
439 lines
16 KiB

/** Methods computing or estimating the second moment of the Ising model given
* the natural parameters of the p.m.f. in exponential family form. That is
* f(x) = p0(params) exp(vech(x x')' params)
* where `params` are the natural parameters. The scaling constant `p0(params)`
* is also the zero event `x = (0, ..., 0)` probability.
* Three different version are provided.
* - exact: Exact method computing the true second moment `E[X X']` given the
* parameters `params`. This method has a runtime of `O(2^dim)` where
* `dim` is the dimension of the random variable `X`. This means it is
* infeasible for bigger (like 25 and above) values if `dim`
* - MC: Monte-Carlo method used in case the exact method is not feasible.
* - MC Thrd: Multi-Threaded Monte-Carlo method.
* The natural parameters `params` of the Ising model is a `dim (dim + 1) / 2`
* dimensional numeric vector containing the log-odds. The indexing schema into
* the parameters corresponding to the log-odds of single or two way interactions
* with indicex `i, j` are according to the half-vectorization schema
* i = 4'th row => Symmetry => Half-Vectorized Storage
* [ * * * * * * ] [ * * * * * * ] [ * * * 15 * * ]
* [ * * * * * * ] [ * * * * * * ] [ * * 12 16 * ]
* [ * * * * * * ] [ * * * * * * ] [ * 8 * 17 ]
* [ 3 8 12 15 16 17 ] [ 3 8 12 15 * * ] [ 3 * * ]
* [ * * * * * * ] [ * * * 16 * * ] [ * * ]
* [ * * * * * * ] [ * * * 17 * * ] [ * ]
#include <float.h> // DBL_MAX
#include "R_api.h"
#include "bit_utils.h"
#include "int_utils.h"
#include "ising_MCMC.h"
#ifndef __STDC_NO_THREADS__
#include <threads.h>
// TODO: read //
// https://developer.r-project.org/Blog/public/2019/04/18/common-protect-errors/
// and
// https://developer.r-project.org/Blog/public/2018/12/10/unprotecting-by-value/index.html
// as well as do the following PROPERLLY
// TODO: make specialized version using the parameters in given sym mat form //
// similar to `ising_sample()` //
// void ising_m2_exact_mat(
// const size_t dim, const size_t ldA, const double* A,
// double* M2
// ) {
// double sum_0 = 1.0;
// const uint32_t max_event = (uint32_t)1 << dim;
// (void)memset(M2, 0, dim * dim * sizeof(double));
// for (uint32_t X = 1; X < max_event; ++X) {
// // Evaluate quadratic form `X' A X` using symmetry of `A`
// double XtAX = 0.0;
// for (uint32_t Y = X; Y; Y &= Y - 1) {
// const int i = bitScanLS32(Y);
// XtAX += A[i * (ldA + 1)];
// for (uint32_t Z = Y & (Y - 1); Z; Z &= Z - 1) {
// XtAX += 2 * A[i * ldA + bitScanLS32(Z)];
// }
// }
// const double prob_X = exp(XtAX);
// sum_0 += prob_X;
// for (uint32_t Y = X; Y; Y &= Y - 1) {
// const int i = bitScanLS32(Y);
// for (uint32_t Z = Y; Z; Z &= Z - 1) {
// M2[i * dim + bitScanLS32(Z)] += prob_X;
// }
// }
// }
// const double prob_0 = 1.0 / sum_0;
// for (size_t j = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
// for (size_t i = 0; i < j; ++i) {
// M2[j * dim + i] = M2[i * dim + j];
// }
// for (size_t i = j; i < dim; ++i) {
// M2[i * dim + j] *= prob_0;
// }
// }
// }
double ising_m2_exact(const size_t dim, const double* params, double* M2) {
// Accumulator of sum of all (unscaled) probabilities
double sum_0 = 1.0;
// max event (actually upper bound)
const uint32_t max_event = (uint32_t)1 << dim;
// Length of parameters
const size_t len = dim * (dim + 1) / 2;
// Initialize M2 to zero
(void)memset(M2, 0, len * sizeof(double));
// Iterate all `2^dim` binary vectors `X`
for (uint32_t X = 1; X < max_event; ++X) {
// Dot product `<vech(X X'), params>`
double dot_X = 0.0;
// all bits in `X`
for (uint32_t Y = X; Y; Y &= Y - 1) {
const int i = bitScanLS32(Y);
const int I = (i * (2 * dim - 1 - i)) / 2;
// add single and two way interaction log odds
for (uint32_t Z = Y; Z; Z &= Z - 1) {
dot_X += params[I + bitScanLS32(Z)];
// (unscaled) probability of current event `X`
const double prob_X = exp(dot_X);
sum_0 += prob_X;
// Accumulate set bits probability for the first and second moment `E[X X']`
for (uint32_t Y = X; Y; Y &= Y - 1) {
const int i = bitScanLS32(Y);
const int I = (i * (2 * dim - 1 - i)) / 2;
for (uint32_t Z = Y; Z; Z &= Z - 1) {
M2[I + bitScanLS32(Z)] += prob_X;
// Finish by scaling with zero event probability (Ising p.m.f. scaling constant)
const double prob_0 = 1.0 / sum_0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
M2[i] *= prob_0;
return log(prob_0);
// Monte-Carlo method using Gibbs sampling for the second moment
double ising_m2_MC(
/* options */ const size_t nr_samples, const size_t warmup,
/* dimension */ const size_t dim,
/* vectors */ const double* params, double* M2
) {
// Length of `params` and `M2`
const size_t len = (dim * (dim + 1)) / 2;
// Dirty trick (reuse output memory for precise counting)
_Static_assert(sizeof(uint64_t) == sizeof(double), "Dirty trick fails!");
uint64_t* counts = (uint64_t*)M2;
// Initialize counts to zero
(void)memset(counts, 0, len * sizeof(uint64_t));
// Allocate memory to store Markov-Chain value
int* X = (int*)R_alloc(dim, sizeof(int));
// Accumulator for Monte-Carlo estimate for zero probability `P(X = 0)`
double accum = 0.0, max_mdot_X = -DBL_MAX;
// Create/Update R's internal PRGN state
// Spawn chains
for (size_t sample = 0; sample < nr_samples; ++sample) {
// Draw random sample `X ~ Ising(params)`
ising_mcmc_vech(warmup, dim, params, X);
// Accumulate component counts and compute (unscaled) probability of `X`
uint64_t* count = counts;
double dot_X = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
const size_t I = (i * (2 * dim - 1 - i)) / 2;
for (size_t j = i; j < dim; ++j) {
*(count++) += X[i] & X[j];
dot_X += (X[i] & X[j]) ? params[I + j] : 0.0;
if (-dot_X > max_mdot_X) {
accum *= exp(max_mdot_X + dot_X);
max_mdot_X = -dot_X;
accum += exp(-dot_X - max_mdot_X);
// Write R's internal PRNG state back (if needed)
// Compute means from counts
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
M2[i] = (double)counts[i] / (double)nr_samples;
// Prob. of zero event (Ising p.m.f. scaling constant)
return log(accum) + max_mdot_X - log(2) * (double)dim - log((double)nr_samples);
// in case the compile supports standard C threads
#ifndef __STDC_NO_THREADS__
// Worker thread to calling thread communication struct
typedef struct thrd_data {
rng_seed_t seed; // Pseudo-Random-Number-Generator seed/state value
size_t nr_samples; // Nr. of samples this worker handles
size_t warmup; // Monte-Carlo Chain burne-in length
size_t dim; // Random variable dimension
const double* params; // Ising model parameters
int* X; // Working memory to store current binary sample
uint32_t* counts; // (output) count of single and two way interactions
double log_sum_exp; // (output) Monte-Carlo inbetween value for `log(P(X = 0))`
} thrd_data_t;
// Worker thread function
int thrd_worker(thrd_data_t* data) {
// Extract data as thread local variables (for convenience)
const size_t dim = data->dim;
int* X = data->X;
// Initialize counts to zero
(void)memset(data->counts, 0, (dim * (dim + 1) / 2) * sizeof(uint32_t));
// Accumulator for Monte-Carlo estimate for zero probability `P(X = 0)`
double accum = 0.0, max_mdot_X = -DBL_MAX;
// Spawn Monte-Carlo Chains (one foe every sample)
for (size_t sample = 0; sample < data->nr_samples; ++sample) {
// Draw random sample `X ~ Ising(params)`
ising_mcmc_vech_thrd(data->warmup, dim, data->params, X, data->seed);
// Accumulate component counts and compute (unscaled) probability of `X`
uint32_t* count = data->counts;
double dot_X = 0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
const size_t I = (i * (2 * dim - 1 - i)) / 2;
for (size_t j = i; j < dim; ++j) {
*(count++) += X[i] & X[j];
dot_X += (X[i] & X[j]) ? data->params[I + j] : 0.0;
if (-dot_X > max_mdot_X) {
accum *= exp(max_mdot_X + dot_X);
max_mdot_X = -dot_X;
accum += exp(-dot_X - max_mdot_X);
data->log_sum_exp = log(accum) + max_mdot_X;
return 0;
double ising_m2_MC_thrd(
/* options */ const size_t nr_samples, const size_t warmup,
const size_t nr_threads,
/* dimension */ const size_t dim,
/* vectors */ const double* params, double* M2
) {
// Length of `params` and `M2`
const size_t len = (dim * (dim + 1)) / 2;
// Allocate working and self memory for worker threads
int* Xs = (int*)R_alloc(dim * nr_threads, sizeof(int));
uint32_t* counts = (uint32_t*)R_alloc(len * nr_threads, sizeof(uint32_t));
thrd_t* threads = (thrd_t*)R_alloc(nr_threads, sizeof(thrd_data_t));
thrd_data_t* threads_data = (thrd_data_t*)R_alloc(nr_threads, sizeof(thrd_data_t));
// Provide instruction wor worker and dispatch them
for (size_t tid = 0; tid < nr_threads; ++tid) {
// Every thread needs its own PRNG seed!
// divide work among workers (more or less) equaly with the first worker
// (tid = 0) having the additional remainder of divided work (`nr_samples`)
threads_data[tid].nr_samples = nr_samples / nr_threads + (
tid ? 0 : nr_samples % nr_threads
threads_data[tid].warmup = warmup;
threads_data[tid].dim = dim;
threads_data[tid].params = params;
// Every worker gets disjoint working memory
threads_data[tid].X = &Xs[dim * tid];
threads_data[tid].counts = &counts[len * tid];
// dispatch the worker
thrd_create(&threads[tid], (thrd_start_t)thrd_worker, (void*)&threads_data[tid]);
// Join (Wait for) all worker
for (size_t tid = 0; tid < nr_threads; ++tid) {
thrd_join(threads[tid], NULL);
// Accumulate worker results into first (tid = 0) worker counts result
// while determining the log sum exp maximum
double max = threads_data[0].log_sum_exp;
for (size_t tid = 1; tid < nr_threads; ++tid) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
counts[i] += counts[tid * len + i];
max = (max < threads_data[tid].log_sum_exp) ? threads_data[tid].log_sum_exp : max;
// Accum all `log(P(X = 0))` via "LogSumExp" trick into final result
double accum = 0;
for (size_t tid = 0; tid < nr_threads; ++tid) {
accum += exp(threads_data[tid].log_sum_exp - max);
// convert discreat counts into means
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
M2[i] = (double)counts[i] / (double)nr_samples;
// Log of Prob. of zero event (Ising p.m.f. scaling constant)
return log(accum) + max - log(2) * (double)dim - log((double)nr_samples);
#endif /* !__STDC_NO_THREADS__ */
/* Implementation of `.Call` entry point */
// TODO: make specialized version using the parameters in given sym mat form //
// similar to `ising_sample()` //
extern SEXP R_ising_m2(
SEXP _params, SEXP _use_MC, SEXP _nr_samples, SEXP _warmup, SEXP _nr_threads
) {
// Extract and validate arguments
size_t protect_count = 0;
if (!Rf_isReal(_params)) {
_params = PROTECT(Rf_coerceVector(_params, REALSXP));
// Depending on parameters given in symmetric matrix form or natural
// or natrual parameters in the half-vectorized memory layout
size_t dim;
double* params;
if (Rf_isMatrix(_params)) {
if (Rf_nrows(_params) != Rf_ncols(_params)) {
Rf_error("Invalid 'params' value, exected square matrix");
// Convert to natural parameters
dim = Rf_nrows(_params);
params = (double*)R_alloc(dim * (dim + 1) / 2, sizeof(double));
double* A = REAL(_params);
for (size_t j = 0, I = 0; j < dim; ++j) {
for (size_t i = j; i < dim; ++i, ++I) {
params[I] = (1 + (i != j)) * A[i + j * dim];
} else {
// Get Ising random variable dimension `dim` from "half-vectorized" parameters
// vector. That is, compute `dim` from `length(params) = dim (dim + 1) / 2`.
dim = invTriag(Rf_length(_params));
if (!dim) {
Rf_error("Expected parameter vector of length `p (p + 1) / 2` where"
" `p` is the dimension of the random variable");
params = REAL(_params);
// Determin the method to use and validate if possible
const int use_MC = Rf_asLogical(_use_MC);
if (use_MC == NA_LOGICAL) {
Rf_error("Invalid 'use_MC' value, expected ether TRUE or FALSE");
// Allocate result vector
SEXP _M2 = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(REALSXP, dim * (dim + 1) / 2));
// asside computed log of zero event probability (log of recibrocal partition
// function), the log scaling factor for the Ising model p.m.f.
double log_prob_0 = -1.0;
if (use_MC) {
// Convert and validate arguments for the Monte-Carlo methods
const size_t nr_samples = asUnsigned(_nr_samples);
if (nr_samples == 0 || nr_samples == NA_UNSIGNED) {
Rf_error("Invalid 'nr_samples' value, expected pos. integer");
const size_t warmup = asUnsigned(_warmup);
if (warmup == NA_UNSIGNED) {
Rf_error("Invalid 'warmup' value, expected non-negative integer");
const size_t nr_threads = asUnsigned(_nr_threads);
if (nr_threads == 0 || nr_threads > 256) {
Rf_error("Invalid 'nr_thread' value");
if (nr_threads == 1) {
// Single threaded Monte-Carlo method
log_prob_0 = ising_m2_MC(nr_samples, warmup, dim, params, REAL(_M2));
} else {
// Multi-Threaded Monte-Carlo method if provided, otherwise use
// the single threaded version with a warning
#ifdef __STDC_NO_THREADS__
Rf_warning("Multi-Threading NOT supported, using fallback.");
log_prob_0 = ising_m2_MC(nr_samples, warmup, dim, params, REAL(_M2));
log_prob_0 = ising_m2_MC_thrd(
nr_samples, warmup, nr_threads,
dim, params, REAL(_M2)
} else {
// Exact method (ignore other arguments), only validate dimension
if (25 < dim) {
Rf_error("Dimension '%d' too big for exact method (max 24)", dim);
// and call the exact method
log_prob_0 = ising_m2_exact(dim, params, REAL(_M2));
// Set log-lokelihood as an attribute to the computed second moment
SEXP _log_prob_0 = PROTECT(Rf_ScalarReal(log_prob_0));
Rf_setAttrib(_M2, Rf_install("log_prob_0"), _log_prob_0);
// release SEPXs to the garbage collector
return _M2;