% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/CVE.R \name{cve} \alias{cve} \alias{cve.call} \title{Implementation of the CVE method.} \usage{ cve(formula, data, method = "simple", ...) cve.call(X, Y, method = "simple", nObs = nrow(X)^0.5, k, ...) } \arguments{ \item{formula}{Formel for the regression model defining `X`, `Y`. See: \code{\link{formula}}.} \item{data}{data.frame holding data for formula.} \item{method}{The different only differe in the used optimization. All of them are Gradient based optimization on a Stiefel manifold. \itemize{ \item "simple" Simple reduction of stepsize. \item "sgd" stocastic gradient decent. \item TODO: further }} \item{...}{Further parameters depending on the used method.} \item{X}{Data} \item{Y}{Responces} \item{nObs}{as describet in the Paper.} \item{k}{guess for SDR dimension.} \item{nObs}{Like in the paper.} \item{...}{Method specific parameters.} } \description{ Conditional Variance Estimator (CVE) is a novel sufficient dimension reduction (SDR) method assuming a model \deqn{Y \sim g(B'X) + \epsilon}{Y ~ g(B'X) + epsilon} where B'X is a lower dimensional projection of the predictors. } \examples{ library(CVE) # sample dataset ds <- dataset("M5") # call ´cve´ with default method (aka "simple") dr.simple <- cve(ds$Y ~ ds$X, k = ncol(ds$B)) # plot optimization history (loss via iteration) plot(dr.simple, main = "CVE M5 simple") # call ´cve´ with method "linesearch" using ´data.frame´ as data. data <- data.frame(Y = ds$Y, X = ds$X) # Note: ´Y, X´ are NOT defined, they are extracted from ´data´. dr.linesearch <- cve(Y ~ ., data, method = "linesearch", k = ncol(ds$B)) plot(dr.linesearch, main = "CVE M5 linesearch") } \references{ Fertl L., Bura E. Conditional Variance Estimation for Sufficient Dimension Reduction, 2019 } \seealso{ \code{\link{formula}}. For a complete parameters list (dependent on the method) see \code{\link{cve_simple}}, \code{\link{cve_sgd}} }