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* Computes row sums of a matrix containing (0-indexed) consecutive numbers
2022-03-13 16:58:02 +00:00
* in column major order
2022-03-13 16:58:02 +00:00
* Example (entries are array indices):
* matrix (11 x 7): row_sums (11):
* 0 11 22 33 44 55 66 -> 231
* 1 12 23 34 45 56 67 -> 238
* 2 13 24 35 46 57 68 -> 245
* 3 14 25 36 47 58 69 -> 252
* 4 15 26 37 48 59 70 -> 259
* 5 16 27 38 49 60 71 -> 266
* 6 17 28 39 50 61 72 -> 273
* 7 18 29 40 51 62 73 -> 280
* 8 19 30 41 52 63 74 -> 287
* 9 20 31 42 53 64 75 -> 294
* 10 21 32 43 54 65 76 -> 301
* Each worker process computes one row sum at a time. Therefore, the scheduler
* process (rank 0) sends one row to the worker (rank > 0) using a
* MPI_Type_vector representing a sparse row layout which is reseaved by the
* worker in a dense layout (MPI_DOUBLE)
* Send/Recv Example:
2022-03-13 16:58:02 +00:00
* Data send (entries are array indices):
* - - - - - - -
* - - - - - - -
* - - - - - - -
* - - - - - - -
* - - - - - - -
* 5 16 27 38 49 60 71
* - - - - - - -
* - - - - - - -
* - - - - - - -
* - - - - - - -
* - - - - - - -
* Receved (indices 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6):
* 5 16 27 38 49 60 71
* Usage:
* mpirun -n <nproc> MPI_RowSums [<nrow> [<ncol>]]
* <nproc> must be at least 2
* <nrow> number of rows, between 1 and 1024 defaults to 11
* <ncol> number of cols, between 1 and 1024 defaults to 7
* on parse error; <nrow>, <ncol> are set to there defaults.
* Compile:
* mpic++ -Wall -Wpedantic -pedantic MPI_RowSums.cpp -o MPI_RowSums
* Interesting Parameters:
* # Single Worker Process
* mpirun -n 2 MPI_RowSums 1 10
* mpirun -n 2 MPI_RowSums 20 10
* # Less Rows than workers (some processes don't get any work at all)
* mpirun -n 4 MPI_RowSums 2 10
* # Classic Example (bunch of work and some workers)
* mpirun -n 4 MPI_RowSums 100 42
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <mpi.h>
int min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
int main(int argn, char* argv[]) {
2022-03-13 16:58:02 +00:00
// Build a (simple and barebones, column major) matrix model, it's just a
// vector with external row/col count.
int nrow = 11; // defaults
int ncol = 7; // defaults
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// Parse arguments to set nrow, ncol (sloppy, but not the point of the example)
if (argn > 1) {
nrow = atoi(argv[1]);
if (nrow < 1 || nrow > 1024) {
nrow = 11;
if (argn > 2) {
ncol = atoi(argv[2]);
if (ncol < 1 || ncol > 1024) {
ncol = 7;
// Initialize MPI (always required)
MPI_Init(nullptr, nullptr);
// Allocate MPI Settings
int mpi_size; /*< Number of processes */
int mpi_rank; /*< This process rank (a.k.a. the MPI process ID) */
// Set/Get MPI Settings
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_size);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &mpi_rank);
// Check if there is at least a single worker, otherwise abort right away
if (mpi_size < 2) {
<< "Nr. processes must be at least 2! (No workers -> No work done)"
<< std::endl;
return -1;
// Setup shutdown tag (tags must be non-negative)
int shutdown = nrow + 1; // unreachable row index
// Sparce row data type, elements are strided in the matrix
MPI_Datatype mpi_type_row;
MPI_Type_vector(ncol, 1, nrow, MPI_DOUBLE, &mpi_type_row);
// Distinguish between workers (rank > 0) and scheduler (rank = 0)
if (mpi_rank == 0) {
// Create row sums result array
std::vector<double> row_sums(nrow);
// Construct a nrow x ncol matrix (and enumerate elems)
std::vector<double> matrix(nrow * ncol);
for (size_t i = 0; i < matrix.size(); ++i) {
matrix[i] = static_cast<double>(i);
// tracks processed rows
int row_counter = 0;
// Start by sending to all workers some data
for (int rank = 1; rank < min(mpi_size, nrow + 1); ++rank) {
// Send rows
matrix.data() + row_counter, // Pos of first row elem
1, // Send one row
mpi_type_row, // row datatype, (sparce layout)
rank, // target worker process
row_counter, // tag = row index
// Increment processed row count
// In case of less work than workers (nrow < mpi_size) send remaining
// workers home (all ranks with mpi_rank >= nrow get shutdown signal)
for (int rank = min(mpi_size, nrow + 1); rank < mpi_size; ++rank) {
// Empty workload with shutdown tag
nullptr, // no data
0, // no data
MPI_CHAR, // something
rank, // ranks without work
shutdown, // tag
// Repeat till all rows are processed
while (row_counter < nrow) {
double row_sum;
// First listen for any worker process to respond (rank finished)
MPI_Status mpi_status;
&row_sum, // responding rank result
1, // row sum is a scalar
MPI_DOUBLE, // and has type double
MPI_ANY_SOURCE, // listen for everything
MPI_ANY_TAG, // unknown who finishes first
// Write result to row sums
row_sums[mpi_status.MPI_TAG] = row_sum;
// Send the next row to process
matrix.data() + row_counter,
mpi_status.MPI_SOURCE, // responding rank gets new work
// Increment processed row count
// Now collect remaining results and send a "shutdown" message
for (int rank = 1; rank < min(mpi_size, nrow + 1); ++rank) {
double row_sum;
// First listen for any rank to respond (a rank finished working)
MPI_Status mpi_status;
// Write result to row sums
row_sums[mpi_status.MPI_TAG] = row_sum;
// Send rank shutdown message (work done)
nullptr, // no data
0, // no data
MPI_CHAR, // something
mpi_status.MPI_SOURCE, // responding rank gets shutdown
shutdown, // tag
// Report final result (row sums)
std::cout << "Rank 0: Done.\n\033[1m";
for (double& val : row_sums) {
std::cout << val << ' ';
std::cout << "\033[0m\nCheck result with the following R code:\n"
<< " rowSums(matrix(seq(0, len = " << (nrow * ncol) << "), "
<< nrow << ", " << ncol << "))" << std::endl;
} else {
// Dense row representation, NO stride
std::vector<double> row(ncol);
// Counts the number of processed rows (for analytic purposes)
int work_count = 0;
// Repeate till a shutdown signal is send (shutdown tag)
while (true) {
// Receive new work
MPI_Status mpi_status;
row.data(), // Raw row vector data
ncol, // nr of row elments
MPI_DOUBLE, // simple double data type (dense layout)
0, // Listen to main rank (rank 0)
MPI_ANY_TAG, // tag (at this point) unknown
// check shutdown -> go home, all work done
if (mpi_status.MPI_TAG == shutdown) {
// Process new work (compute row sum)
double sum = 0;
for (double& val : row) {
sum += val;
// Increment work count (track number of completed jobs)
// Send result back to scheduler
&sum, // processing result
1, // single scalar
0, // target scheduler (rank 0)
mpi_status.MPI_TAG, // row index
// Report shutdown (worker goes home)
std::cout << "Rank " << mpi_rank << ": processed "
<< work_count << " rows done -> shutdown" << std::endl;
// Shutdown MPI (always required)
return 0;