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wip: writing C gradient version

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Kapla 2019-09-12 18:42:28 +02:00
parent 47917fe0bd
commit 4d2651fe8a
24 changed files with 1414 additions and 285 deletions

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@ -1,88 +1,71 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Program: runtime_test.R
# Author: Loki
# Date: 2019.08.12
# Purpose:
# Comparing runtime of "MAVE" with "CVE".
# RevisionHistory:
# Loki -- 2019.08.12 initial creation
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Usage:
# ~$ Rscript runtime_test.R
# load CVE package
# load MAVE package for comparison
library(CVE) # load CVE
# set nr of simulations per dataset
nr.sim <- 10
# set names of datasets to run tests on
dataset.names <- c("M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5")
#' Orthogonal projection to sub-space spanned by `B`
#' @param B Matrix
#' @return Orthogonal Projection Matrix
proj <- function(B) {
B %*% solve(t(B) %*% B) %*% t(B)
#' Writes progress to console.
tell.user <- function(name, start.time, i, length) {
cat("\rRunning Test (", name, "):",
i, "/", length,
" - elapsed:", format(Sys.time() - start.time), "\033[K")
subspace.dist <- function(B1, B2){
P1 <- B1 %*% solve(t(B1) %*% B1) %*% t(B1)
P2 <- B2 %*% solve(t(B2) %*% B2) %*% t(B2)
return(norm(P1 - P2, type = 'F'))
#' Compute nObs given dataset dimension \code{n}.
#' @param n Number of samples
#' @return Numeric estimate of \code{nObs}
nObs <- function (n) { n^0.5 }
# Number of simulations
SIM.NR <- 50
# maximal number of iterations in curvilinear search algorithm
MAXIT <- 50
# number of arbitrary starting values for curvilinear optimization
# set names of datasets
dataset.names <- c("M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5")
# Set used CVE method
methods <- c("simple") # c("legacy", "simple", "sgd", "linesearch")
## prepare "logging"
# result error, time, ... data.frame's
error <- matrix(nrow = nr.sim, ncol = 2 * length(dataset.names))
time <- matrix(nrow = nr.sim, ncol = 2 * length(dataset.names))
# convert to data.frames
error <- as.data.frame(error)
time <- as.data.frame(time)
# set names
names(error) <- kronecker(c("CVE.", "MAVE."), dataset.names, paste0)
names(time) <- kronecker(c("CVE.", "MAVE."), dataset.names, paste0)
# Setup error and time tracking variables
error <- matrix(NA, SIM.NR, length(methods) * length(dataset.names))
time <- matrix(NA, SIM.NR, ncol(error))
colnames(error) <- kronecker(paste0(dataset.names, '-'), methods, paste0)
colnames(time) <- colnames(error)
# get current time
# only for telling user (to stdout)
count <- 0
start.time <- Sys.time()
## main comparison loop (iterate `nr.sim` times for each dataset)
for (i in seq_along(dataset.names)) {
for (j in 1:nr.sim) {
name <- dataset.names[i]
# reporting progress
cat("\rRunning Test (", name, j , "):",
(i - 1) * nr.sim + j, "/", length(dataset.names) * nr.sim,
" - Time since start:", format(Sys.time() - start.time), "\033[K")
# sample new dataset
# Start simulation loop.
for (sim in 1:SIM.NR) {
# Repeat for each dataset.
for (name in dataset.names) {
count <- count + 1
tell.user(name, start.time, count, SIM.NR * length(dataset.names))
# Create a new dataset
ds <- dataset(name)
k <- ncol(ds$B) # real dim
data <- data.frame(X = ds$X, Y = ds$Y)
# call CVE
cve.time <- system.time(
cve.res <- cve(Y ~ .,
data = data,
method = "simple",
k = k)
# Prepare X, Y and combine to data matrix
Y <- ds$Y
X <- ds$X
data <- cbind(Y, X)
# get dimensions
dim <- ncol(X)
truedim <- ncol(ds$B)
for (method in methods) {
dr.time <- system.time(
dr <- cve.call(X, Y,
method = method,
k = truedim,
attempts = ATTEMPTS
# call MAVE
mave.time <- system.time(
mave.res <- mave(Y ~ .,
data = data,
method = "meanMAVE")
# compute real and approximated sub-space projections
P <- proj(ds$B) # real
P.cve <- proj(cve.res$B)
P.mave <- proj(mave.res$dir[[k]])
# compute (and store) errors
error[j, paste0("CVE.", name)] <- norm(P - P.cve, 'F') / sqrt(2 * k)
error[j, paste0("MAVE.", name)] <- norm(P - P.mave, 'F') / sqrt(2 * k)
# store run-times
time[j, paste0("CVE.", name)] <- cve.time["elapsed"]
time[j, paste0("MAVE.", name)] <- mave.time["elapsed"]
dr <- dr[[truedim]]
key <- paste0(name, '-', method)
error[sim, key] <- subspace.dist(dr$B, ds$B) / sqrt(2 * truedim)
time[sim, key] <- dr.time["elapsed"]
@ -91,16 +74,16 @@ print(colMeans(time))
cat("\n## Error Means:\n")
len <- length(dataset.names)
main = paste0("Error (nr.sim = ", nr.sim, ")"),
ylab = expression(error == group("||", P[B] - P[hat(B)], "||")[F] / sqrt(2*k)),
at <- seq(ncol(error)) + rep(seq(ncol(error) / length(methods)) - 1, each = length(methods))
main = paste0("Error (Nr of simulations ", SIM.NR, ")"),
ylab = "Error",
las = 2,
at = c(1:len, 1:len + len + 1)
at = at
main = paste0("Time (nr.sim = ", nr.sim, ")"),
ylab = "time [sec]",
main = paste0("Time (Nr of simulations ", SIM.NR, ")"),
ylab = "Time [sec]",
las = 2,
at = c(1:len, 1:len + len + 1)
at = at

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Package: CVE
Package: CVEpureR
Type: Package
Title: Conditional Variance Estimator for Sufficient Dimension Reduction
Version: 0.1

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
@ -15,7 +14,6 @@ export(estimate.bandwidth)

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@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
#' Conditional Variance Estimator (CVE)
#' Conditional Variance Estimator for Sufficient Dimension
#' Reduction
#' TODO: And some details
#' @references Fertl Likas, Bura Efstathia. Conditional Variance Estimation for Sufficient Dimension Reduction, 2019
#' @docType package
#' @author Loki
#' Implementation of the CVE method.
#' Conditional Variance Estimator (CVE) is a novel sufficient dimension
@ -40,7 +54,7 @@
#' @import stats
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
#' @export
cve <- function(formula, data, method = "simple", ...) {
cve <- function(formula, data, method = "simple", max.dim = 10, ...) {
# check for type of `data` if supplied and set default
if (missing(data)) {
data <- environment(formula)
@ -69,12 +83,8 @@ cve <- function(formula, data, method = "simple", ...) {
#' @param ... Method specific parameters.
#' @rdname cve
#' @export
cve.call <- function(X, Y, method = "simple", nObs = nrow(X)^.5, k, ...) {
# TODO: replace default value of `k` by `max.dim` when fast enough
if (missing(k)) {
stop("TODO: parameter `k` (rank(B)) is required, replace by `max.dim`.")
cve.call <- function(X, Y, method = "simple", nObs = nrow(X)^.5,
min.dim = 1, max.dim = 10, k, ...) {
# parameter checking
if (!is.matrix(X)) {
@ -90,21 +100,42 @@ cve.call <- function(X, Y, method = "simple", nObs = nrow(X)^.5, k, ...) {
stop('X is one dimensional, no need for dimension reduction.')
if (!missing(k)) {
min.dim <- as.integer(k)
max.dim <- as.integer(k)
} else {
min.dim <- as.integer(min.dim)
max.dim <- as.integer(min(max.dim, ncol(X) - 1L))
if (min.dim > max.dim) {
stop('`min.dim` bigger `max.dim`.')
if (max.dim >= ncol(X)) {
stop('`max.dim` must be smaller than `ncol(X)`.')
# Call specified method.
method <- tolower(method)
call <- match.call()
dr <- list()
for (k in min.dim:max.dim) {
if (method == 'simple') {
dr <- cve_simple(X, Y, k, nObs = nObs, ...)
dr.k <- cve_simple(X, Y, k, nObs = nObs, ...)
} else if (method == 'linesearch') {
dr <- cve_linesearch(X, Y, k, nObs = nObs, ...)
dr.k <- cve_linesearch(X, Y, k, nObs = nObs, ...)
} else if (method == 'sgd') {
dr <- cve_sgd(X, Y, k, nObs = nObs, ...)
dr.k <- cve_sgd(X, Y, k, nObs = nObs, ...)
} else {
stop('Got unknown method.')
dr.k$k <- k
class(dr.k) <- "cve.k"
dr[[k]] <- dr.k
# augment result information
dr$method <- method
dr$call <- match.call()
dr.k$method <- method
dr.k$call <- call
class(dr) <- "cve"
@ -134,41 +165,42 @@ cve.call <- function(X, Y, method = "simple", nObs = nrow(X)^.5, k, ...) {
#' @export
plot.cve <- function(x, ...) {
H <- x$history
H_1 <- H[!is.na(H[, 1]), 1]
defaults <- list(
main = "History",
xlab = "Iterations i",
ylab = expression(loss == L[n](V^{(i)})),
xlim = c(1, nrow(H)),
ylim = c(0, max(H)),
type = "l"
# H <- x$history
# H_1 <- H[!is.na(H[, 1]), 1]
call.plot <- match.call()
keys <- names(defaults)
keys <- keys[match(keys, names(call.plot)[-1], nomatch = 0) == 0]
# defaults <- list(
# main = "History",
# xlab = "Iterations i",
# ylab = expression(loss == L[n](V^{(i)})),
# xlim = c(1, nrow(H)),
# ylim = c(0, max(H)),
# type = "l"
# )
for (key in keys) {
call.plot[[key]] <- defaults[[key]]
# call.plot <- match.call()
# keys <- names(defaults)
# keys <- keys[match(keys, names(call.plot)[-1], nomatch = 0) == 0]
call.plot[[1L]] <- quote(plot)
call.plot$x <- quote(1:length(H_1))
call.plot$y <- quote(H_1)
# for (key in keys) {
# call.plot[[key]] <- defaults[[key]]
# }
# call.plot[[1L]] <- quote(plot)
# call.plot$x <- quote(1:length(H_1))
# call.plot$y <- quote(H_1)
if (ncol(H) > 1) {
for (i in 2:ncol(H)) {
H_i <- H[H[, i] > 0, i]
lines(1:length(H_i), H_i)
x.ends <- apply(H, 2, function(h) { length(h[!is.na(h)]) })
y.ends <- apply(H, 2, function(h) { tail(h[!is.na(h)], n=1) })
points(x.ends, y.ends)
# eval(call.plot)
# if (ncol(H) > 1) {
# for (i in 2:ncol(H)) {
# H_i <- H[H[, i] > 0, i]
# lines(1:length(H_i), H_i)
# }
# }
# x.ends <- apply(H, 2, function(h) { length(h[!is.na(h)]) })
# y.ends <- apply(H, 2, function(h) { tail(h[!is.na(h)], n=1) })
# points(x.ends, y.ends)
#' Prints a summary of a \code{cve} result.

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@ -13,18 +13,14 @@ cve_linesearch <- function(X, Y, k,
slack = 0,
epochs = 50L,
attempts = 10L,
max.linesearch.iter = 10L
max.linesearch.iter = 10L,
logger = NULL
) {
# Set `grad` functions environment to enable if to find this environments
# local variabels, needed to enable the manipulation of this local variables
# from within `grad`.
environment(grad) <- environment()
# Setup histories.
loss.history <- matrix(NA, epochs, attempts)
error.history <- matrix(NA, epochs, attempts)
tau.history <- matrix(NA, epochs, attempts)
# Get dimensions.
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
@ -44,8 +40,8 @@ cve_linesearch <- function(X, Y, k,
# Compute lookup indexes for symmetrie, lower/upper
# triangular parts and vectorization.
pair.index <- elem.pairs(seq(n))
i <- pair.index[, 1] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[, 2] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
i <- pair.index[1, ] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[2, ] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
# Matrix of vectorized indices. (vec(index) -> seq)
index <- matrix(seq(n * n), n, n)
lower <- index[lower.tri(index)]
@ -73,6 +69,13 @@ cve_linesearch <- function(X, Y, k,
# Set last loss (aka, loss after applying the step).
loss.last <- loss
# Call logger with initial values before starting optimization.
if (is.function(logger)) {
epoch <- 0 # Set epoch count to 0 (only relevant for logging).
error <- NA
## Start optimization loop.
for (epoch in 1:epochs) {
@ -124,16 +127,16 @@ cve_linesearch <- function(X, Y, k,
# Compute error.
error <- norm(V %*% t(V) - V.tau %*% t(V.tau), type = "F")
# Write history.
loss.history[epoch, attempt] <- loss
error.history[epoch, attempt] <- error
tau.history[epoch, attempt] <- tau
# Check break condition (epoch check to skip ignored gradient calc).
# Note: the devision by `sqrt(2 * k)` is included in `tol`.
if (error < tol | epoch >= epochs) {
# take last step and stop optimization.
V <- V.tau
# Final call to the logger before stopping optimization
if (is.function(logger)) {
G <- G.tau
@ -141,6 +144,12 @@ cve_linesearch <- function(X, Y, k,
V <- V.tau
loss.last <- loss
G <- G.tau
# Log after taking current step.
if (is.function(logger)) {
# Check if current attempt improved previous ones
@ -152,9 +161,6 @@ cve_linesearch <- function(X, Y, k,
loss.history = loss.history,
error.history = error.history,
tau.history = tau.history,
loss = loss.best,
V = V.best,
B = null(V.best),

View File

@ -10,17 +10,14 @@ cve_sgd <- function(X, Y, k,
tol = 1e-3,
epochs = 50L,
batch.size = 16L,
attempts = 10L
attempts = 10L,
logger = NULL
) {
# Set `grad` functions environment to enable if to find this environments
# local variabels, needed to enable the manipulation of this local variables
# from within `grad`.
environment(grad) <- environment()
# Setup histories.
loss.history <- matrix(NA, epochs, attempts)
error.history <- matrix(NA, epochs, attempts)
# Get dimensions.
n <- nrow(X) # Number of samples.
p <- ncol(X) # Data dimensions
@ -32,7 +29,7 @@ cve_sgd <- function(X, Y, k,
tol <- sqrt(2 * q) * tol
# Estaimate bandwidth if not given.
if (missing(h) | !is.numeric(h)) {
if (missing(h) || !is.numeric(h)) {
h <- estimate.bandwidth(X, k, nObs)
@ -40,12 +37,11 @@ cve_sgd <- function(X, Y, k,
# Compute lookup indexes for symmetrie, lower/upper
# triangular parts and vectorization.
pair.index <- elem.pairs(seq(n))
i <- pair.index[, 1] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[, 2] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
# Matrix of vectorized indices. (vec(index) -> seq)
index <- matrix(seq(n * n), n, n)
lower <- index[lower.tri(index)]
upper <- t(index)[lower]
i <- pair.index[1, ] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[2, ] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
# Index of vectorized matrix, for lower and upper triangular part.
lower <- ((i - 1) * n) + j
upper <- ((j - 1) * n) + i
# Create all pairewise differences of rows of `X`.
X_diff <- X[i, , drop = F] - X[j, , drop = F]
@ -69,17 +65,23 @@ cve_sgd <- function(X, Y, k,
# Keep track of last `V` for computing error after an epoch.
V.last <- V
if (is.function(logger)) {
loss <- grad(X, Y, V, h, loss.only = TRUE, persistent = TRUE)
error <- NA
epoch <- 0
# Repeat `epochs` times
for (epoch in 1:epochs) {
# Shuffle batches
batch.shuffle <- sample(indices)
# Make a step for each batch.
for (start in seq(1, n, batch.size)) {
for (batch.start in seq(1, n, batch.size)) {
# Select batch data indices.
batch <- batch.shuffle[start:(start + batch.size - 1)]
# Remove `NA`'s (when `n` isn't a multiple of `batch.size`).
batch <- batch[!is.na(batch)]
batch.end <- min(batch.start + batch.size - 1, length(batch.shuffle))
batch <- batch.shuffle[batch.start:batch.end]
# Compute batch gradient.
loss <- NULL
@ -93,21 +95,24 @@ cve_sgd <- function(X, Y, k,
# Parallet transport (on Stiefl manifold) into direction of `G`.
V <- solve(I_p + A.tau) %*% ((I_p - A.tau) %*% V)
# Compute actuall loss after finishing optimization.
loss <- grad(X, Y, V, h, loss.only = TRUE, persistent = TRUE)
# And the error for the history.
error <- norm(V.last %*% t(V.last) - V %*% t(V), type = "F")
V.last <- V
# Finaly write history.
loss.history[epoch, attempt] <- loss
error.history[epoch, attempt] <- error
if (is.function(logger)) {
# Compute loss at end of epoch for logging.
loss <- grad(X, Y, V, h, loss.only = TRUE, persistent = TRUE)
# Check break condition.
if (error < tol) {
# Compute actual loss after finishing for comparing multiple attempts.
loss <- grad(X, Y, V, h, loss.only = TRUE, persistent = TRUE)
# After each attempt, check if last attempt reached a better result.
if (loss < loss.best) {
loss.best <- loss
@ -116,8 +121,6 @@ cve_sgd <- function(X, Y, k,
loss.history = loss.history,
error.history = error.history,
loss = loss.best,
V = V.best,
B = null(V.best),

View File

@ -10,21 +10,18 @@ cve_simple <- function(X, Y, k,
tol = 1e-3,
slack = 0,
epochs = 50L,
attempts = 10L
attempts = 10L,
logger = NULL
) {
# Set `grad` functions environment to enable if to find this environments
# local variabels, needed to enable the manipulation of this local variables
# from within `grad`.
environment(grad) <- environment()
# Setup histories.
loss.history <- matrix(NA, epochs, attempts)
error.history <- matrix(NA, epochs, attempts)
# Get dimensions.
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
q <- p - k
n <- nrow(X) # Number of samples.
p <- ncol(X) # Data dimensions
q <- p - k # Complement dimension of the SDR space.
# Save initial learning rate `tau`.
tau.init <- tau
@ -32,7 +29,7 @@ cve_simple <- function(X, Y, k,
tol <- sqrt(2 * q) * tol
# Estaimate bandwidth if not given.
if (missing(h) | !is.numeric(h)) {
if (missing(h) || !is.numeric(h)) {
h <- estimate.bandwidth(X, k, nObs)
@ -40,12 +37,11 @@ cve_simple <- function(X, Y, k,
# Compute lookup indexes for symmetrie, lower/upper
# triangular parts and vectorization.
pair.index <- elem.pairs(seq(n))
i <- pair.index[, 1] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[, 2] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
# Matrix of vectorized indices. (vec(index) -> seq)
index <- matrix(seq(n * n), n, n)
lower <- index[lower.tri(index)]
upper <- t(index)[lower]
i <- pair.index[1, ] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[2, ] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
# Index of vectorized matrix, for lower and upper triangular part.
lower <- ((i - 1) * n) + j
upper <- ((j - 1) * n) + i
# Create all pairewise differences of rows of `X`.
X_diff <- X[i, , drop = F] - X[j, , drop = F]
@ -58,8 +54,7 @@ cve_simple <- function(X, Y, k,
# Start loop for multiple attempts.
for (attempt in 1:attempts) {
# reset step width `tau`
# Reset learning rate `tau`.
tau <- tau.init
# Sample a `(p, q)` dimensional matrix from the stiefel manifold as
@ -75,6 +70,13 @@ cve_simple <- function(X, Y, k,
# Cayley transform matrix `A`
A <- (G %*% t(V)) - (V %*% t(G))
# Call logger with initial values before starting optimization.
if (is.function(logger)) {
epoch <- 0 # Set epoch count to 0 (only relevant for logging).
error <- NA
## Start optimization loop.
for (epoch in 1:epochs) {
# Apply learning rate `tau`.
@ -85,7 +87,7 @@ cve_simple <- function(X, Y, k,
# Loss at position after a step.
loss <- grad(X, Y, V.tau, h, loss.only = TRUE, persistent = TRUE)
# Check if step is appropriate
# Check if step is appropriate, iff not reduce learning rate.
if ((loss - loss.last) > slack * loss.last) {
tau <- tau / 2
next() # Keep position and try with smaller `tau`.
@ -94,15 +96,15 @@ cve_simple <- function(X, Y, k,
# Compute error.
error <- norm(V %*% t(V) - V.tau %*% t(V.tau), type = "F")
# Write history.
loss.history[epoch, attempt] <- loss
error.history[epoch, attempt] <- error
# Check break condition (epoch check to skip ignored gradient calc).
# Note: the devision by `sqrt(2 * k)` is included in `tol`.
if (error < tol | epoch >= epochs) {
if (error < tol || epoch >= epochs) {
# take last step and stop optimization.
V <- V.tau
# Call logger last time befor stoping.
if (is.function(logger)) {
@ -110,6 +112,11 @@ cve_simple <- function(X, Y, k,
V <- V.tau
loss.last <- loss
# Call logger after taking a step.
if (is.function(logger)) {
# Compute gradient at new position.
G <- grad(X, Y, V, h, persistent = TRUE)
@ -126,8 +133,6 @@ cve_simple <- function(X, Y, k,
loss.history = loss.history,
error.history = error.history,
loss = loss.best,
V = V.best,
B = null(V.best),

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@ -24,12 +24,11 @@ grad <- function(X, Y, V, h,
# Compute lookup indexes for symmetrie, lower/upper
# triangular parts and vectorization.
pair.index <- elem.pairs(seq(n))
i <- pair.index[, 1] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[, 2] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
# Matrix of vectorized indices. (vec(index) -> seq)
index <- matrix(seq(n * n), n, n)
lower <- index[lower.tri(index)]
upper <- t.default(index)[lower]
i <- pair.index[1, ] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[2, ] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
# Index of vectorized matrix, for lower and upper triangular part.
lower <- ((i - 1) * n) + j
upper <- ((j - 1) * n) + i
# Create all pairewise differences of rows of `X`.
X_diff <- X[i, , drop = F] - X[j, , drop = F]
@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ grad <- function(X, Y, V, h,
Q <- diag(1, p) - tcrossprod(V, V)
# Vectorized distance matrix `D`.
vecD <- rowSums((X_diff %*% Q)^2)
vecD <- colSums(tcrossprod(Q, X_diff)^2)
# Weight matrix `W` (dnorm ... gaussean density function)
W <- matrix(1, n, n) # `exp(0) == 1`

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@ -22,42 +22,19 @@ null <- function(V) {
return(qr.Q(tmp, complete=TRUE)[, set, drop=FALSE])
#' Creates a (numeric) matrix where each row contains
#' Creates a (numeric) matrix where each column contains
#' an element to element matching.
#' @param elements numeric vector of elements to match
#' @return matrix of size `(n * (n - 1) / 2, 2)` for a argument of lenght `n`.
#' @return matrix of size `(2, n * (n - 1) / 2)` for a argument of lenght `n`.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' elem.pairs(seq.int(2, 5))
#' @export
elem.pairs <- function(elements) {
# Number of elements to match.
n <- length(elements)
# Create all combinations.
pairs <- cbind(rep(elements, each=n), rep(elements, n))
pairs <- rbind(rep(elements, each=n), rep(elements, n))
# Select unique combinations without self interaction.
return(pairs[pairs[, 1] < pairs[, 2], ])
#' Apply function to pairs of matrix rows or columns.
#' \code{row.pair.apply} applies \code{FUN} to each unique row pair without self
#' interaction while \code{col.pair.apply} does the same for columns.
#' @param X Matrix.
#' @param FUN Function to apply to each pair.
#' @examples
#' X <- matrix(seq(12), 4, 3)
#' # matrix containing all row to row differences.
#' row.pair.apply(X, `-`)
#' @aliases row.pair.apply, col.pair.apply
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
row.pair.apply <- function(X, FUN) {
pairs <- elem.pairs(seq(nrow(X)))
return(FUN(X[pairs[, 1], ], X[pairs[, 2], ]))
#' @rdname row.pair.apply
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
col.pair.apply <- function(X, FUN) {
pairs <- elem.pairs(seq(ncol(X)))
return(FUN(X[, pairs[, 1]], X[, pairs[, 2]]))
return(pairs[, pairs[1, ] < pairs[2, ]])

CVE_R/demo/00Index Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
runtime_test Runtime comparison of CVE against MAVE for M1 - M5 datasets.
logging Example of a logger function for cve algorithm analysis.

CVE_R/demo/logging.R Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
# Setup histories.
(epochs <- 50)
(attempts <- 10)
loss.history <- matrix(NA, epochs + 1, attempts)
error.history <- matrix(NA, epochs + 1, attempts)
tau.history <- matrix(NA, epochs + 1, attempts)
true.error.history <- matrix(NA, epochs + 1, attempts)
# Create a dataset
ds <- dataset("M1")
X <- ds$X
Y <- ds$Y
B <- ds$B # the true `B`
(k <- ncol(ds$B))
# True projection matrix.
P <- B %*% solve(t(B) %*% B) %*% t(B)
# Define the logger for the `cve()` method.
logger <- function(env) {
# Note the `<<-` assignement!
loss.history[env$epoch + 1, env$attempt] <<- env$loss
error.history[env$epoch + 1, env$attempt] <<- env$error
tau.history[env$epoch + 1, env$attempt] <<- env$tau
# Compute true error by comparing to the true `B`
B.est <- null(env$V) # Function provided by CVE
P.est <- B.est %*% solve(t(B.est) %*% B.est) %*% t(B.est)
true.error <- norm(P - P.est, 'F') / sqrt(2 * k)
true.error.history[env$epoch + 1, env$attempt] <<- true.error
# Performe SDR for ONE `k`.
dr <- cve(Y ~ X, k = k, logger = logger, epochs = epochs, attempts = attempts)
# Plot history's
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
matplot(loss.history, type = 'l', log = 'y', xlab = 'iter',
main = 'loss', ylab = expression(L(V[iter])))
matplot(error.history, type = 'l', log = 'y', xlab = 'iter',
main = 'error', ylab = 'error')
matplot(tau.history, type = 'l', log = 'y', xlab = 'iter',
main = 'tau', ylab = 'tau')
matplot(true.error.history, type = 'l', log = 'y', xlab = 'iter',
main = 'true error', ylab = 'true error')

CVE_R/demo/runtime_test.R Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
# Usage:
# ~$ Rscript runtime_test.R
library(CVEpureR) # load CVE
#' Writes progress to console.
tell.user <- function(name, start.time, i, length) {
cat("\rRunning Test (", name, "):",
i, "/", length,
" - elapsed:", format(Sys.time() - start.time), "\033[K")
subspace.dist <- function(B1, B2){
P1 <- B1 %*% solve(t(B1) %*% B1) %*% t(B1)
P2 <- B2 %*% solve(t(B2) %*% B2) %*% t(B2)
return(norm(P1 - P2, type = 'F'))
# Number of simulations
SIM.NR <- 50
# maximal number of iterations in curvilinear search algorithm
MAXIT <- 50
# number of arbitrary starting values for curvilinear optimization
# set names of datasets
dataset.names <- c("M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5")
# Set used CVE method
methods <- c("simple") # c("legacy", "simple", "sgd", "linesearch")
# Setup error and time tracking variables
error <- matrix(NA, SIM.NR, length(methods) * length(dataset.names))
time <- matrix(NA, SIM.NR, ncol(error))
colnames(error) <- kronecker(paste0(dataset.names, '-'), methods, paste0)
colnames(time) <- colnames(error)
# only for telling user (to stdout)
count <- 0
start.time <- Sys.time()
# Start simulation loop.
for (sim in 1:SIM.NR) {
# Repeat for each dataset.
for (name in dataset.names) {
count <- count + 1
tell.user(name, start.time, count, SIM.NR * length(dataset.names))
# Create a new dataset
ds <- dataset(name)
# Prepare X, Y and combine to data matrix
Y <- ds$Y
X <- ds$X
data <- cbind(Y, X)
# get dimensions
dim <- ncol(X)
truedim <- ncol(ds$B)
for (method in methods) {
dr.time <- system.time(
dr <- cve.call(X, Y,
method = method,
k = truedim,
attempts = ATTEMPTS
dr <- dr[[truedim]]
key <- paste0(name, '-', method)
error[sim, key] <- subspace.dist(dr$B, ds$B) / sqrt(2 * truedim)
time[sim, key] <- dr.time["elapsed"]
cat("\n\n## Time [sec] Means:\n")
cat("\n## Error Means:\n")
at <- seq(ncol(error)) + rep(seq(ncol(error) / length(methods)) - 1, each = length(methods))
main = paste0("Error (Nr of simulations ", SIM.NR, ")"),
ylab = "Error",
las = 2,
at = at
main = paste0("Time (Nr of simulations ", SIM.NR, ")"),
ylab = "Time [sec]",
las = 2,
at = at

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/CVE.R
\title{Conditional Variance Estimator (CVE)}
Conditional Variance Estimator for Sufficient Dimension
TODO: And some details
Fertl Likas, Bura Efstathia. Conditional Variance Estimation for Sufficient Dimension Reduction, 2019

View File

@ -5,9 +5,10 @@
\title{Implementation of the CVE method.}
cve(formula, data, method = "simple", ...)
cve(formula, data, method = "simple", max.dim = 10, ...)
cve.call(X, Y, method = "simple", nObs = nrow(X)^0.5, k, ...)
cve.call(X, Y, method = "simple", nObs = nrow(X)^0.5, min.dim = 1,
max.dim = 10, k, ...)
\item{formula}{Formel for the regression model defining `X`, `Y`.

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ conditions.}
cve_linesearch(X, Y, k, nObs = sqrt(nrow(X)), h = NULL, tau = 1,
tol = 0.001, rho1 = 0.1, rho2 = 0.9, slack = 0, epochs = 50L,
attempts = 10L, max.linesearch.iter = 10L)
attempts = 10L, max.linesearch.iter = 10L, logger = NULL)
Implementation of the CVE method using curvilinear linesearch with Armijo-Wolfe

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
a classic GD method unsing no further tricks.}
cve_sgd(X, Y, k, nObs = sqrt(nrow(X)), h = NULL, tau = 0.01,
tol = 0.001, epochs = 50L, batch.size = 16L, attempts = 10L)
tol = 0.001, epochs = 50L, batch.size = 16L, attempts = 10L,
logger = NULL)
Simple implementation of the CVE method. 'Simple' means that this method is

View File

@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
a classic GD method unsing no further tricks.}
cve_simple(X, Y, k, nObs = sqrt(nrow(X)), h = NULL, tau = 1,
tol = 0.001, slack = 0, epochs = 50L, attempts = 10L)
tol = 0.001, slack = 0, epochs = 50L, attempts = 10L,
logger = NULL)
Simple implementation of the CVE method. 'Simple' means that this method is

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
% Please edit documentation in R/util.R
\title{Creates a (numeric) matrix where each row contains
\title{Creates a (numeric) matrix where each column contains
an element to element matching.}
@ -11,10 +11,13 @@ elem.pairs(elements)
\item{elements}{numeric vector of elements to match}
matrix of size `(n * (n - 1) / 2, 2)` for a argument of lenght `n`.
matrix of size `(2, n * (n - 1) / 2)` for a argument of lenght `n`.
Creates a (numeric) matrix where each row contains
Creates a (numeric) matrix where each column contains
an element to element matching.
elem.pairs(seq.int(2, 5))

View File

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/util.R
\title{Apply function to pairs of matrix rows or columns.}
row.pair.apply(X, FUN)
col.pair.apply(X, FUN)
\item{FUN}{Function to apply to each pair.}
\code{row.pair.apply} applies \code{FUN} to each unique row pair without self
interaction while \code{col.pair.apply} does the same for columns.
X <- matrix(seq(12), 4, 3)
# matrix containing all row to row differences.
row.pair.apply(X, `-`)

View File

@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
# General Notes for Souce Code analysis
## Search in multiple files.
Using the Linux `grep` program with the parameters `-rnw` and specifying a include files filter like the following example.
grep --include=*\.{c,h,R} -rnw '.' -e "sweep"
searches in all `C` source and header fils as well as `R` source files for the term _sweep_.
# Development
## Build and install.
To build the package the `devtools` package is used. This also provides `roxygen2` which is used for documentation and authomatic creaton of the `NAMESPACE` file.
@ -29,6 +38,55 @@ install.packages(path, repos = NULL, type = "source")
**Note: I only recommend this approach during development.**
# Analysing
## Logging (a `cve` run).
To log `loss`, `error` (estimated) the true error (error of current estimated `B` against the true `B`) or even the stepsize one can use the `logger` parameter. A `logger` is a function that gets the current `environment` of the CVE optimization methods (__do not alter this environment, only read from it__). This can be used to create logs like in the following example.
# Setup histories.
(epochs <- 50)
(attempts <- 10)
loss.history <- matrix(NA, epochs + 1, attempts)
error.history <- matrix(NA, epochs + 1, attempts)
tau.history <- matrix(NA, epochs + 1, attempts)
true.error.history <- matrix(NA, epochs + 1, attempts)
# Create a dataset
ds <- dataset("M1")
X <- ds$X
Y <- ds$Y
B <- ds$B # the true `B`
(k <- ncol(ds$B))
# True projection matrix.
P <- B %*% solve(t(B) %*% B) %*% t(B)
# Define the logger for the `cve()` method.
logger <- function(env) {
# Note the `<<-` assignement!
loss.history[env$epoch + 1, env$attempt] <<- env$loss
error.history[env$epoch + 1, env$attempt] <<- env$error
tau.history[env$epoch + 1, env$attempt] <<- env$tau
# Compute true error by comparing to the true `B`
B.est <- null(env$V) # Function provided by CVE
P.est <- B.est %*% solve(t(B.est) %*% B.est) %*% t(B.est)
true.error <- norm(P - P.est, 'F') / sqrt(2 * k)
true.error.history[env$epoch + 1, env$attempt] <<- true.error
# Performa SDR
dr <- cve(Y ~ X, k = k, logger = logger, epochs = epochs, attempts = attempts)
# Plot history's
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
matplot(loss.history, type = 'l', log = 'y', xlab = 'iter',
main = 'loss', ylab = expression(L(V[iter])))
matplot(error.history, type = 'l', log = 'y', xlab = 'iter',
main = 'error', ylab = 'error')
matplot(tau.history, type = 'l', log = 'y', xlab = 'iter',
main = 'tau', ylab = 'tau')
matplot(true.error.history, type = 'l', log = 'y', xlab = 'iter',
main = 'true error', ylab = 'true error')
## Reading log files.
The runtime tests (upcomming further tests) are creating log files saved in `tmp/`. These log files are `CSV` files (actualy `TSV`) with a header storing the test results. Depending on the test the files may contain differnt data. As an example we use the runtime test logs which store in each line the `dataset`, the used `method` as well as the `error` (actual error of estimated `B` against real `B`) and the `time`. For reading and analysing the data see the following example.
@ -66,7 +124,9 @@ jedi.seeks <- function() {
# [1] "These aren't the droids you're looking for."
# [1] "R2-D2", "C-3PO"
The next example ilustrates how to write (without local copies) to variables outside the functions local environment.
@ -127,27 +187,25 @@ library(microbenchmark)
A <- matrix(runif(120), 12, 10)
# Matrix trace.
tr <- function(M) sum(diag(M))
# Check correctnes and benckmark performance.
tr(t(A) %*% A),
sum(diag(t(A) %*% A)),
sum(A * A)
sum(diag(t(A) %*% A)), sum(diag(crossprod(A, A)))
sum(diag(t(A) %*% A)), sum(A * A)
tr(t(A) %*% A),
sum(diag(t(A) %*% A)),
sum(A * A)
MM = sum(diag(t(A) %*% A)),
cross = sum(diag(crossprod(A, A))),
elem = sum(A * A)
# Unit: nanoseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# tr(t(A) %*% A) 4335 4713 5076.36 4949.5 5402.5 7928 100
# sum(diag(t(A) %*% A)) 4106 4429 5233.89 4733.5 5057.5 49308 100
# sum(A * A) 540 681 777.07 740.0 818.5 3572 100
# MM 4232 4570.0 5138.81 4737 4956.0 40308 100
# cross 2523 2774.5 2974.93 2946 3114.5 5078 100
# elem 582 762.5 973.02 834 964.0 12945 100
@ -243,6 +301,31 @@ microbenchmark(
# outer 1141.479 1216.929 1404.702 1317.7315 1582.800 2531.766 100
### Fast dist matrix computation (aka. row sum of squares).
(n <- 200)
(N <- n * (n - 1) / 2)
(p <- 12)
M <- matrix(runif(N * p), N, p)
all.equal(rowSums(M^2), rowSums.c(M^2)),
all.equal(rowSums(M^2), rowSquareSums.c(M))
sums = rowSums(M^2),
sums.c = rowSums.c(M^2),
sqSums.c = rowSquareSums.c(M)
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval
# sums 666.311 1051.036 1612.3100 1139.0065 1547.657 13940.97 100
# sums.c 342.647 672.453 1009.9109 740.6255 1224.715 13765.90 100
# sqSums.c 115.325 142.128 175.6242 153.4645 169.678 759.87 100
## Using `Rprof()` for performance.
The standart method for profiling where an algorithm is spending its time is with `Rprof()`.

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ subspace.dist <- function(B1, B2){
# Number of simulations
SIM.NR <- 50
SIM.NR <- 20
# maximal number of iterations in curvilinear search algorithm
MAXIT <- 50
# number of arbitrary starting values for curvilinear optimization
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ ATTEMPTS <- 10
# set names of datasets
dataset.names <- c("M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5")
# Set used CVE method
methods <- c("simple") #, "sgd") # "legacy"
methods <- c("simple") # c("legacy", "simple", "sgd", "linesearch")
library(CVE) # load CVE
if ("legacy" %in% methods) {
@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ for (sim in 1:SIM.NR) {
attempts = ATTEMPTS
dr <- dr[[truedim]]
key <- paste0(name, '-', method)

wip.R Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
## rowSum* .call --------------------------------------------------------------
rowSums.c <- function(M) {
if (!is.double(M)) {
M <- matrix(as.double(M), nrow = nrow(M))
.Call('R_rowSums', PACKAGE = 'wip', M)
colSums.c <- function(M) {
if (!is.double(M)) {
M <- matrix(as.double(M), nrow = nrow(M))
.Call('R_colSums', PACKAGE = 'wip', M)
rowSquareSums.c <- function(M) {
if (!is.double(M)) {
M <- matrix(as.double(M), nrow = nrow(M))
.Call('R_rowSquareSums', PACKAGE = 'wip', M)
rowSumsSymVec.c <- function(vecA, nrow, diag = 0.0) {
nrow * (nrow - 1) == length(vecA) * 2
if (!is.double(vecA)) {
vecA <- as.double(vecA)
.Call('R_rowSumsSymVec', PACKAGE = 'wip',
vecA, as.integer(nrow), as.double(diag))
rowSweep.c <- function(A, v, op = '-') {
if (!is.double(A)) {
A <- matrix(as.double(A), nrow = nrow(A))
if (!is.vector(v) || !is.double(v)) {
v <- as.double(v)
nrow(A) == length(v),
op %in% c('+', '-', '*', '/')
.Call('R_rowSweep', PACKAGE = 'wip', A, v, op)
## row*, col* tests ------------------------------------------------------------
n <- 3000
M <- matrix(runif(n * 12), n, 12)
all.equal(rowSums(M^2), rowSums.c(M^2)),
all.equal(colSums(M), colSums.c(M))
rowSums = rowSums(M^2),
rowSums.c = rowSums.c(M^2),
rowSqSums.c = rowSquareSums.c(M)
colSums = colSums(M),
colSums.c = colSums.c(M)
sum = rowSums(M)
sweep(M, 1, sum, FUN = `/`),
rowSweep.c(M, sum, '/') # Col-Normalize)
), all.equal(
sweep(M, 1, sum, FUN = `/`),
M / sum
sweep = sweep(M, 1, sum, FUN = `/`),
M / sum,
rowSweep.c = rowSweep.c(M, sum, '/') # Col-Normalize)
# Create symmetric matrix with constant diagonal entries.
nrow <- 200
diag <- 1.0
Sym <- tcrossprod(runif(nrow))
diag(Sym) <- diag
# Get vectorized lower triangular part of `Sym` matrix.
SymVec <- Sym[lower.tri(Sym)]
rowSumsSymVec.c(SymVec, nrow, diag)
rowSums = rowSums(Sym),
rowSums.c = rowSums.c(Sym),
rowSumsSymVec.c = rowSumsSymVec.c(SymVec, nrow, diag)
## Matrix-Matrix opperation .call ---------------------------------------------
matrixprod.c <- function(A, B) {
is.matrix(A), is.numeric(A),
is.matrix(B), is.numeric(B),
ncol(A) == nrow(B)
if (!is.double(A)) {
A <- matrix(as.double(A), nrow = nrow(A))
if (!is.double(B)) {
B <- matrix(as.double(B), nrow = nrow(B))
.Call('R_matrixprod', PACKAGE = 'wip', A, B)
crossprod.c <- function(A, B) {
is.matrix(A), is.numeric(A),
is.matrix(B), is.numeric(B),
nrow(A) == nrow(B)
if (!is.double(A)) {
A <- matrix(as.double(A), nrow = nrow(A))
if (!is.double(B)) {
B <- matrix(as.double(B), nrow = nrow(B))
.Call('R_crossprod', PACKAGE = 'wip', A, B)
skewSymRank2k.c <- function(A, B, alpha = 1, beta = 0) {
is.matrix(A), is.numeric(A),
is.matrix(B), is.numeric(B),
all(dim(A) == dim(B)),
is.numeric(alpha), length(alpha) == 1L,
is.numeric(beta), length(beta) == 1L
if (!is.double(A)) {
A <- matrix(as.double(A), nrow = nrow(A))
if (!is.double(B)) {
B <- matrix(as.double(B), nrow = nrow(B))
.Call('R_skewSymRank2k', PACKAGE = 'wip', A, B,
as.double(alpha), as.double(beta))
## Matrix-Matrix opperation tests ---------------------------------------------
n <- 200
k <- 100
m <- 300
A <- matrix(runif(n * k), n, k)
B <- matrix(runif(k * m), k, m)
all.equal(A %*% B, matrixprod.c(A, B))
"%*%" = A %*% B,
matrixprod.c = matrixprod.c(A, B)
A <- matrix(runif(k * n), k, n)
B <- matrix(runif(k * m), k, m)
all.equal(crossprod(A, B), crossprod.c(A, B))
crossprod = crossprod(A, B),
crossprod.c = crossprod.c(A, B)
n <- 12
k <- 11
A <- matrix(runif(n * k), n, k)
B <- matrix(runif(n * k), n, k)
A %*% t(B) - B %*% t(A), skewSymRank2k.c(A, B)
A %*% t(B) - B %*% t(A),
skewSymRank2k.c(A, B)
## Orthogonal projection onto null space .Call --------------------------------
nullProj.c <- function(B) {
is.matrix(B), is.numeric(B)
if (!is.double(B)) {
B <- matrix(as.double(B), nrow = nrow(B))
.Call('R_nullProj', PACKAGE = 'wip', B)
## Orthogonal projection onto null space tests --------------------------------
p <- 12
q <- 10
V <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * q, 0, 1), p, q)))
# Projection matrix onto `span(V)`
Q <- diag(1, p) - tcrossprod(V, V)
all.equal(Q, nullProj.c(V))
nullProj = diag(1, p) - tcrossprod(V, V),
nullProj.c = nullProj.c(V)
# ## WIP for gradient. ----------------------------------------------------------
gradient.c <- function(X, X_diff, Y, V, h) {
is.matrix(X), is.double(X),
is.matrix(X_diff), is.double(X_diff),
ncol(X_diff) == ncol(X), nrow(X_diff) == nrow(X) * (nrow(X) - 1) / 2,
is.vector(Y) || (is.matrix(Y) && pmin(dim(Y)) == 1L), is.double(Y),
length(Y) == nrow(X),
is.matrix(V), is.double(V),
nrow(V) == ncol(X),
is.vector(h), is.numeric(h), length(h) == 1
.Call('R_gradient', PACKAGE = 'wip',
X, X_diff, as.double(Y), V, as.double(h));
elem.pairs <- function(elements) {
# Number of elements to match.
n <- length(elements)
# Create all combinations.
pairs <- rbind(rep(elements, each=n), rep(elements, n))
# Select unique combinations without self interaction.
return(pairs[, pairs[1, ] < pairs[2, ]])
grad <- function(X, Y, V, h, persistent = TRUE) {
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
if (!persistent) {
pair.index <- elem.pairs(seq(n))
i <- pair.index[, 1] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[, 2] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
lower <- ((i - 1) * n) + j
upper <- ((j - 1) * n) + i
X_diff <- X[i, , drop = F] - X[j, , drop = F]
# Projection matrix onto `span(V)`
Q <- diag(1, p) - tcrossprod(V, V)
# Vectorized distance matrix `D`.
vecD <- rowSums((X_diff %*% Q)^2)
# Weight matrix `W` (dnorm ... gaussean density function)
W <- matrix(1, n, n) # `exp(0) == 1`
W[lower] <- exp((-0.5 / h) * vecD^2) # Set lower tri. part
W[upper] <- t.default(W)[upper] # Mirror lower tri. to upper
W <- sweep(W, 2, colSums(W), FUN = `/`) # Col-Normalize
# Weighted `Y` momentums
y1 <- Y %*% W # Result is 1D -> transposition irrelevant
y2 <- Y^2 %*% W
# Per example loss `L(V, X_i)`
L <- y2 - y1^2
# Vectorized Weights with forced symmetry
vecS <- (L[i] - (Y[j] - y1[i])^2) * W[lower]
vecS <- vecS + ((L[j] - (Y[i] - y1[j])^2) * W[upper])
# Compute scaling of `X` row differences
vecS <- vecS * vecD
G <- crossprod(X_diff, X_diff * vecS) %*% V
G <- (-2 / (n * h^2)) * G
rStiefl <- function(p, q) {
return(qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * q, 0, 1), p, q))))
n <- 200
p <- 12
q <- 10
X <- matrix(runif(n * p), n, p)
Y <- runif(n)
V <- rStiefl(p, q)
h <- 0.1
pair.index <- elem.pairs(seq(n))
i <- pair.index[1, ] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
j <- pair.index[2, ] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs
lower <- ((i - 1) * n) + j
upper <- ((j - 1) * n) + i
X_diff <- X[i, , drop = F] - X[j, , drop = F]
grad(X, Y, V, h),
gradient.c(X, X_diff, Y, V, h)
grad = grad(X, Y, V, h),
gradient.c = gradient.c(X, X_diff, Y, V, h)

wip.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <R_ext/BLAS.h>
#include <R_ext/Lapack.h>
#include <R_ext/Error.h>
// #include <Rmath.h>
#include "wip.h"
static inline void rowSums(const double *A,
const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum) {
int i, j, block_size, block_size_i;
const double *A_block = A;
const double *A_end = A + nrow * ncol;
if (nrow > CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SIZE) {
block_size = CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SIZE;
} else {
block_size = nrow;
// Iterate `(block_size_i, ncol)` submatrix blocks.
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i += block_size_i) {
// Reset `A` to new block beginning.
A = A_block;
// Take block size of eveything left and reduce to max size.
block_size_i = nrow - i;
if (block_size_i > block_size) {
block_size_i = block_size;
// Compute first blocks column,
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
sum[j] = A[j];
// and sum the following columns to the first one.
for (A += nrow; A < A_end; A += nrow) {
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
sum[j] += A[j];
// Step one block forth.
A_block += block_size_i;
sum += block_size_i;
static inline void colSums(const double *A,
const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum) {
int j;
double *sum_end = sum + ncol;
memset(sum, 0, sizeof(double) * ncol);
for (; sum < sum_end; ++sum) {
for (j = 0; j < nrow; ++j) {
*sum += A[j];
A += nrow;
static inline void rowSquareSums(const double *A,
const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum) {
int i, j, block_size, block_size_i;
const double *A_block = A;
const double *A_end = A + nrow * ncol;
if (nrow < CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SIZE) {
block_size = nrow;
} else {
block_size = CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SIZE;
// Iterate `(block_size_i, ncol)` submatrix blocks.
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i += block_size_i) {
// Reset `A` to new block beginning.
A = A_block;
// Take block size of eveything left and reduce to max size.
block_size_i = nrow - i;
if (block_size_i > block_size) {
block_size_i = block_size;
// Compute first blocks column,
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
sum[j] = A[j] * A[j];
// and sum the following columns to the first one.
for (A += nrow; A < A_end; A += nrow) {
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
sum[j] += A[j] * A[j];
// Step one block forth.
A_block += block_size_i;
sum += block_size_i;
static inline void rowSumsSymVec(const double *Avec, const int nrow,
const double *diag,
double *sum) {
int i, j;
if (*diag == 0.0) {
memset(sum, 0, nrow * sizeof(double));
} else {
for (i = 0; i < nrow; ++i) {
sum[i] = *diag;
for (j = 0; j < nrow; ++j) {
for (i = j + 1; i < nrow; ++i, ++Avec) {
sum[j] += *Avec;
sum[i] += *Avec;
/* C[, j] = A[, j] * v for each j = 1 to ncol */
static void rowSweep(const double *A, const int nrow, const int ncol,
const char* op,
const double *v, // vector of length nrow
double *C) {
int i, j, block_size, block_size_i;
const double *A_block = A;
double *C_block = C;
const double *A_end = A + nrow * ncol;
if (nrow > CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SMALL) { // small because 3 vectors in cache
block_size = CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SMALL;
} else {
block_size = nrow;
if (*op == '+') {
// Iterate `(block_size_i, ncol)` submatrix blocks.
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i += block_size_i) {
// Set `A` and `C` to block beginning.
A = A_block;
C = C_block;
// Get current block's row size.
block_size_i = nrow - i;
if (block_size_i > block_size) {
block_size_i = block_size;
// Perform element wise operation for block.
for (; A < A_end; A += nrow, C += nrow) {
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
C[j] = A[j] + v[j]; // FUN = '+'
// Step one block forth.
A_block += block_size_i;
C_block += block_size_i;
v += block_size_i;
} else if (*op == '-') {
// Iterate `(block_size_i, ncol)` submatrix blocks.
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i += block_size_i) {
// Set `A` and `C` to block beginning.
A = A_block;
C = C_block;
// Get current block's row size.
block_size_i = nrow - i;
if (block_size_i > block_size) {
block_size_i = block_size;
// Perform element wise operation for block.
for (; A < A_end; A += nrow, C += nrow) {
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
C[j] = A[j] - v[j]; // FUN = '-'
// Step one block forth.
A_block += block_size_i;
C_block += block_size_i;
v += block_size_i;
} else if (*op == '*') {
// Iterate `(block_size_i, ncol)` submatrix blocks.
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i += block_size_i) {
// Set `A` and `C` to block beginning.
A = A_block;
C = C_block;
// Get current block's row size.
block_size_i = nrow - i;
if (block_size_i > block_size) {
block_size_i = block_size;
// Perform element wise operation for block.
for (; A < A_end; A += nrow, C += nrow) {
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
C[j] = A[j] * v[j]; // FUN = '*'
// Step one block forth.
A_block += block_size_i;
C_block += block_size_i;
v += block_size_i;
} else if (*op == '/') {
// Iterate `(block_size_i, ncol)` submatrix blocks.
for (i = 0; i < nrow; i += block_size_i) {
// Set `A` and `C` to block beginning.
A = A_block;
C = C_block;
// Get current block's row size.
block_size_i = nrow - i;
if (block_size_i > block_size) {
block_size_i = block_size;
// Perform element wise operation for block.
for (; A < A_end; A += nrow, C += nrow) {
for (j = 0; j < block_size_i; ++j) {
C[j] = A[j] / v[j]; // FUN = '/'
// Step one block forth.
A_block += block_size_i;
C_block += block_size_i;
v += block_size_i;
} else {
error("Got unknown 'op' (opperation) argument.");
static inline void matrixprod(const double *A, const int nrowA, const int ncolA,
const double *B, const int nrowB, const int ncolB,
double *C) {
const double one = 1.0;
const double zero = 0.0;
// DGEMM with parameterization:
// C <- A %*% B
F77_NAME(dgemm)("N", "N", &nrowA, &ncolB, &ncolA,
&one, A, &nrowA, B, &nrowB,
&zero, C, &nrowA);
static inline void crossprod(const double *A, const int nrowA, const int ncolA,
const double *B, const int nrowB, const int ncolB,
double *C) {
const double one = 1.0;
const double zero = 0.0;
// DGEMM with parameterization:
// C <- t(A) %*% B
F77_NAME(dgemm)("T", "N", &ncolA, &ncolB, &nrowA,
&one, A, &nrowA, B, &nrowB,
&zero, C, &ncolA);
static inline void nullProj(const double *B, const int nrowB, const int ncolB,
double *Q) {
const double minusOne = -1.0;
const double one = 1.0;
// Initialize as identity matrix.
memset(Q, 0, sizeof(double) * nrowB * nrowB);
double *Q_diag, *Q_end = Q + nrowB * nrowB;
for (Q_diag = Q; Q_diag < Q_end; Q_diag += nrowB + 1) {
*Q_diag = 1.0;
// DGEMM with parameterization:
// C <- (-1.0 * B %*% t(B)) + C
F77_NAME(dgemm)("N", "T", &nrowB, &nrowB, &ncolB,
&minusOne, B, &nrowB, B, &nrowB,
&one, Q, &nrowB);
static inline void rangePairs(const int from, const int to, int *pairs) {
int i, j;
for (i = from; i < to; ++i) {
for (j = i + 1; j < to; ++j) {
pairs[0] = i;
pairs[1] = j;
pairs += 2;
// A dence skwe-symmetric rank 2 update.
// Perform the update
// C := alpha (A * B^T - B * A^T) + beta C
static void skewSymRank2k(const int nrow, const int ncol,
double alpha, const double *A, const double *B,
double beta,
double *C) {
F77_NAME(dgemm)("N", "T",
&nrow, &nrow, &ncol,
&alpha, A, &nrow, B, &nrow,
&beta, C, &nrow);
alpha *= -1.0;
beta = 1.0;
F77_NAME(dgemm)("N", "T",
&nrow, &nrow, &ncol,
&alpha, B, &nrow, A, &nrow,
&beta, C, &nrow);
// TODO: mutch potential for optimization!!!
static inline void weightedYandLoss(const int n,
const double *Y,
const double *vecD,
const double *vecW,
const double *colSums,
double *y1, double *L, double *vecS,
double *const loss) {
int i, j, k, N = n * (n - 1) / 2;
double l;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
y1[i] = Y[i] / colSums[i];
L[i] = Y[i] * Y[i] / colSums[i];
for (k = j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
for (i = j + 1; i < n; ++i, ++k) {
y1[i] += Y[j] * vecW[k] / colSums[i];
y1[j] += Y[i] * vecW[k] / colSums[j];
L[i] += Y[j] * Y[j] * vecW[k] / colSums[i];
L[j] += Y[i] * Y[i] * vecW[k] / colSums[j];
l = 0.0;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
l += (L[i] -= y1[i] * y1[i]);
*loss = l / (double)n;
for (k = j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
for (i = j + 1; i < n; ++i, ++k) {
l = Y[j] - y1[i];
vecS[k] = (L[i] - (l * l)) / colSums[i];
l = Y[i] - y1[j];
vecS[k] += (L[j] - (l * l)) / colSums[j];
for (k = 0; k < N; ++k) {
vecS[k] *= vecW[k] * vecD[k];
inline double gaussKernel(const double x, const double scale) {
return exp(scale * x * x);
static void gradient(const int n, const int p, const int q,
const double *X,
const double *X_diff,
const double *Y,
const double *V,
const double h,
double *G, double *const loss) {
// Number of X_i to X_j not trivial pairs.
int i, N = (n * (n - 1)) / 2;
double scale = -0.5 / h;
const double one = 1.0;
if (X_diff == (void*)0) {
// TODO: ...
// Allocate and compute projection matrix `Q = I_p - V * V^T`
double *Q = (double*)malloc(p * p * sizeof(double));
nullProj(V, p, q, Q);
// allocate and compute vectorized distance matrix with a temporary
// projection of `X_diff`.
double *vecD = (double*)malloc(N * sizeof(double));
double *X_proj;
if (p < 5) { // TODO: refine that!
X_proj = (double*)malloc(N * 5 * sizeof(double));
} else {
X_proj = (double*)malloc(N * p * sizeof(double));
matrixprod(X_diff, N, p, Q, p, p, X_proj);
rowSquareSums(X_proj, N, p, vecD);
// Apply kernel to distence vector for weights computation.
double *vecW = X_proj; // reuse memory area, no longer needed.
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
vecW[i] = gaussKernel(vecD[i], scale);
double *colSums = X_proj + N; // still allocated!
rowSumsSymVec(vecW, n, &one, colSums); // rowSums = colSums cause Sym
// compute weighted responces of first end second momontum, aka y1, y2.
double *y1 = X_proj + N + n;
double *L = X_proj + N + (2 * n);
// Allocate X_diff scaling vector `vecS`, not in `X_proj` mem area because
// used symultanious to X_proj in final gradient computation.
double *vecS = (double*)malloc(N * sizeof(double));
weightedYandLoss(n, Y, vecD, vecW, colSums, y1, L, vecS, loss);
// compute the gradient using X_proj for intermidiate scaled X_diff.
rowSweep(X_diff, N, p, "*", vecS, X_proj);
// reuse Q which has the required dim (p, p).
crossprod(X_diff, N, p, X_proj, N, p, Q);
// Product with V
matrixprod(Q, p, p, V, p, q, G);
// And final scaling (TODO: move into matrixprod!)
scale = -2.0 / (((double)n) * h * h);
N = p * q;
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
G[i] *= scale;

wip.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
#include <Rinternals.h>
#define CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SMALL 1016
#define CVE_MEM_CHUNK_SIZE 2032
static inline void rowSums(const double *A,
const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum);
SEXP R_rowSums(SEXP A) {
SEXP sums = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nrows(A)));
rowSums(REAL(A), nrows(A), ncols(A), REAL(sums));
return sums;
static inline void colSums(const double *A,
const int nrow, const int ncol,
double *sum);
SEXP R_colSums(SEXP A) {
SEXP sums = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, ncols(A)));
colSums(REAL(A), nrows(A), ncols(A), REAL(sums));
return sums;
static inline void rowSquareSums(const double*, const int, const int, double*);
SEXP R_rowSquareSums(SEXP A) {
SEXP result = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, nrows(A)));
rowSquareSums(REAL(A), nrows(A), ncols(A), REAL(result));
return result;
static inline void rowSumsSymVec(const double *Avec, const int nrow,
const double *diag,
double *sum);
SEXP R_rowSumsSymVec(SEXP Avec, SEXP nrow, SEXP diag) {
SEXP sum = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, *INTEGER(nrow)));
rowSumsSymVec(REAL(Avec), *INTEGER(nrow), REAL(diag), REAL(sum));
return sum;
static void rowSweep(const double *A, const int nrow, const int ncol,
const char* op,
const double *v, // vector of length nrow
double *C);
SEXP R_rowSweep(SEXP A, SEXP v, SEXP op) {
SEXP C = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrows(A), ncols(A)));
rowSweep(REAL(A), nrows(A), ncols(A),
REAL(v), REAL(C));
return C;
static inline void matrixprod(const double *A, const int nrowA, const int ncolA,
const double *B, const int nrowB, const int ncolB,
double *C);
SEXP R_matrixprod(SEXP A, SEXP B) {
SEXP C = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrows(A), ncols(B)));
matrixprod(REAL(A), nrows(A), ncols(A),
REAL(B), nrows(B), ncols(B),
return C;
static inline void crossprod(const double* A, const int nrowA, const int ncolA,
const double* B, const int ncolB, const int nrowB,
double* C);
SEXP R_crossprod(SEXP A, SEXP B) {
SEXP C = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, ncols(A), ncols(B)));
crossprod(REAL(A), nrows(A), ncols(A),
REAL(B), nrows(B), ncols(B),
return C;
static void skewSymRank2k(const int n, const int k,
double alpha, const double *A, const double *B,
double beta,
double *C);
SEXP R_skewSymRank2k(SEXP A, SEXP B, SEXP alpha, SEXP beta) {
SEXP C = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrows(A), nrows(A)));
memset(REAL(C), 0, nrows(A) * nrows(A) * sizeof(double));
skewSymRank2k(nrows(A), ncols(A),
*REAL(alpha), REAL(A), REAL(B),
*REAL(beta), REAL(C));
return C;
static inline void nullProj(const double* B, const int nrowB, const int ncolB,
double* Q);
SEXP R_nullProj(SEXP B) {
SEXP Q = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrows(B), nrows(B)));
nullProj(REAL(B), nrows(B), ncols(B), REAL(Q));
return Q;
static inline void rangePairs(const int from, const int to, int *pairs);
SEXP R_rangePairs(SEXP from, SEXP to) {
int start = asInteger(from);
int end = asInteger(to) + 1;
int n = end - start;
SEXP out = PROTECT(allocMatrix(INTSXP, 2, n * (n - 1) / 2));
rangePairs(start, end, INTEGER(out));
return out;
static void gradient(const int n, const int p, const int q,
const double *X,
const double *X_diff,
const double *Y,
const double *V,
const double h,
double *G, double *const loss);
SEXP R_gradient(SEXP X, SEXP X_diff, SEXP Y, SEXP V, SEXP h) {
int N = (nrows(X) * (nrows(X) - 1)) / 2;
SEXP G = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrows(V), ncols(V)));
SEXP loss = PROTECT(allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
gradient(nrows(X), ncols(X), ncols(V),
REAL(X), REAL(X_diff), REAL(Y), REAL(V), *REAL(h),
REAL(G), REAL(loss));
return G;
#endif /* _CVE_INCLUDE_GUARD_ */