% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/gradient.R \name{grad} \alias{grad} \title{Compute get gradient of `L(V)` given a dataset `X`.} \usage{ grad(X, Y, V, h, loss.out = FALSE, loss.only = FALSE, persistent = FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{X}{Data matrix.} \item{Y}{Responce.} \item{V}{Position to compute the gradient at, aka point on Stiefl manifold.} \item{h}{Bandwidth} \item{loss.out}{Iff \code{TRUE} loss will be written to parent environment.} \item{loss.only}{Boolean to only compute the loss, of \code{TRUE} a single value loss is returned and \code{envir} is ignored.} \item{persistent}{Determines if data indices and dependent calculations shall be reused from the parent environment. ATTENTION: Do NOT set this flag, only intended for internal usage by carefully aligned functions!} } \description{ Compute get gradient of `L(V)` given a dataset `X`. } \keyword{internal}