block = C;
const double *A_end = A + nrow * ncol;
if (nrow > CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SMALL) { // small because 3 vectors in cache
block_size = CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SMALL;
} else {
block_size = nrow;
if (*op == '+') {
} else if (*op == '-') {
} else if (*op == '*') {
} else if (*op == '/') {

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@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ Performance:
- [NOT Feasible] Stochastic Version
- [NOT Feasible] Gradient Approximations (using Algebraic Software for alternative Loss function formulations and gradient optimizations)
- [NOT Sufficient] Alternative Kernels for reducing samples
- [ ] (To Be further investigated) "Kronecker" optimization
- [x] (To Be further investigated) "Kronecker" optimization
- [ ] Implement "Kronecker" optimization
Features (functions):
- [x] Initial `V.init` parameter (only ONE try, ignore number of `attempts` parameter)
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ Changes:
- [x] `CVE_C` compare to `CVE_legacy`.
- [x] fix: `predict.dim` not found.
- [ ] fix/check: error computation for break condition (in `cve.c`)
# Development
## Build and install.

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@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ subspace.dist <- function(B1, B2){
# Number of simulations
SIM.NR <- 50
SIM.NR <- 50L
# maximal number of iterations in curvilinear search algorithm
MAXIT <- 50
MAXIT <- 50L
# number of arbitrary starting values for curvilinear optimization
# set names of datasets
dataset.names <- c("M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5")
# Set used CVE method

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@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ library(CVE)
path <- paste0('~/Projects/CVE/tmp/logger_', method, '_', momentum, '.C.pdf')
# Define logger for `cve()` method.
logger <- function(iter, attempt, data) {
logger <- function(attempt, iter, data) {
# Note the `<<-` assignement!
loss.history[iter + 1, attempt] <<- data$loss
error.history[iter + 1, attempt] <<- if (data$err > 0) data$err else NA
error.history[iter + 1, attempt] <<- data$err
tau.history[iter + 1, attempt] <<- data$tau
# Compute true error by comparing to the true `B`
B.est <- null(data$V) # Function provided by CVE