#' Approximates Kronecker Product decomposition. #' #' Approximates the matrices `A` and `B` such that #' C = A %x% B #' with `%x%` the kronecker product of the matrixes `A` and `B` #' of dimensions `dimA` and `dimB` respectively. #' #' @param C desired kronecker product result. #' @param dimA length 2 vector of dimensions of \code{A}. #' @param dimB length 2 vector of dimensions of \code{B}. #' #' @return list with attributes `A` and `B`. #' #' @examples #' A <- matrix(seq(14), 7, 2) #' B <- matrix(c(1, 0), 3, 4) #' C <- kronecker(A, B) # the same as 'C <- A %x% B' #' approx.kronecker(C, dim(A), dim(B)) #' #' @seealso C.F. Van Loan / Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics #' 123 (2000) 85-100 (pp. 93-95) #' #' @export approx.kronecker <- function(C, dimA, dimB = dim(C) / dimA) { dim(C) <- c(dimB[1L], dimA[1L], dimB[2L], dimA[2L]) R <- aperm(C, c(2L, 4L, 1L, 3L)) dim(R) <- c(prod(dimA), prod(dimB)) if (requireNamespace("RSpectra", quietly = TRUE)) { svdR <- RSpectra::svds(R, 1L) } else { svdR <- svd(R, 1L, 1L) } list( A = array(sqrt(svdR$d[1]) * svdR$u, dimA), B = array(sqrt(svdR$d[1]) * svdR$v, dimB) ) } #' Kronecker Product Decomposition. #' #' Computes the components summation components `A_i`, `B_i` of a sum of #' Kronecker products #' C = sum_i A_i %x% B_i #' with the minimal estimated number of summands. #' #' @param C desired kronecker product result. #' @param dimA length 2 vector of dimensions of \code{A}. #' @param dimB length 2 vector of dimensions of \code{B}. #' @param tol tolerance of singular values of \code{C} to determin the number of #' needed summands. #' #' @return list of lenghth with estimated number of summation components, each #' entry consists of a list with named entries \code{"A"} and \code{"B"} of #' dimensions \code{dimA} and \code{dimB}. #' #' @examples #' As <- replicate(3, matrix(rnorm(2 * 7), 2), simplify = FALSE) #' Bs <- replicate(3, matrix(rnorm(5 * 3), 5), simplify = FALSE) #' C <- Reduce(`+`, Map(kronecker, As, Bs)) #' #' decomposition <- decompose.kronecker(C, c(2, 7)) #' #' reconstruction <- Reduce(`+`, Map(function(summand) { #' kronecker(summand[[1]], summand[[2]]) #' }, decomposition), array(0, dim(C))) #' #' stopifnot(all.equal(C, reconstruction)) #' #' @export decompose.kronecker <- function(C, dimA, dimB = dim(C) / dimA, tol = 1e-7) { # convert the equivalent outer product dim(C) <- c(dimB[1L], dimA[1L], dimB[2L], dimA[2L]) C <- aperm(C, c(2L, 4L, 1L, 3L), resize = FALSE) dim(C) <- c(prod(dimA), prod(dimB)) # Singular Valued Decomposition svdC <- La.svd(C) # Sum of Kronecker Components lapply(seq_len(sum(svdC$d > tol)), function(i) list( A = matrix(svdC$d[i] * svdC$u[, i], dimA), B = matrix(svdC$vt[i, ], dimB) )) } ### Given that C is a Kronecker product this is a fast method but a bit ### unreliable in full generality. # decompose.kronecker <- function(C, dimA, dimB = dim(C) / dimA) { # dim(C) <- c(dimB[1L], dimA[1L], dimB[2L], dimA[2L]) # R <- aperm(C, c(2L, 4L, 1L, 3L)) # dim(R) <- c(prod(dimA), prod(dimB)) # max.index <- which.max(abs(R)) # row.index <- ((max.index - 1L) %% nrow(R)) + 1L # col.index <- ((max.index - 1L) %/% nrow(R)) + 1L # max.elem <- if (abs(R[max.index]) > .Machine$double.eps) R[max.index] else 1 # list( # A = array(R[, col.index], dimA), # B = array(R[row.index, ] / max.elem, dimB) # ) # } # kron <- function(A, B) { # perm <- as.vector(t(matrix(seq_len(2 * length(dim(A))), ncol = 2)[, 2:1])) # K <- aperm(outer(A, B), perm) # dim(K) <- dim(A) * dim(B) # K # } # kronperm <- function(A) { # # force A to have even number of dimensions # dim(A) <- c(dim(A), rep(1L, length(dim(A)) %% 2L)) # # compute axis permutation # perm <- as.vector(t(matrix(seq_along(dim(A)), ncol = 2)[, 2:1])) # # permute elements of A # K <- aperm(A, perm, resize = FALSE) # # collapse/set dimensions # dim(K) <- head(dim(A), length(dim(A)) / 2) * tail(dim(A), length(dim(A)) / 2) # K # } # p <- c(2, 3, 5) # q <- c(3, 4, 7) # A <- array(rnorm(prod(p)), p) # B <- array(rnorm(prod(q)), q) # all.equal(kronperm(outer(A, B)), kronecker(A, B)) # all.equal(kron(A, B), kronecker(A, B)) # dA <- c(2, 3, 5) # dB <- c(3, 4, 7) # A <- array(rnorm(prod(dA)), dA) # B <- array(rnorm(prod(dB)), dB) # X <- outer(A, B) # r <- length(dim(X)) / 2 # I <- t(do.call(expand.grid, Map(seq_len, head(dim(X), r) * tail(dim(X), r)))) # K <- apply(rbind( # (I - 1) %/% tail(dim(X), r) + 1, # (I - 1) %% tail(dim(X), r) + 1 # ), 2, function(i) X[sum(c(1, cumprod(head(dim(X), -1))) * (i - 1)) + 1]) # dim(K) <- head(dim(X), r) * tail(dim(X), r) # all.equal(kronecker(A, B), K)