
91 lines
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#' Per mode (axis) MLE
#' @export
kpir.mle <- function(X, Fy, max.iter = 500L, sample.axis = 1L,
logger = NULL #, eps = .Machine$double.eps
) {
### Step 0: Setup/Initialization
if (!is.array(Fy)) {
# scalar response case (add new axis of size 1)
dim(Fy) <- ifelse(seq_along(dim(X)) == sample.axis, dim(X)[sample.axis], 1L)
# Check dimensions and matching of axis (tensor order)
stopifnot(exprs = {
length(dim(X)) == length(dim(Fy))
dim(X)[sample.axis] == dim(Fy)[sample.axis]
# warn about model constraints
if (any(dim(Fy)[-sample.axis] >= dim(X)[-sample.axis])) {
warning("Degenerate case 'any(dim(Fy)[-sample.axis] >= dim(X)[-sample.axis])'")
# extract dimensions (for easier handling as local variables)
modes <- seq_along(dim(X))[-sample.axis] # predictor axis indices
n <- dim(X)[sample.axis] # observation count (scalar)
p <- dim(X)[-sample.axis] # predictor dimensions (vector)
# q <- dim(Fy)[-sample.axis] # response dimensions (vector)
# r <- length(dim(X)) - 1L # tensor order (scalar)
# Means for X and Fy (a.k.a. sum elements over the sample axis)
meanX <- apply(X, modes, mean, simplify = TRUE)
meanFy <- apply(Fy, modes, mean, simplify = TRUE)
# Center both X and Fy
X <- sweep(X, modes, meanX)
Fy <- sweep(Fy, modes, meanFy)
### Step 1: Initial value estimation
alphas <- Map(function(mode, ncol) {
La.svd(mcrossprod(X, mode = mode), ncol)$u
}, modes, dim(Fy)[modes])
# Residuals
R <- X - mlm(Fy, alphas, modes = modes)
# Covariance Moment estimates
Deltas <- Map(mcrossprod, list(R), mode = modes)
Deltas <- Map(function(Delta, j) (n * prod(p[-j]))^(-1) * Delta,
Deltas, seq_along(Deltas))
# Call history callback (logger) before the first iteration
if (is.function(logger)) { do.call(logger, c(0L, NA, alphas, Deltas)) }
### Step 2: Alternating estimate updates
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
# Compute covariance inverses
Deltas.inv <- Map(solve, Deltas)
# "standardize" X
Z <- mlm(X, Deltas.inv, modes = modes)
# Compute new alpha estimates
alphas <- Map(function(j) {
# MLE estimate for alpha_j | alpha_k, Delta_l for all k != j and l
FF <- mlm(Fy, alphas[-j], modes = modes[-j])
Deltas[[j]] %*% t(solve(
t(mcrossprod(mlm(FF, Deltas.inv[-j], modes = modes[-j]), FF, mode = modes[j])),
t(mcrossprod(Z, FF, mode = modes[j]))))
}, seq_along(modes))
# update residuals
R <- X - mlm(Fy, alphas, modes = modes)
# next Delta estimates
Deltas <- Map(function(j) {
# MLE estimate for Delta_j | Delta_k, alpha_l for all k != j and l
(n * prod(p[-j]))^(-1) * mcrossprod(
mlm(R, Deltas[-j], modes = modes[-j]), R, mode = modes[j])
}, seq_along(modes))
# TODO: break condition!!!
# Call history callback
if (is.function(logger)) { do.call(logger, c(iter, NA, alphas, Deltas)) }
list(alphas = structure(alphas, names = as.character(modes)),
Deltas = structure(Deltas, names = as.character(modes)),
meanX = meanX, meanFy = meanFy)