library(ggplot2) ################################################################################ ### General Helpers ### ################################################################################ # Read/Combine simulation data logs read.logs <- function(pattern) { # Folder containing log files path <- if (file.exists('results/')) './' else './simulations/' path <- paste0(path, 'results/') # Read all log files and augment with meta-parameters file.names <- list.files(path, pattern, full.names = TRUE) sim <-, lapply(file.names, function(path) { # Read simulation log (one file) sim <- read.csv(path, comment.char = '#') # Add simulation arguments as columns args <- Filter(function(line) startsWith(line, '#'), readLines(path)) args <- sub('# ?', '', args) args <- regmatches(args, regexpr(' ', args), invert = TRUE) # Try to convert meta-parameters from string into int/num/bool/... for (arg in args) { val <- tryCatch( eval(parse(text = arg[2])), error = function(err) arg[2] ) if (length(val) > 1) val <- paste(val, collapse = ',') sim[[arg[1]]] <- val } sim })) # Convert methods to factors sim$method <- factor(sim$method, levels = c("opg", "mave", "cve", "sir", "save", "phdy", "nn.opg", "nn.ref"), labels = c("OPG", "MAVE", "CVE", "SIR", "SAVE", "PHD", "NN-OPG", "NN-Ref") ) sim } ################################################################################ ### Bit Data ### ################################################################################ # Read/Combine big data simulation logs sim <- read.logs('sim_big_.*csv') # Compute repetition mean and standard deviation over replications (aggr <- merge( aggregate(dist.subspace ~ dataset + n + p + method, sim, mean), aggregate(dist.subspace ~ dataset + n + p + method, sim, sd), by = c("dataset", "n", "p", "method"), suffixes = c(".mean", ".sd") )) # plots and tables ggplot(aggr, aes(x = n, y = dist.subspace.mean, group = interaction(dataset, method), color = method, linetype = dataset)) + geom_line() + geom_errorbar(aes( ymin = dist.subspace.mean -, ymax = dist.subspace.mean + ), width = 0.2) + scale_x_continuous(trans = 'log2') ################################################################################ ### Binary Response ### ################################################################################ # Read/Combine binary data simulation logs sim <- read.logs('sim_binary_[0-9_]*\\.csv') # Aggregated Tables aggr.formula <- cbind(dist.subspace, accuracy) ~ dataset + method aggr <- merge( aggregate(aggr.formula, sim, mean, na.action = na.pass), aggregate(aggr.formula, sim, sd, na.action = na.pass), by = attr(terms(aggr.formula), "term.labels"), suffixes = c(".mean", ".sd") ) print(aggr[with(aggr, order(dataset, dist.subspace.mean)), ], digits = 3) # box-plot subspace comparison ggplot(sim, aes(x = method, y = dist.subspace, group = interaction(dataset, method), color = dataset)) + geom_boxplot() + labs(title = "Sim. Binary", x = "Methods", y = "Subspace Dist.", color = "Datasets")