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\title{Conditional Variance Estimation (CVE) method.}
cve_cpp(X, Y, method, k, nObs, tauInitial = 1, rho1 = 0.1,
rho2 = 0.9, tol = 1e-05, maxIter = 50L, maxLineSearchIter = 10L,
attempts = 10L)
\item{X}{data points}
\item{k}{assumed \eqn{rank(B)}}
\item{nObs}{parameter for bandwidth estimation, typical value
\code{nObs = nrow(X)^lambda} with \code{lambda} in the range [0.3, 0.8].}
\item{tol}{Tolerance for update error used for stopping criterion (default 1e-5)}
\item{maxIter}{Upper bound of optimization iterations (default 50)}
\item{attempts}{Number of tryes with new random optimization starting points (default 10)}
\item{tau}{Initial step size (default 1)}
\item{slack}{Ratio of small negative error allowed in loss optimization (default -1e-10)}
List containing the bandwidth \code{h}, optimization objective \code{V}
and the matrix \code{B} estimated for the model as a orthogonal basis of the
orthogonal space spaned by \code{V}.
This version uses a "simple" stiefel optimization schema.