library(CVE) library(reticulate) library(tensorflow) #' Null space basis of given matrix `V` #' #' @param V `(p, q)` matrix #' @return Semi-orthogonal `(p, p - q)` matrix spaning the null space of `V`. #' @keywords internal #' @export null <- function(V) { tmp <- qr(V) set <- if(tmp$rank == 0L) seq_len(ncol(V)) else -seq_len(tmp$rank) return(qr.Q(tmp, complete = TRUE)[, set, drop = FALSE]) } subspace_dist <- function(A, B) { P <- A %*% solve(t(A) %*% A, t(A)) Q <- B %*% solve(t(B) %*% B, t(B)) norm(P - Q, 'F') / sqrt(ncol(A) + ncol(B)) } estimate.bandwidth <- function (X, k, nObs = sqrt(nrow(X)), version = 1L) { n <- nrow(X) p <- ncol(X) X_c <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE) if (version == 1) { (2 * sum(X_c^2) / (n * p)) * (1.2 * n^(-1 / (4 + k)))^2 } else if (version == 2) { 2 * qchisq((nObs - 1) / (n - 1), k) * sum(X_c^2) / (n * p) } else { stop("Unknown version.") } } tf_Variable <- function(obj, dtype = "float32", ...) { tf$Variable(obj, dtype = dtype, ...) } tf_constant <- function(obj, dtype = "float32", ...) { tf$constant(obj, dtype = dtype, ...) } <- function(X, Y, k, h = estimate.bandwidth(X, k, sqrt(nrow(X))), V.init = NULL, optimizer_initialier = tf$optimizers$RMSprop, attempts = 10L, nr.projections = nrow(X)^(3 / 2), sd_noise = 0, method = c("simple", "weighted") ) { method <- match.arg(method) `-0.5` <- tf_constant(-0.5) `1` <- tf_constant(1) `2` <- tf_constant(2) n <- nrow(X) p <- ncol(X) k <- as.integer(k) q <- p - k if (!is.matrix(Y)) Y <- as.matrix(Y) # Projective resampling. if (ncol(Y) > 1L) { R <- matrix(rnorm(ncol(Y) * nr.projections), ncol(Y)) R <- t(t(R) / sqrt(colSums(R^2))) Y <- Y %*% R } X <- tf_constant(scale(X)) Y <- tf_constant(scale(Y)) I <- tf_constant(diag(1, p)) h <- tf_Variable(h) loss <- tf_function(function(V) { Q <- I - tf$matmul(V, V, transpose_b = TRUE) if (sd_noise > 0) XQ <- tf$matmul(X + tf$random$normal(list(n, p), stddev = sd_noise), Q) else XQ <- tf$matmul(X, Q) S <- tf$matmul(XQ, XQ, transpose_b = TRUE) d <- tf$linalg$diag_part(S) D <- tf$reshape(d, list(n, 1L)) + tf$reshape(d, list(1L, n)) - `2` * S K <- tf$exp((`-0.5` / h) * tf$pow(D, 2L)) w <- tf$reduce_sum(K, 1L, keepdims = TRUE) y1 <- tf$divide(tf$matmul(K, Y), w) y2 <- tf$divide(tf$matmul(K, tf$pow(Y, 2L)), w) if (method == "simple") { l <- tf$reduce_mean(y2 - tf$pow(y1, 2L)) } else {# weighted w <- w - `1` w <- w / tf$reduce_sum(w) l <- tf$reduce_sum(w * (y2 - tf$pow(y1, 2L))) l <- l / tf$cast(tf$shape(Y)[2], "float32") } l }) if (is.null(V.init)) V.init <- qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * q), p, q))) else attempts <- 1L V <- tf_Variable(V.init, constraint = function(w) { tf$linalg$qr(w)$q }) min.loss <- Inf for (attempt in seq_len(attempts)) { optimizer = optimizer_initialier() out <- tf$while_loop( cond = tf_function(function(i, L) i < 400L), body = tf_function(function(i, L) { with(tf$GradientTape() %as% tape, { tape$watch(V) L <- loss(V) }) grad <- tape$gradient(L, V) optimizer$apply_gradients(list(list(grad, V))) list(i + 1L, L) }), loop_vars = list(tf_constant(0L, "int32"), tf_constant(Inf)) ) if (as.numeric(out[[2]]) < min.loss) { min.loss <- as.numeric(out[[2]]) min.V <- as.matrix(V) } V$assign(qr.Q(qr(matrix(rnorm(p * q), p, q)))) } list(B = null(min.V), V = min.V, loss = min.loss) } # ds <- dataset(1) # out <- cve.call2(ds$X, ds$Y, ncol(ds$B)) plot.sim <- function(sim) { name <- deparse(substitute(sim)) ssd <- sapply(sim, function(s) subspace_dist(s$B.true, s$B.est)) print(summary(ssd)) h <- hist(ssd, freq = FALSE, breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1), main = name, xlab = "Subspace Distance") lines(density(ssd, from = 0, to = 1)) stat <- c(Median = median(ssd), Mean = mean(ssd)) abline(v = stat, lty = 2) text(stat, max(h$density), names(stat), pos = if(diff(stat) > 0) c("2", "4") else c("4", "2")) } multivariate.dataset <- function(n = 100, p = 6, q = 4) { CVE <- getNamespace('CVE') X <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), n, p) Delta <- diag(1, q, q) Delta[1, 2] <- Delta[2, 1] <- -0.5 epsilon <- CVE$rmvnorm(n, sigma = Delta) B <- matrix(0, p, q) B[1, 1] <- 1 B[2, 2] <- 2 / sqrt(5) B[3, 2] <- 1 / sqrt(5) Y <- X %*% B + epsilon list(X = X, Y = Y, B = B[, 1:2]) } set.seed(42) reps <- 10L sim.cve <- vector("list", reps) sim.tf1 <- vector("list", reps) sim.tf2 <- vector("list", reps) start <- Sys.time() for (i in 1:reps) { # ds <- dataset(1) ds <- multivariate.dataset() # sim.cve[[i]] <- list( # B.est = coef($X, ds$Y, k = ncol(ds$B)), ncol(ds$B)), # B.true = ds$B # ) sim.tf1[[i]] <- list( B.est =$X, ds$Y, ncol(ds$B), optimizer_initialier = tf$optimizers$Adam)$B, B.true = ds$B ) sim.tf2[[i]] <- list( B.est =$X, ds$Y, ncol(ds$B), optimizer_initialier = tf$optimizers$Adam, method = "weighted")$B, B.true = ds$B ) cat(sprintf("\r%4d/%d -", i, reps), format(Sys.time() - start), '\n') } # pdf('subspace_comp.pdf') par(mfrow = c(3, 1)) plot.sim(sim.cve) plot.sim(sim.tf1) plot.sim(sim.tf2) #