
166 lines
5.4 KiB

#include "R_api.h"
#include "ttm.h"
int mlm(
/* options */ const int* trans, const int* modes, const int nrhs,
/* dims */ const int* dimA, const int* dimC, const int ord,
/* scalars */ const double alpha,
/* tensor */ const double* A,
/* matrices */ const double** Bs, const int* ldBs,
/* scalar */ const double beta,
/* tensor */ double* C,
double* work_mem
) {
// Compute total size of `A`, `C` and required working memory
int sizeA = 1; // `prod(dim(A))`
int sizeC = 1; // `prod(dim(C))`
int work_size = 2; // `2 * prod(pmax(dim(A), dim(C)))` (`+ ord` NOT included)
for (int i = 0; i < ord; ++i) {
sizeA *= dimA[i];
sizeC *= dimC[i];
work_size *= dimA[i] < dimC[i] ? dimC[i] : dimA[i];
// In requesting working memory size stop here and return size
if (work_mem == NULL) {
return work_size + ord;
// Copy dimensions of A to intermediate temp. dim
int* dimT = (int*)(work_mem + work_size); // `work_mem` is `ord` longer
memcpy(dimT, dimA, ord * sizeof(int));
// Setup work memory hooks (two swapable blocks)
double* tmp1 = work_mem;
double* tmp2 = work_mem + (work_size >> 1);
// Multi Linear Multiplication is an iterated application of TTM
for (int i = 0; i < nrhs; ++i) {
// Get current `B` dimensions (only implicitly given)
int nrowB = dimC[modes[i]];
int ncolB = dimA[modes[i]];
if (trans && trans[i]) {
nrowB = dimA[modes[i]];
ncolB = dimC[modes[i]];
// Tensor Times Matrix (`modes[i]` mode products)
ttm(trans ? trans[i] : 0, modes[i], dimT, ord, nrowB, ncolB,
1.0, i ? tmp2 : A, Bs[i], ldBs ? ldBs[i] : dimC[modes[i]], 0.0,
// Update intermediate temp dim
dimT[modes[i]] = dimC[modes[i]];
// Swap tmp1 <-> tmp2
double* tmp3 = tmp1; tmp1 = tmp2; tmp2 = tmp3;
// dAXPY (a x + y) with `x = tmp2` and `y = beta C`
if (beta != 0.0) {
for (int i = 0; i < sizeC; ++i) {
C[i] *= beta;
} else {
memset(C, 0, sizeC * sizeof(double));
axpy(sizeC, alpha, tmp2, 1, C, 1);
return 0;
* Multi Linear Multiplication (`R` binding)
extern SEXP R_mlm(SEXP A, SEXP Bs, SEXP ms, SEXP ops) {
// get dimension attribute of A
SEXP dimA = Rf_getAttrib(A, R_DimSymbol);
int ord = Rf_length(dimA);
// Check if `A` is a real valued tensor
if (!Rf_isReal(A) || Rf_isNull(dimA)) {
Rf_error("Param. `A` need to be a real valued array");
// Validate that `Bs` is a list
if (!Rf_isNewList(Bs)) {
Rf_error("Param. `Bs` need to be a list of matrices");
if (!Rf_isInteger(ms) || !Rf_isLogical(ops)) {
Rf_error("Param. type missmatch, expected modes as ints and ops logical");
// Number of `B` matrices (Nr of Right Hand Side objects)
int nrhs = Rf_length(Bs);
// further parameter validations
if ((nrhs != Rf_length(ms)) || (nrhs != Rf_length(ops))) {
Rf_error("Dimension missmatch (Params length differ)");
// In case of an empty RHS (nr. of B's) is zero, this reduces to the identity
if (nrhs == 0) {
return A;
// Get modes and operations for Bs (transposed or not)
int* modes = (int*)R_alloc(nrhs, sizeof(int)); // 0-indexed version of `ms`
int* trans = INTEGER(ops);
// Compute result dimensions `dim(C)` while extracting `B` data pointers
SEXP dimC = PROTECT(Rf_duplicate(dimA));
const double** bs = (const double**)R_alloc(nrhs, sizeof(double*));
for (int i = 0; i < nrhs; ++i) {
// Extract right hand side matrices (`B` matrices from list)
if (!(Rf_isMatrix(B) && Rf_isReal(B))) {
Rf_error("Param. `Bs` need to be a list of real matrices");
int* dimB = INTEGER(Rf_getAttrib(B, R_DimSymbol));
bs[i] = REAL(B);
// Convert 1-indexed modes to be 0-indexed
modes[i] = INTEGER(ms)[i] - 1;
// Check if mode is out or range (indexing a non-existing mode of `A`)
if (!((0 <= modes[i]) && (modes[i] < ord))) {
Rf_error("%d'th mode (%d) out of range", i + 1, modes[i] + 1);
// Check if `i`th mode of `A` matches corresponding `B` dimension
if (INTEGER(dimA)[modes[i]] != dimB[!trans[i]]) {
Rf_error("%d'th mode (%d) dimension missmatch", i + 1, modes[i] + 1);
INTEGER(dimC)[modes[i]] = dimB[!!trans[i]];
// Now, compute `C`s size `prod(dim(C))`
int sizeC = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < ord; ++i) {
sizeC *= INTEGER(dimC)[i];
// Allocate response `C`
SEXP C = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(REALSXP, sizeC));
Rf_setAttrib(C, R_DimSymbol, dimC);
// allocate working memory size
int work_size = mlm(trans, modes, nrhs, INTEGER(dimA), INTEGER(dimC), ord,
1.0, REAL(A), bs, NULL, 0.0, REAL(C), NULL);
double* work_memory = (double*)R_alloc(work_size, sizeof(double));
// Compute Multi-Linear Multiplication (call subroutine)
(void)mlm(trans, modes, nrhs, INTEGER(dimA), INTEGER(dimC), ord,
1.0, REAL(A), bs, NULL, 0.0, REAL(C), work_memory);
// release C to the hands of the garbage collector
return C;