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#' Simple implementation of the CVE method. 'Simple' means that this method is
#' a classic GD method unsing no further tricks.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
cve_simple <- function(X, Y, k,
nObs = sqrt(nrow(X)),
h = NULL,
tau = 1.0,
tol = 1e-3,
slack = 0,
epochs = 50L,
attempts = 10L
) {
# Addapt tolearance for break condition
tol <- sqrt(2 * k) * tol
tau.init <- tau # remember to reset for new attempt
# Get dimensions.
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
q <- p - k
# Estaimate bandwidth if not given.
if (missing(h) | !is.numeric(h)) {
h <- estimate.bandwidth(X, k, nObs)
# Compue all static data.
X_diff <- row.pair.apply(X, `-`)
index <- matrix(seq(n * n), n, n)
tri.i <- row.pair.apply(index[, 1, drop = FALSE], function(i, j) { i })
tri.j <- row.pair.apply(index[, 1, drop = FALSE], function(i, j) { j })
lower.tri.ind <- index[lower.tri(index)]
upper.tri.ind <- t(index)[lower.tri.ind] # ATTENTION: corret order
I_p <- diag(1, p)
# Init variables for best attempt
loss.best <- Inf
V.best <- NULL
# Take a view attempts with different starting values
for (attempt in 1:attempts) {
# reset step width `tau`
tau <- tau.init
# Sample a `(p, q)` dimensional matrix from the stiefel manifold as
# optimization start value.
V <- rStiefl(p, q)
## Initial loss calculation
# Orthogonal projection to `span(V)`.
Q <- I_p - (V %*% t(V))
# Compute vectorized distance matrix `D`.
vecD <- rowSums((X_diff %*% Q)^2)
# Compute weights matrix `W`
W <- matrix(1, n, n) # init (`exp(0) = 1` in the diagonal)
W[lower.tri.ind] <- exp(vecD / (-2 * h)) # set lower triangular part
W[upper.tri.ind] <- t(W)[upper.tri.ind] # mirror to upper triangular part
W <- sweep(W, 2, colSums(W), FUN = `/`) # normalize columns
# Weighted `Y` momentums
y1 <- Y %*% W # is 1D anyway, avoid transposing `W`
y2 <- Y^2 %*% W
# Get per sample loss `L(V, X_i)`
L <- y2 - y1^2
# Sum to tolal loss `L(V)`
loss <- mean(L)
## Start optimization loop.
for (iter in 1:epochs) {
# index according a lower triangular matrix stored in column major order
# by only the `i` or `j` index.
# vecW <- lower.tri.vector(W) + upper.tri.vector(W)
vecW <- W[lower.tri.ind] + W[upper.tri.ind]
S <- (L[tri.j] - (Y[tri.i] - y1[tri.j])^2) * vecW * vecD
# Gradient
G <- t(X_diff) %*% sweep(X_diff %*% V, 1, S, `*`);
G <- (-2 / (n * h^2)) * G
# Cayley transform matrix `A`
A <- (G %*% t(V)) - (V %*% t(G))
# Compute next `V` by step size `tau` unsing the Cayley transform
# via a parallel transport into the gradient direction.
A.tau <- tau * A
V.tau <- solve(I_p + A.tau) %*% ((I_p - A.tau) %*% V)
# Orthogonal projection to `span(V.tau)`.
Q <- I_p - (V.tau %*% t(V.tau))
# Compute vectorized distance matrix `D`.
vecD <- rowSums((X_diff %*% Q)^2)
# Compute weights matrix `W` (only update values, diag keeps 1's)
W[lower.tri.ind] <- exp(vecD / (-2 * h)) # set lower triangular part
W[upper.tri.ind] <- t(W)[upper.tri.ind] # mirror to upper triangular part
W <- sweep(W, 2, colSums(W), FUN = `/`) # normalize columns
# Weighted `Y` momentums
y1 <- Y %*% W # is 1D anyway, avoid transposing `W`
y2 <- Y^2 %*% W
# Get per sample loss `L(V, X_i)`
L <- y2 - y1^2
# Sum to tolal loss `L(V)`
loss.tau <- mean(L)
# Check if step is appropriate
if (loss != Inf & loss.tau - loss > slack * loss) {
tau <- tau / 2
} else {
loss <- loss.tau
V <- V.tau
# Check if current attempt improved previous ones
if (loss.tau < loss.best) {
loss.best <- loss.tau
V.best <- V.tau
loss = loss.best,
V = V.best,
B = null(V.best),
h = h