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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Mustache.Properties;
namespace Mustache
/// <summary>
/// Parses a format string and returns a text generator.
/// </summary>
public sealed class FormatCompiler
2018-07-15 22:57:30 +00:00
private readonly Dictionary<string, TagDefinition> _tagLookup = new Dictionary<string, TagDefinition>();
private readonly Dictionary<string, Regex> _regexLookup = new Dictionary<string, Regex>();
private readonly MasterTagDefinition _masterDefinition = new MasterTagDefinition();
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of a FormatCompiler.
/// </summary>
public FormatCompiler()
IfTagDefinition ifDefinition = new IfTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(ifDefinition.Name, ifDefinition);
ElifTagDefinition elifDefinition = new ElifTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(elifDefinition.Name, elifDefinition);
ElseTagDefinition elseDefinition = new ElseTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(elseDefinition.Name, elseDefinition);
EachTagDefinition eachDefinition = new EachTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(eachDefinition.Name, eachDefinition);
IndexTagDefinition indexDefinition = new IndexTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(indexDefinition.Name, indexDefinition);
WithTagDefinition withDefinition = new WithTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(withDefinition.Name, withDefinition);
NewlineTagDefinition newlineDefinition = new NewlineTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(newlineDefinition.Name, newlineDefinition);
SetTagDefinition setDefinition = new SetTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(setDefinition.Name, setDefinition);
EqTagDefinition eqTagDefinition = new EqTagDefinition();
GtTagDefinition gtTagDefinition = new GtTagDefinition();
LtTagDefinition ltTagDefinition = new LtTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(ltTagDefinition.Name, ltTagDefinition);
GteTagDefinition gteTagDefinition = new GteTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(gteTagDefinition.Name, gteTagDefinition);
LteTagDefinition lteTagDefinition = new LteTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(lteTagDefinition.Name, lteTagDefinition);
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UrlEncodeTagDefinition urlEncodeTagDefinition = new UrlEncodeTagDefinition();
_tagLookup.Add(urlEncodeTagDefinition.Name, urlEncodeTagDefinition);
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UrlDecodeTagDefinition urlDecodeTagDefinition = new UrlDecodeTagDefinition();
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when a placeholder is found in the template.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler<PlaceholderFoundEventArgs> PlaceholderFound;
/// <summary>
/// Occurs when a variable is found in the template.
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler<VariableFoundEventArgs> VariableFound;
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/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets whether newlines are removed from the template (default: true).
/// </summary>
public bool RemoveNewLines { get; set; }
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/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets whether the compiler searches for tags using triple curly braces.
/// </summary>
public bool AreExtensionTagsAllowed { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Registers the given tag definition with the parser.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="definition">The tag definition to register.</param>
/// <param name="isTopLevel">Specifies whether the tag is immediately in scope.</param>
public void RegisterTag(TagDefinition definition, bool isTopLevel)
if (definition == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("definition");
if (_tagLookup.ContainsKey(definition.Name))
string message = String.Format(Resources.DuplicateTagDefinition, definition.Name);
throw new ArgumentException(message, "definition");
_tagLookup.Add(definition.Name, definition);
/// <summary>
/// Builds a text generator based on the given format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="format">The format to parse.</param>
/// <returns>The text generator.</returns>
public Generator Compile(string format)
if (format == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("format");
CompoundGenerator generator = new CompoundGenerator(_masterDefinition, new ArgumentCollection());
List<Context> context = new List<Context>() { new Context(_masterDefinition.Name, new ContextParameter[0]) };
int formatIndex = buildCompoundGenerator(_masterDefinition, context, generator, format, 0);
string trailing = format.Substring(formatIndex);
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generator.AddGenerator(new StaticGenerator(trailing, RemoveNewLines));
return new Generator(generator);
private Match findNextTag(TagDefinition definition, string format, int formatIndex)
Regex regex = prepareRegex(definition);
return regex.Match(format, formatIndex);
private Regex prepareRegex(TagDefinition definition)
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if (!_regexLookup.TryGetValue(definition.Name, out Regex regex))
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List<string> matches = new List<string>()
foreach (string closingTag in definition.ClosingTags)
foreach (TagDefinition globalDefinition in _tagLookup.Values)
if (!globalDefinition.IsContextSensitive)
foreach (string childTag in definition.ChildTags)
TagDefinition childDefinition = _tagLookup[childTag];
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string combined = String.Join("|", matches);
string match = "{{(?<match>" + combined + ")}}";
if (AreExtensionTagsAllowed)
string tripleMatch = "{{{(?<extension>" + combined + ")}}}";
match = "(?:" + match + ")|(?:" + tripleMatch + ")";
regex = new Regex(match);
_regexLookup.Add(definition.Name, regex);
return regex;
private static string getClosingTagRegex(string tagName)
StringBuilder regexBuilder = new StringBuilder();
return regexBuilder.ToString();
private static string getCommentTagRegex()
return @"(?<comment>#!.*?)";
private static string getKeyRegex()
2014-05-21 21:02:31 +00:00
return @"((?<key>" + RegexHelper.CompoundKey + @")(,(?<alignment>(\+|-)?[\d]+))?(:(?<format>.*?))?)";
private static string getTagRegex(TagDefinition definition)
StringBuilder regexBuilder = new StringBuilder();
foreach (TagParameter parameter in definition.Parameters)
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if (!parameter.IsRequired)
return regexBuilder.ToString();
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private static string getUnknownTagRegex()
return @"(?<unknown>(#.*?))";
private int buildCompoundGenerator(
TagDefinition tagDefinition,
List<Context> context,
CompoundGenerator generator,
string format, int formatIndex)
while (true)
Match match = findNextTag(tagDefinition, format, formatIndex);
if (!match.Success)
if (tagDefinition.ClosingTags.Any())
string message = String.Format(Resources.MissingClosingTag, tagDefinition.Name);
throw new FormatException(message);
string leading = format.Substring(formatIndex, match.Index - formatIndex);
if (match.Groups["key"].Success)
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generator.AddGenerator(new StaticGenerator(leading, RemoveNewLines));
formatIndex = match.Index + match.Length;
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bool isExtension = match.Groups["extension"].Success;
string key = match.Groups["key"].Value;
string alignment = match.Groups["alignment"].Value;
string formatting = match.Groups["format"].Value;
if (key.StartsWith("@"))
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VariableFoundEventArgs args = new VariableFoundEventArgs(key.Substring(1), alignment, formatting, isExtension, context.ToArray());
if (VariableFound != null)
VariableFound(this, args);
key = "@" + args.Name;
alignment = args.Alignment;
formatting = args.Formatting;
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isExtension = args.IsExtension;
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PlaceholderFoundEventArgs args = new PlaceholderFoundEventArgs(key, alignment, formatting, isExtension, context.ToArray());
if (PlaceholderFound != null)
PlaceholderFound(this, args);
key = args.Key;
alignment = args.Alignment;
formatting = args.Formatting;
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isExtension = args.IsExtension;
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KeyGenerator keyGenerator = new KeyGenerator(key, alignment, formatting, isExtension);
else if (match.Groups["open"].Success)
formatIndex = match.Index + match.Length;
string tagName = match.Groups["name"].Value;
TagDefinition nextDefinition = _tagLookup[tagName];
if (nextDefinition == null)
string message = String.Format(Resources.UnknownTag, tagName);
throw new FormatException(message);
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generator.AddGenerator(new StaticGenerator(leading, RemoveNewLines));
ArgumentCollection arguments = getArguments(nextDefinition, match, context);
if (nextDefinition.HasContent)
CompoundGenerator compoundGenerator = new CompoundGenerator(nextDefinition, arguments);
IEnumerable<TagParameter> contextParameters = nextDefinition.GetChildContextParameters();
bool hasContext = contextParameters.Any();
if (hasContext)
ContextParameter[] parameters = contextParameters.Select(p => new ContextParameter(p.Name, arguments.GetKey(p))).ToArray();
context.Add(new Context(nextDefinition.Name, parameters));
formatIndex = buildCompoundGenerator(nextDefinition, context, compoundGenerator, format, formatIndex);
generator.AddGenerator(nextDefinition, compoundGenerator);
if (hasContext)
context.RemoveAt(context.Count - 1);
InlineGenerator inlineGenerator = new InlineGenerator(nextDefinition, arguments);
else if (match.Groups["close"].Success)
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generator.AddGenerator(new StaticGenerator(leading, RemoveNewLines));
string tagName = match.Groups["name"].Value;
TagDefinition nextDefinition = _tagLookup[tagName];
formatIndex = match.Index;
if (tagName == tagDefinition.Name)
formatIndex += match.Length;
else if (match.Groups["comment"].Success)
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generator.AddGenerator(new StaticGenerator(leading, RemoveNewLines));
formatIndex = match.Index + match.Length;
else if (match.Groups["unknown"].Success)
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string tagName = match.Value;
string message = String.Format(Resources.UnknownTag, tagName);
throw new FormatException(message);
return formatIndex;
private ArgumentCollection getArguments(TagDefinition definition, Match match, List<Context> context)
// make sure we don't have too many arguments
List<Capture> captures = match.Groups["argument"].Captures.Cast<Capture>().ToList();
List<TagParameter> parameters = definition.Parameters.ToList();
if (captures.Count > parameters.Count)
string message = String.Format(Resources.WrongNumberOfArguments, definition.Name);
throw new FormatException(message);
// provide default values for missing arguments
if (captures.Count < parameters.Count)
captures.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat((Capture)null, parameters.Count - captures.Count));
// pair up the parameters to the given arguments
// provide default for parameters with missing arguments
// throw an error if a missing argument is for a required parameter
Dictionary<TagParameter, string> arguments = new Dictionary<TagParameter, string>();
foreach (var pair in parameters.Zip(captures, (p, c) => new { Capture = c, Parameter = p }))
string value = null;
if (pair.Capture != null)
value = pair.Capture.Value;
else if (pair.Parameter.IsRequired)
string message = String.Format(Resources.WrongNumberOfArguments, definition.Name);
throw new FormatException(message);
arguments.Add(pair.Parameter, value);
// indicate that a key/variable has been encountered
// update the key/variable name
ArgumentCollection collection = new ArgumentCollection();
foreach (var pair in arguments)
string placeholder = pair.Value;
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IArgument argument = null;
if (placeholder != null)
if (placeholder.StartsWith("@"))
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string variableName = placeholder.Substring(1);
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VariableFoundEventArgs args = new VariableFoundEventArgs(placeholder.Substring(1), String.Empty, String.Empty, false, context.ToArray());
if (VariableFound != null)
VariableFound(this, args);
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variableName = args.Name;
argument = new VariableArgument(variableName);
else if (RegexHelper.IsString(placeholder))
string value = placeholder.Trim('\'');
argument = new StringArgument(value);
else if (RegexHelper.IsNumber(placeholder))
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if (Decimal.TryParse(placeholder, out decimal number))
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argument = new NumberArgument(number);
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string placeholderName = placeholder;
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PlaceholderFoundEventArgs args = new PlaceholderFoundEventArgs(placeholder, String.Empty, String.Empty, false, context.ToArray());
if (PlaceholderFound != null)
PlaceholderFound(this, args);
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placeholderName = args.Key;
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argument = new PlaceholderArgument(placeholderName);
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collection.AddArgument(pair.Key, argument);
return collection;