
289 lines
11 KiB

#' Specialized version of the GMLM for the Ising model (inverse Ising problem)
#' @todo TODO: Add beta and Omega projections
#' @export
gmlm_ising <- function(X, F, y = NULL, sample.axis = length(dim(X)),
proj.betas = NULL, proj.Omegas = NULL, Omega.mask = NULL,
max.iter = 1000L,
eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
step.size = 1e-3,
zig.zag.threashold = 20L,
patience = 3L,
nr.slices = 20L, # only for univariate `F(y) = y`
slice.method = c("cut", "ecdf", "none"), # only for univariate `F(y) = y` and `y` is a factor or integer
use_MC = 20L <= prod(dim(X)[-sample.axis]),
nr_threads = 8L, # ignored if `use_MC` is `FALSE`
logger = function(...) { }
) {
# Get problem dimensions
dimX <- dim(X)[-sample.axis]
if (is.function(F)) {
# compute `F(y)`, replace function `F` with its tensor result
F <- F(y)
dimF <- dim(F)[-sample.axis]
} else if (is.null(dim(F))) {
# threat scalar `F` as a tensor
dimF <- rep(1L, length(dimX))
dim(F) <- ifelse(seq_along(dim(X)) == sample.axis, sample.size, 1L)
} else {
# `F` already provided as tensor
dimF <- dim(F)[-sample.axis]
sample.size <- dim(X)[sample.axis]
# rearrange `X`, `F` such that the last axis enumerates observations
if (sample.axis != length(dim(X))) {
axis.perm <- c(seq_along(dim(X))[-sample.axis], sample.axis)
X <- aperm(X, axis.perm)
F <- aperm(F, axis.perm)
sample.axis <- length(dim(X))
modes <- seq_along(dimX)
# Ensure the Omega and beta projections lists are lists
if (!is.list(proj.Omegas)) {
proj.Omegas <- rep(NULL, length(modes))
if (!is.list(proj.betas)) {
proj.betas <- rep(NULL, length(modes))
# Special case for univariate response `y` or univariate `F = F(y)`
# Due to high computational costs we use slicing
slice.method <- match.arg(slice.method)
if (slice.method == "none") {
# slicing "turned off"
slices.ind <- seq_len(sample.size)
} else {
# get slicing variable, ether by providing `y` of if `F` is univariate
y <- if (length(y) == sample.size) {
} else if (length(F) == sample.size) {
} else {
if (is.null(y)) {
# couldn't find univariate variable to slice
slices.ind <- seq_len(sample.size)
} else {
# compute slice indices depending on type
if (!(is.factor(y) || is.integer(y))) {
if (slice.method == "ecdf") {
y <- cut(ecdf(y)(y), nr.slices)
} else {
y <- cut(y, nr.slices)
slices.ind <- split(seq_len(sample.size), y, drop = TRUE)
# initialize betas with tensor normal estimate (ignoring data being binary)
# (do NOT use the Omega projections, the tensor normal `Omegas` do not match
# the interpretation of the Ising model `Omegas`)
fit_normal <- gmlm_tensor_normal(X, F, sample.axis = length(dim(X)),
proj.betas = proj.betas)
betas <- fit_normal$betas
Omegas <- Omegas.init <- Map(function(mode) {
n <- prod(dim(X)[-mode])
prob2 <- mcrossprod(X, mode = mode) / n
prob2[prob2 == 0] <- 1 / n
prob2[prob2 == 1] <- (n - 1) / n
prob1 <- diag(prob2)
`prob1^2` <- outer(prob1, prob1)
`diag<-`(log(((1 - `prob1^2`) / `prob1^2`) * prob2 / (1 - prob2)), 0)
}, modes)
# Project `Omegas` onto their respective manifolds (`betas` already handled)
for (j in modes) {
if (is.function(proj_j <- proj.Omegas[[j]])) {
Omegas[[j]] <- proj_j(Omegas[[j]])
# Determin degenerate combinations, that are variables which are exclusive
# in the data set
matX <- mat(X, sample.axis)
degen <- crossprod(matX) == 0
degen.mask <- which(degen)
# If there are degenerate combination, compute an (arbitrary) bound of the
# log odds parameters of those combinations
if (any(degen.mask)) {
degen.ind <- arrayInd(degen.mask, dim(degen))
meanX <- colMeans(matX)
prodX <- meanX[degen.ind[, 1]] * meanX[degen.ind[, 2]]
degen.bounds <- log((1 - prodX) / (prodX * sample.size))
# Component indices in Omegas of degenerate two-way interactions
degen.ind <- arrayInd(degen.mask, rep(dimX, 2))
degen.ind <- Map(function(d, m) {
degen.ind[, m] + dimX[m] * (degen.ind[, m + length(dimX)] - 1L)
}, dimX, seq_along(dimX))
## Enforce initial value degeneracy interaction param. constraints
# Extract parameters corresponding to degenerate interactions
degen.params <- do.call(rbind, Map(`[`, Omegas, degen.ind))
# Degeneracy Constrained Parameters (sign is dropped)
DCP <- mapply(function(vals, bound) {
logVals <- log(abs(vals))
err <- max(0, sum(logVals) - log(abs(bound)))
exp(logVals - (err / length(vals)))
}, split(degen.params, col(degen.params)), degen.bounds)
# Update values in Omegas such that all degeneracy constraints hold
Omegas <- Map(function(Omega, cp, ind) {
# Combine multiple constraints for every element into single
# constraint value per element
cp <- mapply(min, split(abs(cp), ind))
ind <- as.integer(names(cp))
`[<-`(Omega, ind, sign(Omega[ind]) * cp)
}, Omegas, split(DCP, row(DCP)), degen.ind)
# Initialize mean squared gradients
grad2_betas <- Map(array, 0, Map(dim, betas))
grad2_Omegas <- Map(array, 0, Map(dim, Omegas))
# Keep track of the last loss to accumulate loss difference sign changes
# indicating optimization instabilities as a sign to stop
last_loss <- Inf
accum_sign <- 1
# non improving iteration counter
non_improving <- 0L
# technical access points to dynamicaly access a multi-dimensional array
`X[..., i]` <- slice.expr(X, sample.axis, index = i, drop = FALSE)
`F[..., i]` <- slice.expr(F, sample.axis, index = i, drop = FALSE)
# Iterate till a break condition triggers or till max. nr. of iterations
for (iter in seq_len(max.iter)) {
grad_betas <- Map(matrix, 0, dimX, dimF)
Omega <- Reduce(kronecker, rev(Omegas))
# Mask Omega, that is to enforce the "linear" constraint `T2`
if (!is.null(Omega.mask)) {
Omega[Omega.mask] <- 0
# second order residuals accumulator
# `sum_i (X_i o X_i - E[X o X | Y = y_i])`
R2 <- array(0, dim = c(dimX, dimX))
# negative log-likelihood
loss <- 0
for (i in slices.ind) {
# slice size (nr. of objects in the slice)
n_i <- length(i)
sumF_i <- `dim<-`(rowSums(eval(`F[..., i]`), dims = length(dimF)), dimF)
diag_params_i <- mlm(sumF_i / n_i, betas)
params_i <- Omega + diag(as.vector(diag_params_i))
m2_i <- ising_m2(params_i, use_MC = use_MC, nr_threads = nr_threads)
# accumulate loss
matX_i <- mat(eval(`X[..., i]`), modes)
loss <- loss - (
sum(matX_i * (params_i %*% matX_i)) + n_i * attr(m2_i, "log_prob_0")
R2_i <- tcrossprod(matX_i) - n_i * m2_i
R1_i <- diag(R2_i)
dim(R1_i) <- dimX
for (j in modes) {
grad_betas[[j]] <- grad_betas[[j]] +
mcrossprod(R1_i, mlm(sumF_i, betas[-j], modes[-j]), j)
R2 <- R2 + as.vector(R2_i)
# Apply the `T2` constraint on the Residuals as well (refer to `T2`)
# That is, we compute G2 from g2 as in Theorem 2.
if (!is.null(Omega.mask)) {
R2[Omega.mask] <- 0
grad_Omegas <- Map(function(j) {
grad <- mlm(kronperm(R2), Map(as.vector, Omegas[-j]), modes[-j], transposed = TRUE)
dim(grad) <- dim(Omegas[[j]])
}, modes)
# update optimization behavioral trackers
accum_sign <- sign(last_loss - loss) - accum_sign
non_improving <- max(0L, non_improving - 1L + 2L * (last_loss < loss))
# check break conditions
if (abs(accum_sign) > zig.zag.threashold) { break }
if (non_improving > patience) { break }
if (abs(last_loss - loss) < eps * last_loss) { break }
# store current loss for the next iteration
last_loss <- loss
# Accumulate root mean squared gradiends
grad2_betas <- Map(function(g2, g) 0.9 * g2 + 0.1 * (g * g),
grad2_betas, grad_betas)
grad2_Omegas <- Map(function(g2, g) 0.9 * g2 + 0.1 * (g * g),
grad2_Omegas, grad_Omegas)
# logging (before parameter update)
logger(iter, loss, betas, Omegas, grad_betas, grad_Omegas)
# Update Parameters
betas <- Map(function(beta, grad, m2) {
beta + (step.size / (sqrt(m2) + eps)) * grad
}, betas, grad_betas, grad2_betas)
Omegas <- Map(function(Omega, grad, m2) {
Omega + (step.size / (sqrt(m2) + eps)) * grad
}, Omegas, grad_Omegas, grad2_Omegas)
# Project Parameters onto their manifolds
for (j in modes) {
if (is.function(proj_j <- proj.betas[[j]])) {
betas[[j]] <- proj_j(betas[[j]])
if (is.function(proj_j <- proj.Omegas[[j]])) {
Omegas[[j]] <- proj_j(Omegas[[j]])
# Enforce degeneracy parameter constraints
if (any(degen.mask)) {
# Extract parameters corresponding to degenerate interactions
degen.params <- do.call(rbind, Map(`[`, Omegas, degen.ind))
# Degeneracy Constrained Parameters (sign is dropped)
DCP <- mapply(function(vals, bound) {
logVals <- log(abs(vals))
err <- max(0, sum(logVals) - log(abs(bound)))
exp(logVals - (err / length(vals)))
}, split(degen.params, col(degen.params)), degen.bounds)
# Update values in Omegas such that all degeneracy constraints hold
Omegas <- Map(function(Omega, cp, ind) {
# Combine multiple constraints for every element into single
# constraint value per element
cp <- mapply(min, split(abs(cp), ind))
ind <- as.integer(names(cp))
`[<-`(Omega, ind, sign(Omega[ind]) * cp)
}, Omegas, split(DCP, row(DCP)), degen.ind)
list(eta1 = array(0, dimX), betas = betas, Omegas = Omegas),
tensor_normal = fit_normal,
Omegas.init = Omegas.init,
degen.mask = degen.mask,
iter = iter