add: ttm C implementation
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
#' Tensor Times Matrix (n-mode tensor matrix product)
#' @param T array of order at least \code{mode}
#' @param M matrix, the right hand side of the mode product such that
#' \code{ncol(M)} equals \code{dim(T)[mode]}
#' @param mode the mode of the product in the range \code{1:length(dim(T))}
#' @returns multi-dimensional array of the same order as \code{T} with the
#' \code{mode} dimension equal to \code{nrow(M)}
#' @export
ttm <- function(T, M, mode = length(dim(T))) {
mode <- as.integer(mode)
dims <- dim(T)
if (length(dims) < mode) {
stop(sprintf("Mode (%d) must be smaller equal the tensor order %d",
mode, length(dims)))
if (dims[mode] != ncol(M)) {
stop(sprintf("Dim. missmatch, mode %d has dim %d but ncol is %d.",
mode, dims[mode], ncol(M)))
# Special case of mode being equal to tensor order, then an alternative
# (but more efficient) version is Z M' where Z is only the reshaped but
# no permutation of elements is required (as in the case of mode 1)
if (mode == length(dims)) {
# Convert tensor to matrix (similar to matricization)
dim(T) <- c(prod(dims[-mode]), dims[mode])
# Equiv matrix product
C <- tcrossprod(T, M)
# Shape back to tensor
dim(C) <- c(dims[-mode], nrow(M))
} else {
# Matricize tensor T
if (mode != 1L) {
perm <- c(mode, seq_along(dims)[-mode])
T <- aperm(T, perm)
dim(T) <- c(dims[mode], prod(dims[-mode]))
# Perform equivalent matrix multiplication
C <- M %*% T
# Reshape and rearrange matricized result back to a tensor
dim(C) <- c(nrow(M), dims[-mode])
if (mode == 1L) {
} else {
aperm(C, order(perm))
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_1%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 1L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_2%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 2L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_3%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 3L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_4%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 4L)
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#' Tensor Times Matrix (n-mode tensor matrix product)
#' @param T array of order at least \code{mode}
#' @param M matrix, the right hand side of the mode product such that
#' \code{ncol(M)} equals \code{dim(T)[mode]}
#' @param mode the mode of the product in the range \code{1:length(dim(T))}
#' @returns multi-dimensional array of the same order as \code{T} with
#' \code{mode} dimension equal to \code{nrow(M)}
#' @export
ttm <- function(T, M, mode = length(dim(T))) {
storage.mode(T) <- storage.mode(M) <- "double"
.Call("C_ttm", T, M, as.integer(mode))
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_1%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 1L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_2%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 2L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_3%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 3L)
#' @rdname ttm
#' @export
`%x_4%` <- function(T, M) ttm(T, M, 4L)
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
// extern SEXP FastPOI_C_sub(SEXP in_B, SEXP in_Delta,
// SEXP in_lambda, SEXP in_maxit, SEXP in_tol
// );
/* Tensor Times Matrix a.k.a. Mode Product */
extern SEXP ttm(SEXP A, SEXP X, SEXP mode);
/* List of registered routines (e.g. C entry points) */
static const R_CallMethodDef CallEntries[] = {
// {"FastPOI_C_sub", (DL_FUNC) &FastPOI_C_sub, 5}, // NOT USED
{"C_ttm", (DL_FUNC) &ttm, 3},
/* Restrict C entry points to registered routines. */
void R_init_tensorPredictors(DllInfo *dll) {
R_registerRoutines(dll, NULL, CallEntries, NULL, NULL);
R_useDynamicSymbols(dll, FALSE);
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
// The need for `USE_FC_LEN_T` and `FCONE` is due to a Fortran character string
// to C incompatibility. See: Writing R Extentions: 6.6.1 Fortran character strings
#define USE_FC_LEN_T
#include <R.h>
#include <Rinternals.h>
#include <R_ext/BLAS.h>
#ifndef FCONE
#define FCONE
* Tensor Times Matrix a.k.a. Mode Product
* @param A multi-dimensionl array
* @param B matrix
* @param m mode index (1-indexed)
extern SEXP ttm(SEXP A, SEXP B, SEXP m) {
// get zero indexed mode
int mode = asInteger(m) - 1;
// get dimension attribute of A
SEXP dim = getAttrib(A, R_DimSymbol);
// validate mode (mode must be smaller than the nr of dimensions)
if (mode < 0 || length(dim) <= mode) {
error("Illegal mode");
// and check if B is a matrix of non degenetate size
if (!isMatrix(B)) {
error("Expected a matrix as second argument");
if (!nrows(B) || !ncols(B)) {
error("Zero dimension detected");
// check matching of dimensions
if (INTEGER(dim)[mode] != ncols(B)) {
error("Dimension missmatch (mode dim not equal to ncol)");
// calc nr of response elements `prod(dim(X)[-mode]) * ncol(X)`,
int leny = 1;
// and the strides
// `stride[0] <- prod(dim(X)[seq_len(mode - 1)])`
// `stride[1] <- dim(X)[mode]`
// `stride[2] <- prod(dim(X)[-seq_len(mode)])`
int stride[3] = {1, INTEGER(dim)[mode], 1};
for (int i = 0; i < length(dim); ++i) {
int size = INTEGER(dim)[i];
// check for non-degenetate dimensions
if (!size) {
error("Zero dimension detected");
leny *= (i == mode) ? nrows(B) : size;
stride[0] *= (i < mode) ? size : 1;
stride[2] *= (i > mode) ? size : 1;
// as well as the matrix rows (cols only needed once)
int nrow = nrows(B);
// create response object C
SEXP C = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, leny));
// raw data access pointers
double* a = REAL(A);
double* b = REAL(B);
double* c = REAL(C);
// Tensor Times Matrix / Mode Product
const double zero = 0.0;
const double one = 1.0;
if (mode == 0) {
// mode 1: (A x_1 B)_(1) = B A_(1) as a single Matrix-Matrix prod
F77_CALL(dgemm)("N", "N", &nrow, &stride[2], &stride[1], &one,
b, &nrow, a, &stride[1],
&zero, c, &nrow FCONE FCONE);
} else {
// Other modes can be written as blocks of matrix multiplications
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < stride[2]; ++i2) {
F77_CALL(dgemm)("N", "T", &stride[0], &nrow, &stride[1], &one,
&a[i2 * stride[0] * stride[1]], &stride[0], b, &nrow,
&zero, &c[i2 * stride[0] * nrow], &stride[0] FCONE FCONE);
// Tensor Times Matrix / Mode Product (reference implementation)
memset(c, 0, leny * sizeof(double));
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < stride[2]; ++i2) {
for (int i1 = 0; i1 < stride[1]; ++i1) { // stride[1] == ncols(B)
for (int j = 0; j < nrow; ++j) {
for (int i0 = 0; i0 < stride[0]; ++i0) {
c[i0 + (j + i2 * nrow) * stride[0]] +=
a[i0 + (i1 + i2 * stride[1]) * stride[0]] * b[j + i1 * nrow];
// finally, set result dimensions
SEXP newdim = PROTECT(allocVector(INTSXP, length(dim)));
for (int i = 0; i < length(dim); ++i) {
INTEGER(newdim)[i] = (i == mode) ? nrows(B) : INTEGER(dim)[i];
setAttrib(C, R_DimSymbol, newdim);
// release C to the hands of the garbage collector
return C;
Reference in New Issue