add: LaTeX images/* and plots/* with aggregated sim data
This commit is contained in:
@ -108,20 +108,21 @@ simulations/
# Include subfolders for images and plots
# Include subfolders for images and plots
# Images (except images used in LaTeX)
# Images (except images used in LaTeX)
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
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{Z(30, 60) + tz(30, 60, 0.4 + 0.8, 0.4 - 0.24)}
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{Z(30, 60) + tz(30, 60, -0.4 - 0.8, -0.4 + 0.24)}
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{X(30, 60) + tx(30, 60, 0.4 - 0.8, 0.4 + 0.24)},
{Y(30, 60) + ty(30, 60, 0.4 - 0.8, 0.4 + 0.24)},
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{Z(30, 60) + tz(30, 60, 0.4, 0.4)}
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{X(30, 60) + tx(30, 60, 0.8, -0.24)}, % -0.24 = 0.8 * -0.3
{Y(30, 60) + ty(30, 60, 0.8, -0.24)},
{Z(30, 60) + tz(30, 60, 0.8, -0.24)}
) node[pos = 0.7, anchor = south west, inner sep = 0pt] {$\t{\nabla\gamma_2(0)}$};
\node[anchor = north] at (x) {$\mat{x}$};
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@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
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Z(\u,\v) = 0.4 * \u * \u * cos(\v * 120);
bx(\t) = -0.5 + 0.3 * cos(\t) + 0.05 * sin(3 * \t);
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% Further packages and macros
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circle, fill=black, inner sep=0.75pt, label={$\mat{\theta}_0$}
] (theta0) at (-0.5, 0.2, {Z(-0.5, 0.2)}) {};
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\node (UU) at ({bx(0)}, {by(0)}, {Z(bx(0), by(0))}) {};
\begin{scope}[shift = {(11cm, 2cm)}, scale = 2.5]
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circle, fill=black, inner sep=0.75pt, label={$\mat{s}_0$}
] (s0) at (-0.5, 0.2) {};
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
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\draw[ ] (#1, #2, 0) -- (#1, #2, -#3);
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node [pos = 0.5] {$\t{\mat{\beta}_1}$};
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plot ({0}, {2.1 + 4 * cos(90 * \t)}, {-4 * sin(90 * \t)});
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(0, 2.1, 0) -- (0, 2.1, -2) -- (0, 6.1, -2) -- (0, 6.1, 0) -- cycle;
\node[opacity = 0.7, cm={0.66, 0.66, 0, 1, (0, 0)}]
at (0, 4.1, -1.1) {$\t{\mat{\beta}_3}$};
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\draw[fill = lightgray, fill opacity = 0.7] (0, 2.1) rectangle +(1.5, 3)
node [pos = 0.5] {$\t{\mat{\beta}_2}$};
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
\begin{tikzpicture}[x = 4pt, y = 1.3pt, scale = \tikzscale]
\path[use as bounding box] (12, 10) rectangle (181, 290);
\begin{scope}[inner sep = 0pt, outer sep = 0pt, line width = 0.4pt]
\draw ( 44.64, 73.03) -- (132.42, 73.03);
\draw ( 44.64, 73.03) -- ( 44.64, 68.05);
\draw ( 59.27, 73.03) -- ( 59.27, 68.05);
\draw ( 73.90, 73.03) -- ( 73.90, 68.05);
\draw ( 88.53, 73.03) -- ( 88.53, 68.05);
\draw (103.16, 73.03) -- (103.16, 68.05);
\draw (117.79, 73.03) -- (117.79, 68.05);
\draw (132.42, 73.03) -- (132.42, 68.05);
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\node[anchor=base, scale = 0.83] at (103.16, 50) {500};
\node[anchor=base, scale = 0.83] at (132.42, 50) {700};
\draw (40.84, 79.52) -- (40.84, 241.75);
\draw (40.84, 79.52) -- (35.86, 79.52);
\draw (40.84, 111.97) -- (35.86, 111.97);
\draw (40.84, 144.42) -- (35.86, 144.42);
\draw (40.84, 176.86) -- (35.86, 176.86);
\draw (40.84, 209.31) -- (35.86, 209.31);
\draw (40.84, 241.75) -- (35.86, 241.75);
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\node[anchor=west, scale = 0.83] at (26, 144.42) {0.4};
\node[anchor=west, scale = 0.83] at (26, 176.86) {0.6};
\node[anchor=west, scale = 0.83] at (26, 209.31) {0.8};
\node[anchor=west, scale = 0.83] at (26, 241.75) {1};
\begin{scope}[inner sep = 0pt, outer sep = 0pt]
\node[anchor = base, scale = 1.00] at (92.19, 265.23) {{\bfseries Subspace Distance}};
\node[anchor = base, scale = 0.83] at (92.19, 20) {Sample Size};
\node[rotate = 90.00, anchor = base, scale = 0.83] at (20, 160.64) {$d(\mat{B}_0, \widehat{\mat{B}})$};
\begin{scope}[xscale = 0.5, xshift = 800pt, yshift = 330pt]
\path[draw=drawColor,line width= 0.7pt,line join=round,line cap=round] ( 89.72, 14) -- (104.66, 14);
\node[text=black,anchor=base west,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, scale= 0.83] at (112.13, 8.26) {HOPCA};
\begin{scope}[yshift = -3em]
\path[draw=drawColor,line width= 0.7pt,line join=round,line cap=round] ( 89.72, 14) -- (104.66, 14);
\node[text=black,anchor=base west,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, scale= 0.83] at (112.13, 8.26) {TSIR};
\begin{scope}[yshift = -6em]
\path[draw=drawColor,line width= 0.7pt,line join=round,line cap=round] ( 89.72, 14) -- (104.66, 14);
\node[text=black,anchor=base west,inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt, scale= 0.83] at (112.13, 8.26) {\bf GMLM};
\path[draw=drawColor,line width= 0.7pt,line join=round,line cap=round] ( 44.64,119.77) -- ( 59.27,107.60) -- ( 73.90,103.65) -- (103.16, 97.80) -- (139.74, 95.44);
\path[draw=drawColor,line width= 0.7pt,line join=round,line cap=round] ( 44.64,229.99) -- ( 59.27,229.84) -- ( 73.90,229.81) -- (103.16,229.85) -- (139.74,229.94);
\path[draw=drawColor,line width= 0.7pt,line join=round,line cap=round] ( 44.64,157.45) -- ( 59.27,128.85) -- ( 73.90,116.33) -- (103.16,104.70) -- (139.74, 99.52);
\path[fill=fillColor,fill opacity=0.30] ( 44.64,127.46) -- ( 59.27,112.88) -- ( 73.90,107.67) -- (103.16,101.24) -- (139.74, 97.90) -- (139.74, 91.72) -- (103.16, 93.73) -- ( 73.90, 98.51) -- ( 59.27,101.87) -- ( 44.64,112.70) --
\path[fill=fillColor,fill opacity=0.30] ( 44.64,230.71) -- ( 59.27,230.36) -- ( 73.90,230.07) -- (103.16,230.23) -- (139.74,230.15) -- (139.74,229.65) -- (103.16,229.53) -- ( 73.90,229.54) -- ( 59.27,229.25) -- ( 44.64,229.22) --
\path[fill=fillColor,fill opacity=0.30] ( 44.64,172.90) -- ( 59.27,140.34) -- ( 73.90,122.60) -- (103.16,109.34) -- (139.74,103.80) -- (139.74, 95.11) -- (103.16, 99.59) -- ( 73.90,105.02) -- ( 59.27,114.84) -- ( 44.64,142.20) --
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
sample.size time.gmlm dist.subspace.gmlm dist.projection.gmlm time.pca dist.subspace.pca dist.projection.pca time.hopca dist.subspace.hopca dist.projection.hopca time.tsir dist.subspace.tsir dist.projection.tsir time.mgcca dist.subspace.mgcca dist.projection.mgcca
100 0.03385 0.2433541701 0.2433541701 0.00226 0.863261257 0.863261257 0.00132 0.961234054 0.961234054 0.01148 0.27002415 0.27002415 0.02002 0.726356935 0.726356935
200 0.05152 0.1649899379 0.1649899379 0.00217 0.852767026 0.852767026 0.00266 0.960479878 0.960479878 0.01373 0.1884941138 0.1884941138 0.01991 0.713602535 0.713602535
300 0.06495 0.1336658703 0.1336658703 0.00486 0.843714531 0.843714531 0.01064 0.958630831 0.958630831 0.01328 0.1526304709 0.1526304709 0.02 0.71557788 0.71557788
500 0.13549 0.1032317816 0.1032317816 0.00938 0.846591187 0.846591187 0.01447 0.959566069 0.959566069 0.01722 0.1208618464 0.1208618464 0.05966 0.713613799 0.713613799
750 0.19323 0.0920445927 0.0920445927 0.00751 0.843049644 0.843049644 0.02065 0.95998194 0.95998194 0.02132 0.1040318623 0.1040318623 0.06884 0.708925464 0.708925464
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
sample.size rep time.gmlm dist.subspace.gmlm dist.projection.gmlm time.pca dist.subspace.pca dist.projection.pca time.hopca dist.subspace.hopca dist.projection.hopca time.tsir dist.subspace.tsir dist.projection.tsir time.mgcca dist.subspace.mgcca dist.projection.mgcca
100 50.5 0.14271 0.1354623792 0.1798569269 0.0025 0.805020847 0.999758145 0.00145 0.761295768 0.954043725 0.0099 0.1994699895 0.265283655 0.56208 0.770351142 0.999521275
200 50.5 0.31697 0.091214259 0.1210839439 0.00241 0.802922368 0.999879665 0.00257 0.730120539 0.925368399 0.0111 0.1483718847 0.1994800746 0.59856 0.758579776 0.999522252
300 50.5 0.39396 0.0726682553 0.0971497767 0.00586 0.806481505 0.999904273 0.00971 0.749474609 0.94434003 0.01265 0.1159595746 0.1577793427 0.56191 0.761351696 0.999435422
500 50.5 0.83078 0.0580925082 0.0779289812 0.00612 0.80574294 0.999944057 0.01732 0.751571927 0.947305126 0.01541 0.0917985004 0.12450158 2.16411 0.755277454 0.999081992
750 50.5 1.34147 0.0461519857 0.0610860564 0.00908 0.805450073 0.999961492 0.02064 0.749556315 0.945706618 0.02024 0.0797286457 0.1077928847 2.6289 0.750454219 0.999378091
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
sample.size rep time.gmlm dist.subspace.gmlm time.pca dist.subspace.pca time.hopca dist.subspace.hopca time.tsir dist.subspace.tsir time.mgcca dist.subspace.mgcca
100 50.5 0.53147 0.225507724 0.00215 0.268624529 0.00122 0.268631852 0.00953 0.975552785 0.01743 0.268634801
200 50.5 0.93729 0.1462304967 0.00228 0.268618192 0.00255 0.268627434 0.01032 0.969086651 0.01508 0.268616289
300 50.5 1.25449 0.118119137 0.0047 0.268672296 0.00937 0.268679546 0.01236 0.937344184 0.01812 0.268678444
500 50.5 2.61149 0.0925056109 0.00598 0.268620612 0.01592 0.268627137 0.01491 0.920788974 0.04995 0.268609548
750 50.5 3.62933 0.0734930824 0.00608 0.268629405 0.0213 0.26863585 0.01911 0.895542158 0.05447 0.268624504
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
sample.size rep time.gmlm dist.subspace.gmlm dist.projection.gmlm time.pca dist.subspace.pca dist.projection.pca time.hopca dist.subspace.hopca dist.projection.hopca time.tsir dist.subspace.tsir dist.projection.tsir time.mgcca dist.subspace.mgcca dist.projection.mgcca
100 50.3838383838384 0.19140404040404 0.159429996868687 0.217885249393939 0.00227272727272727 0.81991723030303 0.999889914141414 0.00136363636363636 0.7542142 0.956573433333333 0.00942424242424242 0.312921257070707 0.425537564949495 0.260232323232323 0.763839525252525 0.998650488888889
200 50.5 0.29272 0.1106441325 0.1502575874 0.00215 0.817273094 0.999952668 0.00267 0.756428697 0.961631268 0.01125 0.2406254633 0.3291691439 0.25668 0.752812085 0.997789874
300 50.5 0.40969 0.0942165171 0.1284457744 0.00577 0.817365328 0.99997193 0.00976 0.755867381 0.962490478 0.01219 0.2079868565 0.287219385 0.25407 0.744109244 0.997966974
500 50.5 0.80715 0.0671783369 0.092410679 0.00584 0.815885787 0.99998542 0.01576 0.745753387 0.955364336 0.01536 0.1719722289 0.2389028516 0.99684 0.74347681 0.998687779
750 50.5 1.30069 0.0560128971 0.077140984 0.00736 0.817057557 0.999983813 0.02158 0.745917278 0.955524558 0.01902 0.1544664904 0.2144889183 1.26885 0.742632193 0.998826916
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
sample.size time.gmlm dist.subspace.gmlm dist.projection.gmlm time.pca dist.subspace.pca dist.projection.pca time.hopca dist.subspace.hopca dist.projection.hopca time.tsir dist.subspace.tsir dist.projection.tsir time.mgcca dist.subspace.mgcca dist.projection.mgcca
100 0.02532 0.736796092 1 0.00209 0.900231255 0.999317475 0.00057 0.844797856 1 0.01269 0.768475572 1 0.03429 0.801702356 0.996195093
200 0.02118 0.723026339 1 0.00202 0.897808634 0.999511768 0.00076 0.821791902 1 0.01143 0.729274976 1 0.03156 0.754417729 0.993998159
300 0.02073 0.719268149 1 0.00253 0.896381124 0.999790203 0.00086 0.810580445 1 0.0108 0.723298879 1 0.03314 0.730024383 0.994609905
500 0.06797 0.714404844 1 0.00556 0.894836313 0.999794819 0.00472 0.806682723 1 0.01003 0.719358531 1 0.08743 0.70385003 0.990669984
750 0.08089 0.712524515 1 0.00652 0.894548046 0.999845024 0.00646 0.800351207 1 0.011 0.716469876 1 0.10204 0.687227594 0.991626558
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
sample.size rep time.gmlm dist.subspace.gmlm time.tnormal dist.subspace.tnormal time.pca dist.subspace.pca time.hopca dist.subspace.hopca time.lpca dist.subspace.lpca time.clpca dist.subspace.clpca time.tsir dist.subspace.tsir time.mgcca dist.subspace.mgcca
100 50.5 3.45133 0.337616233 -1 0.3481195602 0.00072 0.895240418 0.00078 0.895726045 0.03836 0.940902054 0.01723 0.905975108 0.01174 0.4840146138 0.01181 0.552492798
200 50.5 3.53892 0.2469025607 -1 0.258109693 0.00072 0.899078549 0.00073 0.898430313 0.0454 0.96077596 0.0172 0.909073167 0.01033 0.3767345117 0.00636 0.529634143
300 50.5 3.32198 0.1973335545 -1 0.2202339413 7e-04 0.894730117 0.00099 0.89457278 0.04582 0.96650364 0.01672 0.906092011 0.01085 0.2945936124 0.00647 0.506940794
500 50.5 3.47776 0.1560136925 -1 0.178495357 0.00081 0.897138615 0.00142 0.896433003 0.05409 0.982097991 0.01885 0.907027647 0.01102 0.2348182831 0.00751 0.504727342
750 50.5 3.63432 0.1338283596 -1 0.1501165074 0.00091 0.896805421 0.00194 0.896259394 0.06547 0.98164125 0.0208 0.906989078 0.01159 0.2264630936 0.00888 0.525239052
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
sample.size rep time.gmlm dist.subspace.gmlm dist.projection.gmlm time.tnormal dist.subspace.tnormal dist.projection.tnormal time.pca dist.subspace.pca dist.projection.pca time.hopca dist.subspace.hopca dist.projection.hopca time.lpca dist.subspace.lpca dist.projection.lpca time.clpca dist.subspace.clpca dist.projection.clpca time.tsir dist.subspace.tsir dist.projection.tsir time.mgcca dist.subspace.mgcca dist.projection.mgcca
100 50.5 2.61295 0.3403757357 0.3403757357 -1 0.3479059356 0.3479059356 6e-04 0.825472384 0.985301393 0.00064 0.898420853 0.898420853 0.03221 0.819788638 0.984818682 0.08248 0.830116397 0.985435015 0.00525 0.5383179747 0.5383179747 0.03822 0.684322002 0.87142619
200 50.5 2.69877 0.2336318211 0.2336318211 -1 0.2242954626 0.2242954626 0.00062 0.805871266 0.986137373 0.00083 0.894115576 0.894115576 0.04415 0.805329005 0.98705536 0.09073 0.813651382 0.988806844 0.00584 0.3463104772 0.3463104772 0.03612 0.607852417 0.779137501
300 50.5 2.84797 0.17056658598 0.17056658598 -1 0.177746684 0.177746684 0.00065 0.809654889 0.993082221 0.00099 0.901032982 0.901032982 0.05754 0.809330963 0.994445446 0.09848 0.817965106 0.995003702 0.00587 0.23915106584 0.23915106584 0.03905 0.564592137 0.722673845
500 50.5 2.99338 0.1421103262 0.1421103262 -1 0.14097689578 0.14097689578 8e-04 0.801989292 0.996579785 0.00143 0.911579678 0.911579678 0.06962 0.804787754 0.997525521 0.11444 0.814022873 0.99807076 0.00645 0.1904496139 0.1904496139 0.04446 0.506345649 0.646893436
750 50.5 3.13791 0.1099093089 0.1099093089 -1 0.11200510849 0.11200510849 0.00085 0.803412662 0.997339272 0.0018 0.90974563 0.90974563 0.06278 0.805842802 0.998157979 0.12508 0.816324572 0.998309878 0.00736 0.14247728474 0.14247728474 0.04683 0.488465089 0.623423991
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
sample.size rep time.gmlm dist.subspace.gmlm time.tnormal dist.subspace.tnormal time.pca dist.subspace.pca time.hopca dist.subspace.hopca time.lpca dist.subspace.lpca time.clpca dist.subspace.clpca time.tsir dist.subspace.tsir time.mgcca dist.subspace.mgcca
100 50.5 3.09356 0.3156118185 -1 0.333911302 0.00073 0.878676674 0.00075 0.896222186 0.09113 0.806536411 0.04383 0.896834118 0.01101 0.497285466 0.01193 0.575079476
200 50.5 3.12299 0.2077510819 -1 0.2436035005 0.00066 0.874724783 0.00079 0.889384878 0.09807 0.733886862 0.04732 0.894434769 0.01046 0.324664115 0.00669 0.576863144
300 50.5 3.16421 0.1861360687 -1 0.2008576102 0.00078 0.870909384 0.00102 0.886922724 0.11782 0.7481989 0.0503 0.893348533 0.01119 0.2976653034 0.00771 0.585351528
500 50.5 3.2918 0.1462556459 -1 0.1719980649 0.00085 0.874809929 0.00141 0.888039936 0.16421 0.725505512 0.06 0.894785099 0.01279 0.2572542268 0.00873 0.585034361
750 50.5 3.34843 0.1180667497 -1 0.1269961448 0.00084 0.87183362 0.00184 0.888721897 0.22709 0.667001863 0.07148 0.891578538 0.01242 0.2446346482 0.00958 0.589975817
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
sample.size rep time.gmlm dist.subspace.gmlm dist.projection.gmlm time.tnormal dist.subspace.tnormal dist.projection.tnormal time.pca dist.subspace.pca dist.projection.pca time.hopca dist.subspace.hopca dist.projection.hopca time.lpca dist.subspace.lpca dist.projection.lpca time.clpca dist.subspace.clpca dist.projection.clpca time.tsir dist.subspace.tsir dist.projection.tsir time.mgcca dist.subspace.mgcca dist.projection.mgcca
100 50.5 3.03076 0.3036349361 0.3036349361 -1 0.2868643362 0.2868643362 0.00073 0.818177689 0.984435713 0.00063 0.755946643 0.755946643 0.05648 0.819181741 0.953681387 0.0867 0.822312566 0.986781953 0.00613 0.4019671947 0.4019671947 0.04573 0.588313518 0.75377487
200 50.5 3.10805 0.1992945381 0.1992945381 -1 0.2020230182 0.2020230182 0.00074 0.814338816 0.987890451 0.00093 0.690811228 0.690811228 0.05801 0.81457008 0.961377759 0.08991 0.825394861 0.991647771 0.00599 0.2511707246 0.2511707246 0.04656 0.476761868 0.629632653
300 50.5 3.3052 0.1546113425 0.1546113425 -1 0.1537117318 0.1537117318 0.00075 0.798497064 0.993693989 0.00099 0.729634976 0.729634976 0.05696 0.820224046 0.982252313 0.09375 0.806834524 0.992228985 0.00636 0.1790215654 0.1790215654 0.04835 0.37049092 0.4917621054
500 50.5 3.88258 0.1130383355 0.1130383355 -1 0.11118393534 0.11118393534 0.00095 0.817445534 0.996960022 0.00148 0.651972301 0.651972301 0.07627 0.816560225 0.989645322 0.11561 0.837453121 0.996154736 0.00715 0.1217933129 0.1217933129 0.06199 0.2348135641 0.3010364601
750 50.5 3.97107 0.09585699718 0.09585699718 -1 0.09463671116 0.09463671116 0.00106 0.829576522 0.996509465 0.00179 0.6203066621 0.6203066621 0.09122 0.820908322 0.988956119 0.13158 0.849250091 0.997066922 0.00765 0.10393120662 0.10393120662 0.06512 0.1950222554 0.2482127769
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
dim exact MC MCthrd
1 73.5012 2479.1000 5306.4984
2 59.9796 8664.1598 9779.8466
3 64.5056 12914.5464 16183.0764
4 53.2328 16508.2854 17870.7350
5 96.9536 24127.6058 21767.8086
6 63.4716 28597.2378 26124.3540
7 72.9282 40515.4708 29894.6794
8 104.7062 50231.4678 38400.2156
9 92.1626 63120.4664 43210.9808
10 137.0708 78229.7892 45129.4508
11 199.2572 90637.2042 52743.8126
12 416.4218 110416.5194 53946.7448
13 1300.8774 113405.5306 62789.0696
14 1613.6268 147592.3898 65697.4700
15 4308.1456 150118.8002 77611.7774
16 6218.6118 169137.1948 79600.3404
17 19130.1692 193395.2364 84645.9674
18 35013.7520 191694.0282 89612.3666
19 79783.0592 219430.7520 89025.0298
20 164029.9676 221552.7670 97877.6912
21 344260.9886 NaN NaN
22 727962.7158 NaN NaN
23 1575072.6418 NaN NaN
24 3408482.1812 NaN NaN
30 NaN 432889.7808 159195.6658
40 NaN 675539.2932 227844.4468
50 NaN 921443.9964 322103.8008
60 NaN 1249191.1684 365132.1606
70 NaN 1634723.4776 463334.2788
80 NaN 2020644.9422 517770.1918
90 NaN 2341498.2072 608483.0752
100 NaN 2912498.1526 720652.3034
110 NaN 3485288.1716 872467.7020
120 NaN 4134359.9114 985625.2118
130 NaN 4619163.4688 1064965.6310
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
rho order beta.version dist.subspace.gmlm dist.subspace.tsir dist.subspace.sir
0 2 1 0.05706344996 0.04870725477 0.02949768844
0.1 2 1 0.06099344597 0.0544879924 0.1443251451
0.2 2 1 0.06006975287 0.04853609519 0.278326568
0.3 2 1 0.06258542237 0.0577666547 0.398026673
0.4 2 1 0.0630860656 0.06434322354 0.50784661
0.5 2 1 0.0681407852 0.06660780135 0.600152663
0.6 2 1 0.0704756441 0.08007941831 0.678782131
0.7 2 1 0.07399226468 0.09624028404 0.741513693
0.8 2 1 0.08696351437 0.1434422575 0.792636477
0 3 1 0.03884761964 0.05075637043 0.01559641056
0.1 3 1 0.04181920387 0.04806015013 0.172176562
0.2 3 1 0.04446027941 0.05200675213 0.33300157
0.3 3 1 0.04431383228 0.06116237486 0.477540231
0.4 3 1 0.04913731328 0.0818369603 0.599066199
0.5 3 1 0.0508888889 0.109494101 0.698420153
0.6 3 1 0.0650707898 0.164995207 0.776338247
0.7 3 1 0.0722256221 0.2796157782 0.83533372
0.8 3 1 0.111673742 0.5800304654 0.879376086
0 4 1 0.0310105382 0.0730134344 0.0071848475
0.1 4 1 0.03266222395 0.0768687025 0.197565596
0.2 4 1 0.03283241074 0.0918531581 0.381220751
0.3 4 1 0.03606864228 0.1271383726 0.539976855
0.4 4 1 0.0439046288 0.1889255293 0.669113261
0.5 4 1 0.0541551555 0.300616954 0.768377223
0.6 4 1 0.06073810269 0.518481551 0.841219015
0.7 4 1 0.08029184283 0.844190422 0.892810124
0.8 4 1 0.1426333851 0.97160198 0.928311852
0 2 2 0.04698636073 0.0520330931 0.0149037134
0.1 2 2 0.04930602754 0.05971055866 0.01176055483
0.2 2 2 0.0533056929 0.06564519596 0.00926994104
0.3 2 2 0.05912356401 0.08914725578 0.007123095258
0.4 2 2 0.07063246582 0.11735093643 0.00570685511
0.5 2 2 0.08335540383 0.1632686417 0.003445887997
0.6 2 2 0.09303190179 0.2411664985 0.002556417498
0.7 2 2 0.12298692 0.3419166697 0.001596502137
0.8 2 2 0.1628933779 0.574004413 0.000854865949
0 3 2 0.0378753001 0.0922734022 0.00524888557
0.1 3 2 0.03919134772 0.1392374104 0.00405657452
0.2 3 2 0.0512381601 0.2187110985 0.002917695203
0.3 3 2 0.05320741753 0.339382769 0.001845247336
0.4 3 2 0.05652189257 0.476061088 0.00128800652
0.5 3 2 0.0782460901 0.653943167 0.000821208511
0.6 3 2 0.0986561143 0.834839108 0.000482747573
0.7 3 2 0.1380699767 0.967224131 0.000250640226
0.8 3 2 0.1784597136 0.997450021 0.000106823797
0 4 2 0.03222682489 0.2450182862 0.00188728903
0.1 4 2 0.03486174389 0.4142114066 0.00115216396
0.2 4 2 0.03931006383 0.669792609 0.00078017042
0.3 4 2 0.0481088931 0.853140232 0.00048375608
0.4 4 2 0.0598583401 0.968730327 0.000294225075
0.5 4 2 0.0747933415 0.99692433 0.0001634921303
0.6 4 2 0.1156758178 0.999887965 8.50620125e-05
0.7 4 2 0.1841296132 0.99999922 3.88864634e-05
0.8 4 2 0.0601816739 1 1.275924145e-05
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
%%% R code to generate the input data files from corresponding simulation logs
% R> setwd("~/Work/tensorPredictors")
% R>
% R> for ( in c("2a")) {
% R> pattern <- paste0("sim\\_",, "\\_ising\\-[0-9T]*\\.csv")
% R> log.file <- sort(
% R> list.files(path = "sim/", pattern = pattern, full.names = TRUE),
% R> decreasing = TRUE
% R> )[[1]]
% R>
% R> sim <- read.csv(log.file)
% R>
% R> aggr <- aggregate(sim[, names(sim) != "sample.size"], list(sample.size = sim$sample.size), mean)
% R>
% R> write.table(aggr, file = paste0("LaTeX/plots/aggr-",, "-ising.csv"), row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
% R> }
\usepackage{amssymb, bm}
grid style={gray!15}
legend entry/.style={
mark = *,
mark size = 1pt,
mark indices = {2},
line width=0.8pt
xmode = normal, ymode = log,
xtick={10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 110, 130},
mark = *,
mark size = 1pt,
yticklabels={$1\mu s$,$10\mu s$,$100\mu s$,$1 ms$,$10 ms$,$100 ms$,$1 s$,$10 s$},
xlabel = {Dimension $p$},
ylabel = {Time}
only marks,
color = exact
] table[x = dim, y = exact] {aggr-ising-perft-m2.csv};
only marks,
color = MC
] table[x = dim, y = MC] {aggr-ising-perft-m2.csv};
only marks,
color = MCthrd
] table[x = dim, y = MCthrd] {aggr-ising-perft-m2.csv};
\addplot[smooth, domain = 8:25, color = exact, samples = 64] { 2^(x - 3) };
\addplot[smooth, domain = 1:130, color = MC, samples = 64] {
-18340.8 + 7557.0 * x + 200.3 * x^2
\addplot[smooth, domain = 1:130, color = MCthrd, samples = 64] {
8413.21 + 3134.98 * x + 41.87 * x^2
\matrix[anchor = west] at (perft.east) {
\draw[color=exact, only marks, mark = *, mark size = 1pt, mark indices = {2}] plot coordinates {(0, 0) (.3, 0) (.6, 0)};
& \node[anchor=west] {exact}; \\
\draw[color=exact, line width = 0.8pt] plot coordinates {(0, 0) (.4, 0)};
& \node[anchor=west] {$\mathcal{O}(2^p)$}; \\
\draw[color=MC, only marks, mark = *, mark size = 1pt, mark indices = {2}] plot coordinates {(0, 0) (.3, 0) (.6, 0)};
& \node[anchor=west] {MC}; \\
\draw[color=MC, line width = 0.8pt] plot coordinates {(0, 0) (.4, 0)};
& \node[anchor=west] {$\mathcal{O}(p^2)$}; \\
\draw[color=MCthrd, only marks, mark = *, mark size = 1pt, mark indices = {2}] plot coordinates {(0, 0) (.3, 0) (.6, 0)};
& \node[anchor=west] {MC (8 thrd)}; \\
\draw[color=MCthrd, line width = 0.8pt] plot coordinates {(0, 0) (.4, 0)};
& \node[anchor=west] {$\mathcal{O}(p^2)$}; \\
\node[anchor = south] at (current bounding box.north) {Ising Second Moment Performance Test};
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
%%% R code to generate the input data files from corresponding simulation logs
% R> setwd("~/Work/tensorPredictors")
% R>
% R> sim <- read.csv("sim/sim-tsir-20231123T1155.csv")
% R>
% R> aggr <- aggregate(sim[startsWith(names(sim), "dist")], sim[c("rho", "order", "beta.version")], mean)
% R>
% R> write.table(aggr, file = "LaTeX/plots/aggr-tsir.csv", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
% \definecolor{mgcca}{RGB}{86,180,233}
% \definecolor{hopca}{RGB}{230,159,0}
% \definecolor{pca}{RGB}{240,228,66}
% \definecolor{lpca}{RGB}{0,114,178}
% \definecolor{clpca}{RGB}{213,94,0}
every axis/.style={
% grid,
% grid style={gray, dotted},
3d box = complete*,
xtick = {0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8},
ytick = {2, 3, 4},
ymin = 1.5, ymax = 4.5,
ztick = {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1},
zmin = 0, zmax = 1,
xlabel = $\rho$,
ylabel = $r$
legend entry/.style={
mark = *,
mark size = 1pt,
mark indices = {2},
line width=0.8pt
fill = #1,
draw = none,
fill opacity = 0.65,
y filter/.append expression={
\thisrow{order} == #3 && \thisrow{beta.version} == #2 ? #4 : NaN
] table [x = rho, y expr = NaN, z = dist.subspace.#1] {aggr-tsir.csv} \closedcycle;
color = #1,
line width = 0.8pt,
y filter/.append expression={
\thisrow{order} == #3 && \thisrow{beta.version} == #2 ? #4 : NaN
] table [x = rho, y expr = NaN, z = dist.subspace.#1] {aggr-tsir.csv};
\node[anchor = south] at (v1.north) {V1};
xshift = 8cm
\node[anchor = south] at (v2.north) {V2};
\matrix[anchor = north] at (current bounding box.south) {
\fill[color = gmlm, opacity = 0.65] (0, -.1) rectangle (.6, .1); \draw[color=gmlm, line width = 0.8pt] (0, .1) -- (.6, .1); & \node[anchor=west] {GMLM}; &
\fill[color = tsir, opacity = 0.65] (0, -.1) rectangle (.6, .1); \draw[color=tsir, line width = 0.8pt] (0, .1) -- (.6, .1); & \node[anchor=west] {TSIR}; &
\fill[color = sir, opacity = 0.65] (0, -.1) rectangle (.6, .1); \draw[color=sir, line width = 0.8pt] (0, .1) -- (.6, .1); & \node[anchor=west] {SIR}; \\
\node[anchor = south, rotate = 90, yshift = 1.5em] at (v1.west) {Subspace Distance $d(\boldsymbol{B}, \widehat{\boldsymbol{B}})$};
\node[anchor = south, rotate = -90, yshift = 1.5em] at (v2.east) {\phantom{Subspace Distance $d(\boldsymbol{B}, \widehat{\boldsymbol{B}})$}};
Reference in New Issue