#' Draws a sample from the invariant measure on the Stiefel manifold #' \eqn{S(p, q)}. #' #' @param p row dimension #' @param q col dimension #' @return \eqn{p \times q}{p x q} semi-orthogonal matrix. #' @examples #' V <- rStiefel(6, 4) #' @export rStiefel <- function(p, q) { return(qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * q, 0, 1), p, q)))) } #' Null space basis of given matrix `V` #' #' @param V `(p, q)` matrix #' @return Semi-orthogonal `(p, p - q)` matrix spaning the null space of `V`. #' @keywords internal #' @export null <- function(V) { tmp <- qr(V) set <- if(tmp$rank == 0L) seq_len(ncol(V)) else -seq_len(tmp$rank) return(qr.Q(tmp, complete = TRUE)[, set, drop = FALSE]) }