#' Mode wise Covariance Estimates #' #' Estimates Covariances \eqn{\Sigma_k}{Sigma_k} for each mode \eqn{k}. #' This is equivalent to assuming a Kronecker structured Covariance #' #' \deqn{\Sigma = \Sigma_r\otimes ... \otimes\Sigma_1}{% #' Sigma = Sigma_r %x% ... %x% Sigma_1} #' #' where \eqn{\Sigma}{Sigma} is the Covariance \eqn{cov(vec(X))} of the #' vectorized variables. This function estimates the Kronecerk components #' \eqn{\Sigma_k}{Sigma_k}. #' #' @param X multi-dimensional array #' @param sample.axis observation axis index #' #' @export mcov <- function(X, sample.axis = 1L) { # observation modes (axis indices) modes <- seq_along(dim(X))[-sample.axis] # observation dimensions p <- dim(X)[modes] # observation tensor order r <- length(p) # ensure observations are on the last mode if (sample.axis != r + 1L) { X <- aperm(X, c(modes, sample.axis)) } # centering: Z = X - E[X] Z <- X - c(rowMeans(X, dims = r)) # estimes (unscaled) covariances for each mode Sigmas <- .mapply(mcrossprod, list(mode = seq_len(r)), MoreArgs = list(Z)) # scale by per mode "sample" size Sigmas <- .mapply(`*`, list(Sigmas, p / prod(dim(X))), NULL) # estimate trace of Kronecker product of covariances tr.est <- prod(p) * mean(Z^2) # as well as the current trace of the unscaled covariances tr.Sigmas <- prod(unlist(.mapply(function(S) sum(diag(S)), list(Sigmas), NULL))) # Scale each mode Covariance to match the estimated Kronecker product scale .mapply(`*`, list(Sigmas), MoreArgs = list((tr.est / tr.Sigmas)^(1 / r))) }