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The identity matrix of dimensions $p\times p$ is denoted by $\mat{I}_p$ and the commutation matrix as $\mat{K}_{p, q}$ or $\mat{K}_p$ is case of $p = q$. Tensors, meaning multi-dimensional arrays of order at least 3, use uppercase calligraphic letters (e.g. $\ten{A}$, $\ten{B}$, $\ten{X}$, $\ten{Y}$, $\ten{F}$). Boldface indices (e.g. $\mat{i}, \mat{j}, \mat{k}$) denote multi-indices $\mat{i} = (i_1, ..., i_r)\in[\mat{d}]$ where the bracket notation is a shorthand for $[r] = \{1, ..., r\}$ which in conjunction with a multi-index as argument means $[\mat{d}] = [d_1]\times ... \times[d_K]$. Let $\ten{A} = (a_{i_1,...,i_r})\in\mathbb{R}^{d_1\times ...\times d_r}$ be an order\footnote{Also called rank, therefore the variable name $r$, but this term is \emph{not} used as it leads to confusion with the rank as in ``the rank of a matrix''.} $r$ tensor where $r\in\mathbb{N}$ is the number of modes or axis of $\ten{A}$. For matrices $\mat{B}_k\in\mathbb{R}^{p_k\times d_k}$ with $k\in[r] = \{1, 2, ..., r\}$ the \emph{multi-linear multiplication} is defined element wise as \begin{displaymath} (\ten{A}\times\{\mat{B}_1, ..., \mat{B}_r\})_{j_1, ..., j_r} = \sum_{i_1, ..., i_r = 1}^{d_1, ..., d_r} a_{i_1, ..., i_r}(B_{1})_{j_1, i_1} \cdots (B_{r})_{j_r, i_r} \end{displaymath} which results in an order $r$ tensor of dimensions $p_1\times ...\times p_k)$. With this the \emph{$k$-mode product} between the tensor $\ten{A}$ with the matrix $\mat{B}_k$ is given by \begin{displaymath} \mat{A}\times_k\mat{B}_k = \ten{A}\times\{\mat{I}_{d_1}, ..., \mat{I}_{d_{k-1}}, \mat{B}_{k}, \mat{I}_{d_{k+1}}, ..., \mat{I}_{d_r}\}. \end{displaymath} Furthermore, the notation $\ten{A}\times_{k\in S}$ is a short hand for writing the iterative application if the mode product for all indices in $S\subset[r]$. For example $\ten{A}\times_{k\in\{2, 5\}}\mat{B}_k = \ten{A}\times_2\mat{B}_2\times_5\mat{B}_5$. By only allowing $S$ to be a set this notation is unambiguous because the mode products commutes for different modes $j\neq k\Rightarrow\ten{A}\times_j\mat{B}_j\times_k\mat{B}_k = \ten{A}\times_k\mat{B}_k\times_j\mat{B}_j$. The \emph{inner product} between two tensors of the same order and dimensions is \begin{displaymath} \langle\ten{A}, \ten{B}\rangle = \sum_{i_1, ..., i_r} a_{i_1, ..., i_r}b_{i_1, ..., i_r} \end{displaymath} with which the \emph{Frobenius Norm} $\|\ten{A}\|_F = \sqrt{\langle\ten{A}, \ten{A}\rangle}$. Of interest is also the \emph{maximum norm} $\|\ten{A}\|_{\infty} = \max_{i_1, ..., i_K} a_{i_1, ..., i_K}$. Furthermore, the Frobenius and maximum norm are also used for matrices while for a vector $\mat{a}$ the \emph{2 norm} is $\|\mat{a}\|_2 = \sqrt{\langle\mat{a}, \mat{a}\rangle}$. Matrices and tensor can be \emph{vectorized} by the \emph{vectorization} operator $\vec$. For tensors of order at least $2$ the \emph{flattening} (or \emph{unfolding} or \emph{matricization}) is a reshaping of the tensor into a matrix along an particular mode. For a tensor $\ten{A}$ of order $r$ and dimensions $d_1, ..., d_r$ the $k$-mode unfolding $\ten{A}_{(k)}$ is a $d_k\times \prod_{l=1, l\neq k}d_l$ matrix. For the tensor $\ten{A} = (a_{i_1,...,i_r})\in\mathbb{R}^{d_1, ..., d_r}$ the elements of the $k$ unfolded tensor $\ten{A}_{(k)}$ are \begin{displaymath} (\ten{A}_{(k)})_{i_k, j} = a_{i_1, ..., i_r}\quad\text{ with }\quad j = 1 + \sum_{\substack{l = 1\\l \neq k}}^r (i_l - 1) \prod_{\substack{m = 1\\m\neq k}}^{l - 1}d_m. \end{displaymath} The rank of a tensor $\ten{A}$ of dimensions $d_1\times ...\times d_r$ is given by a vector $\rank{\ten{A}} = (a_1, ..., a_r)\in[d_1]\times...\times[d_r]$ where $a_k = \rank(\ten{A}_{(k)})$ is the usual matrix rank of the $k$ unfolded tensor. {\color{red}$\mathcal{S}^p$, $\mathcal{S}_{+}^p$, $\mathcal{S}_{++}^p$ symmetric matrices of dimensions $p\times p$, or call it $\operatorname{Sym}(p)$} {\color{red}The group of orthogonas matrices $O(p)$ of dim $p\times p$, where $O(p, q)$ are the $p\times q$ matrices (a.k.a. the Stiefel manifold)} \section{Tensor Normal Distribution} Let $\ten{X}$ be a multi-dimensional array random variable of order $r$ with dimensions $p_1\times ... \times p_r$ written as \begin{displaymath} \ten{X}\sim\mathcal{TN}(\mu, \mat{\Delta}_1, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r). \end{displaymath} Its density is given by \begin{displaymath} f(\ten{X}) = \Big( \prod_{i = 1}^r \sqrt{(2\pi)^{p_i}|\mat{\Delta}_i|^{p_{\lnot i}}} \Big)^{-1} \exp\!\left( -\frac{1}{2}\langle \ten{X} - \mu, (\ten{X} - \mu)\times\{\mat{\Delta}_1^{-1}, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r^{-1}\} \rangle \right) \end{displaymath} where $p_{\lnot i} = \prod_{j \neq i}p_j$. This is equivalent to the vectorized $\vec\ten{X}$ following a Multi-Variate Normal distribution \begin{displaymath} \vec{\ten{X}}\sim\mathcal{N}_{p}(\vec{\mu}, \mat{\Delta}_r\otimes...\otimes\mat{\Delta}_1) \end{displaymath} with $p = \prod_{i = 1}^r p_i$. \begin{theorem}[Tensor Normal to Multi-Variate Normal equivalence] For a multi-dimensional random variable $\ten{X}$ of order $r$ with dimensions $p_1\times ..., p_r$. Let $\ten{\mu}$ be the mean of the same order and dimensions as $\ten{X}$ and the mode covariance matrices $\mat{\Delta}_i$ of dimensions $p_i\times p_i$ for $i = 1, ..., n$. Then the tensor normal distribution is equivalent to the multi-variate normal distribution by the relation \begin{displaymath} \ten{X}\sim\mathcal{TN}(\mu, \mat{\Delta}_1, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r) \qquad\Leftrightarrow\qquad \vec{\ten{X}}\sim\mathcal{N}_{p}(\vec{\mu}, \mat{\Delta}_r\otimes ...\otimes \mat{\Delta}_1) \end{displaymath} where $p = \prod_{i = 1}^r p_i$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} A straight forward way is to rewrite the Tensor Normal density as the density of a Multi-Variate Normal distribution depending on the vectorization of $\ten{X}$. First consider \begin{align*} \langle \ten{X} - \mu, (\ten{X} - \mu)\times\{\mat{\Delta}_1^{-1}, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r^{-1}\} \rangle &= \t{\vec(\ten{X} - \mu)}\vec((\ten{X} - \mu)\times\{\mat{\Delta}_1^{-1}, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r^{-1}\}) \\ &= \t{\vec(\ten{X} - \mu)}(\mat{\Delta}_r^{-1}\otimes ...\otimes\mat{\Delta}_1^{-1})\vec(\ten{X} - \mu) \\ &= \t{(\vec\ten{X} - \vec\mu)}(\mat{\Delta}_r\otimes ...\otimes\mat{\Delta}_1)^{-1}(\vec\ten{X} - \vec\mu). \end{align*} Next, using a property of the determinant of a Kronecker product $|\mat{\Delta}_1\otimes\mat{\Delta}_2| = |\mat{\Delta}_1|^{p_2}|\mat{\Delta}_2|^{p_1}$ yields \begin{displaymath} |\mat{\Delta}_r\otimes...\otimes\mat{\Delta}_1| = |\mat{\Delta}_r\otimes...\otimes\mat{\Delta}_2|^{p_1}|\mat{\Delta}_1|^{p_{\lnot 1}} \end{displaymath} where $p_{\lnot i} = \prod_{j \neq i}p_j$. By induction over $r$ the relation \begin{displaymath} |\mat{\Delta}_r\otimes...\otimes\mat{\Delta}_1| = \prod_{i = 1}^r |\mat{\Delta}_i|^{p_{\lnot i}} \end{displaymath} holds for arbitrary order $r$. Substituting into the Tensor Normal density leads to \begin{align*} f(\ten{X}) = \Big( (2\pi)^p |\mat{\Delta}_r\otimes...\otimes\mat{\Delta}_1| \Big)^{-1/2} \exp\!\left( -\frac{1}{2}\t{(\vec\ten{X} - \vec\mu)}(\mat{\Delta}_r\otimes ...\otimes\mat{\Delta}_1)^{-1}(\vec\ten{X} - \vec\mu) \right) \end{align*} which is the Multi-Variate Normal density of the $p$ dimensional vector $\vec\ten{X}$. \end{proof} When sampling from the Multi-Array Normal one way is to sample from the Multi-Variate Normal and then reshaping the result, but this is usually very inefficient because it requires to store the multi-variate covariance matrix which is very big. Instead, it is more efficient to sample $\ten{Z}$ as a tensor of the same shape as $\ten{X}$ with standard normal entries and then transform the $\ten{Z}$ to follow the Multi-Array Normal as follows \begin{displaymath} \ten{Z}\sim\mathcal{TN}(0, \mat{I}_{p_1}, ..., \mat{I}_{p_r}) \quad\Rightarrow\quad \ten{X} = \ten{Z}\times\{\mat{\Delta}_1^{1/2}, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r^{1/2}\} + \mu\sim\mathcal{TN}(\mu, \mat{\Delta}_1, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r). \end{displaymath} where the sampling from the standard Multi-Array Normal is done by sampling all of the elements of $\ten{Z}$ from a standard Normal. \section{Introduction} \todo{rewrite this section to multi-variate arrays (tensors)} We assume the model \begin{displaymath} \mat{X} = \mat{\mu} + \mat{\beta}\mat{f}_y \t{\mat{\alpha}} + \mat{\epsilon} \end{displaymath} where the dimensions of all the components are listed in Table~\ref{tab:dimensions}. and its vectorized form \begin{displaymath} \vec\mat{X} = \vec\mat{\mu} + (\mat{\alpha}\kron\mat{\beta})\vec\mat{f}_y + \vec\mat{\epsilon} \end{displaymath} \begin{table}[!htp] \centering \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \centering \begin{tabular}{l l} $\mat X, \mat\mu, \mat R, \mat\epsilon$ & $p\times q$ \\ $\mat{f}_y$ & $k\times r$ \\ $\mat\alpha$ & $q\times r$ \\ $\mat\beta$ & $p\times k$ \\ $\mat\Delta$ & $p q\times p q$ \\ $\mat\Delta_1$ & $q\times q$ \\ $\mat\Delta_2$ & $p\times p$ \\ $\mat{r}$ & $p q\times 1$ \\ \hline $\ten{X}, \ten{R}$ & $n\times p\times q$ \\ $\ten{F}$ & $n\times k\times r$ \\ \end{tabular} \caption{\label{tab:dimensions}\small Summary listing of dimensions with the corresponding sample versions $\mat{X}_i, \mat{R}_i, \mat{r}_i, \mat{f}_{y_i}$ for $i = 1, ..., n$ as well as estimates $\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}, \widehat{\mat{\beta}}, \widehat{\mat\Delta}, \widehat{\mat\Delta}_1$ and $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_2$.} \end{minipage} \end{table} The log-likelihood $l$ given $n$ i.i.d. observations assuming that $\mat{X}_i\mid(Y = y_i)$ is normal distributed as \begin{displaymath} \vec\mat{X}_i \sim \mathcal{N}_{p q}(\vec\mat\mu + (\mat\alpha\kron\mat\beta)\vec\mat{f}_{y_i}, \Delta) \end{displaymath} Replacing all unknown by there estimates gives the (estimated) log-likelihood \begin{equation}\label{eq:log-likelihood-est} \hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) = -\frac{n q p}{2}\log 2\pi - \frac{n}{2}\log|\widehat{\mat\Delta}| - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat\Delta}^{-1}\mat{r}_i \end{equation} where the residuals are \begin{displaymath} \mat{r}_i = \vec\mat{X}_i - \vec\overline{\mat{X}} - (\mat\alpha\kron\mat\beta)\vec{\mat f}_{y_i}\qquad (p q \times 1) \end{displaymath} and the MLE estimate assuming $\mat\alpha, \mat\beta$ known for the covariance matrix $\widehat{\mat\Delta}$ as solution to the score equations is \begin{equation}\label{eq:Delta} \widehat{\mat\Delta} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat{r}_i \t{\mat{r}_i} \qquad(p q \times p q). \end{equation} Note that the log-likelihood estimate $\hat{l}$ only depends on $\mat\alpha, \mat\beta$. Next, we compute the gradient for $\mat\alpha$ and $\mat\beta$ of $\hat{l}$ used to formulate a Gradient Descent base estimation algorithm for $\mat\alpha, \mat\beta$ as the previous algorithmic. The main reason is to enable an estimation for bigger dimensions of the $\mat\alpha, \mat\beta$ coefficients since the previous algorithm does \emph{not} solve the high run time problem for bigger dimensions. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Derivative %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Derivative of the Log-Likelihood} Start with the general case of $\mat X_i|(Y_i = y_i)$ is multivariate normal distributed with the covariance $\mat\Delta$ being a $p q\times p q$ positive definite symmetric matrix \emph{without} an further assumptions. We have $i = 1, ..., n$ observations following \begin{displaymath} \mat{r}_i = \vec(\mat X_i - \mat\mu - \mat\beta\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat\alpha}) \sim \mathcal{N}_{p q}(\mat 0, \mat\Delta). \end{displaymath} The MLE estimates of $\mat\mu, \mat\Delta$ are \begin{displaymath} \widehat{\mat\mu} = \overline{\mat X} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat X_i {\color{gray}\qquad(p\times q)}, \qquad \widehat{\mat\Delta} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat r_i\t{\mat r_i} {\color{gray}\qquad(p q\times p q)}. \end{displaymath} Substitution of the MLE estimates into the log-likelihood $l(\mat\mu, \mat\Delta, \mat\alpha, \mat\beta)$ gives the estimated log-likelihood $\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)$ as \begin{displaymath} \hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) = -\frac{n q p}{2}\log 2\pi - \frac{n}{2}\log|\widehat{\mat\Delta}| - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat\Delta}^{-1}\mat{r}_i. \end{displaymath} We are interested in the gradients $\nabla_{\mat\alpha}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)$, $\nabla_{\mat\beta}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta)$ of the estimated log-likelihood. Therefore, we consider the differential of $\hat{l}$. \begin{align} \d\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &= -\frac{n}{2}\log|\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}| - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \big(\t{(\d \mat{r}_i)}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1} \mat{r}_i + \t{\mat{r}_i}(\d\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1}) \mat{r}_i + \t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1} \d \mat{r}_i\big) \nonumber\\ &= \underbrace{-\frac{n}{2}\log|\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}| - \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{r}_i}(\d\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1}) \mat{r}_i}_{=\,0\text{ due to }\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}\text{ beeing the MLE}} \label{eq:deriv1} - \sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1} \d \mat{r}_i. \end{align} The next step is to compute $\d \mat{r}_i$ which depends on both $\mat\alpha$ and $\mat\beta$ \begin{align*} \d\mat{r}_i(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &= -\d(\mat\alpha\kron \mat\beta)\vec\mat{f}_{y_i} \\ &= -\vec\!\big( \mat{I}_{p q}\,\d(\mat\alpha\kron \mat\beta)\vec\mat{f}_{y_i} \big) \\ &= -(\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron \mat{I}_{p q})\,\d\vec(\mat\alpha\kron \mat\beta) \\ \intertext{using the identity \ref{eq:vecKron}, to obtain vectorized differentials, gives} \dots &= -(\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron \mat{I}_{p q})(\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) \,\d(\vec \mat\alpha\kron \vec \mat\beta) \\ &= -(\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron \mat{I}_{p q})(\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) \big((\d\vec \mat\alpha)\kron \vec \mat\beta + \vec \mat\alpha\kron (\d\vec \mat\beta)\big) \\ &= -(\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron \mat{I}_{p q})(\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) \big(\mat{I}_{r q}(\d\vec \mat\alpha)\kron (\vec \mat\beta)\mat{I}_1 + (\vec \mat\alpha)\mat{I}_1\kron \mat{I}_{k p}(\d\vec \mat\beta)\big) \\ &= -(\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron \mat{I}_{p q})(\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) \big((\mat{I}_{r q}\kron\vec \mat\beta)\d\vec \mat\alpha + (\vec \mat\alpha\kron \mat{I}_{k p})\d\vec \mat\beta\big) \end{align*} Now, substitution of $\d\mat{r}_i$ into \eqref{eq:deriv1} gives the gradients (not dimension standardized versions of $\D\hat{l}(\mat\alpha)$, $\D\hat{l}(\mat\beta)$) by identification of the derivatives from the differentials (see: \todo{appendix}) \begin{align*} \nabla_{\mat\alpha}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &= \sum_{i = 1}^n (\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron\t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat\Delta}^{-1}) (\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) (\mat{I}_{r q}\kron\vec \mat\beta), {\color{gray}\qquad(q\times r)} \\ \nabla_{\mat\beta}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &= \sum_{i = 1}^n (\t{\vec(\mat{f}_{y_i})}\kron\t{\mat{r}_i}\widehat{\mat\Delta}^{-1}) (\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p) (\vec \mat\alpha\kron \mat{I}_{k p}). {\color{gray}\qquad(p\times k)} \end{align*} These quantities are very verbose as well as completely unusable for an implementation. By detailed analysis of the gradients we see that the main parts are only element permutations with a high sparsity. By defining the following compact matrix \begin{equation}\label{eq:permTransResponse} \mat G = \vec^{-1}_{q r}\bigg(\Big( \sum_{j = 1}^n \vec\mat{f}_{y_j}\otimes \widehat{\mat\Delta}^{-1}\mat{r}_j \Big)_{\pi(i)}\bigg)_{i = 1}^{p q k r}{\color{gray}\qquad(q r \times p k)} \end{equation} with $\pi$ being a permutation of $p q k r$ elements corresponding to permuting the axis of a 4D tensor of dimensions $p\times q\times k\times r$ by $(2, 4, 1, 3)$. As a generalization of transposition this leads to a rearrangement of the elements corresponding to the permuted 4D tensor with dimensions $q\times r\times p\times k$ which is then vectorized and reshaped into a matrix of dimensions $q r \times p k$. With $\mat G$ the gradients simplify to \todo{validate this mathematically} \begin{align*} \nabla_{\mat\alpha}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &= \vec_{q}^{-1}(\mat{G}\vec{\mat\beta}), {\color{gray}\qquad(q\times r)} \\ \nabla_{\mat\beta}\hat{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &= \vec_{p}^{-1}(\t{\mat{G}}\vec{\mat\alpha}). {\color{gray}\qquad(p\times k)} \end{align*} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Kronecker Covariance Structure %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Kronecker Covariance Structure} As before we let the sample model for tensor valued opbservations and responses or oder $r$ be \begin{displaymath} \ten{X} = \ten{\mu} + \ten{F}\times_{j\in[r]}\mat{\alpha}_j + \ten{\epsilon} \end{displaymath} but the error tensor $\ten{\epsilon}\sim\mathcal{TN}(0, \mat{\Delta}_1, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r)$ is Tensor Normal distributed with mean zero and covariance matrices $\mat{\Delta}_1, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r$. The sample model for $n$ observations has the same form with an additional sample axis in the last mode of $\ten{X}$ and $\ten{Y}$ with dimensions $p_1\times ...\times p_r\times n$ and $q_1\times ...\times q_r\times n$, respectively. Let the residual tensor be \begin{displaymath} \ten{R} = \ten{X} - \ten{\mu} - \ten{F}\times_{j\in[r]}\mat{\alpha}_j. \end{displaymath} By the definition of the Tensor Normal, using the notation $p_{\lnot j} = \prod_{k\neq j}p_j$, we get for observations $\ten{X}, \ten{F}$ the log-likelihood in terms of the residuals as \begin{displaymath} l = -\frac{n p}{2}\log 2\pi -\sum_{j = 1}^r \frac{n p_{\lnot j}}{2}\log|\mat{\Delta}_j| -\frac{1}{2}\langle \ten{R}\times_{j\in[r]}\mat{\Delta}_j^{-1}, \ten{R} \rangle. \end{displaymath} Note that the log-likelihood depends on the covariance matrices $\mat{\Delta}_j$, $j = 1, ..., r$ as well as the mean $\mu$ and the parameter matrices $\mat{\alpha}_j$, $j = 1, ..., r$ through the residuals $\ten{R}$. \subsection{MLE estimates} For deriving the MLE estimates we compute the differential of the log-likelihood given the data as \begin{displaymath} \d l = -\sum_{j = 1}^r \frac{n p_{\lnot j}}{2}\d\log|{\mat{\Delta}}_j| -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{j = 1}^r\langle {\ten{R}}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}{\mat{\Delta}}_k^{-1}\times_j\d{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1}_j, \ten{R} \rangle -\langle {\ten{R}}\times_{j\in[r]}{\mat{\Delta}}_j^{-1}, \d{\ten{R}} \rangle. \end{displaymath} Using $\d\log|\mat{A}| = \tr(\mat{A}^{-1}\d\mat{A})$ and $\d\mat{A}^{-1} = -\mat{A}^{-1}(\d\mat{A})\mat{A}^{-1}$ as well as $\langle\ten{A}, \ten{B}\rangle = \tr(\ten{A}_{(j)}\t{\ten{B}_{(j)}})$ for any $j = 1, ..., r$ we get the differential of the estimated log-likelihood as \begin{align*} \d \hat{l} &= -\sum_{j = 1}^r \frac{n p_{\lnot j}}{2}\tr(\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j^{-1}\d\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j) -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{j = 1}^r\tr\!\Big((\d{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}^{-1}_j)({\ten{R}}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(j)}\t{\ten{R}_{(j)}}\Big) -\langle {\ten{R}}\times_{j\in[r]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_j^{-1}, \d{\ten{R}} \rangle \\ &= -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{j = 1}^r \tr\left(\Big( n p_{\lnot j}\mat{I}_{p_j} - \widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j^{-1}(\ten{R}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(j)}\t{\ten{R}_{(j)}} \right)\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j^{-1}\d\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j\Big) -\langle \ten{R}\times_{j\in[r]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_j^{-1}, \d\ten{R} \rangle. \end{align*} With $\ten{R}$ not dependent on the $\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j$'s we get the covariance MLE estimates \begin{align*} \widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j &= \frac{1}{n p_{\lnot j}}(\ten{R}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(j)}\t{\ten{R}_{(j)}} \qquad{\color{gray}p_j\times p_j} && j = 1, ..., r. \end{align*} as well as gradients (even though they are not realy used, except in the case of a pure gradient based estimation procedure which might ease the estimation burden as all the MLE estimates are cross dependent) \begin{align*} \nabla_{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j}\hat{l} &= \frac{1}{2}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j^{-1}\big( \ten{R}_{(j)}\t{(\ten{R}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(j)}}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j^{-1} - n p_{\lnot j}\mat{I}_{p_j} \big) \\ &= \frac{1}{2}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j^{-1}\big( \ten{R}_{(j)}\t{(\ten{R}\times_{k\in[r]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(j)}} - n p_{\lnot j}\mat{I}_{p_j} \big) \qquad{\color{gray}p_j\times p_j} && j = 1, ..., r. \end{align*} We continue by substitution of the covariance estimates and get \begin{align*} \d\hat{l} &= -\langle \ten{R}\times_{j\in[r]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_j^{-1}, \d\ten{R} \rangle \\ &= \sum_{j = 1}^r \langle \ten{R}\times_{k\in[r]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1}, \ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k\times_j\d\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_j \rangle \\ &= \sum_{j = 1}^r \tr\big( (\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}\t{(\ten{R}\times_{k\in[r]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(j)}}\d\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_j \big). \end{align*} Through that the gradient for all the parameter matrices is \begin{align*} \nabla_{\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_j}\hat{l} &= (\ten{R}\times_{k\in[r]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(j)}\t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}} \qquad{\color{gray}p_j\times q_j} && j = 1, ..., r. \end{align*} By equating the gradients to zero and expanding $\ten{R}$ we get a system of normal equations \begin{gather*} 0\overset{!}{=} \nabla_{\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_j}\hat{l} = ((\ten{X}-\widehat{\ten{\mu}}-\ten{F}\times_{l\in[r]}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_l)\times_{k\in[r]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(j)}\t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}} \\ % ((\ten{X}-\widehat{\ten{\mu}})\times_{k\in[r]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(j)}\t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}} = (\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_k^{-1}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}\t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}} \end{gather*} with cross dependent solutions for the MLE estimates $\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}$ given by \begin{displaymath} \widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_j = \widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j((\ten{X}-\widehat{\ten{\mu}})\times_{k\in[r]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(j)}\t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}}[(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_k^{-1}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}\t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}}]^{-1}. \end{displaymath} for $j = 1, ..., r$. \begin{example}[Simple multivariate case ($r = 1$)] Lets consider the case of $r = 1$, this is the usual multivariate regression case for vector valued predictors. Here $\mat{F}$ denotes the $n\times q$ centered model matrix and the responses are collected in the $n\times p$ matrix $\mat{X}$ with the $n$ observations in the rows and the variables by columns. Furthermore, let the residual estimate matrix $\mat{R} = \mat{X} - \mat{F}\t{\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_1}$. In this case the tensor MLE estimates simplify to there well known form \begin{align*} \widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_1 &= \widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1((\ten{X}-\widehat{\ten{\mu}})\times_{k\in[1]}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(1)}\t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in\emptyset}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}}[(\ten{F}\times_{k\in\emptyset}\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_k^{-1}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}\t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in\emptyset}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k)_{(j)}}]^{-1} \\ &= \widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}((\ten{X}-\widehat{\ten{\mu}}))_{(1)}\t{\ten{F}_{(1)}}[\ten{F}_{(1)}\t{\ten{F}_{(1)}}]^{-1} \\ &= \t{\mat{X}}\mat{F}(\t{\mat{F}}\mat{F})^{-1} \end{align*} as well as the covariance estimate \begin{align*} \widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_1 &= \frac{1}{n}(\ten{R}\times_{k\in\emptyset}{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}}_k^{-1})_{(1)}\t{\ten{R}_{(1)}} = \frac{1}{n}\t{\mat{R}}\mat{R} = \frac{1}{n}\t{(\mat{X} - \mat{F}\t{\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_1})}(\mat{X} - \mat{F}\t{\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_1}). \end{align*} Note that $\ten{F}_{(1)} = \t{\mat{F}}$, $\ten{X}_{(1)} = \t{\mat{X}}$ and $\ten{R}_{(1)} = \t{\mat{R}}$. \end{example} \paragraph{Comparison to the general case:} {\color{red} There are two main differences, first the general case has a closed form solution for the gradient due to the explicit nature of the MLE estimate of $\widehat{\mat\Delta}$ compared to the mutually dependent MLE estimates $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_1$, $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_2$. On the other hand the general case has dramatically bigger dimensions of the covariance matrix ($p q \times p q$) compared to the two Kronecker components with dimensions $q \times q$ and $p \times p$. This means that in the general case there is a huge performance penalty in the dimensions of $\widehat{\mat\Delta}$ while in the other case an extra estimation is required to determine $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_1$, $\widehat{\mat\Delta}_2$.} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Alternative covariance estimates %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \subsection{Alternative covariance estimates} An alternative approach is \emph{not} to use the MLE estimates for $\mat\Delta_1$, $\mat\Delta_2$ but (up to scaling) unbiased estimates. \begin{displaymath} \widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{R}_i}\mat{R}_i {\color{gray}\quad(q\times q)},\qquad \widetilde{\mat\Delta}_2 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat{R}_i\t{\mat{R}_i} {\color{gray}\quad(p\times p)}. \end{displaymath} The unbiasednes comes directly from the following short computation; \begin{displaymath} (\E\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1)_{j,k} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{l = 1}^p \E \mat{R}_{i,l,j}\mat{R}_{i,l,k} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \sum_{l = 1}^p (\mat{\Delta}_{2})_{l,l}(\mat{\Delta}_{1})_{j,k} = (\mat\Delta_1\tr(\mat\Delta_2))_{j,k}. \end{displaymath} which means that $\E\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1 = \mat\Delta_1\tr(\mat\Delta_2)$ and in analogy $\E\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_2 = \mat\Delta_2\tr(\mat\Delta_1)$. Now, we need to handle the scaling which can be estimated unbiasedly by \begin{displaymath} \tilde{s} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \|\mat{R}_i\|_F^2 \end{displaymath} because with $\|\mat{R}_i\|_F^2 = \tr \mat{R}_i\t{\mat{R}_i} = \tr \t{\mat{R}_i}\mat{R}_i$ the scale estimate $\tilde{s} = \tr(\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1) = \tr(\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_2)$. Then $\E\tilde{s} = \tr(\E\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1) = \tr{\mat\Delta}_1 \tr{\mat\Delta}_2 = \tr({\mat\Delta}_1\otimes{\mat\Delta}_2)$. Leading to the estimate of the covariance as \begin{displaymath} \widetilde{\mat\Delta} = \tilde{s}^{-1}(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1\otimes\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2) \end{displaymath} \todo{ prove they are consistent, especially $\widetilde{\mat\Delta} = \tilde{s}^{-1}(\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_1\otimes\widetilde{\mat\Delta}_2)$!} The hoped for a benefit is that these covariance estimates are in a closed form which means there is no need for an additional iterative estimations step. Before we start with the derivation of the gradients define the following two quantities \begin{align*} \mat{S}_1 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i = \frac{1}{n}\ten{R}_{(3)}\t{(\ten{R}\ttm[2]\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1})_{(3)}}\quad{\color{gray}(q\times q)}, \\ \mat{S}_2 = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i} = \frac{1}{n}\ten{R}_{(2)}\t{(\ten{R}\ttm[3]\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1})_{(2)}}\quad{\color{gray}(p\times p)}. \end{align*} \todo{Check tensor form!} Now, the matrix normal with the covariance matrix of the vectorized quantities of the form $\mat{\Delta} = s^{-1}(\mat{\Delta}_1\otimes\mat{\Delta}_2)$ has the form \begin{align*} f(\mat R) &= \frac{1}{\sqrt{(2\pi)^{p q}|\mat\Delta|}}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\t{\vec(\mat{R})} \mat\Delta^{-1}\vec(\mat{R})\right) \\ &= \frac{s^{p q / 2}}{(2\pi)^{p q / 2}|\mat\Delta_1|^{p / 2}|\mat\Delta_2|^{q / 2}}\exp\left(-\frac{s}{2}\tr(\mat\Delta_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}}\mat\Delta_2^{-1}\mat{R})\right) \end{align*} The approximated log-likelihood is then \begin{align*} \tilde{l}(\mat\alpha, \mat\beta) &= -\frac{n p q}{2}\log{2\pi} -\frac{n}{2}\log|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}| -\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{r}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}^{-1}\mat{r}_i \\ &= -\frac{n p q}{2}\log{2\pi} +\frac{n p q}{2}\log\tilde{s} -\frac{n p}{2}\log|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1| -\frac{n q}{2}\log|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2| -\frac{\tilde{s}}{2}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i). \end{align*} The second form is due to the property of the determinant for scaling and the Kronecker product giving that $|\widetilde{\mat\Delta}| = (\tilde{s}^{-1})^{p q}|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1|^p |\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2|^q$ as well as an analog Kronecker decomposition as in the MLE case. Note that with the following holds \begin{displaymath} \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i) = n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1) = n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2) = n \tr(\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}) = n \tr(\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}). \end{displaymath} The derivation of the Gradient of the approximated log-likelihood $\tilde{l}$ is tedious but straight forward. We tackle the summands separately; \begin{align*} \d\log\tilde{s} &= \tilde{s}^{-1}\d\tilde{s} = \frac{2}{n\tilde{s}}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{R}_i) = -\frac{2}{n\tilde{s}}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}), \\ \d\log|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1| &=\tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\d\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1) = \frac{2}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{R}_i) = -\frac{2}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}), \\ \d\log|\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2| &=\tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\d\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2) = \frac{2}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\d\mat{R}_i) = -\frac{2}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\d\mat{\beta}) \end{align*} as well as \begin{displaymath} \d\,\tilde{s}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i) = (\d\tilde{s})\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i) + \tilde{s}\, \d \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i). \end{displaymath} We have \begin{displaymath} \d\tilde{s} = -\frac{2}{n}\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}) \end{displaymath} and the remaining term \begin{align*} \d\sum_{i = 1}^n\tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i) = 2\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(&\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta }}(\mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} + \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1})\d\mat{\alpha} \\ +\,&\mat{f}_{y_i} \t{\mat{\alpha}}(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i} + \t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1})\d\mat{\beta }). \end{align*} The last one is tedious but straight forward. Its computation extensively uses the symmetry of $\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1$, $\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2$, the cyclic property of the trace and the relation $\d\mat{A}^{-1} = -\mat{A}^{-1}(\d\mat{A})\mat{A}^{-1}$. Putting it all together \begin{align*} \d\tilde{l}(\mat{\alpha}, \mat{\beta}) &= \frac{n p q}{2}\Big(-\frac{2}{n\tilde{s}}\Big)\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}) \\ &\hspace{3em} - \frac{n p}{2}\Big(-\frac{2}{n}\Big)\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}) \\ &\hspace{3em} - \frac{n q}{2}\Big(-\frac{2}{n}\Big)\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\d\mat{\beta}) \\ &\hspace{3em} -\frac{1}{2}\Big(-\frac{2}{n}\Big)\Big(\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i)\Big)\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{R}_i\d\mat{\alpha} + \mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{R}_i}\d\mat{\beta}) \\ &\hspace{3em} -\frac{\tilde{s}}{2}2\sum_{i = 1}^n \tr\!\Big(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta }}(\mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} + \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1})\d\mat{\alpha} \\ &\hspace{3em} \hspace{4.7em} + \mat{f}_{y_i} \t{\mat{\alpha}}(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i} + \t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1})\d\mat{\beta }\Big) \\ % &= \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr\bigg(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\Big( -p q \tilde{s}^{-1} \mat{R}_i + p \mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} + q \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i + \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1)\mat{R}_i \\ &\hspace{3em} \hspace{4.7em} - \tilde{s}(\mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} + \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} \mat{R}_i \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}) \Big)\d\mat{\alpha}\bigg) \\ &\hspace{3em}+ \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr\bigg(\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\Big( -p q \tilde{s}^{-1} \t{\mat{R}_i} + p \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i} + q \t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} + \tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1)\t{\mat{R}_i} \\ &\hspace{3em}\hspace{3em} \hspace{4.7em} - \tilde{s}(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\t{\mat{R}_i} + \t{\mat{R}_i}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} - \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} \t{\mat{R}_i} \widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}) \Big)\d\mat{\beta}\bigg). \end{align*} Observe that the bracketed expressions before $\d\mat{\alpha}$ and $\d\mat{\beta}$ are transposes. Lets denote the expression for $\d\mat{\alpha}$ as $\mat{G}_i$ which has the form \begin{displaymath} \mat{G}_i = (\tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1) - p q \tilde{s}^{-1})\mat{R}_i + (q\mat{I}_p - \tilde{s}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2)\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i + \mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}(p\mat{I}_q - \tilde{s}\mat{S}_1\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}) + \tilde{s}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{R}_i\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} \end{displaymath} and with $\mathcal{G}$ the order 3 tensor stacking the $\mat{G}_i$'s such that the first mode indexes the observation \begin{displaymath} \ten{G} = (\tr(\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1) - p q \tilde{s}^{-1})\ten{R} + \ten{R}\ttm[2](q\mat{I}_p - \tilde{s}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\mat{S}_2)\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1} + \ten{R}\ttm[3](p\mat{I}_q - \tilde{s}\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1}\mat{S}_1)\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} + \tilde{s}\ten{R}\ttm[2]\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_2^{-1}\ttm[3]\widetilde{\mat{\Delta}}_1^{-1} \end{displaymath} This leads to the following form of the differential of $\tilde{l}$ given by \begin{displaymath} \d\tilde{l}(\mat{\alpha}, \mat{\beta}) = \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}}\t{\mat{\beta}}\mat{G}_i\d\mat{\alpha}) + \sum_{i = 1}^n \tr(\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}\t{\mat{G}_i}\d\mat{\beta}) \end{displaymath} and therefore the gradients \begin{align*} \nabla_{\mat{\alpha}}\tilde{l}(\mat{\alpha}, \mat{\beta}) &= \sum_{i = 1}^n \t{\mat{G}_i}\mat{\beta}\mat{f}_{y_i} = \ten{G}_{(3)}\t{(\ten{F}\ttm[2]\mat{\beta})_{(3)}}, \\ \nabla_{\mat{\beta}} \tilde{l}(\mat{\alpha}, \mat{\beta}) &= \sum_{i = 1}^n \mat{G}_i\mat{\alpha}\t{\mat{f}_{y_i}} = \ten{G}_{(2)}\t{(\ten{F}\ttm[3]\mat{\alpha})_{(2)}}. \end{align*} \todo{check the tensor version of the gradient!!!} \newpage \section{Thoughts on initial value estimation} \todo{This section uses an alternative notation as it already tries to generalize to general multi-dimensional arrays. Furthermore, one of the main differences is that the observation are indexed in the \emph{last} mode. The benefit of this is that the mode product and parameter matrix indices match not only in the population model but also in sample versions.} Let $\ten{X}_i, \ten{F}_i$ be order $r$ tensors of dimensions $p_1\times ... \times p_r$ and $q_1\times ... \times q_r$, respectively. Also denote the error tensor $\epsilon$ of the same order and dimensions as $\ten{X}_i$. The considered model for the $i$'th observation is \begin{displaymath} \ten{X}_i = \ten{\mu} + \ten{F}_i\times\{ \mat{\alpha}_1, ..., \mat{\alpha}_r \} + \ten{\epsilon}_i \end{displaymath} where we assume $\ten{\epsilon}_i$ to be i.i.d. mean zero tensor normal distributed $\ten{\epsilon}_i\sim\mathcal{TN}(0, \mat{\Delta}_1, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r)$ for $\mat{\Delta}_j\in\mathcal{S}^{p_j}_{++}$, $j = 1, ..., r$. Given $i = 1, ..., n$ observations the collected model containing all observations \begin{displaymath} \ten{X} = \ten{\mu} + \ten{F}\times\{ \mat{\alpha}_1, ..., \mat{\alpha}_r, \mat{I}_n \} + \ten{\epsilon} \end{displaymath} which is almost identical as the observations $\ten{X}_i, \ten{F}_i$ are stacked on an addition $r + 1$ mode leading to response, predictor and error tensors $\ten{X}, \ten{F}$ of order $r + 1$ and dimensions $p_1\times...\times p_r\times n$ for $\ten{X}, \ten{\epsilon}$ and $q_1\times...\times q_r\times n$ for $\ten{F}$. In the following we assume w.l.o.g that $\ten{\mu} = 0$, as if this is not true we simply replace $\ten{X}_i$ with $\ten{X}_i - \ten{\mu}$ for $i = 1, ..., n$ before collecting all the observations in the response tensor $\ten{X}$. The goal here is to find reasonable estimates for $\mat{\alpha}_j$, $j = 1, ..., n$ for the mean model \begin{displaymath} \E \ten{X}|\ten{F}, \mat{\alpha}_1, ..., \mat{\alpha}_r = \ten{F}\times\{\mat{\alpha}_1, ..., \mat{\alpha}_r, \mat{I}_n\} = \ten{F}\times_{j\in[r]}\mat{\alpha}_j. \end{displaymath} Under the mean model we have using the general mode product relation $(\ten{A}\times_j\mat{B})_{(j)} = \mat{B}\ten{A}_{(j)}$ we get \begin{align*} \ten{X}_{(j)}\t{\ten{X}_{(j)}} \overset{\text{SVD}}{=} \mat{U}_j\mat{D}_j\t{\mat{U}_j} = \mat{\alpha}_j(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\mat{\alpha}_k)_{(j)} \t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\mat{\alpha}_k)_{(j)}}\t{\mat{\alpha}_j} \end{align*} for the $j = 1, ..., r$ modes. Using this relation we construct an iterative estimation process by setting the initial estimates of $\hat{\mat{\alpha}}_j^{(0)} = \mat{U}_j[, 1:q_j]$ which are the first $q_j$ columns of $\mat{U}_j$. For getting least squares estimates for $\mat{\alpha}_j$, $j = 1, ..., r$ we observe that by matricization of the mean model \begin{displaymath} \ten{X}_{(j)} = (\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]}\mat{\alpha}_k)_{(j)} = \mat{\alpha}_j(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\mat{\alpha}_k)_{(j)} \end{displaymath} leads to normal equations for each $\mat{\alpha}_j$, $j = 1, ..., r$ \begin{displaymath} \ten{X}_{(j)}\t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\mat{\alpha}_k)_{(j)}} = \mat{\alpha}_j(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\mat{\alpha}_k)_{(j)}\t{(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\mat{\alpha}_k)_{(j)}} \end{displaymath} where the normal equations for $\mat{\alpha}_j$ depend on all the other $\mat{\alpha}_k$. With the initial estimates from above this allows an alternating approach. Index with $t = 1, ...$ the current iteration, then a new estimate $\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_j^{(t)}$ given the previous estimates $\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k^{(t-1)}$, $k = 1, ..., r$ is computed as \begin{displaymath} \widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_j^{(t)} = \ten{X}_{(j)} \t{\big(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k^{(t-1)}\big)_{(j)}} \left( \big(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k^{(t-1)}\big)_{(j)} \t{\big(\ten{F}\times_{k\in[r]\backslash j}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_k^{(t-1)}\big)_{(j)}} \right)^{-1} \end{displaymath} for $j = 1, ..., r$ until convergence or a maximum number of iterations is exceeded. The final estimates are the least squares estimates by this procedure. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Numerical Examples %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Numerical Examples} % The first example (which by it self is \emph{not} exemplary) is the estimation with parameters $n = 200$, $p = 11$, $q = 5$, $k = 14$ and $r = 9$. The ``true'' matrices $\mat\alpha$, $\mat\beta$ generated by sampling there elements i.i.d. standard normal like the responses $y$. Then, for each observation, $\mat{f}_y$ is computed as $\sin(s_{i, j} y + o_{i j})$ \todo{ properly describe} to fill the elements of $\mat{f}_y$. Then the $\mat{X}$'s are samples as % \begin{displaymath} % \mat{X} = \mat{\beta}\mat{f}_y \t{\mat{\alpha}} + \mat{\epsilon}, \qquad \vec{\mat{\epsilon}} \sim \mathbb{N}_{p q}(\mat{0}, \mat{\Delta}) % \end{displaymath} % where $\mat{\Delta}_{i j} = 0.5^{|i - j|}$ for $i, j = 1, ..., p q$. \begin{table}[!ht] \centering % see: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Tables \begin{tabular}{ll|r@{ }l *{3}{r@{.}l}} method & init & \multicolumn{2}{c}{loss} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{MSE} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$\dist(\hat{\mat\alpha}, \mat\alpha)$} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{$\dist(\hat{\mat\beta}, \mat\beta)$} \\ \hline base & vlp & -2642&(1594) & 1&82 (2.714) & 0&248 (0.447) & 0&271 (0.458) \\ new & vlp & -2704&(1452) & 1&78 (2.658) & 0&233 (0.438) & 0&260 (0.448) \\ new & ls & -3479& (95) & 0&99 (0.025) & 0&037 (0.017) & 0&035 (0.015) \\ momentum & vlp & -2704&(1452) & 1&78 (2.658) & 0&233 (0.438) & 0&260 (0.448) \\ momentum & ls & -3479& (95) & 0&99 (0.025) & 0&037 (0.017) & 0&035 (0.015) \\ approx & vlp & 6819&(1995) & 3&99 (12.256) & 0&267 (0.448) & 0&287 (0.457) \\ approx & ls & 5457& (163) & 0&99 (0.025) & 0&033 (0.017) & 0&030 (0.012) \\ \end{tabular} \caption{Mean (standard deviation) for simulated runs of $20$ repititions for the model $\mat{X} = \mat{\beta}\mat{f}_y\t{\mat{\alpha}}$ of dimensinos $(p, q) = (11, 7)$, $(k, r) = (3, 5)$ with a sample size of $n = 200$. The covariance structure is $\mat{\Delta} = \mat{\Delta}_2\otimes \mat{\Delta}_1$ for $\Delta_i = \text{AR}(\sqrt{0.5})$, $i = 1, 2$. The functions applied to the standard normal response $y$ are $\sin, \cos$ with increasing frequency.} \end{table} % \begin{figure} % \centering % \includegraphics{loss_Ex01.png} % \end{figure} % \begin{figure} % \centering % \includegraphics{estimates_Ex01.png} % \end{figure} % \begin{figure} % \centering % \includegraphics{Delta_Ex01.png} % \end{figure} % \begin{figure} % \centering % \includegraphics{hist_Ex01.png} % \end{figure} \begin{table}[!ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{*{3}{l} | *{7}{c}} method & init & npc & Acc & Err & FPR & TPR & FNR & TNR & AUC (sd) \\ \hline base & vlp & (3, 4) & 0.70 & 0.30 & 0.60 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.40 & 0.75 (0.047) \\ new & vlp & (3, 4) & 0.70 & 0.30 & 0.60 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.40 & 0.75 (0.047) \\ new & ls & (3, 4) & 0.74 & 0.26 & 0.51 & 0.88 & 0.12 & 0.49 & 0.77 (0.045) \\ ls & & (3, 4) & 0.75 & 0.25 & 0.49 & 0.88 & 0.12 & 0.51 & 0.78 (0.044) \\ ls$^*$ & & (3, 4) & 0.78 & 0.22 & 0.38 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.62 & 0.86 (0.034) \\ % LSIR & & (3, 4) & 0.80 & 0.20 & 0.36 & 0.88 & 0.12 & 0.64 & 0.85 (0.036) \\ momentum & vlp & (3, 4) & 0.70 & 0.30 & 0.60 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.40 & 0.75 (0.047) \\ momentum & ls & (3, 4) & 0.70 & 0.30 & 0.58 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.42 & 0.76 (0.046) \\ approx & vlp & (3, 4) & 0.68 & 0.32 & 0.62 & 0.86 & 0.14 & 0.38 & 0.74 (0.048) \\ approx & ls & (3, 4) & 0.73 & 0.27 & 0.53 & 0.88 & 0.12 & 0.47 & 0.78 (0.044) \\ \hline ls & & (15, 15) & 0.75 & 0.25 & 0.47 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.53 & 0.78 (0.044) \\ ls$^*$ & & (15, 15) & 0.76 & 0.24 & 0.44 & 0.88 & 0.12 & 0.56 & 0.83 (0.039) \\ % LSIR & & (15, 15) & 0.72 & 0.28 & 0.44 & 0.82 & 0.18 & 0.56 & 0.81 (0.040) \\ approx & ls & (15, 15) & 0.73 & 0.27 & 0.51 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.49 & 0.78 (0.044) \\ \hline ls & & (20, 30) & 0.75 & 0.25 & 0.47 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.53 & 0.78 (0.044) \\ ls$^*$ & & (20, 30) & 0.77 & 0.23 & 0.36 & 0.84 & 0.16 & 0.64 & 0.79 (0.045) \\ % LSIR & & (20, 30) & 0.79 & 0.21 & 0.36 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.64 & 0.83 (0.038) \\ approx & ls & (20, 30) & 0.63 & 0.37 & 1.00 & 1.00 & 0.00 & 0.00 & 0.51 (0.053) \\ \hline HOPCA & & & 0.62 & 0.38 & 1 & 0.99 & 0.01 & 0 & 0.56 (0.053) \\ ls & & & 0.75 & 0.25 & 0.44 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.56 & 0.78 (0.044) \\ ls$^*$ & & & 0.68 & 0.32 & 0.51 & 0.79 & 0.21 & 0.49 & 0.66 (0.054) \\ % approx & ls & & 0.75 & 0.25 & 0.44 & 0.87 & 0.13 & 0.56 & 0.78 (0.044) \\ \end{tabular} \caption{\label{tab:eeg_sim}Recreation of the EEG data LOO-CV from \cite{sdr-PfeifferKaplaBura2021} Section~7, EEG Data and Table~6 with new methods. Column \emph{vlp} stands for the Van Loan and Pitsianis initialization scheme as described in \cite{sdr-PfeifferKaplaBura2021} and \emph{ls} is the approach described above. The column \emph{npc} gives the number of principal component of the $(2D)^2 PCA$ preprocessing. Reduction by $\ten{X}\times_{j\in[r]}\t{\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_j}$ instread of $^*$ where reduction is $\ten{X}\times_{j\in[r]}\t{\widehat{\mat{\Delta}}_j^{-1}\widehat{\mat{\alpha}}_j}$.} \end{table} \begin{table} \centering \begin{tabular}{*{3}{l} | *{3}{r@{.}l}} method & init & npc & \multicolumn{2}{c}{elapsed} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{sys.self} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{user.self} \\ \hline base & & (3, 4) & 0&079 & 0&402 & 0&220 \\ new & vlp & (3, 4) & 0&075 & 0&393 & 0&217 \\ new & ls & (3, 4) & 0&218 & 0&243 & 0&305 \\ ls & & (3, 4) & 0&003 & 0&006 & 0&006 \\ LSIR & & (3, 4) & 0&002 & 0&000 & 0&002 \\ momentum & vlp & (3, 4) & 0&143 & 0&595 & 0&359 \\ momentum & ls & (3, 4) & 0&297 & 0&252 & 0&385 \\ approx & vlp & (3, 4) & 0&044 & 0&240 & 0&152 \\ approx & ls & (3, 4) & 0&066 & 0&144 & 0&121 \\ \hline ls & & (15, 15) & 0&012 & 0&059 & 0&034 \\ LSIR & & (15, 15) & 0&010 & 0&050 & 0&031 \\ approx & ls & (15, 15) & 0&813 & 3&911 & 2&325 \\ \hline ls & & (20, 30) & 0&028 & 0&129 & 0&080 \\ LSIR & & (20, 30) & 0&030 & 0&142 & 0&100 \\ approx & ls & (20, 30) & 2&110 & 10&111 & 6&290 \\ \hline HOPCA & & & 0&24 & 0&37 & 0&43 \\ ls & & & 1&252 & 6&215 & 3&681 \\ approx & ls & & 36&754 & 141&028 & 147&490 \\ \end{tabular} \caption{\label{tab:eeg_time}Like Table~\ref{tab:eeg_sim} but reports the mean run-time.} \end{table} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Bib and Index %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \printindex \nocite{*} \printbibliography %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Appendix %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \appendix \section{Matrix Differential Rules} Let $\mat A$ be a square matrix (and invertible if needed) and $|.|$ stands for the determinant \begin{align*} \d\log\mat A &= \frac{1}{|\mat A|}\d\mat{A} \\ \d|\mat A| &= |\mat A|\tr \mat{A}^{-1}\d\mat A \\ \d\log|\mat A| &= \tr\mat{A}^{-1}\d\mat A \\ \d\mat{X}^{-1} &= -\mat{X}^{-1}(\d\mat{X})\mat{X}^{-1} \end{align*} \section{Useful Matrix Identities} In this section we summarize a few useful matrix identities, for more details see for example \cite{MatrixAlgebra-AbadirMagnus2005}. For two matrices $\mat A$ of dimensions $q\times r$ and $\mat B$ of dimensions $p\times k$ holds \begin{equation}\label{eq:vecKron} \vec(\mat A\kron\mat B) = (\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{k,q}\kron\mat{I}_p)(\vec\mat A\kron\vec\mat B). \end{equation} Let $\mat A$ be a $p\times p$ dimensional non-singular matrix. Furthermore, let $\mat a, \mat b$ be $p$ vectors such that $\t{\mat b}A^{-1}\mat a\neq -1$, then \begin{displaymath} (\mat A + \mat a\t{\mat b})^{-1} = \mat{A}^{-1} - \frac{1}{1 + \t{\mat b}A^{-1}\mat a}\mat{A}^{-1}\mat{a}\t{\mat{b}}\mat{A}^{-1} \end{displaymath} as well as \begin{displaymath} \det(\mat A + \mat a\t{\mat b}) = \det(\mat A)(1 + \t{\mat b}{\mat A}^{-1}\mat a) \end{displaymath} which even holds in the case $\t{\mat b}A^{-1}\mat a = -1$. This is known as Sylvester's determinant theorem. \section{Commutation Matrix and Permutation Identities} \begin{center} Note: In this section we use 0-indexing for the sake of simplicity! \end{center} In this section we summarize relations between the commutation matrix and corresponding permutation. We also list some extensions to ``simplify'' or represent some term. This is mostly intended for implementation purposes and understanding of terms occurring in the computations. Let $\mat A$ be an arbitrary $p\times q$ matrix. The permutation matrix $\mat K_{p, q}$ satisfies \begin{displaymath} \mat{K}_{p, q}\vec{\mat{A}} = \vec{\t{\mat{A}}} \quad\Leftrightarrow\quad (\vec{\mat{A}})_{\pi_{p, q}(i)} = (\vec{\t{\mat{A}}})_{i}, \quad\text{for } i = 0, ..., p q - 1 \end{displaymath} where $\pi_{p, q}$ is a permutation of the indices $i = 0, ..., p q - 1$ such that \begin{displaymath} \pi_{p, q}(i + j p) = j + i q, \quad\text{for }i = 0, ..., p - 1; j = 0, ..., q - 1. \end{displaymath} \begin{table}[!htp] \centering \begin{minipage}{0.8\textwidth} \centering \begin{tabular}{l c l} $\mat{K}_{p, q}$ & $\hat{=}$ & $\pi_{p, q}(i + j p) = j + i q$ \\ $\mat{I}_r\kron\mat{K}_{p, q}$ & $\hat{=}$ & $\tilde{\pi}_{p, q, r}(i + j p + k p q) = j + i q + k p q$ \\ $\mat{K}_{p, q}\kron\mat{I}_r$ & $\hat{=}$ & $\hat{\pi}_{p, q, r}(i + j p + k p q) = r(j + i q) + k$ \end{tabular} \caption{\label{tab:commutation-permutation}Commutation matrix terms and corresponding permutations. Indices are all 0-indexed with the ranges; $i = 0, ..., p - 1$, $j = 0, ..., q - 1$ and $k = 0, ..., r - 1$.} \end{minipage} \end{table} \section{Matrix and Tensor Operations} The \emph{Kronecker product}\index{Operations!Kronecker@$\kron$ Kronecker product} is denoted as $\kron$ and the \emph{Hadamard product} uses the symbol $\circ$. We also need the \emph{Khatri-Rao product}\index{Operations!KhatriRao@$\hada$ Khatri-Rao product} $\hada$ as well as the \emph{Transposed Khatri-Rao product} $\odot_t$ (or \emph{Face-Splitting product}). There is also the \emph{$n$-mode Tensor Matrix Product}\index{Operations!ttm@$\ttm[n]$ $n$-mode tensor product} denoted by $\ttm[n]$ in conjunction with the \emph{$n$-mode Matricization} of a Tensor $\mat{T}$ written as $\mat{T}_{(n)}$, which is a matrix. See below for definitions and examples of these operations.\todo{ Definitions and Examples} \todo{ resolve confusion between Khatri-Rao, Column-wise Kronecker / Khatri-Rao, Row-wise Kronecker / Khatri-Rao, Face-Splitting Product, .... Yes, its a mess.} \paragraph{Kronecker Product $\kron$:} \paragraph{Khatri-Rao Product $\hada$:} \paragraph{Transposed Khatri-Rao Product $\odot_t$:} This is also known as the Face-Splitting Product and is the row-wise Kronecker product of two matrices. If relates to the Column-wise Kronecker Product through \begin{displaymath} \t{(\mat{A}\odot_{t}\mat{B})} = \t{\mat{A}}\hada\t{\mat{B}} \end{displaymath} \paragraph{$n$-mode unfolding:} \emph{Unfolding}, also known as \emph{flattening} or \emph{matricization}, is an reshaping of a tensor into a matrix with rearrangement of the elements such that mode $n$ corresponds to columns of the result matrix and all other modes are vectorized in the rows. Let $\ten{T}$ be a tensor of order $m$ with dimensions $t_1\times ... \times t_n\times ... \times t_m$ and elements indexed by $(i_1, ..., i_n, ..., i_m)$. The $n$-mode flattening, denoted $\ten{T}_{(n)}$, is defined as a $(t_n, \prod_{k\neq n}t_k)$ matrix with element indices $(i_n, j)$ such that $j = \sum_{k = 1, k\neq n}^m i_k\prod_{l = 1, l\neq n}^{k - 1}t_l$. \todo{ give an example!} \paragraph{$n$-mode Tensor Product $\ttm[n]$:} The \emph{$n$-mode tensor product} $\ttm[n]$ between a tensor $\mat{T}$ of order $m$ with dimensions $t_1\times t_2\times ... \times t_n\times ... \times t_m$ and a $p\times t_n$ matrix $\mat{M}$ is defined element-wise as \begin{displaymath} (\ten{T}\ttm[n] \mat{M})_{i_1, ..., i_{n-1}, j, i_{n+1}, ..., i_m} = \sum_{k = 1}^{t_n} \ten{T}_{i_1, ..., i_{n-1}, k, i_{n+1}, ..., i_m} \mat{M}_{j, k} \end{displaymath} where $i_1, ..., i_{n-1}, i_{n+1}, ..., i_m$ run from $1$ to $t_1, ..., t_{n-1}, t_{n+1}, ..., t_m$, respectively. Furthermore, the $n$-th fiber index $j$ of the product ranges from $1$ to $p$. This gives a new tensor $\mat{T}\ttm[n]\mat{M}$ of order $m$ with dimensions $t_1\times t_2\times ... \times p\times ... \times t_m$. \begin{example}[Matrix Multiplication Analogs] Let $\mat{A}$, $\mat{B}$ be two matrices with dimensions $t_1\times t_2$ and $p\times q$, respectively. Then $\mat{A}$ is also a tensor of order $2$, now the $1$-mode and $2$-mode products are element wise given by \begin{align*} (\mat{A}\ttm[1] \mat{B})_{i,j} &= \sum_{l = 1}^{t_1} \mat{A}_{l,j}\mat{B}_{i,l} = (\mat{B}\mat{A})_{i,j} & \text{for }t_1 = q, \\ (\mat{A}\ttm[2] \mat{B})_{i,j} &= \sum_{l = 1}^{t_2} \mat{A}_{i,l}\mat{B}_{j,l} = (\mat{A}\t{\mat{B}})_{i,j} = \t{(\mat{B}\t{\mat{A}})}_{i,j} & \text{for }t_2 = q. \end{align*} In other words, the $1$-mode product equals $\mat{A}\ttm[1] \mat{B} = \mat{B}\mat{A}$ and the $2$-mode is $\mat{A}\ttm[2] \mat{B} = \t{(\mat{B}\t{\mat{A}})}$ in the case of the tensor $\mat{A}$ being a matrix. \end{example} \begin{example}[Order Three Analogs] Let $\mat{A}$ be a tensor of the form $t_1\times t_2\times t_3$ and $\mat{B}$ a matrix of dimensions $p\times q$, then the $n$-mode products have the following look \begin{align*} (\mat{A}\ttm[1]\mat{B})_{i,j,k} &= \sum_{l = 1}^{t_1} \mat{A}_{l,j,k}\mat{B}_{i,l} & \text{for }t_1 = q, \\ (\mat{A}\ttm[2]\mat{B})_{i,j,k} &= \sum_{l = 1}^{t_2} \mat{A}_{i,l,k}\mat{B}_{j,l} \equiv (\mat{B}\mat{A}_{i,:,:})_{j,k} & \text{for }t_2 = q, \\ (\mat{A}\ttm[3]\mat{B})_{i,j,k} &= \sum_{l = 1}^{t_3} \mat{A}_{i,j,l}\mat{B}_{k,l} \equiv \t{(\mat{B}\t{\mat{A}_{i,:,:}})}_{j,k} & \text{for }t_3 = q. \end{align*} \end{example} Letting $\ten{F}$ be the $3$-tensor of dimensions $n\times k\times r$ such that $\ten{F}_{i,:,:} = \mat{f}_{y_i}$, then \begin{displaymath} \mat{\beta}\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}} = (\ten{F}\ttm[2]\mat{\beta}\ttm[3]\mat{\alpha})_{i,:,:} \end{displaymath} or in other words, the $i$-th slice of the tensor product $\ten{F}\ttm[2]\mat{\beta}\ttm[3]\mat{\alpha}$ contains $\mat{\beta}\mat{f}_{y_i}\t{\mat{\alpha}}$ for $i = 1, ..., n$. Another analog way of writing this is \begin{displaymath} (\ten{F}\ttm[2]\mat{\beta}\ttm[3]\mat{\alpha})_{(1)} = \mathbb{F}_{y}(\t{\mat{\alpha}}\kron\t{\mat{\beta}}) \end{displaymath} \section{Equivalencies} In this section we give a short summary of alternative but equivalent operations. Using the notation $\widehat{=}$ to indicate that two expressions are identical in the sense that they contain the same element in the same order but may have different dimensions. Meaning, when vectorizing ether side of $\widehat{=}$, they are equal ($\mat{A}\widehat{=}\mat{B}\ :\Leftrightarrow\ \vec{\mat{A}} = \vec{\mat{B}}$). Therefore, we use $\mat{A}, \mat{B}, \mat{X}, \mat{F}, \mat{R}, ...$ for matrices. 3-Tensors are written as $\ten{A}, \ten{B}, \ten{T}, \ten{X}, \ten{F}, \ten{R}, ...$. \begin{align*} \ten{T}\ttm[3]\mat{A}\ &{\widehat{=}}\ \mat{T}\t{\mat A} & \ten{T}(n, p, q)\ \widehat{=}\ \mat{T}(n p, q), \mat{A}(p, q) \\ \ten{T}\ttm[2]\mat{B}\ &{\widehat{=}}\ \mat{B}\ten{T}_{(2)} & \ten{T}(n, p, q), \ten{T}_{(2)}(p, n q), \mat{B}(q, p) \end{align*} % \section{Matrix Valued Normal Distribution} % A random variable $\mat{X}$ of dimensions $p\times q$ is \emph{Matrix-Valued Normal Distribution}, denoted % \begin{displaymath} % \mat{X}\sim\mathcal{MN}_{p\times q}(\mat{\mu}, \mat{\Delta}_2, \mat{\Delta}_1), % \end{displaymath} % if and only if $\vec\mat{X}\sim\mathcal{N}_{p q}(\vec\mat\mu, \mat\Delta_1\otimes\mat\Delta_2)$. Note the order of the covariance matrices $\mat\Delta_1, \mat\Delta_2$. Its density is given by % \begin{displaymath} % f(\mat{X}) = \frac{1}{(2\pi)^{p q / 2}|\mat\Delta_1|^{p / 2}|\mat\Delta_2|^{q / 2}}\exp\left(-\frac{1}{2}\tr(\mat\Delta_1^{-1}\t{(\mat X - \mat \mu)}\mat\Delta_2^{-1}(\mat X - \mat \mu))\right). % \end{displaymath} % \section{Sampling form a Multi-Array Normal Distribution} % Let $\ten{X}$ be an order (rank) $r$ Multi-Array random variable of dimensions $p_1\times...\times p_r$ following a Multi-Array (or Tensor) Normal distributed % \begin{displaymath} % \ten{X}\sim\mathcal{TN}(\mu, \mat{\Delta}_1, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r). % \end{displaymath} % Its density is given by % \begin{displaymath} % f(\ten{X}) = \Big( \prod_{i = 1}^r \sqrt{(2\pi)^{p_i}|\mat{\Delta}_i|^{q_i}} \Big)^{-1} % \exp\!\left( -\frac{1}{2}\langle \ten{X} - \mu, (\ten{X} - \mu)\times\{\mat{\Delta}_1^{-1}, ..., \mat{\Delta}_r^{-1}\} \rangle \right) % \end{displaymath} % with $q_i = \prod_{j \neq i}p_j$. This is equivalent to the vectorized $\vec\ten{X}$ following a Multi-Variate Normal distribution % \begin{displaymath} % \vec{\ten{X}}\sim\mathcal{N}_{p}(\vec{\mu}, \mat{\Delta}_r\otimes...\otimes\mat{\Delta}_1) % \end{displaymath} % with $p = \prod_{i = 1}^r p_i$. % \todo{Check this!!!} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% Reference Summaries %%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Reference Summaries} This section contains short summaries of the main references with each sub-section concerning one paper. \subsection{} \subsection{Generalized Tensor Decomposition With Features on Multiple Modes} The \cite{TensorDecomp-HuLeeWang2022} paper proposes a multi-linear conditional mean model for a constraint rank tensor decomposition. Let the responses $\ten{Y}\in\mathbb{R}^{d_1\times ... \times\d_K}$ be an order $K$ tensor. Associated with each mode $k\in[K]$ they assume feature matrices $\mat{X}_k\in\mathbb{R}^{d_k\times p_k}$. Now, they assume that conditional on the feature matrices $\mat{X}_k$ the entries of the tensor $\ten{Y}$ are independent realizations. The rank constraint is specified through $\mat{r} = (r_1, ..., r_K)$, then the model is given by \begin{displaymath} \E(\ten{Y} | \mat{X}_1, ..., \mat{X}_K) = f(\ten{C}\times\{ \mat{X}_1\mat{M}_1, ..., \mat{X}_K\mat{M}_K \}),\qquad \t{\mat{M}_k}\mat{M}_k = \mat{I}_{r_k}\ \forall k\in[K]. \end{displaymath} The order $K$ tensor $\ten{C}\in\mathbb{R}^{r_1\times...\times r_K}$ is an unknown full-rank core tensor and the matrices $\mat{M}_k\in\mathbb{R}^{p_k\times r_k}$ are unknown factor matrices. The function $f$ is applied element wise and serves as the link function based on the assumed distribution family of the tensor entries. Finally, the operation $\times$ denotes the tensor-by-matrix product using a short hand \begin{displaymath} \ten{C}\times\{ \mat{X}_1\mat{M}_1, ..., \mat{X}_K\mat{M}_K \} = \ten{C}\ttm[1]\mat{X}_1\mat{M}_1\ ...\ttm[K]\mat{X}_K\mat{M}_K \end{displaymath} with $\ttm[k]$ denoting the $k$-mode tensor matrix product. The algorithm for estimation of $\ten{C}$ and $\mat{M}_1, ..., \mat{M}_K$ assumes the individual conditional entries of $\ten{Y}$ to be independent and to follow a generalized linear model with link function $f$. The proposed algorithm is an iterative algorithm for minimizing the negative log-likelihood \begin{displaymath} l(\ten{C}, \mat{M}_1, ..., \mat{M}_K) = \langle \ten{Y}, \Theta \rangle - \sum_{i_1, ..., i_K} b(\Theta_{i_1, ..., i_K}), \qquad \Theta = \ten{C}\times\{ \mat{X}_1\mat{M}_1, ..., \mat{X}_K\mat{M}_K \} \end{displaymath} where $b = f'$ it the derivative of the canonical link function $f$ in the generalized linear model the conditioned entries of $\ten{Y}$ follow. The algorithm utilizes the higher-order SVD (HOSVD) to enforce the rank-constraint. The main benefit is that this approach generalizes well to a multitude of different structured data sets. \todo{ how does this relate to the $\mat{X} = \mat{\mu} + \mat{\beta}\mat{f}_y\t{\mat{\alpha}} + \mat{\epsilon}$ model.} \end{document}