#' Duplication Matrix #' #' Matrix such that `vec(A) = D vech(A)` for `A` symmetric #' @examples #' p <- 8 #' A <- matrix(rnorm(p^2), p, p) #' A <- A + t(A) #' stopifnot(all.equal(c(D(nrow(A)) %*% vech(A)), c(A))) #' #' @export D <- function(p) { # setup `vec` and `vech` element indices (zero indexed) vec <- matrix(NA_integer_, p, p) vec[lower.tri(vec, diag = TRUE)] <- seq_len(p * (p + 1) / 2) vec[upper.tri(vec)] <- t(vec)[upper.tri(vec)] vech <- matrix(vec)[lower.tri(vec, diag = TRUE)] # construct duplication matrix Dp <- outer(c(vec), c(vech), `==`) storage.mode(Dp) <- "double" Dp } #' Pseudo Inverse of the Duplication Matrix #' #' Matrix such that `vech(A) = D^+ vec(A)` for `A` symmetric #' #' @examples #' p <- 5 #' stopifnot(all.equal(D(p) %*% D.pinv(p), N(p))) #' #' @export D.pinv <- function(p) { Dp <- D(p) solve(crossprod(Dp), t(Dp)) } #' Generalized Commutation Permutation #' #' Equivalent permutation to the Commutation matrix. #' #' @examples #' A <- array(rnorm(105), c(28, 7, 11)) #' stopifnot(expr = { #' all.equal(c(A)[K.perm(dim(A), 1)], c(A)) #' all.equal(c(A)[K.perm(dim(A), 2)], c(K(dim(A), 2) %*% c(A))) #' all.equal(c(A)[K.perm(dim(A), 3)], c(K(dim(A), 3) %*% c(A))) #' }) #' #' @export K.perm <- function(dim, mode) { # special case of classic commutation matrix `K(p, q) == K(c(p, q), 2)` if (length(dim) == 1) { dim <- c(dim, mode) mode <- 2 } # construct permutation c(aperm(array(seq_len(prod(dim)), dim), c(mode, seq_len(length(dim))[-mode]))) } #' Generalized Commutation Matrix #' #' K_p,(m) vec(A) = vec(A_(m)) #' #' for an `p` dimensional array `A`. The special case of the commutation matrix #' is given by `K(p, q)` for the matrix dimensions `p by q`. #' #' @examples #' # Special case of matrices #' stopifnot(all.equal(K(5, 7), K(c(5, 7), 2))) #' A <- matrix(rnorm(35), 5, 7) #' stopifnot(all.equal(c(K(5, 7) %*% c(A)), c(t(A)))) #' #' # Kronecker commutation identity #' A <- matrix(rnorm(3 * 7), 3, 7) #' B <- matrix(rnorm(5 * 2), 5, 2) #' stopifnot(all.equal( #' B %x% A, #' K(nrow(B), nrow(A)) %*% (A %x% B) %*% K(ncol(A), ncol(B)) #' )) #' #' # General case for tensors #' A <- array(rnorm(105), c(28, 7, 11)) #' stopifnot(all.equal(K(dim(A), 1), diag(prod(dim(A))))) #' stopifnot(all.equal(c(K(dim(A), 2) %*% c(A)), c(mat(A, 2)))) #' stopifnot(all.equal(c(K(dim(A), 3) %*% c(A)), c(mat(A, 3)))) #' #' # Generalized Kronecker Product Commutation Identity #' p <- c(4, 2, 3, 4) #' q <- c(3, 4, 2, 5) #' A <- mapply(function(p_i, q_i) { #' matrix(rnorm(p_i * q_i), p_i, q_i) #' }, p, q) #' for (mode in seq_along(A)) { #' stopifnot(all.equal( #' Reduce(`%x%`, A[c(rev(seq_along(A)[-mode]), mode)]), #' K(p, mode) %*% Reduce(`%x%`, rev(A)) %*% t(K(q, mode)) #' )) #' } #' #' @export K <- function(dim, mode) { # special case of classic commutation matrix `K(p, q) == K(c(p, q), 2)` if (length(dim) == 1) { dim <- c(dim, mode) mode <- 2 } # construct permutation perm <- aperm(array(seq_len(prod(dim)), dim), c(mode, seq_len(length(dim))[-mode])) # commutation matrix diag(prod(dim))[perm, ] } #' Symmetrizer Matrix #' #' N_p vec(A) = 1/2 (vec(A) + vec(A')) #' #' @examples #' p <- 7 #' stopifnot(all.equal(N(p), D(p) %*% D.pinv(p))) #' #' @export N <- function(p) { 0.5 * (diag(p^2) + K(p, p)) } #' Selection Matrix #' #' Selects the diagonal elements of a matrix vectorization #' #' @export S <- function(p) { index <- matrix(seq_len(p^2), p, p) s <- outer(diag(index), c(index), `==`) storage.mode(s) <- "integer" s }