Sys.setenv(TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL = "3") #' Build MLP #' #' @param input_shapes TODO: #' @param d TODO: #' @param name TODO: #' @param add_reduction TODO: #' @param hidden_units TODO: #' @param activation TODO: #' @param output_activation TODO: #' @param dropout TODO: #' @param loss TODO: #' @param optimizer TODO: #' @param metrics TODO: #' @param trainable_reduction TODO: #' #' @import reticulate tensorflow #' @keywords internal build.MLP <- function(input_shapes, d, name, add_reduction, output_shape = 1L, hidden_units = 512L, activation = 'relu', output_activation = NULL, dropout = 0.4, loss = 'MSE', optimizer = 'RMSProp', metrics = NULL, trainable_reduction = TRUE ) { K <- tf$keras inputs <- Map(K$layers$Input, shape = as.integer(input_shapes), # drops names (concatenate key error) name = if (is.null(names(input_shapes))) "" else names(input_shapes) ) mlp_inputs <- if (add_reduction) { reduction <- K$layers$Dense( units = d, use_bias = FALSE, kernel_constraint = function(w) { # polar projection lhs <- tf$linalg$sqrtm(tf$matmul(w, w, transpose_a = TRUE)) tf$transpose(tf$linalg$solve(lhs, tf$transpose(w))) }, trainable = trainable_reduction, name = 'reduction' )(inputs[[1]]) c(reduction, inputs[-1]) } else { inputs } out <- if (length(inputs) == 1) { mlp_inputs[[1]] } else { K$layers$concatenate(mlp_inputs, axis = 1L, name = 'input_mlp') } for (i in seq_along(hidden_units)) { out <- K$layers$Dense(units = hidden_units[i], activation = activation, name = paste0('hidden', i))(out) if (dropout > 0) out <- K$layers$Dropout(rate = dropout, name = paste0('dropout', i))(out) } out <- K$layers$Dense(units = output_shape, activation = output_activation, name = 'output')(out) mlp <- K$models$Model(inputs = inputs, outputs = out, name = name) if (!is.null(metrics)) { metrics <- as.list(metrics) for (i in rev(seq_along(metrics))) { metric <- metrics[[i]] if (all(c("nnsdr.metric", name) %in% class(metric))) { metric_fn <- reticulate::py_func(metric(mlp)) reticulate::py_set_attr(metric_fn, "__name__", attr(metric, "name")) metrics[[i]] <- metric_fn } else if ("nnsdr.metric" %in% class(metric)) { metrics[[i]] <- NULL # Drop } } } mlp$compile(loss = loss, optimizer = optimizer, metrics = metrics) mlp } #' Base Neuronal Network model class #' #' @examples #' model <- nnsdr$new( #' input_shapes = list(x = 7L), #' d = 2L, hidden_units = 128L #' ) #' #' @import methods tensorflow #' @export nnsdr #' @exportClass nnsdr nnsdr <- setRefClass('nnsdr', fields = list( config = 'list', nn.opg = 'ANY', nn.ref = 'ANY', history.opg = 'ANY', history.ref = 'ANY', B.opg = 'ANY', B.ref = 'ANY', history = function() { if (is.null(.self$history.opg)) return(NULL) if (is.null(.self$history.ref)) { history <- data.frame( .self$history.opg, model = factor('OPG') ) } else { hist.opg <- data.frame( .self$history.opg, model = factor('OPG') ) hist.ref <- data.frame( .self$history.ref, model = factor('Refinement') ) # Augment mutualy exclusive columns hist.opg[setdiff(names(hist.ref), names(hist.opg))] <- NA hist.ref[setdiff(names(hist.opg), names(hist.ref))] <- NA # Combine/Bind history <- rbind(hist.opg, hist.ref) } history$epoch <- seq_len(nrow(history)) history } ), methods = list( initialize = function(input_shapes, d, output_shape = 1L, ...) { # Set configuration. .self$config <- c(list( input_shapes = input_shapes, d = as.integer(d), output_shape = output_shape ), list(...)) # Build OPG (Step 1) and Refinement (Step 2) Neuronal Networks .self$nn.opg <-, c(.self$config, list( name = 'OPG', add_reduction = FALSE ))) .self$nn.ref <-, c(.self$config, list( name = 'Refinement', add_reduction = TRUE ))) # Set initial history field values. If and only if the `history.*` # fields are `NULL`, then the Nets are NOT trained. .self$history.opg <- NULL .self$history.ref <- NULL # Set (not jet available) reduction estimates .self$B.opg <- NULL .self$B.ref <- NULL }, fit = function(inputs, output, epochs = 1L, batch_size = 32L, initializer = c('random', 'fromOPG'), ..., verbose = 0L ) { if (is.list(inputs)) { inputs <- Map(tf$cast, as.list(inputs), dtype = 'float32') } else { inputs <- list(tf$cast(inputs, dtype = 'float32')) } initializer <- match.arg(initializer) # Check for OPG history (Step 1), if available skip it. if (is.null(.self$history.opg)) { # Fit OPG Net and store training history. hist <- .self$nn.opg$fit(inputs, output, ..., epochs = as.integer(head(epochs, 1)), batch_size = as.integer(head(batch_size, 1)), verbose = as.integer(verbose) ) .self$history.opg <-$history) } else if (verbose > 0) { cat("OPG already trained -> skip OPG training.\n") } # Compute OPG estimate of the Reduction matrix 'B'. # Always compute, different inputs change the estimate. with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, { tape$watch(inputs[[1]]) out <- .self$nn.opg(inputs) }) G <- as.matrix(tape$gradient(out, inputs[[1]])) B <- eigen(var(G), symmetric = TRUE)$vectors B <- B[, 1:.self$config$d, drop = FALSE] .self$B.opg <- B # Check for need to initialize the Refinement Net. if (is.null(.self$history.ref)) { # Set Reduction layer .self$nn.ref$get_layer('reduction')$set_weights(list(B)) # Check initialization (for random keep random initialization) if (initializer == 'fromOPG') { # Initialize Refinement Net weights from the OPG Net. W <- as.array(.self$nn.opg$get_layer('hidden1')$kernel) W <- rbind( t(B) %*% W[1:nrow(B), , drop = FALSE], W[-(1:nrow(B)), , drop = FALSE] ) b <- as.array(.self$nn.opg$get_layer('hidden1')$bias) .self$nn.ref$get_layer('hidden1')$set_weights(list(W, b)) # Get layer names with weights to be initialized from `nn.opg` # These are the output layer and all hidden layers except the first layer.names <- Filter(function(name) { if (name == 'output') { TRUE } else if (name == 'hidden1') { FALSE } else { startsWith(name, 'hidden') } }, lapply(.self$nn.opg$layers, `[[`, 'name')) # Copy `nn.opg` weights to `nn.ref` for (name in layer.names) { .self$nn.ref$get_layer(name)$set_weights(lapply( .self$nn.opg$get_layer(name)$weights, as.array )) } } } else if (verbose > 0) { cat("Refinement Net already trained -> continue training.\n") } # Fit (or continue fitting) the Refinement Net. hist <- .self$nn.ref$fit(inputs, output, ..., epochs = as.integer(tail(epochs, 1)), batch_size = as.integer(tail(batch_size, 1)), verbose = as.integer(verbose) ) .self$history.ref <- rbind( .self$history.ref,$history) ) # Extract refined reduction estimate .self$B.ref <- .self$nn.ref$get_layer('reduction')$get_weights()[[1]] invisible(NULL) }, predict = function(inputs) { # Issue warning if the Refinement model (Step 2) used for prediction # is not trained. if (is.null(.self$history.ref)) warning('Refinement model not trained.') if (is.list(inputs)) { inputs <- Map(tf$cast, as.list(inputs), dtype = 'float32') } else { inputs <- list(tf$cast(inputs, dtype = 'float32')) } output <- .self$nn.ref(inputs) if (is.list(output)) { if (length(output) == 1L) { as.array(output[[1]]) } else { Map(as.array, output) } } else { as.array(output) } }, evaluate = function(inputs, output) { if (is.list(inputs)) { inputs <- Map(tf$cast, as.list(inputs), dtype = 'float32') } else { inputs <- list(tf$cast(inputs, dtype = 'float32')) } eval.opg <- .self$nn.opg$evaluate(inputs, output, return_dict = TRUE, verbose = 0L) if (is.null(.self$history.ref)) return(data.frame(eval.opg, row.names = "OPG")) eval.ref <- .self$nn.ref$evaluate(inputs, output, return_dict = TRUE, verbose = 0L) # Convert to data.frame eval.opg <- data.frame(eval.opg, row.names = "OPG") eval.ref <- data.frame(eval.ref, row.names = "Refinement") # Augment mutualy exclusive columns eval.opg[setdiff(names(eval.ref), names(eval.opg))] <- NA eval.ref[setdiff(names(eval.opg), names(eval.ref))] <- NA # Combine/Bind rbind(eval.opg, eval.ref) }, coef = function(type = c('Refinement', 'OPG')) { type <- match.arg(type) if (type == 'Refinement') { .self$B.ref } else { .self$B.opg } }, reset = function(reset = c('both', 'Refinement')) { reset <- match.arg(reset) if (reset == 'both') { reinitialize_weights(.self$nn.opg) reset_optimizer(.self$nn.opg$optimizer) .self$history.opg <- NULL .self$B.opg <- NULL } reinitialize_weights(.self$nn.ref) reset_optimizer(.self$nn.ref$optimizer) .self$history.ref <- NULL .self$B.ref <- NULL }, summary = function() { .self$nn.opg$summary() cat('\n') .self$nn.ref$summary() } ) ) nnsdr$lock('config')