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2020-06-10 14:35:27 +00:00
# implementation contains fallback if the package is not available but for this
# case required!
# Load POI function and compiled C subroutine.
dyn.load('../tensor_predictors/poi.so') # "Shared Object" of POI-Subrountine
# Load data from sent data file (last Email)
dataset <- readRDS('../eeg_analysis/eeg_data.rds')
maxit <- 400L # Upper bound for number of optimization iterations.
for (i in 1:nrow(dataset)) {
gc() # To be on the save side, call the garbage collector (free memory)
# Formulate PFC-GEP (Principal Fitted Components - Generalized Eigenvalue
# Problem) for EEG data.
X <- scale(dataset[-i, -(1:2)], scale = FALSE, center = TRUE)
Fy <- scale(dataset$Case_Control[-i], scale = FALSE, center = TRUE)
B <- crossprod(X) / nrow(X) # Sigma
P_Fy <- Fy %*% solve(crossprod(Fy), t(Fy))
A <- crossprod(X, P_Fy %*% X) / nrow(X) # Sigma_fit
# Call POI using C subroutine (requires "dyn.load" of subroutine)
poi_res <- POI(A, B, 1L, maxit = maxit, use.C = TRUE)
# Again, be nice to memory and delete with an explicit fall to gc.
rm(A, B)
# Store results, do analysis, ... (addapt to needs) .
poi_res$maxit = maxit
poi_res$loo_index = i # Keep track of LOO position.
# Save i-th LOO result to file for analysis/validation/visualization/...
saveRDS(poi_res, file = sprintf('eeg_poi_loo_%d.rds', i))