wip: reimplementation of KPIR

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Kapla 2022-03-22 16:26:24 +01:00
parent 79f5e9781f
commit fcef12540f
12 changed files with 881 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -1,16 +1,28 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
useDynLib(tensorPredictors, .registration = TRUE)

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@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ RMReg <- function(X, Z, y, lambda = 0, max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L,
# Evaluate loss to ensure descent after line search
loss.temp <- loss(B.temp, beta.temp, X, Z, y)
loss.temp <- left # loss(B.temp, beta.temp, X, Z, y) # already computed
# logging callback
if (is.function(logger)) {
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ RMReg <- function(X, Z, y, lambda = 0, max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L,
iter = iter,
df = df,
loss = loss1,
lambda = lambda,
lambda = delta * lambda, #
AIC = loss1 + 2 * df, # TODO: check this!
BIC = loss1 + log(nrow(X)) * df, # TODO: check this!
call = match.call() # invocing function call, collects params like lambda

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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#' Column wise kronecker product
#' This is a special case of the "Khatri-Rao Product".
#' @seealso \link{\code{rowKronecker}}
#' @export
colKronecker <- function(A, B) {
sapply(1:ncol(A), function(i) kronecker(A[, i], B[, i]))
#' Row wise kronecker product
#' Also known as the "Face-splitting product". This is a special case of the
#' "Khatri-Rao Product".
#' @seealso \link{\code{colKronecker}}
#' @export
rowKronecker <- function(A, B) {
C <- vapply(seq_len(ncol(A)), function(i) A[, i] * B, B)
dim(C) <- c(nrow(A), ncol(A) * ncol(B))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
#' (Slightly altered) old implementation
#' @export
kpir.base <- function(X, Fy, p, t, k = 1L, r = 1L, d1 = 1L, d2 = 1L,
method = c("mle", "ls"),
eps1 = 1e-10, eps2 = 1e-10, max.iter = 500L,
logger = NULL
) {
log.likelihood <- function(par, X, Fy, Delta.inv, da, db) {
alpha <- matrix(par[1:prod(da)], da[1L])
beta <- matrix(par[(prod(da) + 1):length(par)], db[1L])
error <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha, beta))
sum(error * (error %*% Delta.inv))
# Validate method using unexact matching.
method <- match.arg(method)
# ## Step 1:
# # OLS estimate of the model `X = F_y B + epsilon`.
# B <- t(solve(crossprod(Fy), crossprod(Fy, X)))
### Step 1: (Approx) Least Squares solution for `X = Fy B' + epsilon`
cpFy <- crossprod(Fy)
if (n <= k * r || qr(cpFy)$rank < k * r) {
# In case of under-determined system replace the inverse in the normal
# equation by the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse
B <- t(matpow(cpFy, -1) %*% crossprod(Fy, X))
} else {
# Compute OLS estimate by the Normal Equation
B <- t(solve(cpFy, crossprod(Fy, X)))
# Estimate alpha, beta as nearest kronecker approximation.
c(alpha, beta) %<-% approx.kronecker(B, c(t, r), c(p, k))
if (method == "ls") {
# Estimate Delta.
B <- kronecker(alpha, beta)
rank <- if (ncol(Fy) == 1) 1L else qr(Fy)$rank
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, B)
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / (nrow(X) - rank)
} else { # mle
B <- kronecker(alpha, beta)
# Compute residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, B)
# Estimate initial Delta.
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / nrow(X)
# call logger with initial starting value
if (is.function(logger)) {
# Transformed Residuals (using `matpow` as robust inversion algo,
# uses Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse in case of singular `Delta`)
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
loss <- 0.5 * (nrow(X) * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
logger(0L, loss, alpha, beta, Delta, NA)
for (iter in 1:max.iter) {
# Optimize log-likelihood for alpha, beta with fixed Delta.
opt <- optim(c(alpha, beta), log.likelihood, gr = NULL,
X, Fy, matpow(Delta, -1), c(t, r), c(p, k))
# Store previous alpha, beta and Delta (for break consition).
Delta.last <- Delta
B.last <- B
# Extract optimized alpha, beta.
alpha <- matrix(opt$par[1:(t * r)], t, r)
beta <- matrix(opt$par[(t * r + 1):length(opt$par)], p, k)
# Calc new Delta with likelihood optimized alpha, beta.
B <- kronecker(alpha, beta)
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, B)
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / nrow(X)
# call logger before break condition check
if (is.function(logger)) {
# Transformed Residuals (using `matpow` as robust inversion algo,
# uses Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse in case of singular `Delta`)
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
loss <- 0.5 * (nrow(X) * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
logger(iter, loss, alpha, beta, Delta, NA)
# Check break condition 1.
if (norm(Delta - Delta.last, 'F') < eps1 * norm(Delta, 'F')) {
# Check break condition 2.
if (norm(B - B.last, 'F') < eps2 * norm(B, 'F')) {
# calc final loss
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
loss <- 0.5 * (nrow(X) * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
list(loss = loss, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, Delta = Delta)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
#' Gradient Descent Bases Tensor Predictors method with Nesterov Accelerated
#' Momentum and Kronecker structure assumption for the residual covariance
#' `Delta = Delta.1 %x% Delta.2` (simple plugin version!)
#' @export
kpir.kron <- function(X, Fy, shape = c(dim(X)[-1], dim(Fy[-1])),
max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L, step.size = 1e-3,
nesterov.scaling = function(a, t) { 0.5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + (2 * a)^2)) },
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
logger = NULL
) {
# Check if X and Fy have same number of observations
stopifnot(nrow(X) == NROW(Fy))
n <- nrow(X) # Number of observations
# Get and check predictor dimensions (convert to 3-tensor if needed)
if (length(dim(X)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(X) == prod(shape[1:2]))
p <- as.integer(shape[1]) # Predictor "height"
q <- as.integer(shape[2]) # Predictor "width"
} else if (length(dim(X)) == 3L) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
q <- dim(X)[3]
} else {
stop("'X' must be a matrix or 3-tensor")
# Get and check response dimensions (and convert to 3-tensor if needed)
if (!is.array(Fy)) {
Fy <- as.array(Fy)
if (length(dim(Fy)) == 1L) {
k <- r <- 1L
dim(Fy) <- c(n, 1L, 1L)
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(Fy) == prod(shape[3:4]))
k <- as.integer(shape[3]) # Response functional "height"
r <- as.integer(shape[4]) # Response functional "width"
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 3L) {
k <- dim(Fy)[2]
r <- dim(Fy)[3]
} else {
stop("'Fy' must be a vector, matrix or 3-tensor")
### Step 1: (Approx) Least Squares solution for `X = Fy B' + epsilon`
# Vectorize
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k * r)
dim(X) <- c(n, p * q)
# Solve
cpFy <- crossprod(Fy) # TODO: Check/Test and/or replace
if (n <= k * r || qr(cpFy)$rank < k * r) {
# In case of under-determined system replace the inverse in the normal
# equation by the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse
B <- t(matpow(cpFy, -1) %*% crossprod(Fy, X))
} else {
# Compute OLS estimate by the Normal Equation
B <- t(solve(cpFy, crossprod(Fy, X)))
# De-Vectroize (from now on tensor arithmetics)
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k, r)
dim(X) <- c(n, p, q)
# Decompose `B = alpha x beta` into `alpha` and `beta`
c(alpha0, beta0) %<-% approx.kronecker(B, c(q, r), c(p, k))
# Compute residuals
resid <- X - (Fy %x_3% alpha0 %x_2% beta0)
# Covariance estimate
Delta.1 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 3))
Delta.2 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 2))
tr <- sum(diag(Delta.1))
Delta.1 <- Delta.1 / sqrt(n * tr)
Delta.2 <- Delta.2 / sqrt(n * tr)
# Transformed Residuals
resid.trans <- resid %x_3% solve(Delta.1) %x_2% solve(Delta.2)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss <- 0.5 * (n * (p * log(det(Delta.1)) + q * log(det(Delta.2))) +
sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Call history callback (logger) before the first iterate
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(0L, loss, alpha0, beta0, Delta.1, Delta.2, NA)
### Step 2: MLE with LS solution as starting value
a0 <- 0
a1 <- 1
alpha1 <- alpha0
beta1 <- beta0
# main descent loop
no.nesterov <- TRUE
break.reason <- NA
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
if (no.nesterov) {
# without extrapolation as fallback
S.alpha <- alpha1
S.beta <- beta1
} else {
# extrapolation using previous direction
S.alpha <- alpha1 + ((a0 - 1) / a1) * (alpha1 - alpha0)
S.beta <- beta1 + ((a0 - 1) / a1) * ( beta1 - beta0)
# Extrapolated Residuals
resid <- X - (Fy %x_3% S.alpha %x_2% S.beta)
# Covariance Estimates
Delta.1 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 3))
Delta.2 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 2))
tr <- sum(diag(Delta.1))
Delta.1 <- Delta.1 / sqrt(n * tr)
Delta.2 <- Delta.2 / sqrt(n * tr)
# Transform Residuals
resid.trans <- resid %x_3% solve(Delta.1) %x_2% solve(Delta.2)
# Calculate Gradients
grad.alpha <- tcrossprod(mat(resid.trans, 3), mat(Fy %x_2% beta, 3))
grad.beta <- tcrossprod(mat(resid.trans, 2), mat(Fy %x_3% alpha, 2))
# Backtracking line search (Armijo type)
# The `inner.prod` is used in the Armijo break condition but does not
# depend on the step size.
inner.prod <- sum(grad.alpha^2) + sum(grad.beta^2)
# backtracking loop
for (delta in step.size * 0.618034^seq.int(0L, len = max.line.iter)) {
# Update `alpha` and `beta` (note: add(+), the gradients are already
# pointing into the negative slope direction of the loss cause they are
# the gradients of the log-likelihood [NOT the negative log-likelihood])
alpha.temp <- S.alpha + delta * grad.alpha
beta.temp <- S.beta + delta * grad.beta
# Update Residuals, Covariance and transformed Residuals
resid <- X - (Fy %x_3% alpha.temp %x_2% beta.temp)
Delta.1 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 3))
Delta.2 <- tcrossprod(mat(resid, 2))
tr <- sum(diag(Delta.1))
Delta.1 <- Delta.1 / sqrt(n * tr)
Delta.2 <- Delta.2 / sqrt(n * tr)
resid.trans <- resid %x_3% solve(Delta.1) %x_2% solve(Delta.2)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss.temp <- 0.5 * (n * (p * log(det(Delta.1)) + q * log(det(Delta.2)))
+ sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Armijo line search break condition
if (loss.temp <= loss - 0.1 * delta * inner.prod) {
# Call logger (invoce history callback)
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(iter, loss.temp, alpha.temp, beta.temp, Delta.1, Delta.2, delta)
# Ensure descent
if (loss.temp < loss) {
alpha0 <- alpha1
alpha1 <- alpha.temp
beta0 <- beta1
beta1 <- beta.temp
# check break conditions (in descent case)
if (mean(abs(alpha1)) + mean(abs(beta1)) < eps) {
break.reason <- "alpha, beta numerically zero"
break # basically, estimates are zero -> stop
if (inner.prod < eps * (p * q + r * k)) {
break.reason <- "mean squared gradient is smaller than epsilon"
break # mean squared gradient is smaller than epsilon -> stop
if (abs(loss.temp - loss) < eps) {
break.reason <- "decrease is too small (slow)"
break # decrease is too small (slow) -> stop
loss <- loss.temp
no.nesterov <- FALSE # always reset
} else if (!no.nesterov) {
no.nesterov <- TRUE # retry without momentum
} else {
break.reason <- "failed even without momentum"
break # failed even without momentum -> stop
# update momentum scaling
a0 <- a1
a1 <- nesterov.scaling(a1, iter)
# Set next iter starting step.size to line searched step size
# (while allowing it to encrease)
step.size <- 1.618034 * delta
list(loss = loss, alpha = alpha1, beta = beta1, Delta = Delta, break.reason = break.reason)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
#' Gradient Descent Bases Tensor Predictors method with Nesterov Accelerated
#' Momentum
#' @export
kpir.momentum <- function(X, Fy, shape = c(dim(X)[-1], dim(Fy[-1])),
max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L, step.size = 1e-3,
nesterov.scaling = function(a, t) { 0.5 * (1 + sqrt(1 + (2 * a)^2)) },
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
logger = NULL
) {
# Check if X and Fy have same number of observations
stopifnot(nrow(X) == NROW(Fy))
n <- nrow(X) # Number of observations
# Get and check predictor dimensions
if (length(dim(X)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(X) == prod(shape[1:2]))
p <- as.integer(shape[1]) # Predictor "height"
q <- as.integer(shape[2]) # Predictor "width"
} else if (length(dim(X)) == 3L) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
q <- dim(X)[3]
dim(X) <- c(n, p * q)
} else {
stop("'X' must be a matrix or 3-tensor")
# Get and check response dimensions
if (!is.array(Fy)) {
Fy <- as.array(Fy)
if (length(dim(Fy)) == 1L) {
k <- r <- 1L
dim(Fy) <- c(n, 1L)
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(Fy) == prod(shape[3:4]))
k <- as.integer(shape[3]) # Response functional "height"
r <- as.integer(shape[4]) # Response functional "width"
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 3L) {
k <- dim(Fy)[2]
r <- dim(Fy)[3]
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k * r)
} else {
stop("'Fy' must be a vector, matrix or 3-tensor")
### Step 1: (Approx) Least Squares solution for `X = Fy B' + epsilon`
cpFy <- crossprod(Fy) # TODO: Check/Test and/or replace
if (n <= k * r || qr(cpFy)$rank < k * r) {
# In case of under-determined system replace the inverse in the normal
# equation by the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse
B <- t(matpow(cpFy, -1) %*% crossprod(Fy, X))
} else {
# Compute OLS estimate by the Normal Equation
B <- t(solve(cpFy, crossprod(Fy, X)))
# Decompose `B = alpha x beta` into `alpha` and `beta`
c(alpha0, beta0) %<-% approx.kronecker(B, c(q, r), c(p, k))
# Compute residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha0, beta0))
# Covariance estimate
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / n
# Transformed Residuals (using `matpow` as robust inversion algo,
# uses Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse in case of singular `Delta`)
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss <- 0.5 * (n * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Call history callback (logger) before the first iterate
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(0L, loss, alpha0, beta0, Delta, NA)
### Step 2: MLE with LS solution as starting value
a0 <- 0
a1 <- 1
alpha1 <- alpha0
beta1 <- beta0
# main descent loop
no.nesterov <- TRUE
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
if (no.nesterov) {
# without extrapolation as fallback
S.alpha <- alpha1
S.beta <- beta1
} else {
# extrapolation using previous direction
S.alpha <- alpha1 + ((a0 - 1) / a1) * (alpha1 - alpha0)
S.beta <- beta1 + ((a0 - 1) / a1) * ( beta1 - beta0)
# Extrapolated Residuals, Covariance and transformed Residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(S.alpha, S.beta))
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / n
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
# Sum over kronecker prod by observation (Face-Splitting Product)
KR <- colSums(rowKronecker(Fy, resid.trans))
dim(KR) <- c(p, q, k, r)
# (Nesterov) `alpha` Gradient
R.alpha <- aperm(KR, c(2, 4, 1, 3))
dim(R.alpha) <- c(q * r, p * k)
grad.alpha <- c(R.alpha %*% c(S.beta))
# (Nesterov) `beta` Gradient
R.beta <- aperm(KR, c(1, 3, 2, 4))
dim(R.beta) <- c(p * k, q * r)
grad.beta <- c(R.beta %*% c(S.alpha))
# Backtracking line search (Armijo type)
# The `inner.prod` is used in the Armijo break condition but does not
# depend on the step size.
inner.prod <- sum(grad.alpha^2) + sum(grad.beta^2)
# backtracking loop
for (delta in step.size * 0.618034^seq.int(0L, len = max.line.iter)) {
# Update `alpha` and `beta` (note: add(+), the gradients are already
# pointing into the negative slope direction of the loss cause they are
# the gradients of the log-likelihood [NOT the negative log-likelihood])
alpha.temp <- S.alpha + delta * grad.alpha
beta.temp <- S.beta + delta * grad.beta
# Update Residuals, Covariance and transformed Residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha.temp, beta.temp))
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / n
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss.temp <- 0.5 * (n * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Armijo line search break condition
if (loss.temp <= loss - 0.1 * delta * inner.prod) {
# Call logger (invoce history callback)
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(iter, loss.temp, alpha.temp, beta.temp, Delta, delta)
# Ensure descent
if (loss.temp < loss) {
alpha0 <- alpha1
alpha1 <- alpha.temp
beta0 <- beta1
beta1 <- beta.temp
# check break conditions (in descent case)
if (mean(abs(alpha1)) + mean(abs(beta1)) < eps) {
break # basically, estimates are zero -> stop
if (inner.prod < eps * (p * q + r * k)) {
break # mean squared gradient is smaller than epsilon -> stop
if (abs(loss.temp - loss) < eps) {
break # decrease is too small (slow) -> stop
loss <- loss.temp
no.nesterov <- FALSE # always reset
} else if (!no.nesterov) {
no.nesterov <- TRUE # retry without momentum
} else {
break # failed even without momentum -> stop
# update momentum scaling
a0 <- a1
a1 <- nesterov.scaling(a1, iter)
# Set next iter starting step.size to line searched step size
# (while allowing it to encrease)
step.size <- 1.618034 * delta
list(loss = loss, alpha = alpha1, beta = beta1, Delta = Delta)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
#' Gradient Descent Bases Tensor Predictors method
#' @export
kpir.new <- function(X, Fy, shape = c(dim(X)[-1], dim(Fy[-1])),
max.iter = 500L, max.line.iter = 50L, step.size = 1e-3,
eps = .Machine$double.eps,
logger = NULL
) {
# Check if X and Fy have same number of observations
stopifnot(nrow(X) == NROW(Fy))
n <- nrow(X) # Number of observations
# Get and check predictor dimensions
if (length(dim(X)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(X) == prod(shape[1:2]))
p <- as.integer(shape[1]) # Predictor "height"
q <- as.integer(shape[2]) # Predictor "width"
} else if (length(dim(X)) == 3L) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
q <- dim(X)[3]
dim(X) <- c(n, p * q)
} else {
stop("'X' must be a matrix or 3-tensor")
# Get and check response dimensions
if (!is.array(Fy)) {
Fy <- as.array(Fy)
if (length(dim(Fy)) == 1L) {
k <- r <- 1L
dim(Fy) <- c(n, 1L)
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(Fy) == prod(shape[3:4]))
k <- as.integer(shape[3]) # Response functional "height"
r <- as.integer(shape[4]) # Response functional "width"
} else if (length(dim(Fy)) == 3L) {
k <- dim(Fy)[2]
r <- dim(Fy)[3]
dim(Fy) <- c(n, k * r)
} else {
stop("'Fy' must be a vector, matrix or 3-tensor")
### Step 1: (Approx) Least Squares solution for `X = Fy B' + epsilon`
cpFy <- crossprod(Fy) # TODO: Check/Test and/or replace
if (n <= k * r || qr(cpFy)$rank < k * r) {
# In case of under-determined system replace the inverse in the normal
# equation by the Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse
B <- t(matpow(cpFy, -1) %*% crossprod(Fy, X))
} else {
# Compute OLS estimate by the Normal Equation
B <- t(solve(cpFy, crossprod(Fy, X)))
# Decompose `B = alpha x beta` into `alpha` and `beta`
c(alpha, beta) %<-% approx.kronecker(B, c(q, r), c(p, k))
# Compute residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha, beta))
# Covariance estimate
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / n
# Transformed Residuals (using `matpow` as robust inversion algo,
# uses Moore-Penrose Pseudo Inverse in case of singular `Delta`)
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss <- 0.5 * (n * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Call history callback (logger) before the first iterate
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(0L, loss, alpha, beta, Delta, NA)
### Step 2: MLE with LS solution as starting value
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
# Sum over kronecker prod by observation (Face-Splitting Product)
KR <- colSums(rowKronecker(Fy, resid.trans))
dim(KR) <- c(p, q, k, r)
# `alpha` Gradient
R.Alpha <- aperm(KR, c(2, 4, 1, 3))
dim(R.Alpha) <- c(q * r, p * k)
grad.alpha <- c(R.Alpha %*% c(beta))
# `beta` Gradient
R.Beta <- aperm(KR, c(1, 3, 2, 4))
dim(R.Beta) <- c(p * k, q * r)
grad.beta <- c(R.Beta %*% c(alpha))
# Line Search (Armijo type)
# The `inner.prod` is used in the Armijo break condition but does not
# depend on the step size.
inner.prod <- sum(grad.alpha^2) + sum(grad.beta^2)
# Line Search loop
for (delta in step.size * 0.618034^seq.int(0L, len = max.line.iter)) {
# Update `alpha` and `beta` (note: add(+), the gradients are already
# pointing into the negative slope direction of the loss cause they are
# the gradients of the log-likelihood [NOT the negative log-likelihood])
alpha.temp <- alpha + delta * grad.alpha
beta.temp <- beta + delta * grad.beta
# Update Residuals, Covariance and transformed Residuals
resid <- X - tcrossprod(Fy, kronecker(alpha.temp, beta.temp))
Delta <- crossprod(resid) / n
resid.trans <- resid %*% matpow(Delta, -1)
# Evaluate negative log-likelihood
loss.temp <- 0.5 * (n * log(det(Delta)) + sum(resid.trans * resid))
# Armijo line search break condition
if (loss.temp <= loss - 0.1 * delta * inner.prod) {
# Call logger (invoce history callback)
if (is.function(logger)) {
logger(iter, loss.temp, alpha.temp, beta.temp, Delta, delta)
# Ensure descent
if (loss.temp < loss) {
alpha <- alpha.temp
beta <- beta.temp
# check break conditions (in descent case)
if (mean(abs(alpha)) + mean(abs(beta)) < eps) {
break # basically, estimates are zero -> stop
if (inner.prod < eps * (p * q + r * k)) {
break # mean squared gradient is smaller than epsilon -> stop
if (abs(loss.temp - loss) < eps) {
break # decrease is too small (slow) -> stop
loss <- loss.temp
} else {
# Set next iter starting step.size to line searched step size
# (while allowing it to encrease)
step.size <- 1.618034 * delta
list(loss = loss, alpha = alpha, beta = beta, Delta = Delta)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#' Matricization
#' @param T multi-dimensional array of order at least \code{mode}
#' @param mode dimension along to matricize
#' @returns matrix of dimensions \code{dim(T)[mode]} by \code{prod(dim(T))[-mode]}
#' @export
mat <- function(T, mode) {
mode <- as.integer(mode)
dims <- dim(T)
if (length(dims) < mode) {
stop("Mode must be a pos. int. smaller equal than the tensor order")
if (mode > 1L) {
T <- aperm(T, c(mode, seq_along(dims)[-mode]))
dim(T) <- c(dims[mode], prod(dims[-mode]))

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@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
#' @export
matrixImage <- function(A, add.values = FALSE,
main = NULL, sub = NULL, interpolate = FALSE, ...
main = NULL, sub = NULL, interpolate = FALSE, ...,
digits = getOption("digits")
) {
# plot raster image
plot(c(0, ncol(A)), c(0, nrow(A)), type = "n", bty = "n", col = "red",
@ -38,8 +39,11 @@ matrixImage <- function(A, add.values = FALSE,
# Writes matrix values (in colored element grids)
if (any(add.values)) {
if (length(add.values) > 1) { A[!add.values] <- NA }
text(rep(x - 0.5, nrow(A)), rep(rev(y - 0.5), each = ncol(A)), A,
if (length(add.values) > 1) {
A[!add.values] <- NA
A[add.values] <- format(A[add.values], digits = digits)
text(rep(x - 0.5, each = nrow(A)), rep(rev(y - 0.5), ncol(A)), A,
adj = 0.5, col = as.integer(S > 0.65))

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#' Multi-Value assigne operator.
#' Multi-Value assign operator.
#' @param lhs vector of variables (or variable names) to assign values.
#' @param rhs object that can be coersed to list of the same length as

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#' Tensor Times Matrix (n-mode tensor matrix product)
#' @param T array of order at least \code{mode}
#' @param M matrix, the right hand side of the mode product such that
#' \code{ncol(M)} equals \code{dim(T)[mode]}
#' @param mode the mode of the product in the range \code{1:length(dim(T))}
#' @returns multi-dimensional array of the same order as \code{T} with the
#' \code{mode} dimension equal to \code{nrow(M)}
#' @export
ttm <- function(T, M, mode = length(dim(T))) {
mode <- as.integer(mode)
dims <- dim(T)
if (length(dims) < mode) {
stop(sprintf("Mode (%d) must be smaller equal the tensor order %d",
mode, length(dims)))
if (dims[mode] != ncol(M)) {
stop(sprintf("Dim. missmatch, mode %d has dim %d but ncol is %d.",
mode, dims[mode], ncol(M)))
# Special case of mode being equal to tensor order, then an alternative
# (but more efficient) version is Z M' where Z is only the reshaped but
# no permutation of elements is required (as in the case of mode 1)
if (mode == length(dims)) {
# Convert tensor to matrix (similar to matricization)
dim(T) <- c(prod(dims[-mode]), dims[mode])
# Equiv matrix product
C <- tcrossprod(T, M)
# Shape back to tensor
dim(C) <- c(dims[-mode], nrow(M))
} else {
# Matricize tensor T
if (mode != 1L) {
perm <- c(mode, seq_along(dims)[-mode])
T <- aperm(T, perm)
dim(T) <- c(dims[mode], prod(dims[-mode]))
# Perform equivalent matrix multiplication
C <- M %*% T
# Reshape and rearrange matricized result back to a tensor
dim(C) <- c(nrow(M), dims[-mode])
if (mode == 1L) {
} else {
aperm(C, order(perm))
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_1%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 1L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_2%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 2L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_3%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 3L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_4%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 4L)

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@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#' Kronecker decomposed Variance Matrix estimation.
#' @description Computes the kronecker decomposition factors of the variance
#' matrix
#' \deqn{\var{X} = tr(L)tr(R) (L\otimes R).}
#' @param X numeric matrix or 3d array.
#' @param shape in case of \code{X} being a matrix, this specifies the predictor
#' shape, otherwise ignored.
#' @param center boolean specifying if \code{X} is centered before computing the
#' left/right second moments. This is usefull in the case of allready centered
#' data.
#' @returns List containing
#' \describe{
#' \item{lhs}{Left Hand Side \eqn{L} of the kronecker decomposed variance matrix}
#' \item{rhs}{Right Hand Side \eqn{R} of the kronecker decomposed variance matrix}
#' \item{trace}{Scaling factor \eqn{tr(L)tr(R)} for the variance matrix}
#' }
#' @examples
#' n <- 503L # nr. of observations
#' p <- 32L # first predictor dimension
#' q <- 27L # second predictor dimension
#' lhs <- 0.5^abs(outer(seq_len(q), seq_len(q), `-`)) # Left Var components
#' rhs <- 0.5^abs(outer(seq_len(p), seq_len(p), `-`)) # Right Var components
#' X <- rmvnorm(n, sigma = kronecker(lhs, rhs)) # Multivariate normal data
#' # Estimate kronecker decomposed variance matrix
#' dim(X) # c(n, p * q)
#' fit <- var.kronecker(X, shape = c(p, q))
#' # equivalent
#' dim(X) <- c(n, p, q)
#' fit <- var.kronecker(X)
#' # Compute complete estimated variance matrix
#' varX.hat <- fit$trace^-1 * kronecker(fit$lhs, fit$rhs)
#' # or its inverse
#' varXinv.hat <- fit$trace * kronecker(solve(fit$lhs), solve(fit$rhs))
var.kronecker <- function(X, shape = dim(X)[-1], center = TRUE) {
# Get and check predictor dimensions
n <- nrow(X)
if (length(dim(X)) == 2L) {
stopifnot(ncol(X) == prod(shape[1:2]))
p <- as.integer(shape[1]) # Predictor "height"
q <- as.integer(shape[2]) # Predictor "width"
dim(X) <- c(n, p, q)
} else if (length(dim(X)) == 3L) {
p <- dim(X)[2]
q <- dim(X)[3]
} else {
stop("'X' must be a matrix or 3-tensor")
if (isTRUE(center)) {
# Center X; X[, i, j] <- X[, i, j] - mean(X[, i, j])
X <- scale(X, scale = FALSE)
print(range(attr(X, "scaled:center")))
dim(X) <- c(n, p, q)
# Calc left/right side of kronecker structures covariance
# var(X) = var.lhs %x% var.rhs
var.lhs <- .rowMeans(apply(X, 1, crossprod), q * q, n)
dim(var.lhs) <- c(q, q)
var.rhs <- .rowMeans(apply(X, 1, tcrossprod), p * p, n)
dim(var.rhs) <- c(p, p)
# Estimate scalling factor tr(var(X)) = tr(var.lhs) tr(var.rhs)
trace <- sum(X^2) / n
list(lhs = var.lhs, rhs = var.rhs, trace = trace)