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final CRAN re-submition (1.0 -> 1.1) changes in DESCRIPTION

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Daniel Kapla 2021-03-09 19:24:32 +01:00
parent f641f2132c
commit 9d0f551dc3
1 changed files with 5 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -12,10 +12,11 @@ Authors@R: c(
person("Lukas", "Fertl", role = c("aut", "cph")),
person("Efstathia", "Bura", role = "ctb")
Description: Implementation of the Conditional Variance Estimation (CVE) method
from Fertl and Bura (2021) <arXiv:2102.08782> and the Ensemble Conditional
Variance Estimation (ECVE) method from Fertl and Bura (2021) <arXiv:2102.13435>.
CVE and ECVE are Sufficient Dimension Reduction (SDR) methods
Description: Implementation of the CVE (Conditional Variance Estimation) method
proposed by Fertl, L. and Bura, E. (2021) <arXiv:2102.08782> and the ECVE
(Ensemble Conditional Variance Estimation) method introduced in
Fertl, L. and Bura, E. (2021) <arXiv:2102.13435>.
CVE and ECVE are sufficient dimension reduction methods
in regressions with continuous response and predictors. CVE applies to general
additive error regression models while ECVE generalizes to non-additive error
regression models. They operate under the assumption that the predictors can