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2019-09-25 11:53:45 +00:00
#include "cve.h"
// /**
// * Performas a QR factorization and computes the Q factor.
// *
// * @param A matrix.
// * @returns The Q factor of the QR factorization `A = QR`.
// */
// SEXP qrQ(SEXP Ain) {
// int i, j, info;
// if (!isMatrix(Ain)) {
// error("Argument must be a matrix.");
// }
// int nrow = nrows(Ain);
// int ncol = ncols(Ain);
// double *A = (double*)R_alloc(nrow * ncol, sizeof(double));
// memcpy(A, REAL(Ain), nrow * ncol * sizeof(double));
// // double *A = REAL(Ain);
// // Scalar factors of elementary reflectors.
// double *tau = (double*)R_alloc(ncol, sizeof(double));
// // Create Working memory area.
// int lenWork = 3 * nrow;
// double *memWork = (double*)R_alloc(lenWork, sizeof(double));
// F77_NAME(dgeqrf)(&nrow, &ncol, A, &nrow, tau,
// memWork, &lenWork, &info);
// SEXP Qout = PROTECT(allocMatrix(REALSXP, nrow, ncol));
// double *Q = REAL(Qout);
// for (j = 0; j < ncol; ++j) {
// for (i = 0; i < nrow; ++i) {
// if (i == j) {
// Q[i + nrow * j] = 1.;
// } else {
// Q[i + nrow * j] = 0.;
// }
// }
// }
// F77_NAME(dormqr)("L", "N", &nrow, &ncol, &ncol, A, &nrow, tau, Q, &nrow,
// memWork, &lenWork, &info);
// return Qout;
// }
* Draws a sample from invariant measure on the Stiefel manifold \eqn{S(p, q)}.
* @param p row dimension
* @param q col dimension
* @return \code{p} times \code{q} semi-orthogonal matrix.
* `V <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * q, 0, 1), p, q)))`
void rStiefel(const int p, const int q, double *V,
2019-09-25 11:53:45 +00:00
double *workMem, int workLen) {
int i, j, info;
int pq = p * q;
for (i = 0; i < pq; ++i) {
workMem[i] = norm_rand();
double *tau = workMem + pq;
workLen -= pq + q;
F77_CALL(dgeqrf)(&p, &q, workMem, &p, tau,
workMem + pq + q, &workLen, &info);
for (j = 0; j < q; ++j) {
for (i = 0; i < p; ++i) {
if (i == j) {
V[i + p * j] = 1.;
} else {
V[i + p * j] = 0.;
F77_NAME(dormqr)("L", "N", &p, &q, &q, workMem, &p, tau, V, &p,
workMem + pq + q, &workLen, &info);