changed isimg_m2() to use the LogSumExp trick to compute the log_prob_0 instead of prob_0,
and som other stuff
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
|||| <- "sim_ising_perft"
# Number of replications, sufficient for the performance test
reps <- 5
# Sets the dimensions to be tested for runtime per method
configs <- list(
exact = list( # Exact method
dim = 1:24,
use_MC = FALSE,
nr_threads = 1L # ignored in this case, but no special case neded
MC = list( # Monte-Carlo Estimate
dim = c(1:20, (3:13) * 10),
use_MC = TRUE,
nr_threads = 1L # default nr. of threads
MC8 = list( # Monte-Carlo Estimate using 8 threads
dim = c(1:20, (3:13) * 10),
use_MC = TRUE,
nr_threads = 8L # my machines nr of (virtual) cores
# Simple function creating a parameter vector to be passed to `ising_m2`, the values
# are irrelevant while its own execution time is (more or less) neglectable
params <- function(dim) double(dim * (dim + 1L) / 2L)
# Build expressions to be past to `microbenchmark` for performance testing
expressions <- Reduce(c, Map(function(method) {
config <- configs[[method]]
Map(function(dim) {
||||, params = substitute(params(dim), list(dim = dim)),
use_MC = config$use_MC, nr_threads = config$nr_threads))
}, config$dim)
}, names(configs)))
# Performance tests
perft.results <- microbenchmark(list = expressions, times = reps)
# Convert performance test results to data frame for further processing
(perft <- summary(perft.results))
# Ploting the performance simulation
### TODO: Fix plotting ###
if (FALSE) {
with(sim, {
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(5, 4, 4, 4) + 0.1)
# Effect of Nr. of samples
plot(range(nr_samples), range(mse - sd, mse + sd),
type = "n", bty = "n", log = "xy", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "Nr. Samples", ylab = "MSE",
main = "Sample Size Effect (MSE)")
groups <- split(sim, warmup)
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
with(groups[[i]], {
lines(nr_samples, mse, col = i, lwd = 2, type = "b", pch = 16)
lines(nr_samples, mse - sd, col = i, lty = 2)
lines(nr_samples, mse + sd, col = i, lty = 2)
right <- nr_samples == max(nr_samples)
axis(4, at = mse[right], labels = warmup[right], lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1, line = -1.5)
mtext("Warmup", side = 4, line = 1.5, at = exp(mean(range(log(mse[right])))))
y.pow <- -10:-1
axis(2, at = c(1, 10^y.pow),
labels = c(1, sapply(y.pow, function(pow) eval(substitute(expression(10^i), list(i = pow))))))
# Effect warmup length
plot(range(warmup + 1), range(mse - sd, mse + sd),
type = "n", bty = "n", log = "xy", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "Warmup", ylab = "MSE",
main = "Warmup Effect (MSE)")
axis(1, warmup + 1, labels = as.integer(warmup))
groups <- split(sim, nr_samples)
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
with(groups[[i]], {
lines(warmup + 1, mse, col = i, lwd = 2, type = "b", pch = 16)
lines(warmup + 1, mse - sd, col = i, lty = 2)
lines(warmup + 1, mse + sd, col = i, lty = 2)
right <- warmup == max(warmup)
axis(4, at = mse[right], labels = nr_samples[right], lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1, line = -1.5)
mtext("Nr. Samples", side = 4, line = 1.5, at = exp(mean(range(log(mse[right])))))
axis(2, at = c(1, 10^y.pow),
labels = c(1, sapply(y.pow, function(pow) eval(substitute(expression(10^i), list(i = pow))))))
# Effect of Nr. of samples
plot(range(nr_samples), range(merr),
type = "n", bty = "n", log = "xy", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "Nr. Samples", ylab = "Max Abs Error Mean",
main = "Sample Size Effect (Abs Error)")
groups <- split(sim, warmup)
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
with(groups[[i]], {
lines(nr_samples, merr, col = i, lwd = 2, type = "b", pch = 16)
right <- nr_samples == max(nr_samples)
axis(4, at = merr[right], labels = warmup[right], lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1, line = -1.5)
mtext("Warmup", side = 4, line = 1.5, at = exp(mean(range(log(merr[right])))))
y.pow <- -10:-1
axis(2, at = c(1, 10^y.pow),
labels = c(1, sapply(y.pow, function(pow) eval(substitute(expression(10^i), list(i = pow))))))
# Effect of warmup length
plot(range(warmup + 1), range(merr),
type = "n", bty = "n", log = "xy", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "Warmup", ylab = "Max Abs Error Mean",
main = "Warmup Effect (Abs Error)")
axis(1, warmup + 1, labels = as.integer(warmup))
groups <- split(sim, nr_samples)
for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
with(groups[[i]], {
lines(warmup + 1, merr, col = i, lwd = 2, type = "b", pch = 16)
right <- warmup == max(warmup)
axis(4, at = merr[right], labels = nr_samples[right], lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1, line = -1.5)
mtext("Nr. Samples", side = 4, line = 1.5, at = exp(mean(range(log(merr[right])))))
axis(2, at = c(1, 10^y.pow),
labels = c(1, sapply(y.pow, function(pow) eval(substitute(expression(10^i), list(i = pow))))))
# Add common title
mtext(main, side = 3, line = -2, outer = TRUE, font = 2, cex = 1.5)
# test_unscaled_prob <- function() {
# test <- function(p) {
# y <-, p, replace = TRUE) - 1L
# theta <- vech(matrix(rnorm(p^2), p))
# C <- ising_m2(y, theta)
# R <- exp(sum(vech(outer(y, y)) * theta))
# if (all.equal(C, R) == TRUE) {
# cat("\033[92mSUCCESS: ")
# } else {
# cat("\033[91mFAILED: ")
# }
# cat(sprintf("p = %d, C = %e, R = %e\n", p, C, R))
# cat(" ", paste0(format(seq_along(y) - 1), collapse = " "), "\n")
# cat(" y = ", paste0(c(".", "1")[y + 1], collapse = " "))
# cat("\033[0m\n\n")
# }
# devtools::load_all()
# for (p in c(1, 10, 30:35, 62:66, 70, 128, 130)) {
# test(p)
# }
# }
# test_ising_sample <- function() {
# test <- function(p) {
# # theta <- vech(matrix(rnorm(p^2), p))
# # theta <- vech(matrix(0, p, p))
# theta <- -0.01 * vech(1 - diag(p))
# # theta <- vech(0.2 * diag(p))
# sample <- ising_sample(11, theta)
# print.table(sample, zero.print = ".")
# print(mean(sample))
# }
# devtools::load_all()
# for (p in c(1, 10, 30:35, 62:66, 70, 128, 130)) {
# test(p)
# }
# }
# test_ising_partition_func_MC <- function() {
# test <- function(p) {
# # theta <- vech(matrix(rnorm(p^2), p))
# # theta <- vech(matrix(0, p, p))
# theta <- -0.01 * vech(1 - diag(p))
# time_gmlm <- system.time(val_gmlm <- ising_partition_func_MC(theta))
# time_gmlm <- round(1000 * time_gmlm[["elapsed"]])
# if (p < 21) {
# time_mvb <- system.time(val_mvb <- 1 / mvbernoulli::ising_prob0(theta))
# time_mvb <- round(1000 * time_mvb[["elapsed"]])
# } else {
# val_mvb <- NaN
# time_mvb <- -1
# }
# cat(sprintf(
# "dim = %d\n GMLM: time = %4d ms, val = %.4e\n MVB: time = %4d ms, val = %.4e\n",
# p, time_gmlm, val_gmlm, time_mvb, val_mvb))
# }
# devtools::load_all()
# system.time(
# # for (p in c(1, 10, 20, 30:35, 64, 70, 128, 130)) {
# for (p in c(1, 10, 20, 30:35, 64)) {
# test(p)
# }
# )
# }
# # test_ising_partition_func_MC()
# validate_ising_partition_func_MC <- function(theta_func) {
# est_var <- function(dim) {
# theta <- theta_func(dim)
# time <- system.time(rep <- replicate(100, ising_partition_func_MC(theta)))
# cat(sprintf("dim = %d, time = %.2e s, mean = %.2e, = %.2e\n",
# dim, time[["elapsed"]], mean(rep), sd(rep)))
# }
# for (dim in 10 * (1:13)) {
# est_var(dim)
# }
# }
# # validate_ising_partition_func_MC(function(dim) { vech(matrix(rnorm(dim^2), dim)) })
# # validate_ising_partition_func_MC(function(dim) { vech(matrix(0, dim, dim)) })
# # validate_ising_partition_func_MC(function(dim) { -0.01 * vech(1 - diag(dim)) })
# # validate_ising_partition_func_MC(function(dim) { vech(0.2 * diag(dim)) })
# test_ising_partition_func_exact <- function(theta_func) {
# test <- function(dim) {
# theta <- theta_func(dim)
# reps <- if (dim < 10) 100 else 10
# time <- system.time(replicate(reps, ising_partition_func_exact(theta)))
# time <- time[["elapsed"]] / reps
# cat(sprintf("dim = %d, time = %.2e s\n", dim, time))
# }
# for (dim in 1:20) {
# test(dim)
# }
# }
# test_ising_partition_func_exact(function(dim) { vech(matrix(rnorm(dim^2), dim)) })
# ### Performance Measurement/Comparison
# local({
# perft_exact <- local({
# dims <- 2:22
# cat("Exact perft:\n")
# times <- sapply(dims, function(dim) {
# reps <- if (dim < 10) 1000 else if (dim < 15) 100 else if (dim < 20) 10 else 4
# theta <- vech(matrix(rnorm(dim^2), dim))
# time <- system.time(replicate(reps,
# ising_m2(theta, use_MC = FALSE)
# ))
# time <- time[["elapsed"]] / reps
# cat(sprintf(" dim = %3d, reps = %3d, time per rep = %.2e s\n", dim, reps, time))
# time
# })
# list(dims = dims, times = times)
# })
# perft_MC <- local({
# dims <- c(2:21, 30, 40, 70, 100)
# cat("Monte-Carlo perft:\n")
# times <- sapply(dims, function(dim) {
# reps <- if (dim < 20) 25 else if (dim < 40) 10 else 4
# theta <- vech(matrix(rnorm(dim^2), dim))
# time <- system.time(replicate(reps,
# ising_m2(theta, use_MC = TRUE)
# ))
# time <- time[["elapsed"]] / reps
# cat(sprintf(" dim = %3d, reps = %3d, time per rep = %.2e s\n", dim, reps, time))
# time
# })
# list(dims = dims, times = times)
# })
# perft_MC_thrd <- local({
# dims <- c(2:21, 30, 40, 70, 100)
# cat("Monte-Carlo Multi-Threaded perft:\n")
# times <- sapply(dims, function(dim) {
# reps <- if (dim < 15) 25 else if (dim < 40) 10 else 4
# theta <- vech(matrix(rnorm(dim^2), dim))
# time <- system.time(replicate(reps,
# ising_m2(theta, use_MC = TRUE, nr_threads = 6L)
# ))
# time <- time[["elapsed"]] / reps
# cat(sprintf(" dim = %3d, reps = %3d, time per rep = %.2e s\n", dim, reps, time))
# time
# })
# list(dims = dims, times = times)
# })
# # Plot results
# par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# plot(
# range(c(perft_MC_thrd$dims, perft_MC$dims, perft_exact$dims)),
# range(c(perft_MC_thrd$times, perft_MC$times, perft_exact$times)),
# type = "n", log = "xy", xlab = "Dimension p", ylab = "Time", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
# main = "Performance Comparison"
# )
# # Add custom Y-axis
# x.major.ticks <- as.vector(outer(c(2, 5, 10), 10^(0:5)))
# x.minor.ticks <- as.vector(outer(2:10, 10^(0:5)))
# axis(1, x.major.ticks, labels = as.integer(x.major.ticks))
# axis(1, x.minor.ticks, labels = NA, tcl = -0.25, lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1)
# abline(v = x.major.ticks, col = "gray", lty = "dashed")
# abline(v = x.minor.ticks, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted")
# # Add custom Y-axis
# y.major.ticks <- c(10^(-9:1), 60, 600, 3600)
# y.labels <- c(
# expression(paste(n, s)),
# expression(paste(10, n, s)),
# expression(paste(100, n, s)),
# expression(paste(mu, s)),
# expression(paste(10, mu, s)),
# expression(paste(100, mu, s)),
# expression(paste(1, m, s)),
# expression(paste(10, m, s)),
# expression(paste(100, m, s)),
# expression(paste(1, s)),
# expression(paste(10, s)),
# expression(paste(1, min)),
# expression(paste(10, min)),
# expression(paste(1, h))
# )
# y.minor.ticks <- c(as.vector(outer((1:10), 10^(-10:0))), 10 * (1:6), 60 * (2:10), 600 * (2:6))
# axis(2, at = y.major.ticks, labels = y.labels)
# axis(2, at = y.minor.ticks, labels = NA, tcl = -0.25, lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1)
# abline(h = y.major.ticks, col = "gray", lty = "dashed")
# abline(h = y.minor.ticks, col = "lightgray", lty = "dotted")
# legend("bottomright", col = c("red", "darkgreen", "blue"), lty = c(1, 1, 1),
# bg = "white",
# legend = c(
# expression(paste("Exact ", O(2^p))),
# expression(paste("MC ", O(p^2))),
# expression(paste("MC Thrd ", O(p^2)))
# )
# )
# with(perft_exact, {
# points(dims, times, pch = 16, col = "red")
# with(list(dims = tail(dims, -4), times = tail(times, -4)), {
# lines(dims, exp(predict(lm(log(times) ~ dims))), col = "red")
# })
# })
# with(perft_MC, {
# points(dims, times, pch = 16, col = "darkgreen")
# lines(dims, predict(lm(sqrt(times) ~ dims))^2, col = "darkgreen")
# })
# with(perft_MC_thrd, {
# points(dims, times, pch = 16, col = "blue")
# lines(dims, predict(lm(sqrt(times) ~ dims))^2, col = "blue")
# })
# })
# # dim <- 10
# # theta <- vech(matrix(rnorm(dim^2, 0, 1), dim, dim))
# # nr_threads <- 6L
# # (m2.exact <- ising_m2(theta, use_MC = FALSE))
# # (m2.MC <- ising_m2(theta, use_MC = TRUE))
# # (m2.MC_thrd <- ising_m2(theta, use_MC = TRUE, nr_threads = nr_threads))
# # tcrossprod(ising_sample(1e4, theta)) / 1e4
# local({
# dim <- 20
# theta <- vech(matrix(rnorm(dim^2, 0, 1), dim, dim))
# A <- matrix(NA_real_, dim, dim)
# A[lower.tri(A, diag = TRUE)] <- theta
# A[lower.tri(A)] <- A[lower.tri(A)] / 2
# A[upper.tri(A)] <- t(A)[upper.tri(A)]
# nr_threads <- 6L
# time.exact <- system.time(m2.exact <- ising_m2(theta, use_MC = FALSE))
# time.MC <- system.time(m2.MC <- ising_m2(theta, use_MC = TRUE))
# time.MC_thrd <- system.time(m2.MC_thrd <- ising_m2(A, use_MC = TRUE, nr_threads = nr_threads))
# time.sample <- system.time(m2.sample <- tcrossprod(ising_sample(1e4, theta)) / 1e4)
# range <- range(m2.exact, m2.MC, m2.MC_thrd)
# par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# matrixImage(m2.exact, main = sprintf("M2 Exact (time %.2f s)", time.exact[["elapsed"]]), zlim = range)
# matrixImage(m2.MC, main = sprintf("M2 MC (time %.2f s)", time.MC[["elapsed"]]), zlim = range)
# matrixImage(m2.MC_thrd, main = sprintf("M2 MC (%d threads, time %.2f s)", nr_threads, time.MC_thrd[["elapsed"]]), zlim = range)
# matrixImage(m2.sample, main = sprintf("E_n(X X') (time %.2f s)", time.sample[["elapsed"]]), zlim = range)
# # matrixImage(abs(m2.exact - m2.MC), main = "Abs. Error (Exact to MC)", zlim = c(-1, 1))
# })
# # Simulation
# dims <- c(5, 10, 15, 20)
# config.grid <- expand.grid(
# nr_samples = c(10, 100, 1000, 10000),
# warmup = c(0, 2, 10, 100),
# dim = dims
# )
# params <- Map(function(dim) vech(matrix(rnorm(dim^2, 0, 1), dim, dim)), dims)
# names(params) <- dims
# m2s.exact <- Map(ising_m2, params, use_MC = FALSE)
# sim <- data.frame(t(apply(config.grid, 1, function(conf) {
# # get same theta for every dimension
# theta <- params[[as.character(conf["dim"])]]
# m2.exact <- m2s.exact[[as.character(conf["dim"])]]
# rep <- replicate(25, {
# time <- system.time(
# m2.MC <- ising_m2(theta, nr_samples = conf["nr_samples"], warmup = conf["warmup"], use_MC = TRUE)
# )
# c(mse = mean((m2.exact - m2.MC)^2), err = max(abs(m2.exact - m2.MC)), time = time[["elapsed"]])
# })
# cat(sprintf("dim = %d, nr_samples = %6d, warmup = %6d, mse = %.4f\n",
# conf["dim"], conf["nr_samples"], conf["warmup"], mean(rep["mse", ])))
# c(
# conf,
# mse = mean(rep["mse", ]), sd = sd(rep["mse", ]), merr = mean(rep["err", ]),
# time = mean(rep["time", ])
# )
# })))
# plot.sim <- function(sim, main) {
# with(sim, {
# par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(5, 4, 4, 4) + 0.1)
# # Effect of Nr. of samples
# plot(range(nr_samples), range(mse - sd, mse + sd),
# type = "n", bty = "n", log = "xy", yaxt = "n",
# xlab = "Nr. Samples", ylab = "MSE",
# main = "Sample Size Effect (MSE)")
# groups <- split(sim, warmup)
# for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
# with(groups[[i]], {
# lines(nr_samples, mse, col = i, lwd = 2, type = "b", pch = 16)
# lines(nr_samples, mse - sd, col = i, lty = 2)
# lines(nr_samples, mse + sd, col = i, lty = 2)
# })
# }
# right <- nr_samples == max(nr_samples)
# axis(4, at = mse[right], labels = warmup[right], lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1, line = -1.5)
# mtext("Warmup", side = 4, line = 1.5, at = exp(mean(range(log(mse[right])))))
# y.pow <- -10:-1
# axis(2, at = c(1, 10^y.pow),
# labels = c(1, sapply(y.pow, function(pow) eval(substitute(expression(10^i), list(i = pow))))))
# # Effect warmup length
# plot(range(warmup + 1), range(mse - sd, mse + sd),
# type = "n", bty = "n", log = "xy", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
# xlab = "Warmup", ylab = "MSE",
# main = "Warmup Effect (MSE)")
# axis(1, warmup + 1, labels = as.integer(warmup))
# groups <- split(sim, nr_samples)
# for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
# with(groups[[i]], {
# lines(warmup + 1, mse, col = i, lwd = 2, type = "b", pch = 16)
# lines(warmup + 1, mse - sd, col = i, lty = 2)
# lines(warmup + 1, mse + sd, col = i, lty = 2)
# })
# }
# right <- warmup == max(warmup)
# axis(4, at = mse[right], labels = nr_samples[right], lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1, line = -1.5)
# mtext("Nr. Samples", side = 4, line = 1.5, at = exp(mean(range(log(mse[right])))))
# axis(2, at = c(1, 10^y.pow),
# labels = c(1, sapply(y.pow, function(pow) eval(substitute(expression(10^i), list(i = pow))))))
# # Effect of Nr. of samples
# plot(range(nr_samples), range(merr),
# type = "n", bty = "n", log = "xy", yaxt = "n",
# xlab = "Nr. Samples", ylab = "Max Abs Error Mean",
# main = "Sample Size Effect (Abs Error)")
# groups <- split(sim, warmup)
# for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
# with(groups[[i]], {
# lines(nr_samples, merr, col = i, lwd = 2, type = "b", pch = 16)
# })
# }
# right <- nr_samples == max(nr_samples)
# axis(4, at = merr[right], labels = warmup[right], lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1, line = -1.5)
# mtext("Warmup", side = 4, line = 1.5, at = exp(mean(range(log(merr[right])))))
# y.pow <- -10:-1
# axis(2, at = c(1, 10^y.pow),
# labels = c(1, sapply(y.pow, function(pow) eval(substitute(expression(10^i), list(i = pow))))))
# # Effect of warmup length
# plot(range(warmup + 1), range(merr),
# type = "n", bty = "n", log = "xy", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
# xlab = "Warmup", ylab = "Max Abs Error Mean",
# main = "Warmup Effect (Abs Error)")
# axis(1, warmup + 1, labels = as.integer(warmup))
# groups <- split(sim, nr_samples)
# for (i in seq_along(groups)) {
# with(groups[[i]], {
# lines(warmup + 1, merr, col = i, lwd = 2, type = "b", pch = 16)
# })
# }
# right <- warmup == max(warmup)
# axis(4, at = merr[right], labels = nr_samples[right], lwd = 0, lwd.ticks = 1, line = -1.5)
# mtext("Nr. Samples", side = 4, line = 1.5, at = exp(mean(range(log(merr[right])))))
# axis(2, at = c(1, 10^y.pow),
# labels = c(1, sapply(y.pow, function(pow) eval(substitute(expression(10^i), list(i = pow))))))
# })
# # Add common title
# mtext(main, side = 3, line = -2, outer = TRUE, font = 2, cex = 1.5)
# }
# plot.sim(subset(sim, sim$dim == 5), main = "Dim = 5")
# plot.sim(subset(sim, sim$dim == 10), main = "Dim = 10")
# plot.sim(subset(sim, sim$dim == 15), main = "Dim = 15")
# plot.sim(subset(sim, sim$dim == 20), main = "Dim = 20")
# dim <- 120
# params <- rnorm(dim * (dim + 1) / 2)
# A <- matrix(NA_real_, dim, dim)
# A[lower.tri(A, diag = TRUE)] <- params
# A[lower.tri(A)] <- A[lower.tri(A)] / 2
# A[upper.tri(A)] <- t(A)[upper.tri(A)]
# seed <- abs(as.integer(100000 * rnorm(1)))
# all.equal(
# { set.seed(seed); ising_sample(11, params) },
# { set.seed(seed); ising_sample(11, A) }
# )
# x <- sample(0:1, 10, TRUE)
# sum(vech(outer(x, x)) * params)
# sum(x * (A %*% x))
# # M <- matrix(NA, dim, dim)
# # M[lower.tri(M, diag = TRUE)] <- seq_len(dim * (dim + 1) / 2) - 1
# # rownames(M) <- (1:dim) - 1
# # colnames(M) <- (1:dim) - 1
# # print.table(M)
# # i <- seq(0, dim - 1)
# # (i * (2 * dim + 1 - i)) / 2
# # I <- 0
# # for (i in seq(0, dim - 1)) {
# # print(I)
# # I <- I + dim - i
# # }
# m2.exact <- vech.pinv(ising_m2(params, use_MC = FALSE))
# m2.MC <- vech.pinv(ising_m2(params, use_MC = TRUE))
# m2.mat <- tcrossprod(ising_sample(1e4, A)) / 1e4
# m2.vech <- tcrossprod(ising_sample(1e4, params)) / 1e4
# par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
# matrixImage(m2.exact, main = "exact")
# matrixImage(m2.MC, main = "MC")
# matrixImage(m2.mat, main = "Sample mat")
# matrixImage(m2.vech, main = "Sample vech")
@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
#' Some utility function used in simulations
#' Computes the orthogonal projection matrix onto the span of `A`
proj <- function(A) tcrossprod(A, A %*% solve(crossprod(A, A)))
#' Logging Errors and Warnings
#' Register a global warning and error handler for logging warnings/errors with
#' current simulation repetition session informatin allowing to reproduce problems
#' @examples
#' # Usage
#' globalCallingHandlers(list(
#' message = exceptionLogger("warning.log"),
#' warning = exceptionLogger("warning.log"),
#' error = exceptionLogger("error.log")
#' ))
#' # Do some stuff where an error might occure
#' for (rep in 1:1000) {
#' # Store additional information logged with an error when an exception occures
#' storeExceptionInfo(rep = rep)
#' # Do work
#' stopifnot(rep < 17)
#' }
assign("", NULL, env = .GlobalEnv)
exceptionLogger <- function( {
function(ex) {
log <- file(, open = "a+")
cat("\n### Log At: ", format(Sys.time()), "\n", file = log)
cat("# Exception:\n", file = log)
cat(as.character.error(ex), file = log)
cat("\n# Exception Info:\n", file = log)
dump("", envir = .GlobalEnv, file = log)
cat("\n# Traceback:\n", file = log)
# add Traceback (see: `traceback()` which the following is addapted from)
n <- length(x <- .traceback(NULL, max.lines = -1L))
if (n == 0L) {
cat("No traceback available", "\n", file = log)
} else {
for (i in 1L:n) {
xi <- x[[i]]
label <- paste0(n - i + 1L, ": ")
m <- length(xi)
srcloc <- if (!is.null(srcref <- attr(xi, "srcref"))) {
srcfile <- attr(srcref, "srcfile")
paste0(" at ", basename(srcfile$filename), "#", srcref[1L])
if (isTRUE(attr(xi, "truncated"))) {
xi <- c(xi, " ...")
m <- length(xi)
if (!is.null(srcloc)) {
xi[m] <- paste0(xi[m], srcloc)
if (m > 1) {
label <- c(label, rep(substr(" ", 1L,
nchar(label, type = "w")), m - 1L))
cat(paste0(label, xi), sep = "\n", file = log)
#' Used in conjuntion with `exceptionLogger()`
storeExceptionInfo <- function(...) {
info <- list(...)
info$RNGking <- RNGkind()
info$.Random.seed <- get0(".Random.seed", envir = .GlobalEnv)
.GlobalEnv$ <- info
### Simulation logging routine
#' @examples
#' # Create a CSV logger
#' logger <- CSV.logger("test.csv", header = c("A", "B", "C"))
#' # Store some values in current environment
#' A <- 1
#' B <- 2
#' # write values to csv file (order irrelevent)
#' logger(C = -3, B = -2)
#' # another line
#' A <- 10
#' B <- 20
#' logger(B = -20, C = -30)
#' # read the file back in
#' read.csv("test.csv")
#' # In simulations it is often usefull to time stamp the files
#' nr <- 5
#' logger <- CSV.logger(
#' sprintf("test-nr%03d-%s.csv", nr, format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%dT%H%M")),
#' header = c("A", "B", "C")
#' )
CSV.logger <- function(, header) {
# CSV header, used to ensure correct value/column mapping when writing to file
cat(paste0(header, collapse = ","), "\n", sep = "", file =
function(...) {
# get directly provided data
|||| <- list(...)
# all arguments must be given with a name
if (length( && is.null(names( {
stop("Arguments must be given with names")
# check if all elements have a described CSV header column
unknown <- !(names( %in% header)
if (any(unknown)) {
stop("Got unknown columns: ", paste0(names([unknown], collapse = ", "))
# get missing values from environment
missing <- !(header %in% names(
env <- parent.frame()
data <- c(, mget(header[missing], envir = env))
# Format all aguments
data <- Map(format, data)
# collaps into single line
line <- paste0(data[header], collapse = ",")
# write data line to file
cat(line, "\n", sep = "", file =, append = TRUE)
# Set colors for every method
methods <- c("gmlm", "pca", "hopca", "tsir", "mgcca", "lpca", "clpca", "tnormal", "sir")
col.methods <- palette.colors(n = length(methods), palette = "Okabe-Ito", recycle = FALSE)
names(col.methods) <- methods
# Comparison plot of one measure for a simulation
plot.sim <- function(sim,, ..., ylim = c(0, 1)) {
par.default <- par(pch = 16, bty = "n", lty = "solid", lwd = 1.5)
# # Set colors for every method
# methods <- c("gmlm", "pca", "hopca", "tsir", "mgcca", "lpca", "clpca", "tnormal")
# col.methods <- palette.colors(n = length(methods), palette = "Okabe-Ito", recycle = FALSE)
# names(col.methods) <- methods
# Remain sample size grouping variable to avoid conflicts
aggr.mean <- aggregate(sim, list(sampleSize = sim$sample.size), mean)
aggr.median <- aggregate(sim, list(sampleSize = sim$sample.size), median)
|||| <- aggregate(sim, list(sampleSize = sim$sample.size), sd)
aggr.min <- aggregate(sim, list(sampleSize = sim$sample.size), min)
aggr.max <- aggregate(sim, list(sampleSize = sim$sample.size), max)
with(aggr.mean, {
plot(range(sampleSize), ylim, type = "n", ...)
for ( in ls(pattern = paste0("^", {
mean <- get(
median <- aggr.median[$sampleSize == sampleSize,]
sd <-[$sampleSize == sampleSize,]
min <- aggr.min[$sampleSize == sampleSize,]
max <- aggr.max[$sampleSize == sampleSize,]
method <- tail(strsplit(, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]], 1)
col <- col.methods[method]
lines(sampleSize, mean, type = "o", col = col, lty = 1, lwd = 2 + (method == "gmlm"))
lines(sampleSize, mean + sd, col = col, lty = 2, lwd = 0.8)
lines(sampleSize, mean - sd, col = col, lty = 2, lwd = 0.8)
lines(sampleSize, median, col = col, lty = 1, lwd = 1)
lines(sampleSize, min, col = col, lty = 3, lwd = 0.6)
lines(sampleSize, max, col = col, lty = 3, lwd = 0.6)
legend("topright", col = col.methods, lty = 1, legend = names(col.methods),
bty = "n", lwd = par("lwd"), pch = par("pch"))
# reset plotting default prameters
timer.env <- new.env()
start.timer <- function() {
assign("start.time", proc.time()[["elapsed"]], envir = timer.env)
clear.timer <- function() {
assign("total.time", 0, envir = timer.env)
end.timer <- function() {
end.time <- proc.time()[["elapsed"]]
start.time <- get("start.time", envir = timer.env)
total.time <- get0("total.time", envir = timer.env)
if (is.null(total.time)) {
total.time <- 0
elapsed <- end.time - start.time
total.time <- total.time + elapsed
assign("total.time", total.time, envir = timer.env)
c(elapsed = elapsed, total.time = total.time)
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#' A simple higher order (multi-way) canonical correlation analysis.
#' @param X multi-dimensional array
#' @param Y multi-dimensional array with the same nr. of dimensions and equal
#' sample axis to `X`.
#' @param sample.axis integer indicationg which axis enumerates observations
#' @export
HOCCA <- function(X, Y, sample.axis = length(dim(X)), centerX = TRUE, centerY = TRUE) {
# ensure sample axis is the last axis
if (!missing(sample.axis)) {
modes <- seq_along(dim(X))[-sample.axis]
X <- aperm(X, c(modes, sample.axis))
Y <- aperm(Y, c(modes, sample.axis))
modes <- seq_len(length(dim(X)) - 1L)
dimX <- head(dim(X), -1L)
dimF <- head(dim(F), -1L)
sample.size <- tail(dim(X), 1L)
# center `X` and `Y`
if (centerX) {
X <- X - as.vector(rowMeans(X, dims = length(dim(X)) - 1L))
if (centerY) {
Y <- Y - as.vector(rowMeans(Y, dims = length(dim(Y)) - 1L))
# estimate marginal covariance matrices
CovXX <- Map(function(mode) mcrossprod(X, mode = mode) / prod(dim(X)[-mode]), modes)
CovYY <- Map(function(mode) mcrossprod(Y, mode = mode) / prod(dim(Y)[-mode]), modes)
# and the "covariance tensor"
CovXY <- array(tcrossprod(mat(X, modes), mat(Y, modes)) / sample.size, c(dimX, dimF))
# Compute standardized X and Y correlation tensor
SCovXY <- mlm(CovXY, Map(matpow, c(CovXX, CovYY), -1 / 2))
# mode-wise canonical correlation directions
hosvd <- HOSVD(SCovXY, nu = rep(pmin(dimX, dimF), 2L))
dirsX <- hosvd$Us[modes]
dirsY <- hosvd$Us[modes + length(modes)]
list(dirsX = dirsX, dirsY = dirsY)
# c(dirsX, dirsY) %<-% HOCCA(X, F)
# B.hocca <- Reduce(kronecker, rev(Map(tcrossprod, dirsX, dirsY)))
# dist.subspace(B.true, B.hocca, normalize = TRUE)
# dist.subspace(B.true, Reduce(kronecker, rev(dirsX)), normalize = TRUE)
# cca <- cancor(mat(X, 4), mat(F, 4))
# B.cca <- tcrossprod(cca$xcoef[, prod(dim(X)[-4])], cca$xcoef[, prod(dim(F)[-4])])
# dist.subspace(B.true, cca$xcoef[, prod(dim(X)[-4])], normalize = TRUE)
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#' Sliced Inverse Regression
#' @export
SIR <- function(X, y, d, nr.slices = 10L, slice.method = c("cut", "ecdf")) {
if (!(is.factor(y) || is.integer(y))) {
slice.method <- match.arg(slice.method)
if (slice.method == "ecdf") {
y <- cut(ecdf(y)(y), nr.slices)
} else {
y <- cut(y, nr.slices)
# ensure there are no empty slices
if (any(table(y) == 0)) {
y <- as.factor(as.integer(y))
# Center `X`
Z <- scale(X, scale = FALSE)
# Split `Z` into slices determined by `y`
slices <- Map(function(i) Z[i, , drop = FALSE], split(seq_along(y), y))
# Sizes and Means for each slice
slice.sizes <- mapply(nrow, slices)
slice.means <- Map(colMeans, slices)
# Inbetween slice covariances
sCov <- Reduce(`+`, Map(function(mean_s, n_s) {
n_s * tcrossprod(mean_s)
}, slice.means, slice.sizes)) / nrow(X)
# Compute EDR directions
La.svd(sCov, d, 0L)$u
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#' Determinant of a matrix
#' @export
La.det <- function(A) {
storage.mode(A) <- "double"
.Call("C_det", A, PACKAGE = "tensorPredictors")
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#' @export
gmlm_ising <- function(X, F, y = NULL, sample.axis = length(dim(X)),
proj.betas = NULL, proj.Omegas = NULL,
proj.betas = NULL, proj.Omegas = NULL, Omega.mask = NULL,
max.iter = 1000L,
eps = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps),
step.size = 1e-3,
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ gmlm_ising <- function(X, F, y = NULL, sample.axis = length(dim(X)),
matX <- mat(X, sample.axis)
degen <- crossprod(matX) == 0
degen.mask <- which(degen)
# If there are degenerate combination, compute an (arbitrary) bound the
# If there are degenerate combination, compute an (arbitrary) bound of the
# log odds parameters of those combinations
if (any(degen.mask)) {
degen.ind <- arrayInd(degen.mask, dim(degen))
@ -166,6 +166,11 @@ gmlm_ising <- function(X, F, y = NULL, sample.axis = length(dim(X)),
grad_betas <- Map(matrix, 0, dimX, dimF)
Omega <- Reduce(kronecker, rev(Omegas))
# Mask Omega, that is to enforce the "linear" constraint `T2`
if (!is.null(Omega.mask)) {
Omega[Omega.mask] <- 0
# second order residuals accumulator
# `sum_i (X_i o X_i - E[X o X | Y = y_i])`
R2 <- array(0, dim = c(dimX, dimX))
@ -186,7 +191,7 @@ gmlm_ising <- function(X, F, y = NULL, sample.axis = length(dim(X)),
# accumulate loss
matX_i <- mat(eval(`X[..., i]`), modes)
loss <- loss - (
sum(matX_i * (params_i %*% matX_i)) + n_i * log(attr(m2_i, "prob_0"))
sum(matX_i * (params_i %*% matX_i)) + n_i * attr(m2_i, "log_prob_0")
R2_i <- tcrossprod(matX_i) - n_i * m2_i
@ -200,6 +205,12 @@ gmlm_ising <- function(X, F, y = NULL, sample.axis = length(dim(X)),
R2 <- R2 + as.vector(R2_i)
# Apply the `T2` constraint on the Residuals as well (refer to `T2`)
# That is, we compute G2 from g2 as in Theorem 2.
if (!is.null(Omega.mask)) {
R2[Omega.mask] <- 0
grad_Omegas <- Map(function(j) {
grad <- mlm(kronperm(R2), Map(as.vector, Omegas[-j]), modes[-j], transposed = TRUE)
dim(grad) <- dim(Omegas[[j]])
@ -12,43 +12,7 @@ ising_m2 <- function(
M2 <- vech.pinv(m2)
attr(M2, "prob_0") <- attr(m2, "prob_0")
attr(M2, "log_prob_0") <- attr(m2, "log_prob_0")
# library(tensorPredictors)
# dimX <- c(3, 4)
# dimF <- rep(1L, length(dimX))
# betas <- Map(diag, 1, dimX, dimF)
# Omegas <- list(
# 1 - diag(dimX[1]),
# toeplitz(rev(seq(0, len = dimX[2])) / dimX[2])
# )
# Omega <- Reduce(kronecker, rev(Omegas))
# y <- array(1, dimF)
# params <- diag(as.vector(mlm(y, betas))) + Omega
# # params <- array(0, dim(Omega))
# (prob_0 <- attr(ising_m2(params), "prob_0"))
# (probs <- replicate(20, attr(ising_m2(params, use_MC = TRUE, nr_threads = 8), "prob_0")))[1]
# m <- mean(probs)
# s <- sd(probs)
# (prob_a <- (function(p, M2) {
# (1 + p * (p + 1) / 2 + 2 * sum(M2) - 2 * (p + 1) * sum(diag(M2))) / 2^p
# })(prod(dimX), ising_m2(params, use_MC = FALSE)))
# par(mar = c(1, 2, 1, 2) + 0.1)
# plot(probs, ylim = pmax(0, range(probs, prob_0, prob_a)), pch = 16, cex = 1,
# xaxt = "n", xlab = "", col = "gray", log = "y", bty = "n")
# lines(cumsum(probs) / seq_along(probs), lty = 2, lwd = 2)
# abline(h = c(m - s, m, m + s), lty = c(3, 2, 3), col = "red", lwd = 2)
# abline(h = c(prob_0, prob_a), lwd = 2)
# axis(4, at = prob_0, labels = sprintf("%.1e", prob_0))
# axis(4, at = prob_a, labels = sprintf("%.1e", prob_a))
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#' Kronecker Permutation of an array
#' Computes a permutation and reshaping of `A` such that
#' kronperm(B %o% C) == kronecker(B, C)
#' @param A multi-dimensional array
#' @param dims dimensions `A` should have overwriting the actuall dimensions
#' @param ncomp number of "components" counting the elements of an outer product
#' used to generate `A` if it is the result of an outer product.
#' @examples
#' A <- array(rnorm(24), dim = c(2, 3, 4))
#' B <- array(rnorm(15), dim = c(5, 3, 1))
#' C <- array(rnorm(84), dim = c(7, 4, 3))
#' all.equal(
#' kronperm(outer(A, B)),
#' kronecker(A, B)
#' )
#' all.equal(
#' kronperm(Reduce(outer, list(A, B, C)), ncomp = 3L),
#' Reduce(kronecker, list(A, B, C))
#' )
#' @export
kronperm <- function(A, dims = dim(A), ncomp = 2L) {
# force `A` to have a multiple of `ncomp` dimensions
dim(A) <- c(dims, rep(1L, length(dims) %% ncomp))
# compute axis permutation
perm <- as.vector(t(matrix(seq_along(dim(A)), ncol = ncomp)[, ncomp:1]))
# permute elements of A
K <- aperm(A, perm, resize = FALSE)
# collapse/set dimensions
dim(K) <- apply(matrix(dim(K), ncol = ncomp), 1, prod)
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
#' @rdname matProj
#' @export
projSym <- function(A) 0.5 * (A + t(A))
#' @rdname matProj
#' @export
projDiag <- function(A) diag(diag(A))
#' @rdname matProj
#' @export
.projBand <- function(dims, low, high) {
diag.index <- .row(dims) - .col(dims)
mask <- (diag.index <= low) & (-high <= diag.index)
function(A) A * mask
#' @rdname matProj
#' @export
.projSymBand <- function(dims, low, high) {
diag.index <- .row(dims) - .col(dims)
mask <- (diag.index <= low) & (-high <= diag.index)
function(A) projSym(A) * mask
#' @rdname matProj
#' @export
.projPSD <- function(sym = FALSE) {
if (sym) {
function(A) {
eig <- eigen(A, symmetric = TRUE)
eig$vectors %*% (pmax(0, eig$values) * t(eig$vectors))
} else {
function(A) {
eig <- eigen(0.5 * (A + t(A)), symmetric = TRUE)
eig$vectors %*% (pmax(0, eig$values) * t(eig$vectors))
#' @rdname matProj
#' @export
.projRank <- function(rank) {
function(A) {
rank <- min(dim(A), rank)
svdA <- La.svd(A, rank, rank)
svdA$u %*% (svdA$d[seq_len(rank)] * svdA$vt)
#' @rdname matProj
#' @export
.projSymRank <- function(rank) {
function(A) {
rank <- min(dim(A), rank)
svdA <- La.svd(0.5 * (A + t(A)), rank, rank)
svdA$u %*% (svdA$d[seq_len(rank)] * svdA$vt)
#' @rdname matProj
#' @export
projStiefel <- function(A) {
# Using a polar decomposition of `A = Q P` via SVD `A = U D V^T`. Compaired
# to a QR decomposition the polar decomposition is unique, making it "stabel".
svdA <- La.svd(A)
svdA$u %*% svdA$vt # = Q
# .projKron <- function(dims) {
# ... # TODO: Implement this!
# }
#' @rdname matProj
#' @export
.projMaskedMean <- function(mask) {
function(A) {
`[<-`(matrix(0, nrow(A), ncol(A)), mask, mean(A[mask]))
#' Projections onto matrix manifolds
#' @examples
#' p <- 5
#' q <- 4
#' A <- matrix(rnorm(p * q), p, q)
#' # General Matrices
#' matProj("TriDiag", dim(A))(A)
#' matProj("Band", dim(A), low = 1, high = 2)(A)
#' matProj("Rank", rank = 2)(A)
#' matProj("Stiefel")(A)
#' # Symmetric projections need square matrices
#' S <- matrix(rnorm(p^2), p)
#' matProj("Sym")(S)
#' matProj("SymTriDiag", dim(S))(S)
#' matProj("SymBand", dim(S), low = 1, high = 2)(S)
#' matProj("PSD")(S)
#' matProj("SymRank", rank = 1)(S)
#' @rdname matProj
#' @export
matProj <- function(manifold, dims = NULL, low = NULL, high = NULL, sym = FALSE, rank = NULL) {
identity = identity,
sym = projSym,
tridiag = .projBand(dims, 1L, 1L),
symtridiag = .projSymBand(dims, 1L, 1L),
band = .projBand(dims, low, high),
symband = .projSymBand(dims, low, high),
psd = .projPSD(sym),
rank = .projRank(rank),
symrank = .projSymRank(rank),
stiefel = projStiefel
# #' Basis of ....
# mat.proj.basis <- function(manifold, dims = NULL, low = NULL, high = NULL, sym = FALSE, rank = NULL) ...
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#' Moore-Penrose Pseudo inverse
#' @param A any matrix
#' @returns another matrix
#' @export
pinv <- function(A) {
A <- as.matrix(A)
if (nrow(A) < ncol(A)) {
crossprod(A, matpow(tcrossprod(A), -1))
} else if (nrow(A) > ncol(A)) {
tcrossprod(matpow(crossprod(A), -1), A)
} else {
matpow(A, -1)
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
#' Slice index selection
#' @examples
#' # Exquivalent to
#' array(A[slice.index(A, mode) == index], dim = dim(A)[-mode])
#' @export
|||| <- function(A, mode, index) {
arg <- rep("", length(dim(A)))
arg[mode] <- "i"
expr <- str2lang(paste0("A[", paste0(arg, collapse = ","), "]", collapse = ""))
slice <- eval(expr, list(i = index))
dim(slice) <- dim(A)[-mode]
#' @export
slice.expr <- function(A, mode, index = "i", drop = TRUE, nr.axis = length(dim(A))) {
str <- as.character(substitute(A))
arg <- rep("", nr.axis)
arg[mode] <- as.character(substitute(index))
str2lang(paste0(str, "[", paste0(arg, collapse = ","),
if (drop) "]" else ",drop=FALSE]", collapse = ""))
#' @export
slice.assign.expr <- function(obj, nr.axis) {
|||| <-
list(`[<-`, substitute(obj)),
rep(list(alist(a = )$a), nr.axis - 1L), # replicate empty symbol
substitute(index), substitute(x)
function(i, val) {
eval(, envir = list(index = i, x = val))
# n <- 1000
# p <- c(2, 4, 3)
# A <- array(seq_len(prod(n, p)), dim = c(p, n))
# mode <- 4
# index <- 7
# stopifnot(all.equal(
# A[, , , index],
# array(A[slice.index(A, mode) == index], dim = dim(A)[-mode])
# ))
# stopifnot(all.equal(
# A[, , , index],
#, mode, index)
# ))
# arg <- rep("", length(dim(A)))
# arg[mode] <- "i"
# `A[..., i]` <- str2lang(paste0("A[", paste0(arg, collapse = ","), "]", collapse = ""))
# microbenchmark::microbenchmark(
# A[, , , index],
# eval(`A[..., i]`, list(i = index)),
#, mode, index),
# array(A[slice.index(A, mode) == index], dim = dim(A)[-mode])
# )
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#' Linear Equation Solver
#' Using Lapack DGESV, similar to the base solve routine of R.
#' @note for testing purposes
#' @export
La.solve <- function(A, B = diag(nrow(A))) {
storage.mode(A) <- storage.mode(B) <- "double"
.Call("C_solve", A, as.matrix(B), PACKAGE = "tensorPredictors")
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
#' Generale a matrix of all permutations of `n` elements
permutations <- function(n) {
if (n <= 0) {
matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
} else if (n == 1) {
} else {
sub.perm <- permutations(n - 1)
p <- nrow(sub.perm)
A <- matrix(NA, n * p, n)
for (i in 1:n) {
A[(i - 1) * p + 1:p, ] <- cbind(i, sub.perm + (sub.perm >= i))
#' General symmetrization opperation for tensors (arrays) of equal dimensions
#' @param A array of dimensions c(p, ..., p)
#' @returns array of same dimensions as `A`
#' @export
tsym <- function(A) {
stopifnot(all(dim(A) == nrow(A)))
if (is.matrix(A)) {
return(0.5 * (A + t(A)))
axis.perm <- permutations(length(dim(A)))
S <- array(0, dim(A))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(axis.perm))) {
S <- S + aperm(A, axis.perm[i, ])
S / nrow(axis.perm)
#' Genralized (pseudo) symmetrication for generel multi-dimensional arrays
sym <- function(A, FUN = `+`, scale = factorial(length(dim(A)))) {
FUN <-
if (is.matrix(A) && (nrow(A) == ncol(A))) {
A <- FUN(A, t(A))
return(if (is.numeric(scale)) A / scale else A)
A.copy <- A
perm <- seq_along(dim(A))
while (length(pivot <- which(diff(perm) > 0))) {
pivot <- max(pivot)
successor <- max(which(perm[seq_along(perm) > pivot] > perm[pivot])) + pivot
perm[c(pivot, successor)] <- perm[c(successor, pivot)]
suffix <- seq(pivot + 1, length(perm))
perm <- c(perm[-suffix], perm[rev(suffix)])
modes <- which(perm != seq_along(perm))
sub.dimA <- dim(A)
sub.dimA[modes] <- min(dim(A)[modes])
sub.indices <- Map(seq_len, sub.dimA)
sub.selection <-`[`, c(list(A.copy), sub.indices, drop = FALSE))
sub.assign <-, c(list("[<-", quote(quote(A))), sub.indices,
||||`[`, c(list(A), sub.indices)),
aperm(`[`, c(list(A.copy), sub.indices, drop = FALSE)), perm)
A <- eval(sub.assign)
if (is.numeric(scale)) A / scale else A
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
#include "det.h"
// For reference see: `det_ge_real` in "R-4.2.1/src/modules/lapack/Lapack.c"
// of the R source code.
double det(
/* dim */ const int dimA,
/* matrix */ const double* A, const int ldA,
double* work_mem, int* info
) {
// if working memory size query, return immediately
if (work_mem == NULL) {
*info = dimA * (dimA + 1);
return 0.0;
// determinant of "zero size" matrix is 1 (by definition)
if (dimA == 0) {
return 1.0;
// copy `A` to (continuous) `work_mem` cause `dgetrf` works "in place"
for (int i = 0; i < dimA; ++i) {
memcpy(work_mem + i * dimA, A + i * ldA, dimA * sizeof(double));
// L U factorization of `A`
int error = 0;
int* ipvt = (int*)(work_mem + dimA * dimA);
F77_CALL(dgetrf)(&dimA, &dimA, work_mem, &dimA, ipvt, &error);
// check if an error occured which is the case iff `dgetrf` gives a negative error
*info |= (error < 0) * error;
// in both cases we return zero (ether the determinant is zero or error occured)
if (error) {
return 0.0;
// res <- det(A) = sign(P) * prod(diag(L)) where P is the pivoting permutation
double res = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < dimA; ++i) {
res *= (ipvt[i] != (i + 1) ? -1.0 : 1.0) * work_mem[i * (dimA + 1)];
return res;
* R bindong to `det`
extern SEXP R_det(SEXP A) {
// check if A is a real valued square matrix
if (!Rf_isReal(A) || !Rf_isMatrix(A) || Rf_nrows(A) != Rf_ncols(A)) {
Rf_error("`A` must be a real valued squae matrix");
// allocate working memory
int work_size;
(void)det(Rf_nrows(A), NULL, Rf_nrows(A), NULL, &work_size);
double* work_mem = (double*)R_alloc(work_size, sizeof(double));
// compute determinant (followed only by if-statement, no protection required)
int error = 0;
SEXP res = Rf_ScalarReal(
det(Rf_nrows(A), REAL(A), Rf_nrows(A), work_mem, &error)
if (error) {
Rf_error("Encountered error code %d in `det`", error);
return res;
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include "R_api.h"
* Determinant of a matrix (or log of determinant)
double det(
/* dim */ const int dimA,
/* matrix */ const double* A, const int ldA,
double* work_mem, int* info
#endif /* INCLUDE_GUARD_DET_H */
@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
* [ * * * * * * ] [ * * * 17 * * ] [ * ]
#include <float.h> // DBL_MAX
#include "R_api.h"
#include "bit_utils.h"
#include "int_utils.h"
@ -121,7 +123,7 @@ double ising_m2_exact(const size_t dim, const double* params, double* M2) {
const double prob_X = exp(dot_X);
sum_0 += prob_X;
// Accumulate set bits probability for the first end second moment `E[X X']`
// Accumulate set bits probability for the first and second moment `E[X X']`
for (uint32_t Y = X; Y; Y &= Y - 1) {
const int i = bitScanLS32(Y);
const int I = (i * (2 * dim - 1 - i)) / 2;
@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ double ising_m2_exact(const size_t dim, const double* params, double* M2) {
M2[i] *= prob_0;
return prob_0;
return log(prob_0);
@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ double ising_m2_MC(
int* X = (int*)R_alloc(dim, sizeof(int));
// Accumulator for Monte-Carlo estimate for zero probability `P(X = 0)`
double accum = 0.0;
double accum = 0.0, max_mdot_X = -DBL_MAX;
// Create/Update R's internal PRGN state
@ -182,7 +184,11 @@ double ising_m2_MC(
dot_X += (X[i] & X[j]) ? params[I + j] : 0.0;
accum += exp(-dot_X);
if (-dot_X > max_mdot_X) {
accum *= exp(max_mdot_X + dot_X);
max_mdot_X = -dot_X;
accum += exp(-dot_X - max_mdot_X);
// Write R's internal PRNG state back (if needed)
@ -190,11 +196,11 @@ double ising_m2_MC(
// Compute means from counts
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
M2[i] = (double)counts[i] / (double)(nr_samples);
M2[i] = (double)counts[i] / (double)nr_samples;
// Prob. of zero event (Ising p.m.f. scaling constant)
return accum / (exp2((double)dim) * (double)nr_samples);
return log(accum) + max_mdot_X - log(2) * (double)dim - log((double)nr_samples);
@ -210,7 +216,7 @@ typedef struct thrd_data {
const double* params; // Ising model parameters
int* X; // Working memory to store current binary sample
uint32_t* counts; // (output) count of single and two way interactions
double accum; // (output) Monte-Carlo accumulator for `P(X = 0)`
double log_sum_exp; // (output) Monte-Carlo inbetween value for `log(P(X = 0))`
} thrd_data_t;
// Worker thread function
@ -222,8 +228,8 @@ int thrd_worker(thrd_data_t* data) {
// Initialize counts to zero
(void)memset(data->counts, 0, (dim * (dim + 1) / 2) * sizeof(uint32_t));
// Init Monte-Carlo estimate for zero probability `P(X = 0)`
data->accum = 0.0;
// Accumulator for Monte-Carlo estimate for zero probability `P(X = 0)`
double accum = 0.0, max_mdot_X = -DBL_MAX;
// Spawn Monte-Carlo Chains (one foe every sample)
for (size_t sample = 0; sample < data->nr_samples; ++sample) {
@ -240,8 +246,14 @@ int thrd_worker(thrd_data_t* data) {
dot_X += (X[i] & X[j]) ? data->params[I + j] : 0.0;
data->accum += exp(-dot_X);
if (-dot_X > max_mdot_X) {
accum *= exp(max_mdot_X + dot_X);
max_mdot_X = -dot_X;
accum += exp(-dot_X - max_mdot_X);
data->log_sum_exp = log(accum) + max_mdot_X;
return 0;
@ -286,13 +298,19 @@ double ising_m2_MC_thrd(
// Accumulate worker results into first (tid = 0) worker counts result
// as well as accumulate the Monte-Carlo accumulators into one
double accum = threads_data[0].accum;
// while determining the log sum exp maximum
double max = threads_data[0].log_sum_exp;
for (size_t tid = 1; tid < nr_threads; ++tid) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
counts[i] += counts[tid * len + i];
accum += threads_data[tid].accum;
max = (max < threads_data[tid].log_sum_exp) ? threads_data[tid].log_sum_exp : max;
// Accum all `log(P(X = 0))` via "LogSumExp" trick into final result
double accum = 0;
for (size_t tid = 0; tid < nr_threads; ++tid) {
accum += exp(threads_data[tid].log_sum_exp - max);
// convert discreat counts into means
@ -300,8 +318,8 @@ double ising_m2_MC_thrd(
M2[i] = (double)counts[i] / (double)nr_samples;
// Prob. of zero event (Ising p.m.f. scaling constant)
return accum / (exp2((double)dim) * (double)nr_samples);
// Log of Prob. of zero event (Ising p.m.f. scaling constant)
return log(accum) + max - log(2) * (double)dim - log((double)nr_samples);
#endif /* !__STDC_NO_THREADS__ */
@ -363,9 +381,9 @@ extern SEXP R_ising_m2(
SEXP _M2 = PROTECT(Rf_allocVector(REALSXP, dim * (dim + 1) / 2));
// asside computed zero event probability (inverse partition function), the
// scaling factor for the Ising model p.m.f.
double prob_0 = -1.0;
// asside computed log of zero event probability (log of recibrocal partition
// function), the log scaling factor for the Ising model p.m.f.
double log_prob_0 = -1.0;
if (use_MC) {
// Convert and validate arguments for the Monte-Carlo methods
@ -384,15 +402,15 @@ extern SEXP R_ising_m2(
if (nr_threads == 1) {
// Single threaded Monte-Carlo method
prob_0 = ising_m2_MC(nr_samples, warmup, dim, params, REAL(_M2));
log_prob_0 = ising_m2_MC(nr_samples, warmup, dim, params, REAL(_M2));
} else {
// Multi-Threaded Monte-Carlo method if provided, otherwise use
// the single threaded version with a warning
#ifdef __STDC_NO_THREADS__
Rf_warning("Multi-Threading NOT supported, using fallback.");
prob_0 = ising_m2_MC(nr_samples, warmup, dim, params, REAL(_M2));
log_prob_0 = ising_m2_MC(nr_samples, warmup, dim, params, REAL(_M2));
prob_0 = ising_m2_MC_thrd(
log_prob_0 = ising_m2_MC_thrd(
nr_samples, warmup, nr_threads,
dim, params, REAL(_M2)
@ -405,13 +423,13 @@ extern SEXP R_ising_m2(
// and call the exact method
prob_0 = ising_m2_exact(dim, params, REAL(_M2));
log_prob_0 = ising_m2_exact(dim, params, REAL(_M2));
// Set log-lokelihood as an attribute to the computed second moment
SEXP _prob_0 = PROTECT(Rf_ScalarReal(prob_0));
SEXP _log_prob_0 = PROTECT(Rf_ScalarReal(log_prob_0));
Rf_setAttrib(_M2, Rf_install("prob_0"), _prob_0);
Rf_setAttrib(_M2, Rf_install("log_prob_0"), _log_prob_0);
// release SEPXs to the garbage collector
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#include "solve.h"
void solve(
/* dims */ const int dimA, const int nrhs,
/* matrix */ const double* A, const int ldA,
/* matrix */ const double* B, const int ldB,
/* matrix */ double* X, const int ldX,
double* work_mem, int* info
) {
// Compute required working memory size if requested
if (work_mem == NULL) {
*info = dimA * (dimA + 1);
// Copy `A` to (continuous) working memory
for (int i = 0; i < dimA; ++i) {
memcpy(work_mem + i * dimA, A + i * ldA, dimA * sizeof(double));
// Copy `B` to `X` or set `X` to identity
if (B == NULL) {
double* X_col = X;
for (int j = 0; j < dimA; ++j, X_col += ldX) {
for (int i = 0; i < dimA; ++i) {
*(X_col + i) = (i == j) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < nrhs; ++i) {
memcpy(X + i * ldX, B + i * ldB, dimA * sizeof(double));
// Lapack routine DGESV to solve linear system A X = B which writes
// result into `A`, `B` which are copied into working memory and the result
// memory `X`
int error = 0;
/* dims */ &dimA, &nrhs,
/* matrix A */ work_mem, &dimA, /* [in,out] A -> P L U */
/* ipiv */ (int*)(work_mem + dimA * dimA), /* [out] */
/* matrix B */ X, &ldX, /* [in,out] B -> X */
&error /* [out] */
// update error flag
*info |= error;
* R binding to `solve` which solves A X = B for X
extern SEXP R_solve(SEXP A, SEXP B) {
// Check types
if (!(Rf_isReal(A) && Rf_isMatrix(A))
|| !(Rf_isReal(B) && Rf_isMatrix(B))) {
Rf_error("All arguments must be real valued matrices");
// check dimensions
if (Rf_nrows(A) != Rf_ncols(A)
|| Rf_ncols(A) != Rf_nrows(B)) {
Rf_error("Dimension missmatch");
// Allocate result matrix `X`
SEXP X = PROTECT(Rf_allocMatrix(REALSXP, Rf_nrows(B), Rf_ncols(B)));
// Allocate required working memory
int work_size = 0;
Rf_nrows(A), Rf_ncols(B),
NULL, Rf_nrows(A),
NULL, Rf_nrows(B),
NULL, Rf_nrows(X),
NULL, &work_size
double* work_mem = (double*)R_alloc(work_size, sizeof(double));
// Solve the system A X = B an write results into `X`
int error = 0;
Rf_nrows(A), Rf_ncols(B),
REAL(A), Rf_nrows(A),
REAL(B), Rf_nrows(B),
REAL(X), Rf_nrows(X),
work_mem, &error
// release `X` to the garbage collector
// check error after unprotect
if (error) {
Rf_error("Solve ended with error code %d", error);
return X;
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#include "R_api.h"
* Solves a linear equation system of the form
* A X = B
* for `X` where `A` is a `dimA` x `dimA` matrix and `B` is `dimA` x `nrhs`.
void solve(
/* dims */ const int dimA, const int nrhs,
/* matrix */ const double* A, const int ldA,
/* matrix */ const double* B, const int ldB,
/* matrix */ double* X, const int ldX,
double* work_mem, int* info
Reference in New Issue