
70 lines
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#' Longitudinal Sliced Inverse Regression
#' @param X matrix of dim \eqn{n \times p t} with each row representing a
#' vectorized \eqn{p \times t} observation.
#' @param y vector of \eqn{n} elements as factors. (can be coersed to factors)
#' @param p,t,k,r dimensions.
#' @returns a list with components
#' alpha: matrix of \eqn{t \times r}
#' beta: matrix of \eqn{p \times k}
#' TODO: finish
LSIR <- function(X, y, p, t, k = 1L, r = 1L) {
# the code assumes:
# alpha: T x r, beta: p x k, X_i: p x T, for ith observation
# Check and transform parameters.
if (!is.matrix(X)) X <- as.matrix(X)
n <- nrow(X)
ncol(X) == p * t,
n == length(y)
if (!is.factor(y)) y <- factor(y)
# Restructure X into a 3D tensor with axis (observations, predictors, time).
dim(X) <- c(n, p, t)
# Estimate predictor/time covariance matrices \hat{Sigma}_1, \hat{Sigma}_2.
sigma_p <- matrix(rowMeans(apply(X, 3, cov)), p, p)
sigma_t <- matrix(rowMeans(apply(X, 2, cov)), t, t)
# Normalize X as vec(Z) = Sigma^-1/2 (vec(X) - E(vec(X)))
dim(X) <- c(n, p * t)
sigma_p_isqrt <- matpow(sigma_p, -0.5)
sigma_t_isqrt <- matpow(sigma_t, -0.5)
Z <- scale(X, scale = FALSE) %*% kronecker(sigma_t_isqrt, sigma_p_isqrt)
# Both as 3D tensors.
dim(X) <- dim(Z) <- c(n, p, t)
# Estimate the conditional predictor/time covariance matrix Omega = cov(E(Z|Y)).
omega_p <- matrix(Reduce(`+`, lapply(levels(y), function(l) {
rowMeans(apply(Z[y == l, , ], 3, function(z) {
(nrow(z) / n) * tcrossprod(colMeans(z))
})), p, p)
omega_t <- matrix(Reduce(`+`, lapply(levels(y), function(l) {
rowMeans(apply(Z[y == l, , ], 2, function(z) {
(nrow(z) / n) * tcrossprod(colMeans(z))
})), t, t)
omega <- kronecker(omega_t, omega_p)
# Compute seperate SVD of estimated omega's and use that for an estimate of
# a central subspace basis.
svd_p <- La.svd(omega_p)
svd_t <- La.svd(omega_t)
beta <- sigma_p_isqrt %*% svd_p$u[, k]
alpha <- sigma_t_isqrt %*% svd_t$u[, r]
return(list(sigma_p = sigma_p, sigma_t = sigma_t,
sigma = kronecker(sigma_t, sigma_p),
alpha = alpha, beta = beta,
Delta = omega,
B = kronecker(alpha, beta)))