
53 lines
5.1 KiB

import { latex_types } from "./symbol_types";
export default {
"usepackage": { insertText: "usepackage{$1}", documentation: "usepackage", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"newenvironment": { insertText: "newenvironment{${1:name}}[$2]{$3}{$0}", documentation: "newenvironment", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"newcommand": { insertText: "newcommand{${1:name}}[$2]{$3}", documentation: "newcommand", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"renewcommand": { insertText: "renewcommand{${1:name}}[$2]{$3}", documentation: "renewcommand", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"today": { insertText: "today", documentation: "The current Date", kind: latex_types.symbol },
"TeX": { insertText: "TeX", documentation: "The TeX symbol", kind: latex_types.symbol },
"LaTeX": { insertText: "LaTeX", documentation: "The LaTeX symbol", kind: latex_types.symbol },
"LaTeXe": { insertText: "LaTeXe", documentation: "The current LaTeX symbol", kind: latex_types.symbol },
"newline": { insertText: "newline", documentation: "Starts a new line", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"newpage": { insertText: "newpage", documentation: "Starts a new page", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"linebreak": { insertText: "newpage[]", detail: "Optional Param: int 0-4.", documentation: "Suggests a line break to the LaTeX compiler. Optional parameter: int from 0 to 4, a value lower 4 may be ignored if it would look bad.", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"nolinebreak": { insertText: "nolinebreak[]", detail: "Optional Param: int 0-4.", documentation: "Suggests no line break to the LaTeX compiler. Optional parameter: int from 0 to 4, a value lower 4 may be ignored if it would look bad.", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"pagebreak": { insertText: "nolinebreak[]", detail: "Optional Param: int 0-4.", documentation: "Suggests a page break to the LaTeX compiler. Optional parameter: int from 0 to 4, a value lower 4 may be ignored if it would look bad.", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"nopagebreak": { insertText: "nolinebreak[]", detail: "Optional Param: int 0-4.", documentation: "Suggests no page break to the LaTeX compiler. Optional parameter: int from 0 to 4, a value lower 4 may be ignored if it would look bad.", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"section": { insertText: "section{$1}", documentation: "Section", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"section*": { insertText: "section*{$1}", documentation: "Section", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"subsection": { insertText: "subsection{$1}", documentation: "Sub Section", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"subsection*": { insertText: "subsection*{$1}", documentation: "Sub Section", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"subsubsection": { insertText: "subsubsection{$1}", documentation: "Sub Sub Section", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"subsubsection*": { insertText: "subsubsection*{$1}", documentation: "Sub Sub Section", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"paragraph": { insertText: "paragraph{$1}", documentation: "paragraph", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"paragraph*": { insertText: "paragraph*{$1}", documentation: "paragraph", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"label": { insertText: "label{$1}$0", documentation: "Label", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"ref": { insertText: "ref{$1}$0", documentation: "Reference", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"eqref": { insertText: "eqref{$1}$0", documentation: "Equation reference", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"pageref": { insertText: "pageref{$1}$0", documentation: "Page reference", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"index": { insertText: "index{$1}$0", documentation: "Creates a index Entrie", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"emph": { insertText: "emph{$1}$0", documentation: "Emphasize Text", kind: latex_types.function },
"texttt": { insertText: "texttt{$1}$0", documentation: "Typeset Text", kind: latex_types.function },
"textit": { insertText: "textit{$1}$0", documentation: "Italic Text", kind: latex_types.function },
"textbf": { insertText: "textbf{$1}$0", documentation: "Bold Text", kind: latex_types.function },
"underline": { insertText: "underline{$1}$0", documentation: "Bold Text", kind: latex_types.function },
// TODO: need a specific type in different environments!!!
"centering": { insertText: "centering", documentation: "Centers the content of figure or minipage content", kind: latex_types.keyword },
"caption": { insertText: "caption{$1}$0", documentation: "Figure description", kind: latex_types.function },
"verb": { insertText: "verb{$1}$0", detail: "Do not use verbatim environment and the \\verb command within parameters of other commands.", documentation: "Environment content will be directly printed, as if typed on a typewriter, with all line breaks and spaces, without any LaTeX command being executed.", kind: latex_types.environment },
"verb*": { insertText: "verb*{$1}$0", detail: "Do not use verbatim environment and the \\verb command within parameters of other commands.", documentation: "Environment content will be directly printed, as if typed on a typewriter, with all line breaks and spaces, without any LaTeX command being executed. The additional * lets spaces be printed visible.", kind: latex_types.environment },
"ldots": { insertText: "ldots", documentation: "3 lower dots", kind: latex_types.symbol },