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library(MASS) # required by 'dr'
library(dr) # for `dr`
library(MAVE) # for `mave`, `coef.mave`.
### simulation utility functions ###
#' Calc distance between two subspaces.
#' || P(A) - P(B) ||_F / sqrt(2 * ncol(A))
#' such that `P(A) = A (A^T A)^-1 A^T` the projection onto
#' the subspace spanned by `A`.
#' @param A matrix which rows span a subspace.
#' @param B matrix of the same dim. as `A`-
#' @returns numeric metric of spanning subspaces distance.
subspace_dist <- function(A, B) {
P <- A %*% solve(t(A) %*% A, t(A))
Q <- B %*% solve(t(B) %*% B, t(B))
norm(P - Q, 'F') / sqrt(2 * ncol(A))
#' Creats a progress logger.
#' @param len number of calls to the creted rpogress logger till finished.
#' @returns progress logger function:
#' \code{logger(info)}
#' which is to be called \code{len} times with a string \code{info}.
progress_logger <- function(len) {
start <- Sys.time()
count <- 0
return(function(info) {
cat("\rRunning (", info, "):",
(count <<- count + 1), "/", len,
" - elapsed:", format(Sys.time() - start), "\033[K")
if (count == len) { cat("\n") }
### cve wrapper ###
CVE <- function(...) {
.cve <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
.cve[[1L]] <- quote(cve.call)
.cve$method <- "simple"
wCVE <- function(...) {
.cve <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
.cve[[1L]] <- quote(cve.call)
.cve$method <- "weighted"
rCVE <- function(...) {
.cve <- match.call(expand.dots = TRUE)
.cve[[1L]] <- quote(cve.call)
.cve$method <- "simple"
dr <- eval(.cve)
for (name in names(dr$res)) {
.cve$method <- "weighted"
.cve$k <- dr$res[[name]]$k
.cve$V.init <- dr$res[[name]]$V
dr$res[[name]] <- eval(.cve)$res[[name]]
dr$call <- match.call()
dr$call[[1L]] <- quote(cve)
dr$call$method <- "refined"
wls <- function(x,y,w){
x <- as.matrix(x); y <- as.vector(y)
#' Compute kernel matrix.
#' @param X matrix of dim. `n x p` (`n` samples of dimension `p`)
#' @param h numeric bandwidth.
#' @returns `n x n` matrix with kernel of X_i to X_j interaction
#' in its `i, j` component.
kern <- function(X, h) {
X <- as.matrix(X)
n <- nrow(X)
k2 <- X %*% t(X) # (X_i^T X_j)_ij
k3 <- matrix(diag(k2), n, n) # diag(k2) in rows
k1 <- t(k3) # diag(k2) in cols
K <- k1 - 2 * k2 + k3 # (|X_i|^2 - 2 * X_i^T X_j - |X_j|^2)_ij
return(exp((-0.5 / h^2) * K))
coef.opg <- function(object, ...) {
OPG <- function(X, Y, k, c0 = 2.34) {
# Cast parameters.
X <- as.matrix(X); Y <- as.vector(Y)
# Get Dimensions
n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X)
p0 = max(p, 3)
rn <- n^(-1 / (2 * (p0 + 6)))
h <- c0 * n^(-1 / (p0 + 6))
sig <- diag(var(X))
X <- scale(X)
kmat <- kern(X, h)
bmat <- numeric()
for (i in 1:n) {
wi <- kmat[, i]
xi <- cbind(1, t(t(X) - X[i, ]))
bmat <- cbind(bmat, wls(xi, Y, wi)$b)
beta <- eigen(bmat %*% t(bmat))$vectors[, 1:k]
B <- diag(sig^(-1 / 2)) %*% beta
return(structure(list(B = B), class = "opg"))
rOPG <- function(X, Y, k, nr.iter = 25L, c0 = 2.34) {
# Cast parameters.
X <- as.matrix(X); Y <- as.vector(Y)
# Get Dimensions
n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X)
sig <- diag(var(X))
X <- scale(X)
p0 = max(p, 3)
rn <- n^(-1 / (2 * (p0 + 6)))
h <- c0 * n^(-1 / (p0 + 6))
beta <- diag(p)
for(. in seq_len(nr.iter)) {
kmat <- kern(X %*% beta, h)
bmat <- numeric()
for (i in 1:n) {
wi <- kmat[, i]
xi <- cbind(1, t(t(X) - X[i, ]))
bmat <- cbind(bmat, wls(xi, Y, wi)$b)
beta <- eigen(bmat %*% t(bmat))$vectors[, 1:k, drop = F]
h <- max(rn * h, c0 * n^((-1/(k + 4))))
B <- diag(sig^(-1/2)) %*% beta
return(structure(list(B = B), class = "opg"))
rmave <- function(X, Y, k, nr.iter = 25L, c0 = 2.34) {
X <- as.matrix(X); Y <- as.vector(Y)
# Get dimensions.
n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X)
X <- scale(X)
sig <- attr(X, "scaled:scale")^2 # diag(var(X))
p0 <- max(p,3)
h <- c0 * n^(-1 / (p0 + 6))
rn <- n^(-1 / (2 * (p0 + 6)))
beta <- OPG(X, Y, k)$B
for (. in seq_len(nr.iter)) {
kermat <- kern(X %*% beta, h)
mkermat <- colMeans(kermat)
a <- numeric()
b <- numeric()
for (i in 1:n) {
wi <- kermat[ ,i] / mkermat[i]
ui <- cbind(1, t(t(X) - X[i, ]) %*% beta)
out <- wls(ui, Y, wi)
a <- c(a, out$a)
b <- cbind(b, out$b)
out <- 0
out1 <- 0
for (i in 1:n) {
xi <- kronecker(t(t(X) - X[i, ]), t(b[, i]))
yi <- Y - a[i]
wi <- kermat[, i] / mkermat[i]
out <- out + colMeans(xi * yi * wi)
out1 <- out1 + t(xi * wi) %*% xi / n
beta <- t(matrix(solve(out1, out), k, p))
h <- max(rn * h, c0 * n^(-1 / (k + 4)))
B <- diag(sig^-0.5) %*% beta
return(structure(list(B = B), class = "opg"))
meanOPG <- function(X, Y, max.dim = 10L, ...) {
mave(Y ~ X, method = "meanOPG", max.dim = max.dim)
meanMAVE <- function(X, Y, max.dim = 10L, ...) {
mave(Y ~ X, method = "meanMAVE", max.dim = max.dim)
coef.phdy <- coef.sir <- coef.save <- function(object, k, ...) {
matrix(object$evectors[, 1:k], ncol = k)
phdy <- function(X, Y, k, ...) {
dr(Y ~ X, method = 'phdy', numdir = k)
sir <- function(X, Y, k, ...) {
dr(Y ~ X, method = 'sir', numdir = k)
save <- function(X, Y, k, ...) {
dr(Y ~ X, method = 'save', numdir = k)