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author = {Zhou, Hua and Li, Lexin},
title = {Regularized matrix regression},
journal = {Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Statistical Methodology)},
volume = {76},
number = {2},
pages = {463--483},
year = {2014},
publisher = {[Royal Statistical Society, Wiley]}
title = {{Statistical Inference}},
author = {Casella, George and Berger, Roger L.},
isbn = {0-534-24312-6},
series = {Duxbury Advanced Series},
year = {2002},
edition = {2},
publisher = {Thomson Learning}
title = {Matrix Differential Calculus with Applications in Statistics and Econometrics (Revised Edition)},
author = {Magnus, Jan R. and Neudecker, Heinz},
year = {1999},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons Ltd},
isbn = {0-471-98632-1}
title = {Matrix Algebra},
author = {Abadir, Karim M. and Magnus, Jan R.},
year = {2005},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
series = {Econometric Exercises},
collection = {Econometric Exercises},
place = {Cambridge},
doi = {10.1017/CBO9780511810800}
author = {Hu, Jiaxin and Lee, Chanwoo and Wang, Miaoyan},
title = {Generalized Tensor Decomposition With Features on Multiple Modes},
journal = {Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics},
volume = {31},
number = {1},
pages = {204-218},
year = {2022},
publisher = {Taylor \& Francis},
doi = {10.1080/10618600.2021.1978471},
author = {Leng, Chenlei and Pan, Guangming},
title = {{Covariance estimation via sparse Kronecker structures}},
volume = {24},
journal = {Bernoulli},
number = {4B},
publisher = {Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability},
pages = {3833 -- 3863},
year = {2018},
doi = {10.3150/17-BEJ980}
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\title{Derivation of Gradient Descent Algorithm for K-PIR}
\author{Daniel Kapla}
\date{November 24, 2021}
% Set PDF title, author and creator.
pdftitle = {Derivation of Gradient Descent Algorithm for K-PIR},
pdfauthor = {Daniel Kapla},
pdfcreator = {\pdftexbanner}
% Bibliography resource(s)
% Setup environments
% Theorem, Lemma
% Definition
% Remark
% Define math macros
\DeclareMathOperator{\kron}{\otimes} % Kronecker Product
\DeclareMathOperator{\hada}{\odot} % Hadamard Product
\newcommand{\ttm}[1][n]{\times_{#1}} % n-mode product (Tensor Times Matrix)
% \DeclareMathOperator{\independent}{{\bot\!\!\!\bot}}
\newcommand{\pinv}[1]{{{#1}^{\dagger}}} % `Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse`
\newcommand{\todo}[1]{{\color{red}TODO: #1}}
%%% Introduction %%%
We assume the model
\mat{X} = \mat{\mu} + \mat{\beta}\mat{f}_y \t{\mat{\alpha}} + \mat{\epsilon}
where the dimensions of all the components are listed in Table~\ref{tab:dimensions}.
and its vectorized form
\vec\mat{X} = \vec\mat{\mu} + (\mat{\alpha}\kron\mat{\beta})\vec\mat{f}_y + \vec\mat{\epsilon}
\begin{tabular}{l l}
$\mat X, \mat\mu, \mat R, \mat\epsilon$ & $p\times q$ \\
$\mat{f}_y$ & $k\times r$ \\
$\mat\alpha$ & $q\times r$ \\
$\mat\beta$ & $p\times k$ \\
$\mat\Delta$ & $p q\times p q$ \\
$\mat\Delta_1$ & $q\times q$ \\
$\mat\Delta_2$ & $p\times p$ \\
$\mat{r}$ & $p q\times 1$ \\
$\ten{X}, \ten{R}$ & $n\times p\times q$ \\
$\ten{F}$ & $n\times k\times r$ \\
\caption{\label{tab:dimensions}\small Summary listing of dimensions with the corresponding sample versions $\mat{X}_i, \mat{R}_i, \mat{r}_i, \mat{f}_{y_i}$ for $i = 1, ..., n$ as well as estimates $\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}, \widehat{\mat{\beta}}, \widehat{\mat\Delta}, \widehat{\mat\Delta}_1$ and $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_2$.}
The log-likelihood $l$ given $n$ i.i.d. observations assuming that $\mat{X}_i\mid(Y = y_i)$ is normal distributed as
\vec\mat{X}_i \sim \mathcal{N}_{p q}(\vec\mat\mu + (\mat\alpha\kron\mat\beta)\vec\mat{f}_{y_i}, \Delta)
Replacing all unknown by there estimates gives the (estimated) log-likelihood
\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) = -\frac{n q p}{2}\log 2\pi - \frac{n}{2}\log|\widehat{\mat\Delta}| - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat\Delta}^{-1}\mat{r}_i
where the residuals are
\mat{r}_i = \vec\mat{X}_i - \vec\overline{\mat{X}} - (\mat\alpha\kron\mat\beta)\vec{\mat f}_{y_i}\qquad (p q \times 1)
and the MLE estimate assuming $\mat\alpha, \mat\beta$ known for the covariance matrix $\widehat{\mat\Delta}$ as solution to the score equations is
\widehat{\mat\Delta} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat{r}_i \t{\mat{r}_i} \qquad(p q \times p q).
Note that the log-likelihood estimate $\hat{l}$ only depends on $\mat\alpha, \mat\beta$. Next, we compute the gradient for $\mat\alpha$ and $\mat\beta$ of $\hat{l}$ used to formulate a Gradient Descent base estimation algorithm for $\mat\alpha, \mat\beta$ as the previous algorithmic. The main reason is to enable an estimation for bigger dimensions of the $\mat\alpha, \mat\beta$ coefficients since the previous algorithm does \emph{not} solve the high run time problem for bigger dimensions.
%%% Derivative %%%
\section{Derivative of the Log-Likelihood}
Start with the general case of $\mat X_i|(Y_i = y_i)$ is multivariate normal distributed with the covariance $\mat\Delta$ being a $p q\times p q$ positive definite symmetric matrix \emph{without} an further assumptions. We have $i = 1, ..., n$ observations following
\mat{r}_i = \vec(\mat X_i - \mat\mu - \mat\beta\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat\alpha}) \sim \mathcal{N}_{p q}(\mat 0, \mat\Delta).
The MLE estimates of $\mat\mu, \mat\Delta$ are
\widehat{\mat\mu} = \overline{\mat X} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat X_i {\color{gray}\qquad(p\times q)},
\qquad \widehat{\mat\Delta} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat r_i\t{\mat r_i} {\color{gray}\qquad(p q\times p q)}.
Substitution of the MLE estimates into the log-likelihood $l(\mat\mu, \mat\Delta, \mat\alpha, \mat\beta)$ gives the estimated log-likelihood $\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)$ as
\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) = -\frac{n q p}{2}\log 2\pi - \frac{n}{2}\log|\widehat{\mat\Delta}| - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat\Delta}^{-1}\mat{r}_i.
We are interested in the gradients $\nabla_{\mat\alpha}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)$, $\nabla_{\mat\beta}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)$ of the estimated log-likelihood. Therefore, we consider the differential of $\hat{l}$.
\d\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)
&= -\frac{n}{2}\log|\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}| - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \big(\t{(\d \mat{r}_i)}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1} \mat{r}_i + \t{\mat{r}_i}(\d\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1}) \mat{r}_i + \t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1} \d \mat{r}_i\big) \nonumber\\
&= \underbrace{-\frac{n}{2}\log|\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}| - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{r}_i}(\d\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1}) \mat{r}_i}_{=\,0\text{ due to }\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}\text{ beeing the MLE}} \label{eq:deriv1}
- \sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1} \d \mat{r}_i.
The next step is to compute $\d \mat{r}_i$ which depends on both $\mat\alpha$ and $\mat\beta$
\d\mat{r}_i(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)
&= -\d(\mat\alpha\kron \mat\beta)\vec\mat{f}_{y_i} \\
&= -\vec\!\big( \mat{I}_{p q}\,\d(\mat\alpha\kron \mat\beta)\vec\mat{f}_{y_i} \big) \\
&= -(\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron \mat{I}_{p q})\,\d\vec(\mat\alpha\kron \mat\beta) \\
\intertext{using the identity \ref{eq:vecKron}, to obtain vectorized differentials, gives}
&= -(\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron \mat{I}_{p q})(\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) \,\d(\vec \mat\alpha\kron \vec \mat\beta) \\
&= -(\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron \mat{I}_{p q})(\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) \big((\d\vec \mat\alpha)\kron \vec \mat\beta + \vec \mat\alpha\kron (\d\vec \mat\beta)\big) \\
&= -(\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron \mat{I}_{p q})(\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) \big(\mat{I}_{r q}(\d\vec \mat\alpha)\kron (\vec \mat\beta)\mat{I}_1 + (\vec \mat\alpha)\mat{I}_1\kron \mat{I}_{k p}(\d\vec \mat\beta)\big) \\
&= -(\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron \mat{I}_{p q})(\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) \big((\mat{I}_{r q}\kron\vec \mat\beta)\d\vec \mat\alpha + (\vec \mat\alpha\kron \mat{I}_{k p})\d\vec \mat\beta\big)
Now, substitution of $\d\mat{r}_i$ into \eqref{eq:deriv1} gives the gradients (not dimension standardized versions of $\D\hat{l}(\mat\alpha)$, $\D\hat{l}(\mat\beta)$) by identification of the derivatives from the differentials (see: \todo{appendix})
\nabla_{\mat\alpha}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &=
\sum_{i = 1}^n (\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron\t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat\Delta}^{-1}) (\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) (\mat{I}_{r q}\kron\vec \mat\beta),
{\color{gray}\qquad(q\times r)} \\
\nabla_{\mat\beta}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &=
\sum_{i = 1}^n (\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron\t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat\Delta}^{-1}) (\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) (\vec \mat\alpha\kron \mat{I}_{k p}).
{\color{gray}\qquad(p\times k)}
These quantities are very verbose as well as completely unusable for an implementation. By detailed analysis of the gradients we see that the main parts are only element permutations with a high sparsity. By defining the following compact matrix
\mat G = \vec^{-1}_{q r}\bigg(\Big( \sum_{i = 1}^n \vec\mat{f}_{y_i}\otimes \widehat{\mat\Delta}^{-1}\mat{r}_i \Big)_{\pi(i)}\bigg)_{i = 1}^{p q k r}{\color{gray}\qquad(q r \times p k)}
with $\pi$ being a permutation of $p q k r$ elements corresponding to permuting the axis of a 4D tensor of dimensions $p\times q\times k\times r$ by $(2, 4, 1, 3)$. As a generalization of transposition this leads to a rearrangement of the elements corresponding to the permuted 4D tensor with dimensions $q\times r\times p\times k$ which is then vectorized and reshaped into a matrix of dimensions $q r \times p k$. With $\mat G$ the gradients simplify to \todo{validate this mathematically}
\nabla_{\mat\alpha}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &=
{\color{gray}\qquad(q\times r)} \\
\nabla_{\mat\beta}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &=
{\color{gray}\qquad(p\times k)}
%%% Kronecker Covariance Structure %%%
\section{Kronecker Covariance Structure}
Now we assume the residuals covariance has the form $\mat\Delta = \mat\Delta_1\otimes\mat\Delta_2$ where $\mat\Delta_1$, $\mat\Delta_2$ are $q\times q$, $p\times p$ covariance matrices, respectively. This is analog to the case that $\mat{R}_i$'s are i.i.d. Matrix Normal distribution
\mat{R}_i = \mat{X}_i - \mat\mu - \mat\beta\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat\alpha} \sim \mathcal{MN}_{p\times q}(\mat 0, \mat\Delta_2, \mat\Delta_1).
The density of the Matrix Normal (with mean zero) is equivalent to the vectorized quantities being multivariate normal distributed with Kronecker structured covariance
f(\mat R)
&= \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2\pi)^{p q}|\mat\Delta|}}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\t{\vec(\mat{R})} \mat\Delta^{-1}\vec(\mat{R})\right) \\
&= \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{p q / 2}|\mat\Delta_1|^{p / 2}|\mat\Delta_2|^{q / 2}}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\tr(\mat\Delta_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}}\mat\Delta_2^{-1}\mat{R})\right)
which leads for given data to the log-likelihood
l(\mat{\mu}, \mat\Delta_1, \mat\Delta_2) =
-\frac{n p q}{2}\log 2\pi
-\frac{n p}{2}\log|\mat{\Delta}_1|
-\frac{n q}{2}\log|\mat{\Delta}_2|
-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\mat\Delta_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\mat\Delta_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i).
\subsection{MLE covariance estimates}
Out first order of business is to derive the MLE estimated of the covariance matrices $\mat\Delta_1$, $\mat\Delta_2$ (the mean estimate $\widehat{\mat\mu}$ is trivial). Therefore, we look at the differentials with respect to changes in the covariance matrices as
\d l(\mat\Delta_1, \mat\Delta_2) &=
-\frac{n p}{2}\d\log|\mat{\Delta}_1|
-\frac{n q}{2}\d\log|\mat{\Delta}_2|
-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n
\tr( (\d\mat\Delta_1^{-1})\t{\mat{R}_i}\mat\Delta_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i
+ \mat\Delta_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}(\d\mat\Delta_2^{-1})\mat{R}_i) \\
-\frac{n p}{2}\tr\mat{\Delta}_1^{-1}\d\mat{\Delta}_1
-\frac{n q}{2}\tr\mat{\Delta}_2^{-1}\d\mat{\Delta}_2 \\
+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n
\tr( \mat\Delta_1^{-1}(\d\mat\Delta_1)\mat\Delta_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\mat\Delta_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i
+ \mat\Delta_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\mat\Delta_2^{-1}(\d\mat\Delta_2)\mat\Delta_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i) \\
&= \frac{1}{2}\tr\!\Big(\Big(
-n p \mat{I}_q + \mat\Delta_1^{-1}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{R}_i}\mat\Delta_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i
\Big)\mat{\Delta}_1^{-1}\d\mat{\Delta}_1\Big) \\
+ \frac{1}{2}\tr\!\Big(\Big(
-n q \mat{I}_p + \mat\Delta_2^{-1}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat{R}_i\mat\Delta_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}
\Big)\mat{\Delta}_2^{-1}\d\mat{\Delta}_2\Big) \overset{!}{=} 0.
Setting $\d l$ to zero yields the MLE estimates as
\widehat{\mat{\mu}} = \overline{\mat X}{\color{gray}\quad(p\times q)}, \qquad
\widehat{\mat\Delta}_1 = \frac{1}{n p}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{R}_i}\widehat{\mat\Delta}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i{\color{gray}\quad(q\times q)}, \qquad
\widehat{\mat\Delta}_2 = \frac{1}{n q}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat{R}_i\widehat{\mat\Delta}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}{\color{gray}\quad(p\times p)}.
Next, analog to above, we take the estimated log-likelihood and derive gradients with respect to $\mat{\alpha}$, $\mat{\beta}$.
The estimated log-likelihood derives by replacing the unknown covariance matrices by there MLE estimates leading to
\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) =
-\frac{n p q}{2}\log 2\pi
-\frac{n p}{2}\log|\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1|
-\frac{n q}{2}\log|\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2|
-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i)
and its differential
\d\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) =
-\frac{n p}{2}\d\log|\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1|
-\frac{n q}{2}\d\log|\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2|
-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \d\tr(\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i).
We first take a closer look at the sum. After a bit of algebra using $\d\mat A^{-1} = -\mat A^{-1}(\d\mat A)\mat A^{-1}$ and the definitions of $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_1$, $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_2$ the sum can be rewritten
\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \d\tr(\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i)
= \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\d\mat{R}_i)
- \frac{np}{2}\d\log|\widehat{\mat\Delta}_1|
- \frac{nq}{2}\d\log|\widehat{\mat\Delta}_2|.
This means that most of the derivative cancels out and we get
\d\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)
&= \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\d\mat{R}_i) \\
&= \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}((\d\mat\beta)\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat\alpha} + \mat\beta\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{(\d\mat\alpha}))) \\
&= \sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\vec(\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat\alpha\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}})}\d\vec\mat\beta
+ \sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\vec(\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat\beta\mat{f}_{y_i})}\d\vec\mat\alpha
which means the gradients are
\nabla_{\mat\alpha}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)
&= \sum_{i = 1}^n \widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat\beta\mat{f}_{y_i}
= (\ten{R}\ttm[3]\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\ttm[2]\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1})_{(3)}\t{(\ten{F}\ttm[2]\mat\beta)_{(3)}}\\
\nabla_{\mat\beta}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)
&= \sum_{i = 1}^n \widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat\alpha\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}
= (\ten{R}\ttm[3]\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\ttm[2]\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1})_{(2)}\t{(\ten{F}\ttm[3]\mat\alpha)_{(2)}}
\paragraph{Comparison to the general case:} There are two main differences, first the general case has a closed form solution for the gradient due to the explicit nature of the MLE estimate of $\widehat{\mat\Delta}$ compared to the mutually dependent MLE estimates $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_1$, $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_2$. On the other hand the general case has dramatically bigger dimensions of the covariance matrix ($p q \times p q$) compared to the two Kronecker components with dimensions $q \times q$ and $p \times p$. This means that in the general case there is a huge performance penalty in the dimensions of $\widehat{\mat\Delta}$ while in the other case an extra estimation is required to determine $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_1$, $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_2$.
%%% Alternative covariance estimates %%%
\subsection{Alternative covariance estimates}
An alternative approach is \emph{not} to use the MLE estimates for $\mat\Delta_1$, $\mat\Delta_2$ but (up to scaling) unbiased estimates.
\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{R}_i}\mat{R}_i {\color{gray}\quad(q\times q)},\qquad
\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_2 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat{R}_i\t{\mat{R}_i} {\color{gray}\quad(p\times p)}.
The unbiasednes comes directly from the following short computation;
(\E\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1)_{j,k} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{l = 1}^p \E \mat{R}_{i,l,j}\mat{R}_{i,l,k}
= \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{l = 1}^p (\mat{\Delta}_{2})_{l,l}(\mat{\Delta}_{1})_{j,k}
= (\mat\Delta_1\tr(\mat\Delta_2))_{j,k}.
which means that $\E\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1 = \mat\Delta_1\tr(\mat\Delta_2)$ and in analogy $\E\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_2 = \mat\Delta_2\tr(\mat\Delta_1)$. Now, we need to handle the scaling which can be estimated unbiased by
\tilde{s} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \|\mat{R}_i\|_F^2
because with $\|\mat{R}_i\|_F^2 = \tr \mat{R}_i\t{\mat{R}_i} = \tr \t{\mat{R}_i}\mat{R}_i$ the scale estimate $\tilde{s} = \tr(\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1) = \tr(\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_2)$. Then $\E\tilde{s} = \tr(\E\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1) = \tr{\mat\Delta}_1 \tr{\mat\Delta}_2 = \tr({\mat\Delta}_1\otimes{\mat\Delta}_2)$. Leading to the estimate of the covariance as
\widetilde{\mat\Delta} = \tilde{s}^{-1}(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1\otimes\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2)
\todo{ prove they are consistent, especially $\widetilde{\mat\Delta} = \tilde{s}^{-1}(\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1\otimes\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_2)$!}
The hoped for a benefit is that these covariance estimates are in a closed form which means there is no need for an additional iterative estimations step. Before we start with the derivation of the gradients define the following two quantities
\mat{S}_1 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i = \frac{1}{n}\ten{R}_{(3)}\t{(\ten{R}\ttm[2]\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1})_{(3)}}\quad{\color{gray}(q\times q)}, \\
\mat{S}_2 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i} = \frac{1}{n}\ten{R}_{(2)}\t{(\ten{R}\ttm[3]\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1})_{(2)}}\quad{\color{gray}(p\times p)}.
\todo{Check tensor form!}
Now, the matrix normal with the covariance matrix of the vectorized quantities of the form $\mat{\Delta} = s^{-1}(\mat{\Delta}_1\otimes\mat{\Delta}_2)$ has the form
f(\mat R)
&= \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2\pi)^{p q}|\mat\Delta|}}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\t{\vec(\mat{R})} \mat\Delta^{-1}\vec(\mat{R})\right) \\
&= \frac{s^{p q / 2}}{(2\pi)^{p q / 2}|\mat\Delta_1|^{p / 2}|\mat\Delta_2|^{q / 2}}\exp\left(-\frac{s}{2}\tr(\mat\Delta_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}}\mat\Delta_2^{-1}\mat{R})\right)
The approximated log-likelihood is then
\tilde{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)
-\frac{n p q}{2}\log{2\pi}
-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{r}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1}\mat{r}_i \\
-\frac{n p q}{2}\log{2\pi}
+\frac{n p q}{2}\log\tilde{s}
-\frac{n p}{2}\log|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1|
-\frac{n q}{2}\log|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2|
-\frac{\tilde{s}}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i).
The second form is due to the property of the determinant for scaling and the Kronecker product giving that $|\widetilde{\mat\Delta}| = (\tilde{s}^{-1})^{p q}|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1|^p |\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2|^q$ as well as an analog Kronecker decomposition as in the MLE case.
Note that with the following holds
\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i)
= n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1)
= n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2)
= n \tr(\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1})
= n \tr(\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}).
The derivation of the Gradient of the approximated log-likelihood $\tilde{l}$ is tedious but straight forward. We tackle the summands separately;
\d\log\tilde{s} &= \tilde{s}^{-1}\d\tilde{s} = \frac{2}{n\tilde{s}}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{R}_i)
= -\frac{2}{n\tilde{s}}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}), \\
\d\log|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1| &=\tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\d\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1) = \frac{2}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{R}_i)
= -\frac{2}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}), \\
\d\log|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2| &=\tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\d\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2) = \frac{2}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\d\mat{R}_i)
= -\frac{2}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\d\mat{\beta})
as well as
\d\,\tilde{s}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i)
= (\d\tilde{s})\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i)
+ \tilde{s}\, \d \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i).
We have
\d\tilde{s} = -\frac{2}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta})
and the remaining term
\d\sum_{i = 1}^n\tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i)
= 2\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(&\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta }}(\mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} + \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1})\d\mat{\alpha} \\
+\,&\mat{f}_{y_i} \t{\mat{\alpha}}(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i} + \t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1})\d\mat{\beta }).
The last one is tedious but straight forward. Its computation extensively uses the symmetry of $\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1$, $\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2$, the cyclic property of the trace and the relation $\d\mat{A}^{-1} = -\mat{A}^{-1}(\d\mat{A})\mat{A}^{-1}$.
Putting it all together
\d\tilde{l}(\mat{\alpha}, \mat{\beta})
&= \frac{n p q}{2}\Big(-\frac{2}{n\tilde{s}}\Big)\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}) \\
&\hspace{3em} - \frac{n p}{2}\Big(-\frac{2}{n}\Big)\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}) \\
&\hspace{3em} - \frac{n q}{2}\Big(-\frac{2}{n}\Big)\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\d\mat{\beta}) \\
&\hspace{3em} -\frac{1}{2}\Big(-\frac{2}{n}\Big)\Big(\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i)\Big)\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}) \\
&\hspace{3em} -\frac{\tilde{s}}{2}2\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr\!\Big(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta }}(\mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} + \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1})\d\mat{\alpha} \\
&\hspace{3em} \hspace{4.7em} + \mat{f}_{y_i} \t{\mat{\alpha}}(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i} + \t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1})\d\mat{\beta }\Big) \\
&= \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr\bigg(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\Big(
-p q \tilde{s}^{-1} \mat{R}_i + p \mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} + q \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i + \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1)\mat{R}_i \\
&\hspace{3em} \hspace{4.7em} - \tilde{s}(\mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} + \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1})
\Big)\d\mat{\alpha}\bigg) \\
&\hspace{3em}+ \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr\bigg(\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\Big(
-p q \tilde{s}^{-1} \t{\mat{R}_i} + p \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i} + q \t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} + \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1)\t{\mat{R}_i} \\
&\hspace{3em}\hspace{3em} \hspace{4.7em} - \tilde{s}(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i} + \t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} \t{\mat{R}_i} \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1})
Observe that the bracketed expressions before $\d\mat{\alpha}$ and $\d\mat{\beta}$ are transposed of each other. Lets denote the expression for $\d\mat{\alpha}$ as $\mat{G}_i$ which has the form
= (\tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1) - p q \tilde{s}^{-1})\mat{R}_i
+ (q\mat{I}_p - \tilde{s}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2)\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i
+ \mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}(p\mat{I}_q - \tilde{s}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1})
+ \tilde{s}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}
and with $\mathcal{G}$ the order 3 tensor stacking the $\mat{G}_i$'s such that the first mode indexes the observation
= (\tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1) - p q \tilde{s}^{-1})\ten{R}
+ \ten{R}\ttm[2](q\mat{I}_p - \tilde{s}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2)\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}
+ \ten{R}\ttm[3](p\mat{I}_q - \tilde{s}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1)\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}
+ \tilde{s}\ten{R}\ttm[2]\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\ttm[3]\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}
This leads to the following form of the differential of $\tilde{l}$ given by
\d\tilde{l}(\mat{\alpha}, \mat{\beta})
= \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{G}_i\d\mat{\alpha})
+ \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{G}_i}\d\mat{\beta})
and therefore the gradients
\nabla_{\mat{\alpha}}\tilde{l}(\mat{\alpha}, \mat{\beta}) &= \sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{G}_i}\mat{\beta}\mat{f}_{y_i}
= \ten{G}_{(3)}\t{(\ten{F}\ttm[2]\beta)_{(3)}}, \\
\nabla_{\mat{\beta}} \tilde{l}(\mat{\alpha}, \mat{\beta}) &= \sum_{i = 1}^n \mat{G}_i\mat{\alpha}\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}
= \ten{G}_{(2)}\t{(\ten{F}\ttm[3]\beta)_{(2)}}.
\todo{check the tensor version of the gradient!!!}
%%% Numerical Examples %%%
\section{Numerical Examples}
The first example (which by it self is \emph{not} exemplary) is the estimation with parameters $n = 200$, $p = 11$, $q = 5$, $k = 14$ and $r = 9$. The ``true'' matrices $\mat\alpha$, $\mat\beta$ generated by sampling there elements i.i.d. standard normal like the responses $y$. Then, for each observation, $\mat{f}_y$ is computed as $\sin(s_{i, j} y + o_{i j})$ \todo{ properly describe} to fill the elements of $\mat{f}_y$. Then the $\mat{X}$'s are samples as
\mat{X} = \mat{\beta}\mat{f}_y \t{\mat{\alpha}} + \mat{\epsilon}, \qquad \vec{\mat{\epsilon}} \sim \mathbb{N}_{p q}(\mat{0}, \mat{\Delta})
where $\mat{\Delta}_{i j} = 0.5^{|i - j|}$ for $i, j = 1, ..., p q$.
%%% Bib and Index %%%
%%% Appendix %%%
\section{Matrix Differential Rules}
Let $\mat A$ be a square matrix (and invertible if needed) and $|.|$ stands for the determinant
\d\log\mat A &= \frac{1}{|\mat A|}\d\mat{A} \\
\d|\mat A| &= |\mat A|\tr \mat{A}^{-1}\d\mat A \\
\d\log|\mat A| &= \tr\mat{A}^{-1}\d\mat A \\
\d\mat{X}^{-1} &= -\mat{X}^{-1}(\d\mat{X})\mat{X}^{-1}
\section{Useful Matrix Identities}
In this section we summarize a few useful matrix identities, for more details see for example \cite{MatrixAlgebra-AbadirMagnus2005}.
For two matrices $\mat A$ of dimensions $q\times r$ and $\mat B$ of dimensions $p\times k$ holds
\vec(\mat A\kron\mat B) = (\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p)(\vec\mat A\kron\vec\mat B).
Let $\mat A$ be a $p\times p$ dimensional non-singular matrix. Furthermore, let $\mat a, \mat b$ be $p$ vectors such that $\t{\mat b}A^{-1}\mat a\neq -1$, then
(\mat A + \mat a\t{\mat b})^{-1} = \mat{A}^{-1} - \frac{1}{1 + \t{\mat b}A^{-1}\mat a}\mat{A}^{-1}\mat{a}\t{\mat{b}}\mat{A}^{-1}
as well as
\det(\mat A + \mat a\t{\mat b}) = \det(\mat A)(1 + \t{\mat b}{\mat A}^{-1}\mat a)
which even holds in the case $\t{\mat b}A^{-1}\mat a = -1$. This is known as Sylvester's determinant theorem.
\section{Commutation Matrix and Permutation Identities}
Note: In this section we use 0-indexing for the sake of simplicity!
In this section we summarize relations between the commutation matrix and corresponding permutation. We also list some extensions to ``simplify'' or represent some term. This is mostly intended for implementation purposes and understanding of terms occurring in the computations.
Let $\mat A$ be an arbitrary $p\times q$ matrix. The permutation matrix $\mat K_{p, q}$ satisfies
\mat{K}_{p, q}\vec{\mat{A}} = \vec{\t{\mat{A}}} \quad\Leftrightarrow\quad (\vec{\mat{A}})_{\pi_{p, q}(i)} = (\vec{\t{\mat{A}}})_{i}, \quad\text{for } i = 0, ..., p q - 1
where $\pi_{p, q}$ is a permutation of the indices $i = 0, ..., p q - 1$ such that
\pi_{p, q}(i + j p) = j + i q, \quad\text{for }i = 0, ..., p - 1; j = 0, ..., q - 1.
\begin{tabular}{l c l}
$\mat{K}_{p, q}$ & $\hat{=}$ & $\pi_{p, q}(i + j p) = j + i q$ \\
$\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{p, q}$ & $\hat{=}$ & $\tilde{\pi}_{p, q, r}(i + j p + k p q) = j + i q + k p q$ \\
$\mat{K}_{p, q}\kron\mat{I}_r$ & $\hat{=}$ & $\hat{\pi}_{p, q, r}(i + j p + k p q) = r(j + i q) + k$
\caption{\label{tab:commutation-permutation}Commutation matrix terms and corresponding permutations. Indices are all 0-indexed with the ranges; $i = 0, ..., p - 1$, $j = 0, ..., q - 1$ and $k = 0, ..., r - 1$.}
\section{Matrix and Tensor Operations}
The \emph{Kronecker product}\index{Operations!Kronecker@$\kron$ Kronecker product} is denoted as $\kron$ and the \emph{Hadamard product} uses the symbol $\circ$. We also need the \emph{Khatri-Rao product}\index{Operations!KhatriRao@$\hada$ Khatri-Rao product}
$\hada$ as well as the \emph{Transposed Khatri-Rao product} $\odot_t$ (or \emph{Face-Splitting product}). There is also the \emph{$n$-mode Tensor Matrix Product}\index{Operations!ttm@$\ttm[n]$ $n$-mode tensor product} denoted by $\ttm[n]$ in conjunction with the \emph{$n$-mode Matricization} of a Tensor $\mat{T}$ written as $\mat{T}_{(n)}$, which is a matrix. See below for definitions and examples of these operations.\todo{ Definitions and Examples}
\todo{ resolve confusion between Khatri-Rao, Column-wise Kronecker / Khatri-Rao, Row-wise Kronecker / Khatri-Rao, Face-Splitting Product, .... Yes, its a mess.}
\paragraph{Kronecker Product $\kron$:}
\paragraph{Khatri-Rao Product $\hada$:}
\paragraph{Transposed Khatri-Rao Product $\odot_t$:} This is also known as the Face-Splitting Product and is the row-wise Kronecker product of two matrices. If relates to the Column-wise Kronecker Product through
\t{(\mat{A}\odot_{t}\mat{B})} = \t{\mat{A}}\hada\t{\mat{B}}
\paragraph{$n$-mode unfolding:} \emph{Unfolding}, also known as \emph{flattening} or \emph{matricization}, is an reshaping of a tensor into a matrix with rearrangement of the elements such that mode $n$ corresponds to columns of the result matrix and all other modes are vectorized in the rows. Let $\ten{T}$ be a tensor of order $m$ with dimensions $t_1\times ... \times t_n\times ... \times t_m$ and elements indexed by $(i_1, ..., i_n, ..., i_m)$. The $n$-mode flattening, denoted $\ten{T}_{(n)}$, is defined as a $(t_n, \prod_{k\neq n}t_k)$ matrix with element indices $(i_n, j)$ such that $j = \sum_{k = 1, k\neq n}^m i_k\prod_{l = 1, l\neq n}^{k - 1}t_l$.
\todo{ give an example!}
\paragraph{$n$-mode Tensor Product $\ttm[n]$:}
The \emph{$n$-mode tensor product} $\ttm[n]$ between a tensor $\mat{T}$ of order $m$ with dimensions $t_1\times t_2\times ... \times t_n\times ... \times t_m$ and a $p\times t_n$ matrix $\mat{M}$ is defined element-wise as
(\ten{T}\ttm[n] \mat{M})_{i_1, ..., i_{n-1}, j, i_{n+1}, ..., i_m} = \sum_{k = 1}^{t_n} \ten{T}_{i_1, ..., i_{n-1}, k, i_{n+1}, ..., i_m} \mat{M}_{j, k}
where $i_1, ..., i_{n-1}, i_{n+1}, ..., i_m$ run from $1$ to $t_1, ..., t_{n-1}, t_{n+1}, ..., t_m$, respectively. Furthermore, the $n$-th fiber index $j$ of the product ranges from $1$ to $p$. This gives a new tensor $\mat{T}\ttm[n]\mat{M}$ of order $m$ with dimensions $t_1\times t_2\times ... \times p\times ... \times t_m$.
\begin{example}[Matrix Multiplication Analogs]
Let $\mat{A}$, $\mat{B}$ be two matrices with dimensions $t_1\times t_2$ and $p\times q$, respectively. Then $\mat{A}$ is also a tensor of order $2$, now the $1$-mode and $2$-mode products are element wise given by
(\mat{A}\ttm[1] \mat{B})_{i,j} &= \sum_{l = 1}^{t_1} \mat{A}_{l,j}\mat{B}_{i,l}
= (\mat{B}\mat{A})_{i,j}
& \text{for }t_1 = q, \\
(\mat{A}\ttm[2] \mat{B})_{i,j} &= \sum_{l = 1}^{t_2} \mat{A}_{i,l}\mat{B}_{j,l}
= (\mat{A}\t{\mat{B}})_{i,j} = \t{(\mat{B}\t{\mat{A}})}_{i,j}
& \text{for }t_2 = q.
In other words, the $1$-mode product equals $\mat{A}\ttm[1] \mat{B} = \mat{B}\mat{A}$ and the $2$-mode is $\mat{A}\ttm[2] \mat{B} = \t{(\mat{B}\t{\mat{A}})}$ in the case of the tensor $\mat{A}$ being a matrix.
\begin{example}[Order Three Analogs]
Let $\mat{A}$ be a tensor of the form $t_1\times t_2\times t_3$ and $\mat{B}$ a matrix of dimensions $p\times q$, then the $n$-mode products have the following look
(\mat{A}\ttm[1]\mat{B})_{i,j,k} &= \sum_{l = 1}^{t_1} \mat{A}_{l,j,k}\mat{B}_{i,l} & \text{for }t_1 = q, \\
(\mat{A}\ttm[2]\mat{B})_{i,j,k} &= \sum_{l = 1}^{t_2} \mat{A}_{i,l,k}\mat{B}_{j,l} \equiv (\mat{B}\mat{A}_{i,:,:})_{j,k} & \text{for }t_2 = q, \\
(\mat{A}\ttm[3]\mat{B})_{i,j,k} &= \sum_{l = 1}^{t_3} \mat{A}_{i,j,l}\mat{B}_{k,l} \equiv \t{(\mat{B}\t{\mat{A}_{i,:,:}})}_{j,k} & \text{for }t_3 = q.
Letting $\ten{F}$ be the $3$-tensor of dimensions $n\times k\times r$ such that $\ten{F}_{i,:,:} = \mat{f}_{y_i}$, then
\mat{\beta}\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}} = (\ten{F}\ttm[2]\mat{\beta}\ttm[3]\mat{\alpha})_{i,:,:}
or in other words, the $i$-th slice of the tensor product $\ten{F}\ttm[2]\mat{\beta}\ttm[3]\mat{\alpha}$ contains $\mat{\beta}\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}$ for $i = 1, ..., n$.
Another analog way of writing this is
(\ten{F}\ttm[2]\mat{\beta}\ttm[3]\mat{\alpha})_{(1)} = \mathbb{F}_{y}(\t{\mat{\alpha}}\kron\t{\mat{\beta}})
In this section we give a short summary of alternative but equivalent operations.
Using the notation $\widehat{=}$ to indicate that two expressions are identical in the sense that they contain the same element in the same order but may have different dimensions. Meaning, when vectorizing ether side of $\widehat{=}$, they are equal ($\mat{A}\widehat{=}\mat{B}\ :\Leftrightarrow\ \vec{\mat{A}} = \vec{\mat{B}}$).
Therefore, we use $\mat{A}, \mat{B}, \mat{X}, \mat{F}, \mat{R}, ...$ for matrices. 3-Tensors are written as $\ten{A}, \ten{B}, \ten{T}, \ten{X}, \ten{F}, \ten{R}, ...$.
\ten{T}\ttm[3]\mat{A}\ &{\widehat{=}}\ \mat{T}\t{\mat A} & \ten{T}(n, p, q)\ \widehat{=}\ \mat{T}(n p, q), \mat{A}(p, q) \\
\ten{T}\ttm[2]\mat{B}\ &{\widehat{=}}\ \mat{B}\ten{T}_{(2)} & \ten{T}(n, p, q), \ten{T}_{(2)}(p, n q), \mat{B}(q, p)
\section{Matrix Valued Normal Distribution}
A random variable $\mat{X}$ of dimensions $p\times q$ is \emph{Matrix-Valued Normal Distribution}, denoted
\mat{X}\sim\mathcal{MN}_{p\times q}(\mat{\mu}, \mat{\Delta}_2, \mat{\Delta}_1),
if and only if $\vec\mat{X}\sim\mathcal{N}_{p q}(\vec\mat\mu, \mat\Delta_1\otimes\mat\Delta_2)$. Note the order of the covariance matrices $\mat\Delta_1, \mat\Delta_2$. Its density is given by
f(\mat{X}) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{p q / 2}|\mat\Delta_1|^{p / 2}|\mat\Delta_2|^{q / 2}}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\tr(\mat\Delta_1^{-1}\t{(\mat X - \mat \mu)}\mat\Delta_2^{-1}(\mat X - \mat \mu))\right).
%%% Reference Summaries %%%
\section{Reference Summaries}
This section contains short summaries of the main references with each sub-section concerning one paper.
\subsection{Generalized Tensor Decomposition With Features on Multiple Modes}
The \cite{TensorDecomp-HuLeeWang2022} paper proposes a multi-linear conditional mean model for a constraint rank tensor decomposition. Let the responses $\ten{Y}\in\mathbb{R}^{d_1\times ... \times\d_K}$ be an order $K$ tensor. Associated with each mode $k\in[K]$ they assume feature matrices $\mat{X}_k\in\mathbb{R}^{d_k\times p_k}$. Now, they assume that conditional on the feature matrices $\mat{X}_k$ the entries of the tensor $\ten{Y}$ are independent realizations. The rank constraint is specified through $\mat{r} = (r_1, ..., r_K)$, then the model is given by
\E(\ten{Y} | \mat{X}_1, ..., \mat{X}_K) = f(\ten{C}\times\{ \mat{X}_1\mat{M}_1, ..., \mat{X}_K\mat{M}_K \}),\qquad \t{\mat{M}_k}\mat{M}_k = \mat{I}_{r_k}\ \forall k\in[K].
The order $K$ tensor $\ten{C}\in\mathbb{R}^{r_1\times...\times r_K}$ is an unknown full-rank core tensor and the matrices $\mat{M}_k\in\mathbb{R}^{p_k\times r_k}$ are unknown factor matrices. The function $f$ is applied element wise and serves as the link function based on the assumed distribution family of the tensor entries. Finally, the operation $\times$ denotes the tensor-by-matrix product using a short hand
\ten{C}\times\{ \mat{X}_1\mat{M}_1, ..., \mat{X}_K\mat{M}_K \}
= \ten{C}\ttm[1]\mat{X}_1\mat{M}_1\ ...\ttm[K]\mat{X}_K\mat{M}_K
with $\ttm[k]$ denoting the $k$-mode tensor matrix product.
The algorithm for estimation of $\ten{C}$ and $\mat{M}_1, ..., \mat{M}_K$ assumes the individual conditional entries of $\ten{Y}$ to be independent and to follow a generalized linear model with link function $f$. The proposed algorithm is an iterative algorithm for minimizing the negative log-likelihood
l(\ten{C}, \mat{M}_1, ..., \mat{M}_K) = \langle \ten{Y}, \Theta \rangle - \sum_{i_1, ..., i_K} b(\Theta_{i_1, ..., i_K}), \qquad \Theta = \ten{C}\times\{ \mat{X}_1\mat{M}_1, ..., \mat{X}_K\mat{M}_K \}
where $b = f'$ it the derivative of the canonical link function $f$ in the generalized linear model the conditioned entries of $\ten{Y}$ follow. The algorithm utilizes the higher-order SVD (HOSVD) to enforce the rank-constraint.
The main benefit is that this approach generalizes well to a multitude of different structured data sets.
\todo{ how does this relate to the $\mat{X} = \mat{\mu} + \mat{\beta}\mat{f}_y\t{\mat{\alpha}} + \mat{\epsilon}$ model.}
@ -0,0 +1,985 @@
### Exec all methods for a given data set and collect logs ###
sim <- function(X, Fy, shape, alpha.true, beta.true, max.iter = 500L) {
# Logger creator
logger <- function(name) {
eval(substitute(function(iter, loss, alpha, beta, ...) {
hist[iter + 1L, ] <<- c(
iter = iter,
loss = loss,
dist = (dist <- dist.subspace(c(kronecker(alpha.true, beta.true)),
c(kronecker(alpha, beta)))),
dist.alpha = (dist.alpha <- dist.subspace(c(alpha.true), c(alpha))),
dist.beta = (dist.beta <- dist.subspace(c( beta.true), c(beta ))),
norm.alpha = norm(alpha, "F"),
norm.beta = norm(beta, "F")
"%3d | l = %-12.4f - dist = %-.4e - alpha(%d, %d) = %-.4e - beta(%d, %d) = %-.4e\n",
iter, loss,
nrow(alpha), ncol(alpha), dist.alpha,
nrow(beta), ncol(beta), dist.beta
}, list(hist = as.symbol(paste0("hist.", name)))))
# Initialize logger history targets
hist.base <- <- hist.momentum <- # hist.kron <-
data.frame(iter = seq(0L, max.iter),
loss = NA, dist = NA, dist.alpha = NA, dist.beta = NA,
norm.alpha = NA, norm.beta = NA
hist.kron <- NULL # TODO: fit kron version
# Base (old)
kpir.base(X, Fy, shape, max.iter = max.iter, logger = logger("base"))
# New (simple Gradient Descent)
||||, Fy, shape, max.iter = max.iter, logger = logger("new"))
# Gradient Descent with Nesterov Momentum
kpir.momentum(X, Fy, shape, max.iter = max.iter, logger = logger("momentum"))
# # Residual Covariance Kronecker product assumpton version
# kpir.kron(X, Fy, shape, max.iter = max.iter, logger = logger("kron"))
# Add method tags
hist.base$type <- factor("base")
||||$type <- factor("new")
hist.momentum$type <- factor("momentum")
# hist.kron$type <- factor("kron")
# Combine results and return
rbind(hist.base,, hist.momentum, hist.kron)
## Generate some test data / DEBUG
n <- 200 # Sample Size
p <- sample(1:15, 1) # 11
q <- sample(1:15, 1) # 3
k <- sample(1:15, 1) # 7
r <- sample(1:15, 1) # 5
print(c(n, p, q, k, r))
hist <- NULL
for (rep in 1:20) {
alpha.true <- alpha <- matrix(rnorm(q * r), q, r)
beta.true <- beta <- matrix(rnorm(p * k), p, k)
y <- rnorm(n)
Fy <-, Map(function(slope, offset) {
sin(slope * y + offset)
head(rep(seq(1, ceiling(0.5 * k * r)), each = 2), k * r),
head(rep(c(0, pi / 2), ceiling(0.5 * k * r)), k * r)
Delta <- 0.5^abs(outer(seq_len(p * q), seq_len(p * q), `-`))
X <- tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha, beta)) + CVarE:::rmvnorm(n, sigma = Delta)
hist.sim <- sim(X, Fy, shape = c(p, q, k, r), alpha.true, beta.true)
hist.sim$repetition <- rep
hist <- rbind(hist, hist.sim)
saveRDS(hist, file = "AR.rds")
hist$repetition <- factor(hist$repetition)
ggplot(hist, aes(x = iter, color = type, group = interaction(type, repetition))) +
geom_line(aes(y = loss)) +
geom_point(data = with(sub <- subset(hist, !,
aggregate(sub, list(type, repetition), tail, 1)
), aes(y = loss)) +
title = bquote(paste("Optimization Objective: negative log-likelihood ",
l(hat(alpha), hat(beta)))),
subtitle = bquote(paste(Delta[i][j] == 0.25, " * ", 0.5^abs(i - j), ", ",
"20 repetitions, ", n == .(n), ", ",
p == .(p), ", ", q == .(q), ", ", k == .(k), ", ", r == .(r))),
x = "nr. of iterations",
y = expression(l(hat(alpha), hat(beta))),
color = "method"
) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
dev.print(png, file = "sim01_loss.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
ggplot(hist, aes(x = iter, color = type, group = interaction(type, repetition))) +
geom_line(aes(y = dist)) +
geom_point(data = with(sub <- subset(hist, !,
aggregate(sub, list(type, repetition), tail, 1)
), aes(y = dist)) +
title = bquote(paste("Distance of estimate ", hat(B), " to true ", B == alpha %*% beta)),
subtitle = bquote(paste(Delta[i][j] == 0.25, " * ", 0.5^abs(i - j), ", ",
"20 repetitions, ", n == .(n), ", ",
p == .(p), ", ", q == .(q), ", ", k == .(k), ", ", r == .(r))),
x = "nr. of iterations",
y = expression(abs(B * B^T - hat(B) * hat(B)^T)),
color = "method"
) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
dev.print(png, file = "sim01_dist.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
ggplot(hist, aes(x = iter, color = type, group = interaction(type, repetition))) +
geom_line(aes(y = dist.alpha)) +
geom_point(data = with(sub <- subset(hist, !,
aggregate(sub, list(type, repetition), tail, 1)
), aes(y = dist.alpha)) +
title = bquote(paste("Distance of estimate ", hat(alpha), " to true ", alpha)),
subtitle = bquote(paste(Delta[i][j] == 0.25, " * ", 0.5^abs(i - j), ", ",
"20 repetitions, ", n == .(n), ", ",
p == .(p), ", ", q == .(q), ", ", k == .(k), ", ", r == .(r))),
x = "nr. of iterations",
y = expression(abs(alpha * alpha^T - hat(alpha) * hat(alpha)^T)),
color = "method"
) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
dev.print(png, file = "sim01_dist_alpha.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
ggplot(hist, aes(x = iter, color = type, group = interaction(type, repetition))) +
geom_line(aes(y = dist.beta)) +
geom_point(data = with(sub <- subset(hist, !,
aggregate(sub, list(type, repetition), tail, 1)
), aes(y = dist.beta)) +
title = bquote(paste("Distance of estimate ", hat(beta), " to true ", beta)),
subtitle = bquote(paste(Delta[i][j] == 0.25, " * ", 0.5^abs(i - j), ", ",
"20 repetitions, ", n == .(n), ", ",
p == .(p), ", ", q == .(q), ", ", k == .(k), ", ", r == .(r))),
x = "nr. of iterations",
y = expression(abs(beta * beta^T - hat(beta) * hat(beta)^T)),
color = "method"
) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
dev.print(png, file = "sim01_dist_beta.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
ggplot(hist, aes(x = iter, color = type, group = interaction(type, repetition))) +
geom_line(aes(y = norm.alpha)) +
geom_point(data = with(sub <- subset(hist, !,
aggregate(sub, list(type, repetition), tail, 1)
), aes(y = norm.alpha)) +
title = expression(paste("Norm of ", hat(alpha))),
subtitle = bquote(paste(Delta[i][j] == 0.25, " * ", 0.5^abs(i - j), ", ",
"20 repetitions, ", n == .(n), ", ",
p == .(p), ", ", q == .(q), ", ", k == .(k), ", ", r == .(r))),
x = "nr. of iterations",
y = expression(abs(hat(alpha))[F]),
color = "method"
) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
dev.print(png, file = "sim01_norm_alpha.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
ggplot(hist, aes(x = iter, color = type, group = interaction(type, repetition))) +
geom_line(aes(y = norm.beta)) +
geom_point(data = with(sub <- subset(hist, !,
aggregate(sub, list(type, repetition), tail, 1)
), aes(y = norm.beta)) +
title = expression(paste("Norm of ", hat(beta))),
subtitle = bquote(paste(Delta[i][j] == 0.25, " * ", 0.5^abs(i - j), ", ",
"20 repetitions, ", n == .(n), ", ",
p == .(p), ", ", q == .(q), ", ", k == .(k), ", ", r == .(r))),
x = "nr. of iterations",
y = expression(abs(hat(beta))[F]),
color = "method"
) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
dev.print(png, file = "sim01_norm_beta.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
# local({
# par(mfrow = c(2, 3), oma = c(2, 1, 1, 1), mar = c(3.1, 2.1, 2.1, 1.1), lwd = 2)
# plot(c(1, max.iter), range(c(hist.base$loss,$loss, hist.momentum$loss, hist.kron$loss), na.rm = TRUE),
# type = "n", log = "x", main = "loss")
# lines( hist.base$loss, col = 2)
# lines($loss, col = 3)
# lines(hist.momentum$loss, col = 4)
# lines( hist.kron$loss, col = 5)
# yrange <- range(c(hist.base$step.size,$step.size, hist.momentum$step.size, hist.kron$step.size),
# na.rm = TRUE)
# plot(c(1, max.iter), yrange,
# type = "n", log = "x", main = "step.size")
# lines( hist.base$step.size, col = 2)
# lines($step.size, col = 3)
# lines(hist.momentum$step.size, col = 4)
# lines( hist.kron$step.size, col = 5)
# # lines( hist.base$step.size, col = 4) # there is no step.size
# plot(0, 0, type = "l", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
# legend("topleft", legend = c("Base", "GD", "GD + Momentum", "Kron + GD + Momentum"), col = 2:5,
# lwd = par("lwd"), xpd = TRUE, horiz = FALSE, cex = 1.2, bty = "n",
# x.intersp = 1, y.intersp = 1.5)
# # xpd = TRUE makes the legend plot to the figure
# plot(c(1, max.iter), range(c(hist.base$dist,$dist, hist.momentum$dist, hist.kron$dist), na.rm = TRUE),
# type = "n", log = "x", main = "dist")
# lines( hist.base$dist, col = 2)
# lines($dist, col = 3)
# lines(hist.momentum$dist, col = 4)
# lines( hist.kron$dist, col = 5)
# plot(c(1, max.iter), range(c(hist.base$dist.alpha,$dist.alpha, hist.momentum$dist.alpha, hist.kron$dist.alpha), na.rm = TRUE),
# type = "n", log = "x", main = "dist.alpha")
# lines( hist.base$dist.alpha, col = 2)
# lines($dist.alpha, col = 3)
# lines(hist.momentum$dist.alpha, col = 4)
# lines( hist.kron$dist.alpha, col = 5)
# plot(c(1, max.iter), range(c(hist.base$dist.beta,$dist.beta, hist.momentum$dist.beta, hist.kron$dist.beta), na.rm = TRUE),
# type = "n", log = "x", main = "dist.beta")
# lines( hist.base$dist.beta, col = 2)
# lines($dist.beta, col = 3)
# lines(hist.momentum$dist.beta, col = 4)
# lines( hist.kron$dist.beta, col = 5)
# # par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1), oma = c(0, 0, 0, 0), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0), new = TRUE)
# # plot(0, 0, type = 'l', bty = 'n', xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n')
# # legend('bottom', legend = c('GD', 'GD + Nesterov Momentum', 'Alternating'), col = 2:4,
# # lwd = 5, xpd = TRUE, horiz = TRUE, cex = 1, seg.len = 1, bty = 'n')
# # # xpd = TRUE makes the legend plot to the figure
# })
# dev.print(png, file = "loss.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
# with(list(a1 = alpha, a2 = fit.base$alpha, a3 =$alpha, a4 = fit.momentum$alpha,
# b1 = beta, b2 = fit.base$beta, b3 =$beta, b4 = fit.momentum$beta), {
# par(mfrow = c(2, 4))
# a2 <- sign(sum(sign(a1 * a2))) * a2
# a3 <- sign(sum(sign(a1 * a3))) * a3
# a4 <- sign(sum(sign(a1 * a4))) * a4
# b2 <- sign(sum(sign(b1 * b2))) * b2
# b3 <- sign(sum(sign(b1 * b3))) * b3
# b4 <- sign(sum(sign(b1 * b4))) * b4
# matrixImage(a1, main = expression(alpha))
# matrixImage(a2, main = expression(paste(hat(alpha)["Base"])))
# matrixImage(a3, main = expression(paste(hat(alpha)["GD"])))
# matrixImage(a4, main = expression(paste(hat(alpha)["GD+Nest"])))
# matrixImage(b1, main = expression(beta))
# matrixImage(b2, main = expression(paste(hat(beta)["Base"])))
# matrixImage(b3, main = expression(paste(hat(beta)["GD"])))
# matrixImage(b4, main = expression(paste(hat(beta)["GD+Nest"])))
# })
# dev.print(png, file = "estimates.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
# with(list(d1 = Delta, d2 = fit.base$Delta, d3 =$Delta, d4 = fit.momentum$Delta), {
# par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# matrixImage(d1, main = expression(Delta))
# matrixImage(d2, main = expression(hat(Delta)["Base"]))
# matrixImage(d3, main = expression(hat(Delta)["GD"]))
# matrixImage(d4, main = expression(hat(Delta)["GD+Nest"]))
# })
# dev.print(png, file = "Delta.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
# with(list(a1 = alpha, a2 = fit.base$alpha, a3 =$alpha, a4 = fit.momentum$alpha,
# b1 = beta, b2 = fit.base$beta, b3 =$beta, b4 = fit.momentum$beta), {
# par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# matrixImage(kronecker(a1, b1), main = expression(B))
# matrixImage(kronecker(a2, b2), main = expression(hat(B)["Base"]))
# matrixImage(kronecker(a3, b3), main = expression(hat(B)["GD"]))
# matrixImage(kronecker(a4, b4), main = expression(hat(B)["GD+Nest"]))
# })
# dev.print(png, file = "B.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
# with(list(a1 = alpha, a2 = fit.base$alpha, a3 =$alpha, a4 = fit.momentum$alpha,
# b1 = beta, b2 = fit.base$beta, b3 =$beta, b4 = fit.momentum$beta), {
# par(mfrow = c(3, 1), lwd = 1)
# d2 <- kronecker(a1, b1) - kronecker(a2, b2)
# d3 <- kronecker(a1, b1) - kronecker(a3, b3)
# d4 <- kronecker(a1, b1) - kronecker(a4, b4)
# xlim <- c(-1, 1) * max(abs(c(d2, d3, d4)))
# breaks <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], len = 41)
# hist(d2, main = expression(paste(base, (B - hat(B))[i])),
# breaks = breaks, xlim = xlim, freq = FALSE)
# lines(density(d2), col = 2)
# abline(v = range(d2), lty = 2)
# hist(d3, main = expression(paste(GD, (B - hat(B))[i])),
# breaks = breaks, xlim = xlim, freq = FALSE)
# lines(density(d3), col = 3)
# abline(v = range(d3), lty = 2)
# hist(d4, main = expression(paste(GD + Nest, (B - hat(B))[i])),
# breaks = breaks, xlim = xlim, freq = FALSE)
# lines(density(d4), col = 4)
# abline(v = range(d4), lty = 2)
# })
# dev.print(png, file = "hist.png", width = 768, height = 768, res = 125)
# options(width = 300)
# print(pr <- prof.tree::prof.tree("./Rprof.out"), limit = NULL
# , pruneFun = function(x) x$percent > 0.01)
# par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# matrixImage(alpha, main = "alpha")
# matrixImage(fit$alpha, main = "fit$alpha")
# matrixImage(beta, main = "beta")
# matrixImage(fit$beta, main = "fit$beta")
# if (diff(dim(alpha) * dim(beta)) > 0) {
# par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
# } else {
# par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
# }
# matrixImage(kronecker(alpha, beta), main = "kronecker(alpha, beta)")
# matrixImage(kronecker(fit$alpha, fit$beta), main = "kronecker(fit$alpha, fit$beta)")
# matrixImage(Delta, main = "Delta")
# matrixImage(fit$Delta, main = "fit$Delta")
# local({
# a <- (-1 * (sum(sign(fit$alpha) * sign(alpha)) < 0)) * fit$alpha / mean(fit$alpha^2)
# b <- alpha / mean(alpha^2)
# norm(a - b, "F")
# })
# local({
# a <- (-1 * (sum(sign(fit$beta) * sign(beta)) < 0)) * fit$beta / mean(fit$beta^2)
# b <- beta / mean(beta^2)
# norm(a - b, "F")
# })
# # Which Sequence?
# x <- y <- 1
# replicate(40, x <<- (y <<- x + y) - x)
# # Face-Splitting Product
# n <- 100
# p <- 3
# q <- 500
# A <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n)
# B <- matrix(rnorm(n * q), n)
# faceSplit <- function(A, B) {
# C <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(A)), function(i) A[, i] * B, B)
# dim(C) <- c(nrow(A), ncol(A) * ncol(B))
# C
# }
# all.equal(
# tkhatriRao(A, B),
# faceSplit(A, B)
# )
# microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
# tkhatriRao(A, B),
# faceSplit(A, B)
# )
# dist.kron <- function(a0, b0, a1, b1) {
# sqrt(sum(a0^2) * sum(b0^2) -
# 2 * sum(diag(crossprod(a0, a1))) * sum(diag(crossprod(b0, b1))) +
# sum(a1^2) * sum(b1^2))
# }
# alpha <- matrix(rnorm(q * r), q)
# beta <- matrix(rnorm(p * k), p)
# alpha.true <- matrix(rnorm(q * r), q)
# beta.true <- matrix(rnorm(p * k), p)
# all.equal(
# dist.kron(alpha, beta, alpha.true, beta.true),
# norm(kronecker(alpha, beta) - kronecker(alpha.true, beta.true), "F")
# )
# A <- matrix(rnorm(p^2), p)
# B <- matrix(rnorm(p^2), p)
# tr <- function(A) sum(diag(A))
# tr(crossprod(A, B))
# tr(tcrossprod(B, A))
# tr(crossprod(A, A))
# tr(tcrossprod(A, A))
# sum(A^2)
# alpha <- matrix(rnorm(q * r), q)
# beta <- matrix(rnorm(p * k), p)
# norm(kronecker(alpha, beta), "F")^2
# norm(alpha, "F")^2 * norm(beta, "F")^2
# tr(crossprod(kronecker(alpha, beta)))
# tr(tcrossprod(kronecker(alpha, beta)))
# tr(crossprod(kronecker(t(alpha), t(beta))))
# tr(crossprod(alpha)) * tr(crossprod(beta))
# tr(tcrossprod(alpha)) * tr(tcrossprod(beta))
# tr(crossprod(alpha)) * tr(tcrossprod(beta))
# sum(alpha^2) * sum(beta^2)
# alpha <- matrix(rnorm(q * r), q)
# beta <- matrix(rnorm(p * k), p)
# alpha.true <- matrix(rnorm(q * r), q)
# beta.true <- matrix(rnorm(p * k), p)
# microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
# norm(kronecker(alpha, beta), "F")^2,
# norm(alpha, "F")^2 * norm(beta, "F")^2,
# tr(crossprod(kronecker(alpha, beta))),
# tr(tcrossprod(kronecker(alpha, beta))),
# tr(crossprod(kronecker(t(alpha), t(beta)))),
# tr(crossprod(alpha)) * tr(crossprod(beta)),
# tr(tcrossprod(alpha)) * tr(tcrossprod(beta)),
# tr(crossprod(alpha)) * tr(tcrossprod(beta)),
# sum(alpha^2) * sum(beta^2),
# setup = {
# p <- sample(1:10, 1)
# q <- sample(1:10, 1)
# k <- sample(1:10, 1)
# r <- sample(1:10, 1)
# assign("alpha", matrix(rnorm(q * r), q), .GlobalEnv)
# assign("beta", matrix(rnorm(p * k), p), .GlobalEnv)
# assign("alpha.true", matrix(rnorm(q * r), q), .GlobalEnv)
# assign("beta.true", matrix(rnorm(p * k), p), .GlobalEnv)
# }
# )
# p <- sample(1:15, 1) # 11
# q <- sample(1:15, 1) # 3
# k <- sample(1:15, 1) # 7
# r <- sample(1:15, 1) # 5
# A <- matrix(rnorm(q * r), q)
# B <- matrix(rnorm(p * k), p)
# a <- matrix(rnorm(q * r), q)
# b <- matrix(rnorm(p * k), p)
# all.equal(
# kronecker(A + a, B + b),
# kronecker(A, B) + kronecker(A, b) + kronecker(a, B) + kronecker(a, b)
# )
# p <- 200L
# n <- 100L
# R <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n)
# A <- matrix(rnorm(p^2), p) # Base Matrix
# B <- A + 0.01 * matrix(rnorm(p^2), p) # Distortion / Update of A
# A.inv <- solve(A)
# microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
# solve = R %*% solve(B),
# neumann.raw = R %*% (A.inv + A.inv %*% (A - B) %*% A.inv + A.inv %*% (A - B) %*% A.inv %*% (A - B) %*% A.inv),
# = {
# AD <- A.inv %*% (A - B)
# res <- A.inv + AD %*% A.inv
# res <- A.inv + AD %*% res
# R %*% res
# }
# )
# all.equal(
# A.inv + A.inv %*% (A - B) %*% A.inv + A.inv %*% (A - B) %*% A.inv %*% (A - B) %*% A.inv,
# {
# DA <- (A - B) %*% A.inv
# res <- A.inv + A.inv %*% DA
# res <- A.inv + res %*% DA
# res
# }
# )
# all.equal(
# A.inv + A.inv %*% (A - B) %*% A.inv + A.inv %*% (A - B) %*% A.inv %*% (A - B) %*% A.inv,
# {
# AD <- A.inv %*% (A - B)
# res <- A.inv + AD %*% A.inv
# res <- A.inv + AD %*% res
# res
# }
# )
# #####
# sym <- function(A) A + t(A)
# n <- 101
# p <- 7
# q <- 11
# r <- 3
# k <- 5
# R <- array(rnorm(n * p * q), dim = c(n = n, p = p, q = q))
# F <- array(rnorm(n * k * r), dim = c(n = n, k = k, r = r))
# alpha <- array(rnorm(q * r), dim = c(q = q, r = r))
# beta <- array(rnorm(p * k), dim = c(p = p, k = k))
# Delta.1 <- sym(matrix(rnorm(q * q), q, q))
# dim(Delta.1) <- c(q = q, q = q)
# Delta.2 <- sym(matrix(rnorm(p * p), p, p))
# dim(Delta.2) <- c(p = p, p = p)
# Delta <- kronecker(Delta.1, Delta.2)
# grad.alpha.1 <- local({
# Di.1 <- solve(Delta.1)
# Di.2 <- solve(Delta.2)
# .R <- sapply(seq_len(n), function(i) tcrossprod(Di.1, R[i, , ]) %*% Di.2)
# dim(.R) <- c(q, p, n)
# .F <- sapply(seq_len(n), function(i) beta %*% F[i, , ])
# dim(.F) <- c(p, r, n)
# .C <- sapply(seq_len(n), function(i) .R[i, , ] %*% .F[i, , ])
# dim(.C) <- c(n, q, r)
# colSums(.C)
# })
# grad.alpha.2 <- local({
# # Delta.1^-1 R' Delta.2^-1
# .R <- aperm(R, c(2, 1, 3))
# dim(.R) <- c(q, n * p)
# .R <- solve(Delta.1) %*% .R
# dim(.R) <- c(q, n, p)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(3, 2, 1))
# dim(.R) <- c(p, n * q)
# .R <- solve(Delta.2) %*% .R
# dim(.R) <- c(p, n, q)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(2, 3, 1)) # n x q x p
# # beta F
# .F <- aperm(F, c(2, 1, 3))
# dim(.F) <- c(k, n * r)
# .F <- beta %*% .F
# dim(.F) <- c(p, n, r)
# .F <- aperm(.F, c(2, 1, 3)) # n x p x r
# # (Delta.1^-1 R' Delta.2^-1) (beta F)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.R) <- c(n * p, q)
# dim(.F) <- c(n * p, r)
# crossprod(.R, .F)
# })
# all.equal(
# grad.alpha.1,
# grad.alpha.2
# )
# all.equal({
# .R <- matrix(0, q, p)
# Di.1 <- solve(Delta.1)
# Di.2 <- solve(Delta.2)
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .R <- .R + Di.1 %*% t(R[i, , ]) %*% Di.2
# }
# .R
# }, {
# .R <- R
# Di.1 <- solve(Delta.1)
# Di.2 <- solve(Delta.2)
# .R <- sapply(seq_len(n), function(i) tcrossprod(Di.1, R[i, , ]) %*% Di.2)
# dim(.R) <- c(q, p, n)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(3, 1, 2))
# colSums(.R)
# })
# all.equal({
# Di.1 <- solve(Delta.1)
# Di.2 <- solve(Delta.2)
# .R <- sapply(seq_len(n), function(i) tcrossprod(Di.1, R[i, , ]) %*% Di.2)
# dim(.R) <- c(q, p, n)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(3, 1, 2))
# .R
# }, {
# .R <- R
# dim(.R) <- c(n * p, q)
# .R <- .R %*% solve(Delta.1)
# dim(.R) <- c(n, p, q)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.R) <- c(n * q, p)
# .R <- .R %*% solve(Delta.2)
# dim(.R) <- c(n, q, p)
# .R
# })
# all.equal({
# .F <- matrix(0, p, r)
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .F <- .F + beta %*% F[i, , ]
# }
# .F
# }, {
# .F <- apply(F, 1, function(Fi) beta %*% Fi)
# dim(.F) <- c(p, r, n)
# .F <- aperm(.F, c(3, 1, 2))
# colSums(.F)
# })
# all.equal({
# .F <- apply(F, 1, function(Fi) beta %*% Fi)
# dim(.F) <- c(p, r, n)
# .F <- aperm(.F, c(3, 1, 2))
# colSums(.F)
# }, {
# .F <- aperm(F, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.F) <- c(n * r, k)
# .F <- tcrossprod(.F, beta)
# dim(.F) <- c(n, r, p)
# t(colSums(.F))
# })
# all.equal({
# Di.1 <- solve(Delta.1)
# Di.2 <- solve(Delta.2)
# grad.alpha <- 0
# grad.beta <- 0
# dim(R) <- c(n, p, q)
# dim(F) <- c(n, k, r)
# for (i in 1:n) {
# grad.alpha <- grad.alpha + (
# Di.1 %*% t(R[i, , ]) %*% Di.2 %*% beta %*% F[i, , ]
# )
# grad.beta <- grad.beta + (
# Di.2 %*% R[i, , ] %*% Di.1 %*% alpha %*% t(F[i, , ])
# )
# }
# g1 <- c(dim(grad.alpha), dim(grad.beta), grad.alpha, grad.beta)
# }, {
# # Note that the order is important since for grad.beta the residuals do NOT
# # need to be transposes.
# # left/right standardized residuals Delta_1^-1 R_i' Delta_2^-1 for i in 1:n
# dim(R) <- c(n * p, q)
# .R <- R %*% solve(Delta.1)
# dim(.R) <- c(n, p, q)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.R) <- c(n * q, p)
# .R <- .R %*% solve(Delta.2)
# dim(.R) <- c(n, q, p)
# # gradient with respect to beta
# # Responces times beta (alpha f_i')
# dim(F) <- c(n * k, r)
# .F <- tcrossprod(F, alpha)
# dim(.F) <- c(n, k, q)
# .F <- aperm(.F, c(1, 3, 2))
# # Matricize
# dim(.R) <- c(n * q, p)
# dim(.F) <- c(n * q, k)
# grad.beta <- crossprod(.R, .F)
# # gradient with respect to beta
# # Responces times alpha
# dim(F) <- c(n, k, r)
# .F <- aperm(F, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.F) <- c(n * r, k)
# .F <- tcrossprod(.F, beta)
# dim(.F) <- c(n, r, p)
# .F <- aperm(.F, c(1, 3, 2))
# # Transpose stand. residuals
# dim(.R) <- c(n, q, p)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(1, 3, 2))
# # Matricize
# dim(.R) <- c(n * p, q)
# dim(.F) <- c(n * p, r)
# grad.alpha <- crossprod(.R, .F)
# g2 <- c(dim(grad.alpha), dim(grad.beta), grad.alpha, grad.beta)
# })
# microbenchmark::microbenchmark(R1 = {
# Di.1 <- solve(Delta.1)
# Di.2 <- solve(Delta.2)
# grad.alpha <- 0 # matrix(0, q, r)
# grad.beta <- 0 # matrix(0, p, k)
# dim(R) <- c(n, p, q)
# dim(F) <- c(n, k, r)
# for (i in 1:n) {
# grad.alpha <- grad.alpha + (
# Di.1 %*% t(R[i, , ]) %*% Di.2 %*% beta %*% F[i, , ]
# )
# grad.beta <- grad.beta + (
# Di.2 %*% R[i, , ] %*% Di.1 %*% alpha %*% t(F[i, , ])
# )
# }
# g1 <- c(dim(grad.alpha), dim(grad.beta), grad.alpha, grad.beta)
# }, R3 = {
# # Note that the order is important since for grad.beta the residuals do NOT
# # need to be transposes.
# # left/right standardized residuals Delta_1^-1 R_i' Delta_2^-1 for i in 1:n
# dim(R) <- c(n * p, q)
# .R <- R %*% solve(Delta.1)
# dim(.R) <- c(n, p, q)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.R) <- c(n * q, p)
# .R <- .R %*% solve(Delta.2)
# dim(.R) <- c(n, q, p)
# # gradient with respect to beta
# # Responces times beta (alpha f_i')
# dim(F) <- c(n * k, r)
# .F <- tcrossprod(F, alpha)
# dim(.F) <- c(n, k, q)
# .F <- aperm(.F, c(1, 3, 2))
# # Matricize
# dim(.R) <- c(n * q, p)
# dim(.F) <- c(n * q, k)
# grad.beta <- crossprod(.R, .F)
# # gradient with respect to beta
# # Responces times alpha
# dim(F) <- c(n, k, r)
# .F <- aperm(F, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.F) <- c(n * r, k)
# .F <- tcrossprod(.F, beta)
# dim(.F) <- c(n, r, p)
# .F <- aperm(.F, c(1, 3, 2))
# # Transpose stand. residuals
# dim(.R) <- c(n, q, p)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(1, 3, 2))
# # Matricize
# dim(.R) <- c(n * p, q)
# dim(.F) <- c(n * p, r)
# grad.alpha <- crossprod(.R, .F)
# g2 <- c(dim(grad.alpha), dim(grad.beta), grad.alpha, grad.beta)
# })
# n <- 100
# p <- 7
# q <- 11
# k <- 3
# r <- 5
# X <- array(rnorm(n * p * q), dim = c(n = n, p = p, q = q))
# F <- array(rnorm(n * k * r), dim = c(n = n, k = k, r = r))
# alpha <- array(rnorm(q * r), dim = c(q = q, r = r))
# beta <- array(rnorm(p * k), dim = c(p = p, k = k))
# all.equal({
# R <- array(NA, dim = c(n, p, q))
# for (i in 1:n) {
# R[i, , ] <- X[i, , ] - beta %*% F[i, , ] %*% t(alpha)
# }
# R
# }, {
# X - (F %x_3% alpha %x_2% beta)
# }, check.attributes = FALSE)
# microbenchmark::microbenchmark(base = {
# R <- array(NA, dim = c(n, p, q))
# for (i in 1:n) {
# R[i, , ] <- X[i, , ] - beta %*% F[i, , ] %*% t(alpha)
# }
# R
# }, ttm = {
# X - (F %x_3% alpha %x_2% beta)
# })
# n <- 100; p <- 7; q <- 11; k <- 3; r <- 5
# sym <- function(x) t(x) + x
# Di.1 <- sym(matrix(rnorm(q^2), q, q))
# Di.2 <- sym(matrix(rnorm(p^2), p, p))
# R <- array(rnorm(n, p, q), dim = c(n, p, q))
# F <- array(rnorm(n, k, r), dim = c(n, k, r))
# alpha <- matrix(rnorm(q * r), q, r)
# beta <- matrix(rnorm(p * k), p, k)
# all.equal({
# .R <- array(NA, dim = c(n, p, q))
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .R[i, , ] <- Di.2 %*% R[i, , ] %*% Di.1
# }
# .R
# }, {
# R %x_3% Di.1 %x_2% Di.2
# })
# all.equal({
# .Rt <- array(NA, dim = c(n, q, p))
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .Rt[i, , ] <- Di.1 %*% t(R[i, , ]) %*% Di.2
# }
# .Rt
# }, {
# .Rt <- R %x_3% Di.1 %x_2% Di.2
# aperm(.Rt, c(1, 3, 2))
# })
# all.equal({
# .Fa <- array(NA, dim = c(n, q, k))
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .Fa[i, , ] <- alpha %*% t(F[i, , ])
# }
# .Fa
# }, {
# aperm(F %x_3% alpha, c(1, 3, 2))
# })
# all.equal({
# .Fb <- array(NA, dim = c(n, p, r))
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .Fb[i, , ] <- beta %*% F[i, , ]
# }
# .Fb
# }, {
# F %x_2% beta
# })
# all.equal({
# .F <- array(NA, dim = c(n, p, q))
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .F[i, , ] <- beta %*% F[i, , ] %*% t(alpha)
# }
# .F
# }, {
# F %x_3% alpha %x_2% beta
# })
# all.equal({
# .Ga <- 0
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .Ga <- .Ga + Di.1 %*% t(R[i, , ]) %*% Di.2 %*% beta %*% F[i, , ]
# }
# .Ga
# }, {
# .R <- R %x_3% Di.1 %x_2% Di.2
# dim(.R) <- c(n * p, q)
# .Fb <- F %x_2% beta
# dim(.Fb) <- c(n * p, r)
# crossprod(.R, .Fb)
# })
# all.equal({
# .Gb <- 0
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .Gb <- .Gb + Di.2 %*% R[i, , ] %*% Di.1 %*% alpha %*% t(F[i, , ])
# }
# .Gb
# }, {
# .Rt <- aperm(R %x_3% Di.1 %x_2% Di.2, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.Rt) <- c(n * q, p)
# .Fa <- aperm(F %x_3% alpha, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.Fa) <- c(n * q, k)
# crossprod(.Rt, .Fa)
# })
# all.equal({
# .Ga <- 0
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .Ga <- .Ga + Di.1 %*% t(R[i, , ]) %*% Di.2 %*% beta %*% F[i, , ]
# }
# .Gb <- 0
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .Gb <- .Gb + Di.2 %*% R[i, , ] %*% Di.1 %*% alpha %*% t(F[i, , ])
# }
# c(.Ga, .Gb)
# }, {
# .R <- R %x_3% Di.1 %x_2% Di.2
# .Fb <- F %x_2% beta
# .Fa <- aperm(F %x_3% alpha, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.R) <- c(n * p, q)
# dim(.Fb) <- c(n * p, r)
# .Ga <- crossprod(.R, .Fb)
# dim(.R) <- c(n, p, q)
# .R <- aperm(.R, c(1, 3, 2))
# dim(.R) <- c(n * q, p)
# dim(.Fa) <- c(n * q, k)
# .Gb <- crossprod(.R, .Fa)
# c(.Ga, .Gb)
# })
# all.equal({
# .Ga <- 0
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .Ga <- .Ga + Di.1 %*% t(R[i, , ]) %*% Di.2 %*% beta %*% F[i, , ]
# }
# .Gb <- 0
# for (i in 1:n) {
# .Gb <- .Gb + Di.2 %*% R[i, , ] %*% Di.1 %*% alpha %*% t(F[i, , ])
# }
# c(.Ga, .Gb)
# }, {
# .R <- R %x_3% Di.1 %x_2% Di.2
# .Ga <- tcrossprod(mat(.R, 3), mat(F %x_2% beta, 3))
# .Gb <- tcrossprod(mat(.R, 2), mat(F %x_3% alpha, 2))
# c(.Ga, .Gb)
# })
# n <- 101; p <- 5; q <- 7
# sym <- function(x) crossprod(x)
# D1 <- sym(matrix(rnorm(q^2), q, q))
# D2 <- sym(matrix(rnorm(p^2), p, p))
# X <- tensorPredictors:::rmvnorm(n, sigma = kronecker(D1, D2))
# dim(X) <- c(n, p, q)
# D1.hat <- tcrossprod(mat(X, 3)) / n
# D2.hat <- tcrossprod(mat(X, 2)) / n
# local({
# par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# matrixImage(D1, main = "D1")
# matrixImage(D1.hat, main = "D1.hat")
# matrixImage(D2, main = "D2")
# matrixImage(D2.hat, main = "D2.hat")
# })
# sum(X^2) / n
# sum(diag(D1.hat))
# sum(diag(D2.hat))
# sum(diag(kronecker(D1, D2)))
# sum(diag(kronecker(D1.hat / sqrt(sum(diag(D1.hat))),
# D2.hat / sqrt(sum(diag(D1.hat))))))
# all.equal({
# mat(X, 1) %*% kronecker(D1.hat, D2.hat)
# }, {
# mat(X %x_3% D1.hat %x_2% D2.hat, 1)
# })
# all.equal({
# C <- mat(X, 1) %*% kronecker(D1.hat, D2.hat) * (n / sum(X^2))
# dim(C) <- c(n, p, q)
# C
# }, {
# (X %x_3% D1.hat %x_2% D2.hat) / sum(diag(D1.hat))
# })
# D.1 <- tcrossprod(mat(X, 3))
# D.2 <- tcrossprod(mat(X, 2))
# tr <- sum(diag(D.1))
# D.1 <- D.1 / sqrt(n * tr)
# D.2 <- D.2 / sqrt(n * tr)
# sum(diag(kronecker(D1, D2)))
# sum(diag(kronecker(D.1, D.2)))
# det(kronecker(D1, D2))
# det(kronecker(D.1, D.2))
# det(D.1)^p * det(D.2)^q
# log(det(kronecker(D.1, D.2)))
# p * log(det(D.1)) + q * log(det(D.2))
@ -1,16 +1,28 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
useDynLib(tensorPredictors, .registration = TRUE)
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ RMReg <- function(X, Z, y, lambda = 0, max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L,
# Evaluate loss to ensure descent after line search
loss.temp <- loss(B.temp, beta.temp, X, Z, y)
loss.temp <- left # loss(B.temp, beta.temp, X, Z, y) # already computed
# logging callback
if (is.function(logger)) {
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ RMReg <- function(X, Z, y, lambda = 0, max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L,
iter = iter,
df = df,
loss = loss1,
lambda = lambda,
lambda = delta * lambda, #
AIC = loss1 + 2 * df, # TODO: check this!
BIC = loss1 + log(nrow(X)) * df, # TODO: check this!
call = # invocing function call, collects params like lambda
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#' Column wise kronecker product
#' This is a special case of the "Khatri-Rao Product".
#' @seealso \link{\code{rowKronecker}}
#' @export
colKronecker <- function(A, B) {
sapply(1:ncol(A), function(i) kronecker(A[, i], B[, i]))
#' Row wise kronecker product
#' Also known as the "Face-splitting product". This is a special case of the
#' "Khatri-Rao Product".
#' @seealso \link{\code{colKronecker}}
#' @export
rowKronecker <- function(A, B) {
C <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(A)), function(i) A[, i] * B, B)
dim(C) <- c(nrow(A), ncol(A) * ncol(B))
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
#' Using unbiased (but not MLE) estimates for the Kronecker decomposed
#' covariance matrices Delta_1, Delta_2 for approximating the log-likelihood
#' giving a closed form solution for the gradient.
#' Delta_1 = n^-1 sum_i R_i' R_i,
#' Delta_2 = n^-1 sum_i R_i R_i'.
#' @export
kpir.approx <- function(X, Fy, shape = c(dim(X)[-1], dim(Fy[-1])),
max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L, step.size = 1e-3,
nesterov.scaling = function(a, t) 0.5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + (2 * a)^2)),
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
logger = NULL
) {
# Check if X and Fy have same number of observations
stopifnot(nrow(X) == NROW(Fy))
n <- nrow(X) # Number of observations
# Get and check predictor dimensions
if (length(dim(X)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(X) == prod(shape[1:2]))
p <- as.integer(shape[1]) # Predictor "height"
q <- as.integer(shape[2]) # Predictor "width"
} else if (length(dim(X)) == 3L) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
q <- dim(X)[3]
dim(X) <- c(n, p * q)
} else {
stop("'X' must be a matrix or 3-tensor")
# Get and check response dimensions
if (!is.array(Fy)) {
Fy <- as.array(Fy)
if (length(dim(Fy)) == 1L) {
k <- r <- 1L
dim(Fy) <- c(n, 1L)
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(Fy) == prod(shape[3:4]))
k <- as.integer(shape[3]) # Response functional "height"
r <- as.integer(shape[4]) # Response functional "width"
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 3L) {
k <- dim(Fy)[2]
r <- dim(Fy)[3]
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k * r)
} else {
stop("'Fy' must be a vector, matrix or 3-tensor")
### Step 1: (Approx) Least Squares solution for `X = Fy B' + epsilon`
# Vectorize
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k * r)
dim(X) <- c(n, p * q)
# Solve
cpFy <- crossprod(Fy) # TODO: Check/Test and/or replace
if (n <= k * r || qr(cpFy)$rank < k * r) {
# In case of under-determined system replace the inverse in the normal
# equation by the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse
B <- t(matpow(cpFy, -1) %*% crossprod(Fy, X))
} else {
# Compute OLS estimate by the Normal Equation
B <- t(solve(cpFy, crossprod(Fy, X)))
# De-Vectroize (from now on tensor arithmetics)
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k, r)
dim(X) <- c(n, p, q)
# Decompose `B = alpha x beta` into `alpha` and `beta`
c(alpha0, beta0) %<-% approx.kronecker(B, c(q, r), c(p, k))
# Compute residuals
R <- X - (Fy %x_3% alpha0 %x_2% beta0)
# Covariance estimates and scaling factor
Delta.1 <- tcrossprod(mat(R, 3))
Delta.2 <- tcrossprod(mat(R, 2))
s <- sum(diag(Delta.1))
# Inverse Covariances
Delta.1.inv <- solve(Delta.1)
Delta.2.inv <- solve(Delta.2)
# cross dependent covariance estimates
S.1 <- n^-1 * tcrossprod(mat(R, 3), mat(R %x_2% Delta.2.inv, 3))
S.2 <- n^-1 * tcrossprod(mat(R, 2), mat(R %x_3% Delta.1.inv, 2))
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood (2 pi term dropped)
loss <- -0.5 * n * (p * q * log(s) - p * log(det(Delta.1)) -
q * log(det(Delta.2)) - s * sum(S.1 * Delta.1.inv))
# Gradient "generating" tensor
G <- (sum(S.1 * Delta.1.inv) - p * q / s) * R
G <- G + R %x_2% ((diag(q, p, p) - s * (Delta.2.inv %*% S.2)) %*% Delta.2.inv)
G <- G + R %x_3% ((diag(p, q, q) - s * (Delta.1.inv %*% S.1)) %*% Delta.1.inv)
G <- G + s * (R %x_2% Delta.2.inv %x_3% Delta.1.inv)
# Call history callback (logger) before the first iteration
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(0L, loss, alpha0, beta0, Delta.1, Delta.2, NA)
### Step 2: MLE estimate with LS solution as starting value
a0 <- 0
a1 <- 1
alpha1 <- alpha0
beta1 <- beta0
# main descent loop
no.nesterov <- TRUE
break.reason <- NA
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
if (no.nesterov) {
# without extrapolation as fallback
alpha.moment <- alpha1
beta.moment <- beta1
} else {
# extrapolation using previous direction
alpha.moment <- alpha1 + ((a0 - 1) / a1) * (alpha1 - alpha0)
beta.moment <- beta1 + ((a0 - 1) / a1) * ( beta1 - beta0)
# Extrapolated residuals
R <- X - (Fy %x_3% alpha.moment %x_2% beta.moment)
list(loss = loss, alpha = alpha1, beta = beta1, Delta = Delta)
@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
#' (Slightly altered) old implementation
#' @export
kpir.base <- function(X, Fy, shape = c(dim(X)[-1], dim(Fy[-1])),
method = c("mle", "ls"),
eps1 = 1e-10, eps2 = 1e-10, max.iter = 500L,
logger = NULL
) {
# Check if X and Fy have same number of observations
stopifnot(nrow(X) == NROW(Fy))
n <- nrow(X) # Number of observations
# Get and check predictor dimensions
if (length(dim(X)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(X) == prod(shape[1:2]))
p <- as.integer(shape[1]) # Predictor "height"
q <- as.integer(shape[2]) # Predictor "width"
} else if (length(dim(X)) == 3L) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
q <- dim(X)[3]
dim(X) <- c(n, p * q)
} else {
stop("'X' must be a matrix or 3-tensor")
# Get and check response dimensions
if (!is.array(Fy)) {
Fy <- as.array(Fy)
if (length(dim(Fy)) == 1L) {
k <- r <- 1L
dim(Fy) <- c(n, 1L)
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(Fy) == prod(shape[3:4]))
k <- as.integer(shape[3]) # Response functional "height"
r <- as.integer(shape[4]) # Response functional "width"
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 3L) {
k <- dim(Fy)[2]
r <- dim(Fy)[3]
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k * r)
} else {
stop("'Fy' must be a vector, matrix or 3-tensor")
log.likelihood <- function(par, X, Fy, Delta.inv, da, db) {
alpha <- matrix(par[1:prod(da)], da[1L])
beta <- matrix(par[(prod(da) + 1):length(par)], db[1L])
error <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha, beta))
sum(error * (error %*% Delta.inv))
# Validate method using unexact matching.
method <- match.arg(method)
### Step 1: (Approx) Least Squares solution for `X = Fy B' + epsilon`
cpFy <- crossprod(Fy)
if (n <= k * r || qr(cpFy)$rank < k * r) {
# In case of under-determined system replace the inverse in the normal
# equation by the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse
B <- t(matpow(cpFy, -1) %*% crossprod(Fy, X))
} else {
# Compute OLS estimate by the Normal Equation
B <- t(solve(cpFy, crossprod(Fy, X)))
# Estimate alpha, beta as nearest kronecker approximation.
c(alpha, beta) %<-% approx.kronecker(B, c(q, r), c(p, k))
if (method == "ls") {
# Estimate Delta.
B <- kronecker(alpha, beta)
rank <- if (ncol(Fy) == 1) 1L else qr(Fy)$rank
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, B)
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / (nrow(X) - rank)
} else { # mle
B <- kronecker(alpha, beta)
# Compute residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, B)
# Estimate initial Delta.
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / nrow(X)
# call logger with initial starting value
if (is.function(logger)) {
# Transformed Residuals (using `matpow` as robust inversion algo,
# uses Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse in case of singular `Delta`)
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
loss <- 0.5 * (nrow(X) * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
logger(0L, loss, alpha, beta, Delta, NA)
for (iter in 1:max.iter) {
# Optimize log-likelihood for alpha, beta with fixed Delta.
opt <- optim(c(alpha, beta), log.likelihood, gr = NULL,
X, Fy, matpow(Delta, -1), c(q, r), c(p, k))
# Store previous alpha, beta and Delta (for break consition).
Delta.last <- Delta
B.last <- B
# Extract optimized alpha, beta.
alpha <- matrix(opt$par[1:(q * r)], q, r)
beta <- matrix(opt$par[(q * r + 1):length(opt$par)], p, k)
# Calc new Delta with likelihood optimized alpha, beta.
B <- kronecker(alpha, beta)
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, B)
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / nrow(X)
# call logger before break condition check
if (is.function(logger)) {
# Transformed Residuals (using `matpow` as robust inversion algo,
# uses Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse in case of singular `Delta`)
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
loss <- 0.5 * (nrow(X) * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
logger(iter, loss, alpha, beta, Delta, NA)
# Check break condition 1.
if (norm(Delta - Delta.last, "F") < eps1 * norm(Delta, "F")) {
# Check break condition 2.
if (norm(B - B.last, "F") < eps2 * norm(B, "F")) {
# calc final loss
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
loss <- 0.5 * (nrow(X) * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
list(loss = loss, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, Delta = Delta)
@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
#' Gradient Descent Bases Tensor Predictors method with Nesterov Accelerated
#' Momentum and Kronecker structure assumption for the residual covariance
#' `Delta = Delta.1 %x% Delta.2` (simple plugin version!)
#' @export
kpir.kron <- function(X, Fy, shape = c(dim(X)[-1], dim(Fy[-1])),
max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L, step.size = 1e-3,
nesterov.scaling = function(a, t) { 0.5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + (2 * a)^2)) },
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
logger = NULL
) {
# Check if X and Fy have same number of observations
stopifnot(nrow(X) == NROW(Fy))
n <- nrow(X) # Number of observations
# Get and check predictor dimensions (convert to 3-tensor if needed)
if (length(dim(X)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(X) == prod(shape[1:2]))
p <- as.integer(shape[1]) # Predictor "height"
q <- as.integer(shape[2]) # Predictor "width"
} else if (length(dim(X)) == 3L) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
q <- dim(X)[3]
} else {
stop("'X' must be a matrix or 3-tensor")
# Get and check response dimensions (and convert to 3-tensor if needed)
if (!is.array(Fy)) {
Fy <- as.array(Fy)
if (length(dim(Fy)) == 1L) {
k <- r <- 1L
dim(Fy) <- c(n, 1L, 1L)
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(Fy) == prod(shape[3:4]))
k <- as.integer(shape[3]) # Response functional "height"
r <- as.integer(shape[4]) # Response functional "width"
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 3L) {
k <- dim(Fy)[2]
r <- dim(Fy)[3]
} else {
stop("'Fy' must be a vector, matrix or 3-tensor")
### Step 1: (Approx) Least Squares solution for `X = Fy B' + epsilon`
# Vectorize
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k * r)
dim(X) <- c(n, p * q)
# Solve
cpFy <- crossprod(Fy) # TODO: Check/Test and/or replace
if (n <= k * r || qr(cpFy)$rank < k * r) {
# In case of under-determined system replace the inverse in the normal
# equation by the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse
B <- t(matpow(cpFy, -1) %*% crossprod(Fy, X))
} else {
# Compute OLS estimate by the Normal Equation
B <- t(solve(cpFy, crossprod(Fy, X)))
# De-Vectroize (from now on tensor arithmetics)
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k, r)
dim(X) <- c(n, p, q)
# Decompose `B = alpha x beta` into `alpha` and `beta`
c(alpha0, beta0) %<-% approx.kronecker(B, c(q, r), c(p, k))
# Compute residuals
resid <- X - (Fy %x_3% alpha0 %x_2% beta0)
# Covariance estimate
Delta.1 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 3))
Delta.2 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 2))
tr <- sum(diag(Delta.1))
Delta.1 <- Delta.1 / sqrt(n * tr)
Delta.2 <- Delta.2 / sqrt(n * tr)
# Transformed Residuals
resid.trans <- resid %x_3% solve(Delta.1) %x_2% solve(Delta.2)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss <- 0.5 * (n * (p * log(det(Delta.1)) + q * log(det(Delta.2))) +
sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Call history callback (logger) before the first iterate
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(0L, loss, alpha0, beta0, Delta.1, Delta.2, NA)
### Step 2: MLE with LS solution as starting value
a0 <- 0
a1 <- 1
alpha1 <- alpha0
beta1 <- beta0
# main descent loop
no.nesterov <- TRUE
break.reason <- NA
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
if (no.nesterov) {
# without extrapolation as fallback
S.alpha <- alpha1
S.beta <- beta1
} else {
# extrapolation using previous direction
S.alpha <- alpha1 + ((a0 - 1) / a1) * (alpha1 - alpha0)
S.beta <- beta1 + ((a0 - 1) / a1) * ( beta1 - beta0)
# Extrapolated Residuals
resid <- X - (Fy %x_3% S.alpha %x_2% S.beta)
# Covariance Estimates
Delta.1 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 3))
Delta.2 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 2))
tr <- sum(diag(Delta.1))
Delta.1 <- Delta.1 / sqrt(n * tr)
Delta.2 <- Delta.2 / sqrt(n * tr)
# Transform Residuals
resid.trans <- resid %x_3% solve(Delta.1) %x_2% solve(Delta.2)
# Calculate Gradients
grad.alpha <- tcrossprod(mat(resid.trans, 3), mat(Fy %x_2% beta, 3))
grad.beta <- tcrossprod(mat(resid.trans, 2), mat(Fy %x_3% alpha, 2))
# Backtracking line search (Armijo type)
# The `` is used in the Armijo break condition but does not
# depend on the step size.
|||| <- sum(grad.alpha^2) + sum(grad.beta^2)
# backtracking loop
for (delta in step.size * 0.618034^, len = max.line.iter)) {
# Update `alpha` and `beta` (note: add(+), the gradients are already
# pointing into the negative slope direction of the loss cause they are
# the gradients of the log-likelihood [NOT the negative log-likelihood])
alpha.temp <- S.alpha + delta * grad.alpha
beta.temp <- S.beta + delta * grad.beta
# Update Residuals, Covariance and transformed Residuals
resid <- X - (Fy %x_3% alpha.temp %x_2% beta.temp)
Delta.1 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 3))
Delta.2 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 2))
tr <- sum(diag(Delta.1))
Delta.1 <- Delta.1 / sqrt(n * tr)
Delta.2 <- Delta.2 / sqrt(n * tr)
resid.trans <- resid %x_3% solve(Delta.1) %x_2% solve(Delta.2)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss.temp <- 0.5 * (n * (p * log(det(Delta.1)) + q * log(det(Delta.2)))
+ sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Armijo line search break condition
if (loss.temp <= loss - 0.1 * delta * {
# Call logger (invoce history callback)
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(iter, loss.temp, alpha.temp, beta.temp, Delta.1, Delta.2, delta)
# Ensure descent
if (loss.temp < loss) {
alpha0 <- alpha1
alpha1 <- alpha.temp
beta0 <- beta1
beta1 <- beta.temp
# check break conditions (in descent case)
if (mean(abs(alpha1)) + mean(abs(beta1)) < eps) {
break.reason <- "alpha, beta numerically zero"
break # basically, estimates are zero -> stop
if ( < eps * (p * q + r * k)) {
break.reason <- "mean squared gradient is smaller than epsilon"
break # mean squared gradient is smaller than epsilon -> stop
if (abs(loss.temp - loss) < eps) {
break.reason <- "decrease is too small (slow)"
break # decrease is too small (slow) -> stop
loss <- loss.temp
no.nesterov <- FALSE # always reset
} else if (!no.nesterov) {
no.nesterov <- TRUE # retry without momentum
} else {
break.reason <- "failed even without momentum"
break # failed even without momentum -> stop
# update momentum scaling
a0 <- a1
a1 <- nesterov.scaling(a1, iter)
# Set next iter starting step.size to line searched step size
# (while allowing it to encrease)
step.size <- 1.618034 * delta
list(loss = loss, alpha = alpha1, beta = beta1, Delta = Delta, break.reason = break.reason)
@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
#' Gradient Descent based Tensor Predictors method with Nesterov Accelerated
#' Momentum
#' @export
kpir.momentum <- function(X, Fy, shape = c(dim(X)[-1], dim(Fy[-1])),
max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L, step.size = 1e-3,
nesterov.scaling = function(a, t) 0.5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + (2 * a)^2)),
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
logger = NULL
) {
# Check if X and Fy have same number of observations
stopifnot(nrow(X) == NROW(Fy))
n <- nrow(X) # Number of observations
# Get and check predictor dimensions
if (length(dim(X)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(X) == prod(shape[1:2]))
p <- as.integer(shape[1]) # Predictor "height"
q <- as.integer(shape[2]) # Predictor "width"
} else if (length(dim(X)) == 3L) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
q <- dim(X)[3]
dim(X) <- c(n, p * q)
} else {
stop("'X' must be a matrix or 3-tensor")
# Get and check response dimensions
if (!is.array(Fy)) {
Fy <- as.array(Fy)
if (length(dim(Fy)) == 1L) {
k <- r <- 1L
dim(Fy) <- c(n, 1L)
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(Fy) == prod(shape[3:4]))
k <- as.integer(shape[3]) # Response functional "height"
r <- as.integer(shape[4]) # Response functional "width"
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 3L) {
k <- dim(Fy)[2]
r <- dim(Fy)[3]
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k * r)
} else {
stop("'Fy' must be a vector, matrix or 3-tensor")
### Step 1: (Approx) Least Squares solution for `X = Fy B' + epsilon`
cpFy <- crossprod(Fy) # TODO: Check/Test and/or replace
if (n <= k * r || qr(cpFy)$rank < k * r) {
# In case of under-determined system replace the inverse in the normal
# equation by the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse
B <- t(matpow(cpFy, -1) %*% crossprod(Fy, X))
} else {
# Compute OLS estimate by the Normal Equation
B <- t(solve(cpFy, crossprod(Fy, X)))
# Decompose `B = alpha x beta` into `alpha` and `beta`
c(alpha0, beta0) %<-% approx.kronecker(B, c(q, r), c(p, k))
# Compute residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha0, beta0))
# Covariance estimate
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / n
# Transformed Residuals (using `matpow` as robust inversion algo,
# uses Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse in case of singular `Delta`)
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss <- 0.5 * (n * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Call history callback (logger) before the first iterate
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(0L, loss, alpha0, beta0, Delta, NA)
### Step 2: MLE with LS solution as starting value
a0 <- 0
a1 <- 1
alpha1 <- alpha0
beta1 <- beta0
# main descent loop
no.nesterov <- TRUE
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
if (no.nesterov) {
# without extrapolation as fallback
S.alpha <- alpha1
S.beta <- beta1
} else {
# extrapolation using previous direction
S.alpha <- alpha1 + ((a0 - 1) / a1) * (alpha1 - alpha0)
S.beta <- beta1 + ((a0 - 1) / a1) * ( beta1 - beta0)
# Extrapolated Residuals, Covariance and transformed Residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(S.alpha, S.beta))
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / n
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
# Sum over kronecker prod by observation (Face-Splitting Product)
KR <- colSums(rowKronecker(Fy, resid.trans))
dim(KR) <- c(p, q, k, r)
# (Nesterov) `alpha` Gradient
R.alpha <- aperm(KR, c(2, 4, 1, 3))
dim(R.alpha) <- c(q * r, p * k)
grad.alpha <- c(R.alpha %*% c(S.beta))
# (Nesterov) `beta` Gradient
R.beta <- aperm(KR, c(1, 3, 2, 4))
dim(R.beta) <- c(p * k, q * r)
grad.beta <- c(R.beta %*% c(S.alpha))
# Backtracking line search (Armijo type)
# The `` is used in the Armijo break condition but does not
# depend on the step size.
|||| <- sum(grad.alpha^2) + sum(grad.beta^2)
# backtracking loop
for (delta in step.size * 0.618034^, len = max.line.iter)) {
# Update `alpha` and `beta` (note: add(+), the gradients are already
# pointing into the negative slope direction of the loss cause they are
# the gradients of the log-likelihood [NOT the negative log-likelihood])
alpha.temp <- S.alpha + delta * grad.alpha
beta.temp <- S.beta + delta * grad.beta
# Update Residuals, Covariance and transformed Residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha.temp, beta.temp))
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / n
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss.temp <- 0.5 * (n * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Armijo line search break condition
if (loss.temp <= loss - 0.1 * delta * {
# Call logger (invoce history callback)
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(iter, loss.temp, alpha.temp, beta.temp, Delta, delta)
# Ensure descent
if (loss.temp < loss) {
alpha0 <- alpha1
alpha1 <- alpha.temp
beta0 <- beta1
beta1 <- beta.temp
# check break conditions (in descent case)
if (mean(abs(alpha1)) + mean(abs(beta1)) < eps) {
break # basically, estimates are zero -> stop
if ( < eps * (p * q + r * k)) {
break # mean squared gradient is smaller than epsilon -> stop
if (abs(loss.temp - loss) < eps) {
break # decrease is too small (slow) -> stop
loss <- loss.temp
no.nesterov <- FALSE # always reset
} else if (!no.nesterov) {
no.nesterov <- TRUE # retry without momentum
} else {
break # failed even without momentum -> stop
# update momentum scaling
a0 <- a1
a1 <- nesterov.scaling(a1, iter)
# Set next iter starting step.size to line searched step size
# (while allowing it to encrease)
step.size <- 1.618034 * delta
list(loss = loss, alpha = alpha1, beta = beta1, Delta = Delta)
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
#' Gradient Descent Bases Tensor Predictors method
#' @export
|||| <- function(X, Fy, shape = c(dim(X)[-1], dim(Fy[-1])),
max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L, step.size = 1e-3,
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
logger = NULL
) {
# Check if X and Fy have same number of observations
stopifnot(nrow(X) == NROW(Fy))
n <- nrow(X) # Number of observations
# Get and check predictor dimensions
if (length(dim(X)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(X) == prod(shape[1:2]))
p <- as.integer(shape[1]) # Predictor "height"
q <- as.integer(shape[2]) # Predictor "width"
} else if (length(dim(X)) == 3L) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
q <- dim(X)[3]
dim(X) <- c(n, p * q)
} else {
stop("'X' must be a matrix or 3-tensor")
# Get and check response dimensions
if (!is.array(Fy)) {
Fy <- as.array(Fy)
if (length(dim(Fy)) == 1L) {
k <- r <- 1L
dim(Fy) <- c(n, 1L)
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(Fy) == prod(shape[3:4]))
k <- as.integer(shape[3]) # Response functional "height"
r <- as.integer(shape[4]) # Response functional "width"
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 3L) {
k <- dim(Fy)[2]
r <- dim(Fy)[3]
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k * r)
} else {
stop("'Fy' must be a vector, matrix or 3-tensor")
### Step 1: (Approx) Least Squares solution for `X = Fy B' + epsilon`
cpFy <- crossprod(Fy) # TODO: Check/Test and/or replace
if (n <= k * r || qr(cpFy)$rank < k * r) {
# In case of under-determined system replace the inverse in the normal
# equation by the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse
B <- t(matpow(cpFy, -1) %*% crossprod(Fy, X))
} else {
# Compute OLS estimate by the Normal Equation
B <- t(solve(cpFy, crossprod(Fy, X)))
# Decompose `B = alpha x beta` into `alpha` and `beta`
c(alpha, beta) %<-% approx.kronecker(B, c(q, r), c(p, k))
# Compute residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha, beta))
# Covariance estimate
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / n
# Transformed Residuals (using `matpow` as robust inversion algo,
# uses Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse in case of singular `Delta`)
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss <- 0.5 * (n * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Call history callback (logger) before the first iterate
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(0L, loss, alpha, beta, Delta, NA)
### Step 2: MLE with LS solution as starting value
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
# Sum over kronecker prod by observation (Face-Splitting Product)
KR <- colSums(rowKronecker(Fy, resid.trans))
dim(KR) <- c(p, q, k, r)
# `alpha` Gradient
R.Alpha <- aperm(KR, c(2, 4, 1, 3))
dim(R.Alpha) <- c(q * r, p * k)
grad.alpha <- c(R.Alpha %*% c(beta))
# `beta` Gradient
R.Beta <- aperm(KR, c(1, 3, 2, 4))
dim(R.Beta) <- c(p * k, q * r)
grad.beta <- c(R.Beta %*% c(alpha))
# Line Search (Armijo type)
# The `` is used in the Armijo break condition but does not
# depend on the step size.
|||| <- sum(grad.alpha^2) + sum(grad.beta^2)
# Line Search loop
for (delta in step.size * 0.618034^, len = max.line.iter)) {
# Update `alpha` and `beta` (note: add(+), the gradients are already
# pointing into the negative slope direction of the loss cause they are
# the gradients of the log-likelihood [NOT the negative log-likelihood])
alpha.temp <- alpha + delta * grad.alpha
beta.temp <- beta + delta * grad.beta
# Update Residuals, Covariance and transformed Residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha.temp, beta.temp))
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / n
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss.temp <- 0.5 * (n * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Armijo line search break condition
if (loss.temp <= loss - 0.1 * delta * {
# Call logger (invoce history callback)
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(iter, loss.temp, alpha.temp, beta.temp, Delta, delta)
# Ensure descent
if (loss.temp < loss) {
alpha <- alpha.temp
beta <- beta.temp
# check break conditions (in descent case)
if (mean(abs(alpha)) + mean(abs(beta)) < eps) {
break # basically, estimates are zero -> stop
if ( < eps * (p * q + r * k)) {
break # mean squared gradient is smaller than epsilon -> stop
if (abs(loss.temp - loss) < eps) {
break # decrease is too small (slow) -> stop
loss <- loss.temp
} else {
# Set next iter starting step.size to line searched step size
# (while allowing it to encrease)
step.size <- 1.618034 * delta
list(loss = loss, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, Delta = Delta)
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#' Matricization
#' @param T multi-dimensional array of order at least \code{mode}
#' @param mode dimension along to matricize
#' @returns matrix of dimensions \code{dim(T)[mode]} by \code{prod(dim(T))[-mode]}
#' @export
mat <- function(T, mode) {
mode <- as.integer(mode)
dims <- dim(T)
if (length(dims) < mode) {
stop("Mode must be a pos. int. smaller equal than the tensor order")
if (mode > 1L) {
T <- aperm(T, c(mode, seq_along(dims)[-mode]))
dim(T) <- c(dims[mode], prod(dims[-mode]))
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
#' @export
matrixImage <- function(A, add.values = FALSE,
main = NULL, sub = NULL, interpolate = FALSE, ...
main = NULL, sub = NULL, interpolate = FALSE, ...,
digits = getOption("digits")
) {
# plot raster image
plot(c(0, ncol(A)), c(0, nrow(A)), type = "n", bty = "n", col = "red",
@ -38,8 +39,11 @@ matrixImage <- function(A, add.values = FALSE,
# Writes matrix values (in colored element grids)
if (any(add.values)) {
if (length(add.values) > 1) { A[!add.values] <- NA }
text(rep(x - 0.5, nrow(A)), rep(rev(y - 0.5), each = ncol(A)), A,
if (length(add.values) > 1) {
A[!add.values] <- NA
A[add.values] <- format(A[add.values], digits = digits)
text(rep(x - 0.5, each = nrow(A)), rep(rev(y - 0.5), ncol(A)), A,
adj = 0.5, col = as.integer(S > 0.65))
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#' Multi-Value assigne operator.
#' Multi-Value assign operator.
#' @param lhs vector of variables (or variable names) to assign values.
#' @param rhs object that can be coersed to list of the same length as
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#' Tensor Times Matrix (n-mode tensor matrix product)
#' @param T array of order at least \code{mode}
#' @param M matrix, the right hand side of the mode product such that
#' \code{ncol(M)} equals \code{dim(T)[mode]}
#' @param mode the mode of the product in the range \code{1:length(dim(T))}
#' @returns multi-dimensional array of the same order as \code{T} with
#' \code{mode} dimension equal to \code{nrow(M)}
#' @export
ttm <- function(T, M, mode = length(dim(T))) {
storage.mode(T) <- storage.mode(M) <- "double"
.Call("C_ttm", T, M, as.integer(mode))
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_1%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 1L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_2%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 2L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_3%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 3L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_4%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 4L)
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#' Kronecker decomposed Variance Matrix estimation.
#' @description Computes the kronecker decomposition factors of the variance
#' matrix
#' \deqn{\var{X} = tr(L)tr(R) (L\otimes R).}
#' @param X numeric matrix or 3d array.
#' @param shape in case of \code{X} being a matrix, this specifies the predictor
#' shape, otherwise ignored.
#' @param center boolean specifying if \code{X} is centered before computing the
#' left/right second moments. This is usefull in the case of allready centered
#' data.
#' @returns List containing
#' \describe{
#' \item{lhs}{Left Hand Side \eqn{L} of the kronecker decomposed variance matrix}
#' \item{rhs}{Right Hand Side \eqn{R} of the kronecker decomposed variance matrix}
#' \item{trace}{Scaling factor \eqn{tr(L)tr(R)} for the variance matrix}
#' }
#' @examples
#' n <- 503L # nr. of observations
#' p <- 32L # first predictor dimension
#' q <- 27L # second predictor dimension
#' lhs <- 0.5^abs(outer(seq_len(q), seq_len(q), `-`)) # Left Var components
#' rhs <- 0.5^abs(outer(seq_len(p), seq_len(p), `-`)) # Right Var components
#' X <- rmvnorm(n, sigma = kronecker(lhs, rhs)) # Multivariate normal data
#' # Estimate kronecker decomposed variance matrix
#' dim(X) # c(n, p * q)
#' fit <- var.kronecker(X, shape = c(p, q))
#' # equivalent
#' dim(X) <- c(n, p, q)
#' fit <- var.kronecker(X)
#' # Compute complete estimated variance matrix
#' varX.hat <- fit$trace^-1 * kronecker(fit$lhs, fit$rhs)
#' # or its inverse
#' varXinv.hat <- fit$trace * kronecker(solve(fit$lhs), solve(fit$rhs))
var.kronecker <- function(X, shape = dim(X)[-1], center = TRUE) {
# Get and check predictor dimensions
n <- nrow(X)
if (length(dim(X)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(X) == prod(shape[1:2]))
p <- as.integer(shape[1]) # Predictor "height"
q <- as.integer(shape[2]) # Predictor "width"
dim(X) <- c(n, p, q)
} else if (length(dim(X)) == 3L) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
q <- dim(X)[3]
} else {
stop("'X' must be a matrix or 3-tensor")
if (isTRUE(center)) {
# Center X; X[, i, j] <- X[, i, j] - mean(X[, i, j])
X <- scale(X, scale = FALSE)
print(range(attr(X, "scaled:center")))
dim(X) <- c(n, p, q)
# Calc left/right side of kronecker structures covariance
# var(X) = var.lhs %x% var.rhs
var.lhs <- .rowMeans(apply(X, 1, crossprod), q * q, n)
dim(var.lhs) <- c(q, q)
var.rhs <- .rowMeans(apply(X, 1, tcrossprod), p * p, n)
dim(var.rhs) <- c(p, p)
# Estimate scalling factor tr(var(X)) = tr(var.lhs) tr(var.rhs)
trace <- sum(X^2) / n
list(lhs = var.lhs, rhs = var.rhs, trace = trace)
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
// extern SEXP FastPOI_C_sub(SEXP in_B, SEXP in_Delta,
// SEXP in_lambda, SEXP in_maxit, SEXP in_tol
// );
/* Tensor Times Matrix a.k.a. Mode Product */
extern SEXP ttm(SEXP A, SEXP X, SEXP mode);
/* List of registered routines (e.g. C entry points) */
static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
// {"FastPOI_C_sub", (DL_FUNC) &FastPOI_C_sub, 5}, // NOT USED
{"C_ttm", (DL_FUNC) &ttm, 3},
/* Restrict C entry points to registered routines. */
void R_init_tensorPredictors(DllInfo *dll) {
R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);
R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
// The need for `USE_FC_LEN_T` and `FCONE` is due to a Fortran character string
// to C incompatibility. See: Writing R Extentions: 6.6.1 Fortran character strings
#define USE_FC_LEN_T
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <R_ext/BLAS.h>
#ifndef FCONE
#define FCONE
* Tensor Times Matrix a.k.a. Mode Product
* @param A multi-dimensionl array
* @param B matrix
* @param m mode index (1-indexed)
extern SEXP ttm(SEXP A, SEXP B, SEXP m) {
// get zero indexed mode
int mode = asInteger(m) - 1;
// get dimension attribute of A
SEXP dim = getAttrib(A, R_DimSymbol);
// validate mode (mode must be smaller than the nr of dimensions)
if (mode < 0 || length(dim) <= mode) {
error("Illegal mode");
// and check if B is a matrix of non degenetate size
if (!isMatrix(B)) {
error("Expected a matrix as second argument");
if (!nrows(B) || !ncols(B)) {
error("Zero dimension detected");
// check matching of dimensions
if (INTEGER(dim)[mode] != ncols(B)) {
error("Dimension missmatch (mode dim not equal to ncol)");
// calc nr of response elements `prod(dim(X)[-mode]) * ncol(X)`,
int leny = 1;
// and the strides
// `stride[0] <- prod(dim(X)[seq_len(mode - 1)])`
// `stride[1] <- dim(X)[mode]`
// `stride[2] <- prod(dim(X)[-seq_len(mode)])`
int stride[3] = {1, INTEGER(dim)[mode], 1};
for (int i = 0; i < length(dim); ++i) {
int size = INTEGER(dim)[i];
// check for non-degenetate dimensions
if (!size) {
error("Zero dimension detected");
leny *= (i == mode) ? nrows(B) : size;
stride[0] *= (i < mode) ? size : 1;
stride[2] *= (i > mode) ? size : 1;
// as well as the matrix rows (cols only needed once)
int nrow = nrows(B);
// create response object C
SEXP C = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, leny));
// raw data access pointers
double* a = REAL(A);
double* b = REAL(B);
double* c = REAL(C);
// Tensor Times Matrix / Mode Product
const double zero = 0.0;
const double one = 1.0;
if (mode == 0) {
// mode 1: (A x_1 B)_(1) = B A_(1) as a single Matrix-Matrix prod
F77_CALL(dgemm)("N", "N", &nrow, &stride[2], &stride[1], &one,
b, &nrow, a, &stride[1],
&zero, c, &nrow FCONE FCONE);
} else {
// Other modes can be written as blocks of matrix multiplications
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < stride[2]; ++i2) {
F77_CALL(dgemm)("N", "T", &stride[0], &nrow, &stride[1], &one,
&a[i2 * stride[0] * stride[1]], &stride[0], b, &nrow,
&zero, &c[i2 * stride[0] * nrow], &stride[0] FCONE FCONE);
// Tensor Times Matrix / Mode Product (reference implementation)
memset(c, 0, leny * sizeof(double));
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < stride[2]; ++i2) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < stride[1]; ++i1) { // stride[1] == ncols(B)
for (int j = 0; j < nrow; ++j) {
for (int i0 = 0; i0 < stride[0]; ++i0) {
c[i0 + (j + i2 * nrow) * stride[0]] +=
a[i0 + (i1 + i2 * stride[1]) * stride[0]] * b[j + i1 * nrow];
// finally, set result dimensions
SEXP newdim = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, length(dim)));
for (int i = 0; i < length(dim); ++i) {
INTEGER(newdim)[i] = (i == mode) ? nrows(B) : INTEGER(dim)[i];
setAttrib(C, R_DimSymbol, newdim);
// release C to the hands of the garbage collector
return C;
Reference in New Issue