library(microbenchmark) dyn.load("") ## rowSum* .call -------------------------------------------------------------- rowSums.c <- function(M) { stopifnot( is.matrix(M), is.numeric(M) ) if (!is.double(M)) { M <- matrix(as.double(M), nrow = nrow(M)) } .Call('R_rowSums', PACKAGE = 'wip', M) } colSums.c <- function(M) { stopifnot( is.matrix(M), is.numeric(M) ) if (!is.double(M)) { M <- matrix(as.double(M), nrow = nrow(M)) } .Call('R_colSums', PACKAGE = 'wip', M) } rowSquareSums.c <- function(M) { stopifnot( is.matrix(M), is.numeric(M) ) if (!is.double(M)) { M <- matrix(as.double(M), nrow = nrow(M)) } .Call('R_rowSquareSums', PACKAGE = 'wip', M) } rowSumsSymVec.c <- function(vecA, nrow, diag = 0.0) { stopifnot( is.vector(vecA), is.numeric(vecA), is.numeric(diag), nrow * (nrow - 1) == length(vecA) * 2 ) if (!is.double(vecA)) { vecA <- as.double(vecA) } .Call('R_rowSumsSymVec', PACKAGE = 'wip', vecA, as.integer(nrow), as.double(diag)) } rowSweep.c <- function(A, v, op = '-') { stopifnot( is.matrix(A), is.numeric(v) ) if (!is.double(A)) { A <- matrix(as.double(A), nrow = nrow(A)) } if (!is.vector(v) || !is.double(v)) { v <- as.double(v) } stopifnot( nrow(A) == length(v), op %in% c('+', '-', '*', '/') ) .Call('R_rowSweep', PACKAGE = 'wip', A, v, op) } ## row*, col* tests ------------------------------------------------------------ n <- 3000 M <- matrix(runif(n * 12), n, 12) stopifnot( all.equal(rowSums(M^2), rowSums.c(M^2)), all.equal(colSums(M), colSums.c(M)) ) microbenchmark( rowSums = rowSums(M^2), rowSums.c = rowSums.c(M^2), rowSqSums.c = rowSquareSums.c(M) ) microbenchmark( colSums = colSums(M), colSums.c = colSums.c(M) ) sum = rowSums(M) stopifnot(all.equal( sweep(M, 1, sum, FUN = `/`), rowSweep.c(M, sum, '/') # Col-Normalize) ), all.equal( sweep(M, 1, sum, FUN = `/`), M / sum )) microbenchmark( sweep = sweep(M, 1, sum, FUN = `/`), M / sum, rowSweep.c = rowSweep.c(M, sum, '/') # Col-Normalize) ) # Create symmetric matrix with constant diagonal entries. nrow <- 200 diag <- 1.0 Sym <- tcrossprod(runif(nrow)) diag(Sym) <- diag # Get vectorized lower triangular part of `Sym` matrix. SymVec <- Sym[lower.tri(Sym)] stopifnot(all.equal( rowSums(Sym), rowSumsSymVec.c(SymVec, nrow, diag) )) microbenchmark( rowSums = rowSums(Sym), rowSums.c = rowSums.c(Sym), rowSumsSymVec.c = rowSumsSymVec.c(SymVec, nrow, diag) ) ## Matrix-Matrix opperation .call --------------------------------------------- transpose.c <- function(A) { stopifnot( is.matrix(A), is.numeric(A) ) if (!is.double(A)) { A <- matrix(as.double(A), nrow(A), ncol(A)) } .Call('R_transpose', PACKAGE = 'wip', A) } matrixprod.c <- function(A, B) { stopifnot( is.matrix(A), is.numeric(A), is.matrix(B), is.numeric(B), ncol(A) == nrow(B) ) if (!is.double(A)) { A <- matrix(as.double(A), nrow = nrow(A)) } if (!is.double(B)) { B <- matrix(as.double(B), nrow = nrow(B)) } .Call('R_matrixprod', PACKAGE = 'wip', A, B) } crossprod.c <- function(A, B) { stopifnot( is.matrix(A), is.numeric(A), is.matrix(B), is.numeric(B), nrow(A) == nrow(B) ) if (!is.double(A)) { A <- matrix(as.double(A), nrow = nrow(A)) } if (!is.double(B)) { B <- matrix(as.double(B), nrow = nrow(B)) } .Call('R_crossprod', PACKAGE = 'wip', A, B) } skewSymRank2k.c <- function(A, B, alpha = 1, beta = 0) { stopifnot( is.matrix(A), is.numeric(A), is.matrix(B), is.numeric(B), all(dim(A) == dim(B)), is.numeric(alpha), length(alpha) == 1L, is.numeric(beta), length(beta) == 1L ) if (!is.double(A)) { A <- matrix(as.double(A), nrow = nrow(A)) } if (!is.double(B)) { B <- matrix(as.double(B), nrow = nrow(B)) } .Call('R_skewSymRank2k', PACKAGE = 'wip', A, B, as.double(alpha), as.double(beta)) } ## Matrix-Matrix opperation tests --------------------------------------------- n <- 200 k <- 100 m <- 300 A <- matrix(runif(n * k), n, k) B <- matrix(runif(k * m), k, m) stopifnot( all.equal(t(A), transpose.c(A)) ) microbenchmark( t(A), transpose.c(A) ) stopifnot( all.equal(A %*% B, matrixprod.c(A, B)) ) microbenchmark( "%*%" = A %*% B, matrixprod.c = matrixprod.c(A, B) ) A <- matrix(runif(k * n), k, n) B <- matrix(runif(k * m), k, m) stopifnot( all.equal(crossprod(A, B), crossprod.c(A, B)) ) microbenchmark( crossprod = crossprod(A, B), crossprod.c = crossprod.c(A, B) ) n <- 12 k <- 11 A <- matrix(runif(n * k), n, k) B <- matrix(runif(n * k), n, k) stopifnot(all.equal( A %*% t(B) - B %*% t(A), skewSymRank2k.c(A, B) )) microbenchmark( A %*% t(B) - B %*% t(A), skewSymRank2k.c(A, B) ) ## Orthogonal projection onto null space .Call -------------------------------- nullProj.c <- function(B) { stopifnot( is.matrix(B), is.numeric(B) ) if (!is.double(B)) { B <- matrix(as.double(B), nrow = nrow(B)) } .Call('R_nullProj', PACKAGE = 'wip', B) } ## Orthogonal projection onto null space tests -------------------------------- p <- 12 q <- 10 V <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * q, 0, 1), p, q))) # Projection matrix onto `span(V)` Q <- diag(1, p) - tcrossprod(V, V) stopifnot( all.equal(Q, nullProj.c(V)) ) microbenchmark( nullProj = diag(1, p) - tcrossprod(V, V), nullProj.c = nullProj.c(V) ) # ## WIP for gradient. ---------------------------------------------------------- gradient.c <- function(X, X_diff, Y, V, h) { stopifnot( is.matrix(X), is.double(X), is.matrix(X_diff), is.double(X_diff), ncol(X_diff) == ncol(X), nrow(X_diff) == nrow(X) * (nrow(X) - 1) / 2, is.vector(Y) || (is.matrix(Y) && pmin(dim(Y)) == 1L), is.double(Y), length(Y) == nrow(X), is.matrix(V), is.double(V), nrow(V) == ncol(X), is.vector(h), is.numeric(h), length(h) == 1 ) .Call('R_gradient', PACKAGE = 'wip', X, X_diff, as.double(Y), V, as.double(h)); } elem.pairs <- function(elements) { # Number of elements to match. n <- length(elements) # Create all combinations. pairs <- rbind(rep(elements, each=n), rep(elements, n)) # Select unique combinations without self interaction. return(pairs[, pairs[1, ] < pairs[2, ]]) } grad <- function(X, Y, V, h, persistent = TRUE) { n <- nrow(X) p <- ncol(X) if (!persistent) { pair.index <- elem.pairs(seq(n)) i <- pair.index[, 1] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs j <- pair.index[, 2] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs lower <- ((i - 1) * n) + j upper <- ((j - 1) * n) + i X_diff <- X[i, , drop = F] - X[j, , drop = F] } # Projection matrix onto `span(V)` Q <- diag(1, p) - tcrossprod(V, V) # Vectorized distance matrix `D`. vecD <- rowSums((X_diff %*% Q)^2) # Weight matrix `W` (dnorm ... gaussean density function) W <- matrix(1, n, n) # `exp(0) == 1` W[lower] <- exp((-0.5 / h) * vecD^2) # Set lower tri. part W[upper] <- t.default(W)[upper] # Mirror lower tri. to upper W <- sweep(W, 2, colSums(W), FUN = `/`) # Col-Normalize # Weighted `Y` momentums y1 <- Y %*% W # Result is 1D -> transposition irrelevant y2 <- Y^2 %*% W # Per example loss `L(V, X_i)` L <- y2 - y1^2 # Vectorized Weights with forced symmetry vecS <- (L[i] - (Y[j] - y1[i])^2) * W[lower] vecS <- vecS + ((L[j] - (Y[i] - y1[j])^2) * W[upper]) # Compute scaling of `X` row differences vecS <- vecS * vecD G <- crossprod(X_diff, X_diff * vecS) %*% V G <- (-2 / (n * h^2)) * G return(G) } rStiefl <- function(p, q) { return(qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * q, 0, 1), p, q)))) } n <- 200 p <- 12 q <- 10 X <- matrix(runif(n * p), n, p) Y <- runif(n) V <- rStiefl(p, q) h <- 0.1 pair.index <- elem.pairs(seq(n)) i <- pair.index[1, ] # `i` indices of `(i, j)` pairs j <- pair.index[2, ] # `j` indices of `(i, j)` pairs lower <- ((i - 1) * n) + j upper <- ((j - 1) * n) + i X_diff <- X[i, , drop = F] - X[j, , drop = F] stopifnot(all.equal( grad(X, Y, V, h), gradient.c(X, X_diff, Y, V, h) )) microbenchmark( grad = grad(X, Y, V, h), gradient.c = gradient.c(X, X_diff, Y, V, h) )