if (!endsWith(getwd(), "/sim")) { setwd("sim") } file.prefix <- "sim-ising-small" date <- "20221012" # yyyymmdd, to match all "[0-9]{6}" time <- "[0-9]{4}" # HHMM, to match all "[0-9]{4}" sim <- Reduce(rbind, Map(function(path) { df <- read.csv(path) df$n <- as.integer(tail(head(strsplit(path, "[-.]")[[1]], -1), 1)) df }, list.files(".", pattern = paste0( "^", file.prefix, "-", date, "T", time, "-[0-9]+[.]csv$", collapse = "" )))) stats <- aggregate(. ~ n, sim, mean) q75 <- aggregate(. ~ n, sim, function(x) quantile(x, 0.75)) q25 <- aggregate(. ~ n, sim, function(x) quantile(x, 0.25)) colors <- c(gmlm = "#247407", hopca = "#2a62b6", pca = "#a11414", tsir = "#9313b9") line.width <- 1.75 margins <- c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 0.1) layout(mat = matrix(c( 1, 2, 3, 3 ), 2, 2, byrow = TRUE), widths = c(1, 1), heights = c(8, 1), respect = FALSE) # layout.show(3) with(stats, { par(mar = margins) plot(range(n), c(0, 1.05), type = "n", bty = "n", main = "Subspace Distance", xlab = "Sample Size", ylab = "Error") lines(n, dist.subspace.gmlm, col = colors["gmlm"], lwd = line.width) lines(n, dist.subspace.hopca, col = colors["hopca"], lwd = line.width) lines(n, dist.subspace.pca, col = colors["pca"], lwd = line.width) lines(n, dist.subspace.tsir, col = colors["tsir"], lwd = line.width) xn <- c(q75$n, rev(q25$n)) polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$dist.subspace.gmlm, rev(q25$dist.subspace.gmlm)), col = adjustcolor(colors["gmlm"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA) polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$dist.subspace.hopca, rev(q25$dist.subspace.hopca)), col = adjustcolor(colors["hopca"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA) polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$dist.subspace.pca, rev(q25$dist.subspace.pca)), col = adjustcolor(colors["pca"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA) polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$dist.subspace.tsir, rev(q25$dist.subspace.tsir)), col = adjustcolor(colors["tsir"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA) # par(mar = rep(0, 4)) # legend("topright", legend = names(colors), col = colors, lwd = line.width, # lty = 1, bty = "n") # par(mar = margins) }) with(stats, { par(mar = margins) plot(range(n), c(0, 1.05), type = "n", bty = "n", main = "RMSE (Prediction Error)", xlab = "Sample Size", ylab = "Error") xn <- c(q75$n, rev(q25$n)) polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$error.pred.gmlm, rev(q25$error.pred.gmlm)), col = adjustcolor(colors["gmlm"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA) polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$error.pred.hopca, rev(q25$error.pred.hopca)), col = adjustcolor(colors["hopca"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA) polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$error.pred.pca, rev(q25$error.pred.pca)), col = adjustcolor(colors["pca"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA) polygon(x = xn, y = c(q75$error.pred.tsir, rev(q25$error.pred.tsir)), col = adjustcolor(colors["tsir"], alpha.f = 0.3), border = NA) lines(n, error.pred.gmlm, col = colors["gmlm"], lwd = line.width) lines(n, error.pred.hopca, col = colors["hopca"], lwd = line.width) lines(n, error.pred.pca, col = colors["pca"], lwd = line.width) lines(n, error.pred.tsir, col = colors["tsir"], lwd = line.width) # par(mar = rep(0, 4)) # legend("topright", legend = names(colors), col = colors, lwd = line.width, # lty = 1, bty = "n") # par(mar = margins) }) par(mar = c(0, 1, 1, 0)) plot(1:2, 1:2, type = "n", bty = "n", axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "") legend("center", legend = names(colors), col = colors, lwd = line.width, lty = 1, bty = "n", horiz = TRUE)