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#' Compute get gradient of `L(V)` given a dataset `X`.
#' @param X Data matrix.
#' @param Y Responce.
#' @param V Position to compute the gradient at, aka point on Stiefl manifold.
#' @param h Bandwidth
#' @param loss.out Iff \code{TRUE} loss will be written to parent environment.
#' @param loss.only Boolean to only compute the loss, of \code{TRUE} a single
#' value loss is returned and \code{envir} is ignored.
#' @param persistent Determines if data indices and dependent calculations shall
#' be reused from the parent environment. ATTENTION: Do NOT set this flag, only
#' intended for internal usage by carefully aligned functions!
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
grad <- function(X, Y, V, h,
loss.out = FALSE,
loss.only = FALSE,
persistent = FALSE) {
# Get number of samples and dimension.
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
if (!persistent) {
# Compute lookup indexes for symmetrie, lower/upper
# triangular parts and vectorization.
pair.index <- elem.pairs(seq(n))
i <- pair.index[1, ] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[2, ] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
# Index of vectorized matrix, for lower and upper triangular part.
lower <- ((i - 1) * n) + j
upper <- ((j - 1) * n) + i
# Create all pairewise differences of rows of `X`.
X_diff <- X[i, , drop = F] - X[j, , drop = F]
# Projection matrix onto `span(V)`
Q <- diag(1, p) - tcrossprod(V, V)
# Vectorized distance matrix `D`.
vecD <- colSums(tcrossprod(Q, X_diff)^2)
# Create Kernel matrix (aka. apply kernel to distances)
K <- matrix(1, n, n) # `exp(0) == 1`
K[lower] <- exp((-0.5 / h) * vecD^2) # Set lower tri. part
K[upper] <- t(K)[upper] # Mirror lower tri. to upper
# Weighted `Y` momentums
colSumsK <- colSums(K)
y1 <- (K %*% Y) / colSumsK
y2 <- (K %*% Y^2) / colSumsK
# Per example loss `L(V, X_i)`
L <- y2 - y1^2
if (loss.only) {
if (loss.out) {
loss <<- mean(L)
# Compute scaling vector `vecS` for `X_diff`.
tmp <- kronecker(matrix(y1, n, 1), matrix(Y, 1, n), `-`)^2
tmp <- as.vector(L) - tmp
tmp <- tmp * K / colSumsK
vecS <- (tmp + t(tmp))[lower] * vecD
# The gradient.
# 1. The `crossprod(A, B)` is equivalent to `t(A) %*% B`,
# 2. `(X_diff %*% V) * vecS` is first a marix matrix mult. and then using
# recycling to scale each row with the values of `vecS`.
# Note that `vecS` is a vector and that `R` uses column-major ordering
# of matrices.
# (See: notes for more details)
# TODO: Depending on n, p, q decide which version to take (for current
# datasets "inner" is faster, see: notes).
# inner = crossprod(X_diff, X_diff * vecS) %*% V,
# outer = crossprod(X_diff, (X_diff %*% V) * vecS)
G <- crossprod(X_diff, X_diff * vecS) %*% V
G <- (-2 / (n * h^2)) * G