# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand # Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393 #' Human Crafted Evaluation HCE <- function(positions) { .Call(`_Rchess_HCE`, positions) } #' Given a FEN (position) determines if its whites turn isWhiteTurn <- function(positions) { .Call(`_Rchess_isWhiteTurn`, positions) } #' Check if current side to move is in check isCheck <- function(positions) { .Call(`_Rchess_isCheck`, positions) } #' Check if the current position is a quiet position (no piece is attacked) isQuiet <- function(positions) { .Call(`_Rchess_isQuiet`, positions) } #' Check if position is terminal #' #' Checks if the position is a terminal position, meaning if the game ended #' by mate, stale mate or the 50 modes rule. Three-Fold repetition is NOT #' checked, therefore a seperate game history is required which the board #' does NOT track. #' isTerminal <- function(positions) { .Call(`_Rchess_isTerminal`, positions) } #' Check if checkmate is possible by material on the board #' #' Checks if there is sufficient mating material on the board, meaning if it #' possible for any side to deliver a check mate. More specifically, it #' checks if the pieces on the board are KK, KNK or KBK. #' isInsufficient <- function(positions) { .Call(`_Rchess_isInsufficient`, positions) } #' Specialized version of `read_cyclic.cpp` taylored to work in conjunction with #' `gmlm_chess()` as data generator to provide random draws from a FEN data set #' with scores filtered to be in in the range `score_min` to `score_max`. #' data.gen <- function(file, sample_size, score_min = -5.0, score_max = +5.0, quiet = FALSE, draw = TRUE, min_ply_count = 10L, white_only = TRUE) { .Call(`_Rchess_data_gen`, file, sample_size, score_min, score_max, quiet, draw, min_ply_count, white_only) } #' Human Crafted Evaluation eval.psqt <- function(positions, psqt, pawn_structure = FALSE, eval_rooks = FALSE, eval_king = FALSE) { .Call(`_Rchess_eval_psqt`, positions, psqt, pawn_structure, eval_rooks, eval_king) } #' Convert a legal FEN string to a 3D binary (integer with 0-1 entries) array fen2int <- function(boards) { .Call(`_Rchess_fen2int`, boards) } #' Reads lines from a text file with recycling. #' read.cyclic <- function(file, nrows = 1000L, skip = 100L, start = 1L, line_len = 64L) { .Call(`_Rchess_read_cyclic`, file, nrows, skip, start, line_len) } #' Samples a legal move from a given position sample.move <- function(pos) { .Call(`_Rchess_sample_move`, pos) } #' Samples a random FEN (position) by applying `ply` random moves to the start #' position. #' #' @param nr number of positions to sample #' @param min_depth minimum number of random ply's to generate random positions #' @param max_depth maximum number of random ply's to generate random positions sample.fen <- function(nr, min_depth = 4L, max_depth = 20L) { .Call(`_Rchess_sample_fen`, nr, min_depth, max_depth) } #' Converts a FEN string to a Board (position) or return the current internal state board <- function(fen = "") { .Call(`_Rchess_board`, fen) } print.board <- function(fen = "") { invisible(.Call(`_Rchess_print_board`, fen)) } print.moves <- function(fen = "") { invisible(.Call(`_Rchess_print_moves`, fen)) } print.bitboards <- function(fen = "") { invisible(.Call(`_Rchess_print_bitboards`, fen)) } position <- function(pos, moves, san = FALSE) { .Call(`_Rchess_position`, pos, moves, san) } perft <- function(depth = 6L) { invisible(.Call(`_Rchess_perft`, depth)) } go <- function(depth = 6L) { .Call(`_Rchess_go`, depth) } ucinewgame <- function() { invisible(.Call(`_Rchess_ucinewgame`)) } .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) { invisible(.Call(`_Rchess_onLoad`, libname, pkgname)) } .onUnload <- function(libpath) { invisible(.Call(`_Rchess_onUnload`, libpath)) }