#'2-Dimensional Principal Component Analysis #' #' @param X Matrix of \code{dim (n, p * t)} with each row the vectorized #' \eqn{p \times t} observation. #' @param p nr. predictors #' @param t nr. timepoints #' @param ppc reduced nr. predictors (p-principal components) #' @param tpc reduced nr. timepoints (t-principal components) #' @param scale passed to \code{\link{scale}} before processing \code{X}. #' #' @return list with 2d pca estimated reduction estimates. #' #' @details The `i`th observation is stored in a row such that its matrix equiv #' is given by `matrix(X[i, ], p, t)`. #' #' @export PCA2d <- function(X, p, t, ppc, tpc, scale = FALSE) { stopifnot(ncol(X) == p * t, ppc <= p, tpc <= t) X <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = scale) # Left/Right aka predictor/time covariance matrices. dim(X) <- c(nrow(X), p, t) Sigma_p <- matrix(apply(apply(X, 1, tcrossprod), 1, mean), p, p) # Sigma_beta Sigma_t <- matrix(apply(apply(X, 1, crossprod), 1, mean), t, t) # Sigma_alpha dim(X) <- c(nrow(X), p * t) V_p <- La.svd(Sigma_p, ppc, 0)$u V_t <- La.svd(Sigma_t, tpc, 0)$u X <- X %*% kronecker(V_t, V_p) return(list(reduced = X, alpha = V_t, beta = V_p, Sigma_t = Sigma_t, Sigma_p = Sigma_p)) }